Faculty New Book & Media Recommendation Form Faculty New Book & Media Recommendation Form You are encouraged to submit book and media recommendations for the permanent collections at Milligan Libraries. Please note, however, that acquisitions funds are limited for the 2021-22 budget year and some purchases may not be possible at this time. A limited amount of non-budget funds are available to support purchases for the Seminary Library collection. Use this form to recommend book and media titles for the Welshimer or Seminary Library collections. Before submitting a recommendation, please consult the Milligan Libraries Catalog to verify that the libraries do not already own or have access to this/these resource(s). In general, multiple copies will not be purchased unless also relevant for archival/special collections. This includes access to the resource in ebook or streaming media format. Do not use this form for recommending electronic databases, online media streaming services, journal subscriptions, or similar resources that require an ongoing budgetary commitment. Consideration of these latter types of resources will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the Library Director. Thank you! Recommended Resources Resource Type Title Actions Edit Delete There are no Recommendations. Add Recommendation Maximum number of recommendations reached. Your InformationName* First Last Milligan Email* Enter Email Confirm Email Last 6 Digits of your Milligan ID Card* Verified Need* I have searched the catalog to verify Milligan Libraries does not already own or have access to this/these resource(s). CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.