
Founded in 1981, and named in 2016 in honor of Milligan College alumni and longtime Milligan Library and Archives supporters, Clinton J. and Adele Adinolfi Holloway, the Holloway Archives at Milligan University seeks to collect, preserve, and manage materials dealing with the University and its history in support of research, teaching and service. The Holloway Archives is located on the Basement Floor of the P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library. The Holloway Archives is open by appointment only.
Monday: 9 AM – 4 PM
Tuesday: CLOSED
Wednesday: CLOSED
Thursday: 1 PM – 5 PM
Friday: 9 AM – 4 PM
Saturday – Sunday: CLOSED
Contact the Milligan University Archivist for more information.
Collection Development Policy outlines materials that are collected for The Holloway Archives.
Donor Agreement provides information on the donation process for The Holloway Archives at Milligan University.
Use of Materials Policy outlines access to the collection as well as proper handling of materials.
Service Fee Policy provides information regarding archive service fees.
Materials Request Form To make a request for information or materials in the University Archives, first fill out this web-form so that we can better assist you in your research.
- Wilson G. Barker – 1866-1875
- Josephus Hopwood – 1875-1882
- Josephus Hopwood – 1882-1903
- Henry Garrett – 1903-1908
- Fredrick Kershner – 1908-1911
- Tyler E. Utterback – 1911-1913
- Errett W. McDiarmid – 1913-1914
- James T. McKissick – 1914-1915
- Josephus Hopwood – 1915-1917
- Henry J. Derthick – 1917-1940
- Charles E. Burns – 1940-1944
- Virgil Elliott – 1944-1948
(Followed by acting president Elmer C. Lewis – 1948-1950) - Dean E. Walker – 1950-1968
- Jess W. Johnson – 1968-1981
- Marshall Leggett – 1982-1997
- Donald Jeanes – 1997-2011
- William “Bill” Greer – 2011–2020
- William “Bill” Greer – 2020–2024
- Stephen Waers – 2024-Present
The Center for Appalachian Studies and Services Located on the main campus of East Tennessee State University, CASS has a wide variety of offerings and services ranging from museum presentations to publications. It also manages the Archives of Appalachia, which houses the university’s records as well as excellent resources on the Appalachian region.
Tennessee Genealogy and History The TNGenWeb project offers a wealth of information for historians and genealogists looking for their roots in Tennessee.
Tennessee State Library and Archives Located in Nashville, the Tennessee State Library and Archives provides a number of archival resources and services to researchers.

Established in 1973, and named in 2012 in honor of former Milligan University and Emmanuel Christian Seminary professor Dennis and Eleanor “Cookie” Helsabeck, the Helsabeck Archives of the Stone-Campbell Movement is a research facility for the examination of past and present aspects of the Stone-Campbell tradition. The Helsabeck Archives is located on the Third Floor of the B.D. Phillips Memorial Building, accessible from the Seminary Library on the west wing. The Helsabeck Archives is open by appointment only.
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 9 AM – 4 PM
Wednesday: 9 AM – 4 PM
Thursday: CLOSED
Friday: CLOSED
Saturday – Sunday: CLOSED
Contact the Milligan University Archivist for more information.
Collection Development Policy outlines materials that are collected for The Helsabeck Archives.
Donor Agreement provides information on the donation process for The Helsabeck Archives of the Stone-Campbell Movement.
Use of Materials Policy outlines access to the collection as well as proper handling of materials.
Service Fee Policy provides information regarding archive service fees.
Materials Request Form To make a request for information or materials in the University Archives, first fill out this web-form so that we can better assist you in your research.
- Dean E. Walker – 1965-1970
- Fred P. Thompson, Jr. – 1970-1984
- Calvin L. Phillips – 1984-1994
- C. Robert Wetzel – 1994-2009
- Michael L. Sweeney – 2009-2014
The Millennial Harbinger Religious magazine established by the early Restoration Movement leader Alexander Campbell from 1830-1866; continued until 1870 by his son-in-law W. K. Pendleton. Digitized full text access to most volumes available via the Hathi Trust Digital Library.
Stone-Campbell Resources at ACU This digital archive contains primary sources, books, periodicals, photographs, portraits and artwork, as well as audio and film recordings that support the Stone-Campbell Movement. An additional resource useful to scholars and educators is the Stone-Campbell Teaching Archive, which is a collaborative digital repository created to support pedagogies of the Stone-Campbell archives. These online resources are provided by Abilene Christian University located in Abilene, Texas.
Disciples of Christ Historical Society The Disciples of Christ Historical Society specializes in materials regarding the Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) as well as the independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.