Interlibrary Loan Journal Article/Book Chapter Request Form

  • Please complete all required fields and citation information. If not available, please indicate N/A in the field. Some information may be filled from citation information provided by the database. Journal articles/book chapters will be delivered to you electronically via your Milligan University email account, so it is essential to provide this contact information.

    Libraries may assess a charge for lending interlibrary loan items. Milligan Libraries will pay this charge on your behalf. However, before filling the affected request you will be notified by email and asked to confirm your continuing need for the requested item. Once confirmation is received we will process your request immediately. Thank you!

  • Patron Information

  • Is Your Article Available on the Open Web?

    Before completing your request through Interlibrary Loan, check Google Scholar to see if the article has been made freely available in an open online venue (e.g., author or publisher’s website, open digital repository, etc.). Be aware that the available article may be a pre-publication and/or pre-peer-reviewed version. Final publication versions can be confirmed by looking for typeset text, pagination that matches the citation, and an article submission history.

    Search by article Title, DOI, or Citation. Links to any freely available articles appear to the right of the Google Scholar search result.
