The following books (86 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in October 2024.
Seminary Library
40 questions about Bible translation
40 questions about the Apostle Paul
Answering the Psalmist’s perplexity: new-covenant newness in the Book of Psalms
Apocriticus by Macarius, Jeremy M Schott, and M J Edwards
The Bible of Edessa by David Phillips
A bird’s-eye view of Luke and Acts: context, story, and themes
Blessed new humanity in Christ: a theology of hope for African Christianity from the book of Ephesians
The blurred cross: a writer’s difficult journey with God
A body of praise: understanding the role of our physical bodies in worship
Bridging the Testaments: the history and theology of God’s people in the Second Temple period
The Cappadocian reshaping of metaphysics: relational being
Chapitres des disciples d’Évagre
Chaplaincy: a comprehensive introduction
Christ and the Bible by John William Wenham
The Christian invention of time: temporality and the literature of late antiquity
Cultural Christians in the early church: a historical and practical introduction to Christians in the Greco-Roman world
Demystifying evil: a biblical and personal exploration
Dictionary of the New Testament use of the Old Testament
Divine action in Hebrews: and the ongoing priesthood of Jesus
The divine Christology of the Apostle Paul: retrospect and prospect
Engaging Jesus with our senses: an embodied approach to the Gospels
Fragments of Numenius of Apamea: translation and commentary
Galatians by Kathryn Greene-McCreight
Grabar: an introduction to Classical Armenian
Great story and the great commission by Christopher J H Wright
The headship of men and the abuse of women: are they related in any way?
Hebraism in religion, history, and politics: the third culture
The hope in our scars: finding the bride of Christ in the underground of disillusionment
Improvising church: scripture as the source of harmony, rhythm, and soul
India’s nonviolent freedom struggle: the Thomas Christians, 1599-1799
Indigenous theology and the western worldview: a decolonized approach to Christian doctrine
Interpretation for preaching and teaching: an introduction to biblical hermeneutics
Introduction to biblical interpretation: participating in God’s story of redemption
Jesus & gender: living as sisters and brothers in Christ
Jesus the purifier: John’s gospel and the fourth quest for the historical Jesus
Jesus through medieval eyes: beholding Christ with the artists, mystics, and theologians of the middle ages
Listening to scripture: an introduction to interpreting the Bible
The longest psalm: day-by-day responses to divine self-revelation
Ministry in the new realm: a theology of 2 Corinthians
Naming God: addressing the divine in philosophy, theology and scripture
Nelson Glueck: biblical archaeologist and president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
Nobody’s mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in antiquity and the New Testament
The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church
Pentecostals and the poor: reflections from the Indian context
Philippians by George H Guthrie
Prophets beyond activism: rethinking the prophetic roots of social justice
The quest for gender equity in leadership: biblical teachings on gender equity and illustrations of transformation in Africa
Re-enchanting the text: discovering the Bible as sacred, dangerous, and mysterious
The return of the kingdom: a biblical theology of God’s reign
Revelation by Thomas R Schreiner
The rewards of learning Greek and Hebrew: discovering the richness of the Bible in its original languages
Seven challenges that shaped the New Testament: understanding the inherent tensions of early Christian faith
The shape of Matthew’s story
The storied life: Christian writing as art and worship
Taking the cross to youth ministry
The afternoon of Christianity: the courage to change
Three powers in heaven: the emergence of theology and the parting of the ways
Towards an African narrative theology
The Transfiguration of Christ: an exegetical and theological reading
The wisdom of Sirach by Walter T Wilson
Marakwet: an ethnographic study of religious and cultural identity in Africa by Samuel K. Elolia
Maximus the Confessor: Jesus Christ and the transfiguration of the world by Paul M. Blowers
Raising disciples: guiding your kids into a faith of their own by Teresa Roberts
Redrawing the blueprints for the Early Church: historical ecclesiology in and around the Stone-Campbell Movement
Son, we need to talk: coping with my son’s suicide by E. LeRoy Lawson
Dictionary of Paul and his letters: a compendium of contemporary biblical scholarship, 2nd Edition
The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition
Welshimer Library
The architecture of suspense: the built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock
A critical and exegetical commentary on 1 Peter in 2 volumes by Travis B. Williams and David G. Horrell
Enheduana: the complete poems of the world’s first author
Faithful politics: ten approaches to Christian citizenship and why it matters
Gods and mortals: ancient Greek myths for modern readers
The new Roman empire: a history of Byzantium
Sublime ideas: drawings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi
Three women artists: expanding abstract expressionism in the American West
Truth and repair: how trauma survivors envision justice
The year that broke politics: collusion and chaos in the presidential election of 1968
The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition
The singer’s musical theatre anthology, Duets v. 3
The singer’s musical theatre anthology, Duets v. 4
Death comes uninvited by Ken Lang
A life of crime: reflections on crime, policing, and a broken justice system by Ken Lang
One lost soul: Richard Nixon’s search for salvation by Daniel Silliman
Standing in death’s shadow: more true stories from a homicide detective by Ken Lang
Walking among the dead: true stories from a homicide detective by Ken Lang
Office Reference
The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition