The following books (76 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in December 2024 and January 2025.
Seminary Library
2 Corinthians by Ben Witherington
2 Corinthians by Timothy George and Scott M. Manetsch
Abundantly more: the theological promise of the arts in a reductionist world
Attentive church leadership: listening and leading in a world we’ve never known
The Biblical Hebrew verb: a linguistic introduction
The church and multiculturalism in contemporary America
Ephesians by David A. deSilva
Exegetical epistles by Jerome and Thomas P. Scheck
Galatians, Ephesians by Gerald Lewis Bray
Great to good: how following Jesus reshapes our ambitions
Growing women in ministry: seven aspects of leadership development
Handbook of contemporary preaching:a wealth of counsel for creative and effective proclamation
John 1-12 by Craig S. Farmer, Timothy George, and Scott M. Manetsch
John 13-21 by Christopher Boyd Brown, Timothy George, and Scott M. Manetsch
Philippians, Colossians by Graham Tomlin
Politics and public policy: a Christian response: crucial considerations for governing life
Psalms 1-72 by H. J. Selderhuis
Raising disciples: guiding your kids into a faith of their own.
Reading the Bible Latinamente: Latinoa interpretation for the life of the church
Romans by C. Samuel Storms
Shape of Our Lives: A Field Guide for Congregational Formation: A Field Guide for Congregational Formation
When the church harms God’s people: becoming faith communities that resist abuse, pursue truth, and care for the wounded
When your world ends: God’s creative process for rebuilding a life
Why study Christian origins?
The widening of God’s mercy: sexuality within the biblical story
Womanist Midrash by Wilda Gafney
Welshimer Library
American anarchy: the epic struggle between immigrant radicals and the US government at the dawn of the twentieth century
Anime: a history 2nd edition
Bad Chaucer : the great poet’s greatest mistakes in the Canterbury Tales
Becoming Foucault : the Poitiers years
Cobalt red: how the blood of the Congo powers our lives
Covered with night: a story of murder and indigenous justice in early America
Cuba: an American history
The Doctors Blackwell: how two pioneering sisters brought medicine to women–and women to medicine
The Exorcist effect: horror, religion and demonic belief
Fire weather: a true story from a hotter world
The force of truth : critique, genealogy, and truth-telling in Michel Foucault
The free world: art and thought in the Cold War
Freedom’s dominion: a saga of white resistance to federal power
From modes to keys in early modern music theory
The ground breaking: the Tulsa race massacre and an American city’s search for justice
Hegel: the philosopher of freedom
Henry David Thoreau: thinking disobediently
High-impact content marketing: strategies to make your content intentional, engaging and effective
His name is George Floyd: one man’s life and the struggle for racial justice
How the word is passed: a reckoning with the history of slavery across America
I saw death coming: a history of terror and survival in the war against reconstruction
King : a life by Jonathan Eig
Kingdom of characters : the language revolution that made China modern
Lost literacies : experiments in the nineteenth-century US comic strip
MacIntyre’s After Virtue at 40
Master slave husband wife: an epic journey from slavery to freedom
No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers
The opioid epidemic: origins, current state and potential solutions
The Oxford handbook of World War I
Plato and the metaphysical feminine: one hundred and one nights
The pleasures of memory in Shakespeare’s sonnets
Political ideology and social work
Politics and literature at the dawn of World War II
The politics of innocence: how wrongful convictions shape public opinion
The presidency and the American State : leadership and decision making in the Adams, Grant, and Taft administrations
A real right to vote: how a constitutional amendment can safeguard American democracy
The rediscovery of America: native peoples and the unmaking of U.S. history
Schubert: a musical wayfarer
South to America: a journey below the Mason-Dixon to understand the soul of a nation
Southern history remixed: on rock ‘n’ roll and the dilemma of race
The dead are arising: the life of Malcolm X
Theorizing Stephen King
These vivid American documents: Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, and FSA photobooks
The understory : an invitation to rootedness and resilience from the forest floor
The undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
Warnings: the Holocaust, Ukraine, and endangered American democracy
Watergate: a new history
What works in community news : media startups, news deserts, and the future of the fourth estate
Woman much missed: Thomas Hardy, Emma Hardy, and poetry
Women artists together: art in the age of women’s liberation