See you there!
Milligan Library Life
by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library
Million Pennies Campaign Raises $10.50 in September 2010
Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, have contributed $10.50 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign in September 2010. We have now raised $581.16 since the start of the campaign in April 2010!
The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our August 2010 contributors: Ben Carpenter, Brittney Dale, Lauren Eversole, Walter Hendrickson, Amanda Loughlin, Jeff McNabb, Ashley Monce, Tommy Parker, Halie Winfrey, and [illegible]. Remember, if you’d like us to thank you by name, please write your name down on the slips of paper in the tray next to the box, and we’ll let everyone know about your generosity!
We still need your help in raising funds to help us reach our goal of a totally renovated library. Bring your loose change and help us get closer to $10,000. Remember, when we raise the money, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like. Every penny helps!
Remember to follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Thanks again!
Winner of the 2nd Annual Library Book Sale Art Contest!
The Library is proud to announce that Jessi Bryant, a psychology major from Elizabethton, TN, is the winner of the Second Annual Library Homecoming Book Sale Art Contest! Jessi’s winning photograph (at left) will soon be displayed all over campus and the surrounding community as the poster and postcard image of this year’s Library Homecoming Book Sale. In addition to the free display of her art, and a great entry on her resume, Jessi will receive 2.5% of the total book sale proceeds. Congratulations, Jessi!
Milligan College Library staff would like to thank all students who entered the contest. We received over 20 pieces of art, and you can view all of the submissions in a dedicated gallery on the Milligan College Library Facebook page. Be sure to “like” us while you’re there!
Library staff look forward to hosting the contest next year! See you at the book sale Homecoming weekend, October 22-23! Stay tuned to our blog, Facebook, and Twitter for more information as it becomes available!
Meet the new faculty and come see the remodeled library!
The Milligan Chapter of Alpha Chi and Milligan library staff invite you to a meet-and-greet reception for our new faculty members, which will also serve as an informal open house for our remodeled library! Join us in our newly-opened first floor space from 6:30-8:00 PM on Tuesday, September 21st. This reception is an informal drop-in event, and they’ll be plenty of homemade food and refreshments.
We hope to see you here!
2nd Annual Homecoming Booksale Art Contest – WIN MONEY!
Can you produce a work of art that’s better than Ol’ Sticky here? If so, the library would like to see it!
Yes, the library is once again having an art contest! The Homecoming book sale is coming up and we’re looking for a creative student to put his or her talents to work to design the promotional material for the library’s biggest event of the year. If you win, your original work will be the poster and postcard image for this year’s sale. Additionally, the winner will receive 2.5% of the book sale proceeds! Last year, that was about $50, but thanks to your eye-popping image, we expect this year’s sale to be bigger and better!
Entries must be two-dimensional, no larger than 11” x 17”, submitted in a sealed envelope (with contact info and a brief bio) to Jeff Harbin by 5:00 PM Friday, September 24, 2010. You may also email submissions to The library staff will add text regarding the book sale to your image. Entries are limited to current Milligan students only.
If you have any questions please contact Jeff Harbin, User Services Librarian, at or 423-461-8495. We are excited to see and display your artwork!