New Books and Media Received (December 2024 and January 2025)

The following books (76 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in December 2024 and January 2025.

Seminary Library

2 Corinthians by Ben Witherington

2 Corinthians by Timothy George and Scott M. Manetsch

Abundantly more: the theological promise of the arts in a reductionist world

Attentive church leadership: listening and leading in a world we’ve never known

The Biblical Hebrew verb: a linguistic introduction

The church and multiculturalism in contemporary America

Ephesians by David A. deSilva

Exegetical epistles by Jerome and Thomas P. Scheck

Galatians, Ephesians by Gerald Lewis Bray

Great to good: how following Jesus reshapes our ambitions

Growing women in ministry: seven aspects of leadership development

Handbook of contemporary preaching:a wealth of counsel for creative and effective proclamation

John 1-12 by Craig S. Farmer, Timothy George, and Scott M. Manetsch

John 13-21 by Christopher Boyd Brown, Timothy George, and Scott M. Manetsch

Philippians, Colossians by Graham Tomlin

Politics and public policy: a Christian response:  crucial considerations for governing life

Psalms 1-72 by H. J. Selderhuis

Raising disciples: guiding your kids into a faith of their own.

Reading the Bible Latinamente: Latinoa interpretation for the life of the church

Romans by C. Samuel Storms

Shape of Our Lives: A Field Guide for Congregational Formation: A Field Guide for Congregational Formation

When the church harms God’s people: becoming faith communities that resist abuse, pursue truth, and care for the wounded

When your world ends: God’s creative process for rebuilding a life

Why study Christian origins?

The widening of God’s mercy: sexuality within the biblical story

Womanist Midrash by Wilda Gafney

Welshimer Library

American anarchy: the epic struggle between immigrant radicals and the US government at the dawn of the twentieth century

Anime: a history 2nd edition

Bad Chaucer : the great poet’s greatest mistakes in the Canterbury Tales

Becoming Foucault : the Poitiers years

Cobalt red: how the blood of the Congo powers our lives

Covered with night: a story of murder and indigenous justice in early America

Cuba: an American history

The Doctors Blackwell: how two pioneering sisters brought medicine to women–and women to medicine

The Exorcist effect: horror, religion and demonic belief

Fire weather: a true story from a hotter world

The force of truth : critique, genealogy, and truth-telling in Michel Foucault

The free world: art and thought in the Cold War

Freedom’s dominion: a saga of white resistance to federal power

From modes to keys in early modern music theory

The ground breaking: the Tulsa race massacre and an American city’s search for justice

Hegel: the philosopher of freedom

Henry David Thoreau: thinking disobediently

High-impact content marketing: strategies to make your content intentional, engaging and effective

His name is George Floyd: one man’s life and the struggle for racial justice

How the word is passed: a reckoning with the history of slavery across America

I saw death coming: a history of terror and survival in the war against reconstruction

King : a life by Jonathan Eig

Kingdom of characters : the language revolution that made China modern

Lost literacies : experiments in the nineteenth-century US comic strip

MacIntyre’s After Virtue at 40

Master slave husband wife: an epic journey from slavery to freedom

No Right to an Honest Living: The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers

The opioid epidemic: origins, current state and potential solutions

The Oxford handbook of World War I

Plato and the metaphysical feminine: one hundred and one nights

The pleasures of memory in Shakespeare’s sonnets

Political ideology and social work

Politics and literature at the dawn of World War II

The politics of innocence: how wrongful convictions shape public opinion

The presidency and the American State : leadership and decision making in the Adams, Grant, and Taft administrations

A real right to vote: how a constitutional amendment can safeguard American democracy

The rediscovery of America: native peoples and the unmaking of U.S. history

Schubert: a musical wayfarer

South to America: a journey below the Mason-Dixon to understand the soul of a nation

Southern history remixed: on rock ‘n’ roll and the dilemma of race

The dead are arising: the life of Malcolm X

Theorizing Stephen King

These vivid American documents: Walker Evans, Dorothea Lange, and FSA photobooks

The understory : an invitation to rootedness and resilience from the forest floor

The undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio

Warnings: the Holocaust, Ukraine, and endangered American democracy

Watergate: a new history

What works in community news : media startups, news deserts, and the future of the fourth estate

Woman much missed: Thomas Hardy, Emma Hardy, and poetry

Women artists together: art in the age of women’s liberation

New Books and Media Received (November 2024)

The following books (21 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in November 2024.

Seminary Library

Enfleshing freedom: body, race, and being

From the stone age to Christianity, monotheism and the historical process.

Galatians by Nijay K. Gupta, Tremper Longman, and Scot McKnight

A history of women in Christian worship

Isaiah 1-39 by Jeff Fisher

The Mary we forgot: what the Apostle to the Apostles teaches the Church today

The New Testament in color: a multiethnic Bible commentary

Psalms 73-150 by H.J. Selderhuis, Timothy George, and Scott M. Manetsch

Swing low: a history of Black Christianity in the United States

Tao te ching by Leozi, Gia-fu Feng, and Jane English

Traités t. 2 by Mark, Georges-Matthieu de. Durand

Office Reference
The Chicago manual of style, 18th edition

Welshimer Library

Ancient Africa: a global history, to 300 CE

Arthur Rackham: a life with illustration

Choosing to be simple: collected poems of Tao Yuanming

Confucius analects: with selection from traditional commentaries

Democracy and the American gothic by Michael Blouin

Dürer by Norbert Wolf and Cynthia Hall

Soviet century: archaeology of a lost world

What the thunder said: how the waste land made poetry modern

Mengzi: with selections from traditional commentaries

New Books and Media Received (October 2024)

The following books (86 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in October 2024.

Seminary Library

40 questions about Bible translation

40 questions about the Apostle Paul

Answering the Psalmist’s perplexity: new-covenant newness in the Book of Psalms

Apocriticus by Macarius, Jeremy M Schott, and M J Edwards

The Bible of Edessa by David Phillips

A bird’s-eye view of Luke and Acts: context, story, and themes

Blessed new humanity in Christ: a theology of hope for African Christianity from the book of Ephesians

The blurred cross: a writer’s difficult journey with God

A body of praise: understanding the role of our physical bodies in worship

Bridging the Testaments: the history and theology of God’s people in the Second Temple period

The Cappadocian reshaping of metaphysics: relational being

Chapitres des disciples d’Évagre

Chaplaincy: a comprehensive introduction

Christ and the Bible by John William Wenham

The Christian invention of time: temporality and the literature of late antiquity

Cultural Christians in the early church: a historical and practical introduction to Christians in the Greco-Roman world

Demystifying evil: a biblical and personal exploration

Dictionary of the New Testament use of the Old Testament

Divine action in Hebrews: and the ongoing priesthood of Jesus

The divine Christology of the Apostle Paul: retrospect and prospect

Engaging Jesus with our senses: an embodied approach to the Gospels

Fragments of Numenius of Apamea: translation and commentary

Galatians by Kathryn Greene-McCreight

Grabar: an introduction to Classical Armenian

Great story and the great commission by Christopher J H Wright

The headship of men and the abuse of women: are they related in any way?

Hebraism in religion, history, and politics: the third culture

The hope in our scars: finding the bride of Christ in the underground of disillusionment

Improvising church: scripture as the source of harmony, rhythm, and soul

India’s nonviolent freedom struggle: the Thomas Christians, 1599-1799

Indigenous theology and the western worldview: a decolonized approach to Christian doctrine

Interpretation for preaching and teaching: an introduction to biblical hermeneutics

Introduction to biblical interpretation: participating in God’s story of redemption

Jesus & gender: living as sisters and brothers in Christ

Jesus the purifier: John’s gospel and the fourth quest for the historical Jesus

Jesus through medieval eyes: beholding Christ with the artists, mystics, and theologians of the middle ages

Listening to scripture: an introduction to interpreting the Bible

The longest psalm: day-by-day responses to divine self-revelation

Ministry in the new realm: a theology of 2 Corinthians

Naming God: addressing the divine in philosophy, theology and scripture

Nelson Glueck: biblical archaeologist and president of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Nobody’s mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in antiquity and the New Testament

The Oxford dictionary of the Christian Church

Pentecostals and the poor: reflections from the Indian context

Philippians by George H Guthrie

Prophets beyond activism: rethinking the prophetic roots of social justice

The quest for gender equity in leadership: biblical teachings on gender equity and illustrations of transformation in Africa

Re-enchanting the text: discovering the Bible as sacred, dangerous, and mysterious

The return of the kingdom: a biblical theology of God’s reign

Revelation by Thomas R Schreiner

The rewards of learning Greek and Hebrew: discovering the richness of the Bible in its original languages

Seven challenges that shaped the New Testament: understanding the inherent tensions of early Christian faith

The shape of Matthew’s story

The storied life: Christian writing as art and worship

Taking the cross to youth ministry

The afternoon of Christianity: the courage to change

Three powers in heaven: the emergence of theology and the parting of the ways

Towards an African narrative theology

The Transfiguration of Christ: an exegetical and theological reading

The wisdom of Sirach by Walter T Wilson

Marakwet: an ethnographic study of religious and cultural identity in Africa by Samuel K. Elolia

Maximus the Confessor: Jesus Christ and the transfiguration of the world by Paul M. Blowers

Raising disciples: guiding your kids into a faith of their own by Teresa Roberts

Redrawing the blueprints for the Early Church: historical ecclesiology in and around the Stone-Campbell Movement

Son, we need to talk: coping with my son’s suicide by E. LeRoy Lawson

Dictionary of Paul and his letters: a compendium of contemporary biblical scholarship, 2nd Edition

The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition

Welshimer Library

The architecture of suspense: the built world in the films of Alfred Hitchcock

A critical and exegetical commentary on 1 Peter in 2 volumes by Travis B. Williams and David G. Horrell

Enheduana: the complete poems of the world’s first author

Faithful politics: ten approaches to Christian citizenship and why it matters

Gods and mortals: ancient Greek myths for modern readers

The new Roman empire: a history of Byzantium

Sublime ideas: drawings by Giovanni Battista Piranesi

Three women artists: expanding abstract expressionism in the American West

Truth and repair: how trauma survivors envision justice

The year that broke politics: collusion and chaos in the presidential election of 1968

The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition

The singer’s musical theatre anthology, Duets v. 3

The singer’s musical theatre anthology, Duets v. 4

Death comes uninvited by Ken Lang

A life of crime: reflections on crime, policing, and a broken justice system by Ken Lang

One lost soul: Richard Nixon’s search for salvation by Daniel Silliman

Standing in death’s shadow: more true stories from a homicide detective by Ken Lang

Walking among the dead: true stories from a homicide detective by Ken Lang

Office Reference
The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition

New Books and Media Received (September 2024)

The following books (95 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in September 2024.

Seminary Library

Agur’s wisdom and the coherence of Proverbs 30

Balai of Qenneshrin: hymns

Basics of verbal aspect in biblical Greek

A chorus of prophetic voices: introducing the prophetic literature of ancient Israel

Cities of the biblical world

The city of Babylon: a history, c. 2000 BC – AD 116

A critical and exegetical commentary on 1 Peter in 2 volumes

Depicting deity: a metatheological approach

Emotional intelligence for religious leaders

Exegetical journeys in biblical Greek: 90 days of guided reading

The expectation gap: the tiny, vast space between our beliefs and experience of God

From idols to icons: the rise of the devotional image in early Christianity

Gender and Christian ethics by Adrian Thatcher

The genius of the gospels: the fifth annual mid-year lectures delivered at Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary

Gregory Palamas: the Hesychast controversy and the debate with Islam:  documents relating to Gregory Palamas

The guide to the perplexed: a new translation

The hermeneutics of sacred architecture: experience, interpretation, comparison

The history of Galilee, 1538-1949: mysticism, modernization, and war

Human anguish and God’s power

The idea of semitic monotheism: the rise and fall of a scholarly myth

In the beginning was the image: art and the Reformation Bible

Innocence of Pontius Pilate: how the roman trial of Jesus shaped history

Jesus and his parables by Craig B. Manning

Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah: papers presented at a colloquium of the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies held at the University of Bern, September 6, 2014

Kierkegaard and the new nationalism: a contemporary reinterpretation of the attack upon Christendom

Leadership or servanthood?: walking in the steps of Jesus

Leading at a higher level: Blanchard on leadership and creating high performing organizations

The library of paradise: a history of contemplative reading in the monasteries of the Church of the East

Macrina the Younger, philosopher of God

The medieval clergy, 800-1250: a sourcebook

The message of Judges: grace abounding

The Mishnah: an introduction by Jacob Neusner

The mysteries of Christianity

The NIV: the making of a contemporary translation

The Oxford annotated Mishnah: a new translation of the Mishnah with introductions and notes

The power of transformation: re-imagining the parables of Jesus

Proclaiming the parables: preaching and teaching the kingdom of God

Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs by David C. Fink and Timothy George

Reforming the household of God: Paul’s models of belonging

Rise and fall of Christian Ireland

Romans: a structural, thematic, and exegetical commentary by Aaron Sherwood

Romans: text, readers, and the history of interpretation by Stephen Westerholm

The saved and the damned: a history of the Reformation

Saying no to say yes: everyday boundaries and pastoral excellence

Seeing and understanding Jesus: a literary and theological commentary on Mark 8:22-9:13

Spirituality and mental health across cultures

Teilhard de Chardin: an analysis and assessment

The Americanization of the apocalypse: creating America’s own Bible

Two views on homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church

Wesley-Langshaw correspondence: Charles Wesley, his sons, and the Lancaster organists

When in Romans: an invitation to linger with the gospel according to Paul

Wisdom of Ben Sira

Women and religion: global lives in focus

Women and the church: from devil’s gateway to discipleship

Worship in an age of anxiety: how Churches can create space for healing

Yahweh and the origins of ancient Israel: insights from the archaeological record

Yes She Can: biblical and practical reflections on women in leadership in the church

New Testament Seminar
The new perspective on grace: Paul and the gospel after Paul and the gift

Romans: a commentary by Beverly Roberts Gaventa

Campbellism examined

Core 52: a fifteen-minute daily guide to build your Bible IQ in a year

On target: creating a faith development plan for your church

Preaching James: preaching classic texts

Quest 52: a fifteen-minute-a-day yearlong pursuit of Jesus

Teach with success

Welshimer Library

2001, a space odyssey

Bach in the world: music, society, and representation in Bach’s cantatas

Beethoven in the bunker: musicians under the Nazi regime

The Cambridge companion to Latin American independence

Caves of the South Cumberland Plateau by Justin Whitmel Earley

Christian nationalism and the birth of the war on drugs

Cry, the beloved country

Decolonizing journalism: a guide to reporting in Indigenous communities

Don’t forget to live: Goethe and the tradition of spiritual exercises

English begins at Jamestown: narrating the history of a language

Fantasy: how it works by Larry E. Matthews and Bob Biddix

A fever in the heartland: the Ku Klux Klan’s plot to take over America, and the woman who stopped them

Habits of the household: practicing the story of God in everyday family rhythms

Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the rise of right-wing extremism

In the shadow of invisibility: Ralph Ellison and the promise of American democracy

Keeping your children’s ministry on mission: practical strategies for discipling the next generation

The little book of exoplanets by Fred Brouwers and Eileen J. Stevens

A little history of music by Joshua Winn

On Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Charles Darwin and Jan A. Pechenik

One lost soul: Richard Nixon’s search for salvation by Daniel Silliman

The opt-out family: how to give your kids what technology can’t

The Oxford handbook of religion and Europe

Patriots to pioneers: the first Tennessee volunteers

The readable Darwin: The origin of species edited for modern readers

Selected short stories of William Faulkner.

Show them Jesus: teaching the gospel to kids

What sorrows labour in my parent’s breast?: a history of the enslaved Black family

When you see fireflies: equipping leaders and parents to minister effectively to generation alpha

Romans: a commentary by Beverly Roberts Gaventa

Wit, 2001


New Books and Media Received (April – August 2024)

The following books (136 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation from April to August 2024.

Seminary Library

All my knotted-up life: a memoir

A biblical theology of exile

Blessed are the peacemakers: a biblical theology of human violence

The book of Numbers by Timothy R. Ashley

The Book of Ruth by Peter H. W. Lau

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah by Hannah K. Harrington

The books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah by James D. Nogalski

Edessa, ‘the blessed city’

The Hebrew Bible and environmental ethics: humans, nonhumans, and the living landscape

Marakwet: an ethnographic study of religious and cultural identity in Africa

The New Cambridge companion to Christian doctrine

The Orthodox Church: an introduction to Eastern Christianity

Parochial and plain sermons

Shadow Sophia

Was blind, but now I see: discipleship in Mark’s gospel

Where the light fell: a memoir

New Testament Seminar
1 Corinthians by Luise Schottroff, Claudia Janssen, and Everett R. Kalin

1-2 Timothy, Titus by Annette Bourland Huizenga

1985 seminar papers: one hundred twenty-first annual meeting, November 23-26, 1985, Anaheim Hilton and Towers, Anaheim, California by the Society of Biblical Literature

2 Corinthians by Antoinette Clark Wire, Mary Ann Beavis, and Barbara E. Reid

2 Kings by Song-Mi Suzie Park, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, and Barbara E. Reid

Basic questions in theology;collected essays.

Biblical critical theory: how the Bible’s unfolding story makes sense of modern life and culture

Embedded genres in the New Testament: understanding their impact for interpretation

Ephesians by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

Hebrews by Mary Ann Beavis, HyeRan Kim-Cragg, Linda M. Maloney, and Barbara E. Reid

Into the heart of Romans: a deep dive into Paul’s greatest letter

John, Jesus, and the renewal of Israel

Judges by Mercedes L. Garcia Bachmann, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, and Barbara E. Reid

Judith by Jennifer L. Koosed, Robert Paul  Seesengood, Amy-Jill Levine, and Barbara E. Reid

Lamentations by Gina Hens-Piazza, Carol J. Dempsey, and Barbara E. Reid

Leviticus by S. Tamar Kamionkowski, Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, and Barbara E. Reid

Luke was not a Christian: reading the Third Gospel and Acts within Judaism

Micah by Julia M. O’Brien

Mortal goods: reimagining Christian political duty

Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah by Wilda Gafney, Carol J. Dempsey, and Barbara E. Reid

Paul and time: life in the temporality of Christ

Paul, politics, and new creation: reconsidering Paul and empire

Philippians by Elsa Tamez, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, and Alicia J. Batten

Proverbs by Alice Ogden Bellis, Sarah Tanzer, and Barbara E. Reid

Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) by Lisa M. Wolfe, Athalya Brenner-Idan, and Barbara E. Reid

Romans: a handbook on the Greek text by Stanley E. Porter and David I. Yoon

Ruth by Alice L. Laffey, Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Amy-Jill Levine, and Barbara E. Reid

Sarcasm in Paul’s letters

Song of Songs by F. Scott Spencer

T&T Clark handbook to the historical Paul

The people of the parables: Galilee in the time of Jesus

Tobit by Michele Murray, Amy-Jill Levine, and Barbara E. Reid

Memoirs of Alexander Campbell, embracing a view of the origin, progress and principles of the religious reformation which he advocated

Program of the International Convention of Disciples of Christ, 1926

Welshimer Library

24/7 politics: cable television and the fragmenting of America from Watergate to Fox News

Africa: an introduction by Eustace Palmer

The age of interconnection: a global history of the second half of the twentieth century

America before 1787: the unraveling of a colonial regime

American inheritance: liberty and slavery in the birth of a nation, 1765-1795

America’s book: the rise and decline of a Bible civilization, 1794-1911

Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil essentials of medicine

Angela’s ashes: a memoir

Appalachia on the table: representing mountain food and people

Atlas of pelvic anatomy and gynecologic surgery

Benjamin Britten in context

Better living through TV: contemporary TV and moral identity formation

The British home front and the First World War

The Cambridge companion to the literature of the American Civil War and Reconstruction

The Chicago guide to fact-checking

Christianity and constitutionalism by Nicholas Aroney and Ian Leigh

Color atlas and text of obstetric and gynecologic dermatology

The coming of the railway: a new global history, 1750-1850

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2018

The delight makers: Anglo-American metaphysical religion and the pursuit of happiness

Elie Wiesel: confronting the silence

Empire building: the construction of British India, 1690-1860

The false promise of superiority: the United States and nuclear deterrence after the Cold War

Feminist judgments: rewritten criminal law opinions

Genital dermatology atlas

A genius for confusion: Joseph R. McCarthy and the politics of deceit

G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century

The goddess myth in contemporary literature and popular culture: a feminist critique

Haunted laughter: representations of Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, and the Holocaust in comedic film and television

How documentaries work by Jacob Bricca

Indefinite: doing time in jail

Indigenous memory, urban reality: stories of American Indian relocation and reclamation

The industrial Brontës: advocates for women’s equality in a turbulent age

Leadership: theory and practice by Peter G. Northouse

The Lion House: the coming of a king

Managed dissent: the law of public protest

Michael Chekhov technique in the twenty-first century: new pathways

Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests

A movement in every direction: legacies of the Great Migration

On music theory and making music more welcoming for everyone

Opium’s orphans: the 200-year history of the war on drugs

Orange-collar labor: work and inequality in prison

Origin Africa: a natural history

The Oxford handbook of the Cold War

The Oxford history of the Reformation

Performing racial uplift: E. Azalia Hackley and African American activism in the postbellum to pre-Harlem era

Perplexing plots: popular storytelling and the poetics of murder

Philosophies of religion: a global and critical introduction

Practical colposcopy

Prisons and health in the age of mass incarceration

Rain of ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust

Red hot city: housing, race, and exclusion in twenty-first century Atlanta

Religion’s power: what makes it work

Remembering John Adams: the second president in history, memory and popular culture

The Routledge handbook of the Cold War

The Routledge social science handbook of AI

Scotland: the global history 1603 to the present

The shadow of childhood harm behind prison walls: theory, evidence, and treatment

Strong female protagonist by Heather Hoover

The struggle for the people’s King: how politics transforms the memory of the civil rights movement

Television in the streaming era: the global shift

The unfinished business of unsettled things: art from an African American South

Vaughan Williams by Eric Saylor

Waging a good war: a military history of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968

The water recycling revolution: tapping into the future

Why dance matters

Wilkinson & Stone atlas of vulvar disease

Women and the crusades

The women’s mosque of America: authority and community in US Islam

Worship for the whole people of God

Worship in the early Church by Justo L. González and Catherine Gunsalus González

The writer’s brush: paintings, drawings, and sculpture by writers

Writing the history of the humanities: questions, themes, and approaches

Eagle drums

Jovita wore pants: the story of a Mexican freedom fighter

More stories from the Old Testament: [from Joseph to the Prophets]

Simon sort of says

Stories from the Old Testament [from Adam to Joseph]

The truth about dragons

Allowing God to cultivate our character: reflections on the fruit of the spirit by Kristen Mudrack

The hall of mustard-seed faith by Kristen Mudrack

Real joy: exercising joy in all circumstances by Kristen Mudrack

Strong female protagonist by Heather Hoover

Teaching primary source research skills to 21st-century learners

Teaching with primary sources

Tennessee blue book, 2023-2024