New Books and Media Received (February 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (119 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during February 2017.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Christian mission & economic systems : a critical survey of the cultural and religious dimensions of economies, 2015.

A Fellowship of differents: Showing the world God’s design for life together, 2016.

Fields of blood : religion and the history of violence, 2015.

Finding their voices : sermons by women in the Churches of Christ, 2015.

First Isaiah : a commentary, 2015.

I found God in me : a womanist biblical hermeneutics reader, 2015.

Intercultural theology, 2016.

Introduction to the Hebrew Bible and Deutero-Canonical books, 2014.

Israel’s Exodus in transdisciplinary perspective : text, archaeology, culture, and geoscience, 2015.

The Jesus movement and its expansion : meaning and mission, 2014.

The lively experiment : religious toleration in America from Roger Williams to the present, 2017.

Muslims in the Western imagination, 2015.

Polycentric missiology : Twenty first century mission from everyone to everywhere, 2016.

Serving with eyes wide open : doing short-term missions with cultural intelligence, 2013.

The state of missiology today : global innovations in Christian witness, 2016.

Steps to an ecology of mind, 2000.

What is Islamic philosophy?, 2014.

Welshimer Library

Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources
The Chicago guide to fact-checking, 2016.

The economics of the publishing and information industries : the search for yield in a disintermediated world, 2015.

Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
Adventures in the anthropocene : a journey to the heart of the planet we made, 2014.

For ethnography, 2015.

Glaciers : the politics of ice, 2015.

Unbored : the essential field guide to serious fun, 2012.

Colonial genocide in indigenous North America, 2014.

Discovering the Olmecs : an unconventional history, 2015.

Elizabeth I and her circle, 2015.

Embattled bodies, embattled places : war in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the Andes, 2014.

Gateway to freedom : the hidden history of the underground railroad, 2016.

Gaza : a history, 2017.

Iran-Contra : Reagan’s scandal and the unchecked abuse of presidential power, 2014.

Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah : the United States and Iran in the Cold War, 2016.

Thirteen days in September : the dramatic story of the struggle for peace, 2015.

Thomas Jefferson’s Ethics and the Politics of Human Progress : the Morality of a Slaveholder, 2014.

Twelve voices from Greece and Rome : ancient ideas for modern times, 2014.

When Paris went dark : the City of Light under German occupation,  1940-1944, 2015.

Language and Literature
American Earth : environmental writing since Thoreau, 2008.

The Cambridge Companion to American Gay and Lesbian Literature, 2015.

Chaucer’s Tale : 1386 and the Road to Canterbury, 2014.

Fight club, 2002.

Flicker : your brain on movies, 2015.

The myth of emptiness and the new American literature of place, 2014.

Place, 2012.

A place for humility : Whitman,  Dickinson, and the natural world, 2014.

Rebel souls : Walt Whitman and America’s first Bohemians, 2014.

A student guide to Chaucer’s Middle English, 2011.

The underground railroad : a novel , 2016.

Understanding sound tracks through film theory, 2015.

Virtue in media : the moral psychology of excellence in news and public relations, 2014.

Woods etc., 2007.

Citizenship and mental health, 2015.

Military Science
The American warfare state : the domestic politics of military spending, 2014.

Beethoven : anguish and triumph : a biography, 2014.

Debussy, 2014.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Attention, 2014.

Beauty : the fortunes of an ancient Greek idea, 2014.

Confucius : and the world he created, 2015.

Dewey, 2015.

Doing justice : congregations and community organizing, 2001.

Existence and consolation : reinventing ontology, gnosis, and values in African philosophy, 2015.

The existentialist moment : the rise of Sartre as a public intellectual, 2015.

The gifts of imperfection : let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are, 2010.

God, Freud and religion : the origins of faith, fear and fundamentalism, 2015.

Graduate study in psychology, 2017.

Healing the wounded heart : the heartache of sexual abuse and the hope of transformation, 2016.

On romantic love : simple truths about a complex emotion, 2015.

Play : how it shapes the brain,  opens the imagination, and invigorates the soul, 2010.

The poverty of nations : a sustainable solution, 2013.

Powers of pure reason : Kant and the idea of cosmic philosophy, 2016.

Reconciling all things : a Christian vision for justice, peace and healing, 2008.

The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership,  and heroism, 2015.

Steal like an artist : 10 things nobody told you about being creative, 2012.

Political Science
Buying the vote : a history of campaign finance reform, 2016.

Civil rights and the making of the modern American state, 2014.

Comparative peace processes, 2014.

Beyond words : what animals think and feel, 2016.

Black hole : how an idea abandoned by Newtonians, hated by Einstein, and gambled on by Hawking became loved, 2015.

Einstein : his space and times, 2015.

The fascinating world of graph theory, 2015.

Fire in the valley : the birth and death of the personal computer, 2014.

How the Earth turned green : a brief 3.8-billion-year history of plants, 2014.

It started with Copernicus : vital questions about science, 2014.

Jonas Salk : a life, 2015.

Planck : driven by vision, broken by war, 2015.

Plankton : wonders of the drifting world, 2015.

Radium and the secret of life, 2016.

Understanding evolution, 2014.

Visions of science : books and readers at the dawn of the Victorian age, 2014.

Social Sciences
Beginnings, middles, & ends : sideways stories on the art & soul of social work, 2013.

Beyond good intentions : a journey into the realities of international aid, 2012.

Breaking night : a memoir of forgiveness,  survival, and my journey from homeless to Harvard, 2010.

Chasing chaos : my decade in and out of humanitarian aid, 2013.

Class matters, 2005.

Critical terms for the study of gender, 2014.

The cry of the soul : how our emotions reveal our deepest questions about God, 1994.

Development as freedom, 1999.

Google : how Google works, 2014.

The justice calling : where passion meets perseverance, 2016.

Lighter as we go : virtues, character strengths, and aging, 2015.

Managing the non-profit organization : practices and principles, 2005.

Out of poverty : sweatshops in the global economy, 2014.

A path appears : transforming lives, creating opportunity, 2014.

Poor economics : a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty, 2011.

Show your work! : 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered, 2014.

Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action, 2011.

That’s the way it is : a history of television news in America, 2016.

Three little words : a memoir, 2009.

The truth about employee engagement : a fable about addressing the three root causes of job misery, 2007.

Universal man : the lives of John Maynard Keynes, 2015.

The white man’s burden : why the West’s efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good, 2006.

Leaving orbit : notes from the last days of American spaceflight, 2015.

Life and Debt, 2003.

Meet the Patels, 2015.

Selma, 2015.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
California cool : West Coast jazz of the 50s & 60s, the album cover art

Caves of Fall Creek Falls

The filioque : history of a doctrinal controversy

Healing in the early church : the church’s ministry of healing and exorcism from the first to the fifth century

Now pilgrim : a Canterbury Tale for today

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia : a reader’s edition




New Books and Media Received (January 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (68 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during January 2017.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Delivering the sermon : voice,  body, and animation in proclamation, 2008.

Determining the form : structures for preaching, 2008.

Not with wisdom of words : nonrational persuasion in the New Testament, 2016.

Paul and gender : reclaiming the apostle’s vision for men and women in Christ, 2016.

Saving Karl Barth : Hans Urs von Balthasar’s preoccupation, 2014.

The scandal of having something to say : Ricoeur and the possibility of postliberal preaching, 2013.

The witness of preaching, 2016.

Welshimer Library

The papers of Frederick Law Olmsted, 2015.

Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources
Digital paper : a manual for research and writing with library and internet materials, 2014.

A manual for writers of research papers,  theses,  and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers, 2013.

The Oxford guide to library research, 2015.

The values of American teachers : how teachers’ values help stabilize unsteady democracy, 2014.

Fine Arts
Art of Renaissance Venice 1400-1600, 2015.

Book from the ground : from point to point, 2013.

El Greco,  life and work, a new history, 2013.

In a new light : Giovanni Bellini’s “St. Francis in the Desert”, 2014.

Turner & the sea, 2013.

Once upon a time : a short history of fairy tale, 2016.

Alexander Hamilton, 2004.

The big sort : why the clustering of like-minded America is tearing us apart, 2009.

The impossible state : North Korea,  past and future, 2013.

A new history of the humanities : the search for principles and patterns from Antiquity to the present, 2015.

North Korea : markets and military rule, 2015.

Language and Literature
The Bohemians : Mark Twain and the San Francisco writers who reinvented American literature, 2015.

Creating postcolonial literature : African writers and British publishers, 2015.

Grammar to go : how it works and how to use it, 2015.

Greek tragic style : form, language and interpretation, 2014.

How to be a woman, 2016.

Occult knowledge, science, and gender on the Shakespearean stage, 2013.

The practice of satire in England, 1658-1770, 2013.

Romantic women writers, revolution and prophecy : rebellious daughters,  1786-1826, 2013.

The hollow hope : can courts bring about social change?, 2008.

Hamilton : the revolution : being the complete libretto of the Broadway musical, with a true account of its creation, and concise remarks on hip-hop, the power of stories, and the new America, 2016.

Spirits rejoice! : jazz and American religion, 2015.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Ancient Persia : a concise history of the Achaemenid Empire,  550-330 BCE, 2014.

The book of Master Mo, 2013.

Feed-forward : on the future of twenty-first-century media, 2015.

A history of the modern Middle East, 2013.

Muslims of medieval Latin Christendom, c. 1050-1614, 2015.

The Shia revival : how conflicts within Islam will shape the future, 2006.

The victorian translation of China : James Legge’s Oriental pilgrimage, 2002.

Zhuangzi : text and context, 2014.

Political Science
The Arab uprising : the unfinished revolutions of the new Middle East, 2013.

The end of authority : how a loss of legitimacy and broken trust are endangering our future, 2013.

Galileo’s reading, 2016.

Social Sciences
The attention merchants : the epic scramble to get inside our heads, 2016.

The media and public life : a history, 2015.

White trash : the 400-year untold history of class in America, 2016.

Winner-take-all politics : how Washington made the rich richer-and turned its back on the middle class, 2010.

Vintage game consoles : an inside look at Apple, Atari, Commodore, Nintendo, and the greatest gaming platforms of all time, 2014.

A royal Christmas, 2014.

Brooklyn Bridge, 2004.

Crown for Christmas, 2015.

The cutting edge : the magic of movie editing, 2005.

Dolly Parton’s Christmas of many colors : circle of love, 2016.

Dolly Parton’s Coat of many colors, 2016.

Gay purr-ee, 2003.

The king of comedy, 2002.

The nine lives of Christmas, 2014.

Oh Christmas tree!, 2014.

Pollock, 2001.

The Prestige, 2007.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
Chinese calligraphy made easy : a structured course in creating beautiful brush lettering

Dalí illustrator

The magical world of moss gardening

The nature of the Chinese character : gifts from the earth

The Oxford handbook of early modern theology, 1600-1800

The spirit of the Chinese character : gifts from the heart

New Books and Media Received (December 2016)

The following Books (41 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during December 2016.

Seminary Library

Black prophetic fire : in dialogue with and edited by Christa Buschendorf, 2014.

Language and Literature
Epigraphy, philology, and the Hebrew Bible : methodological perspectives on philological and comparative study of the Hebrew Bible in honor of Jo Ann Hackett, 2015.

Philosophy,  Psychology,  Religion
Celebration of discipline : the path to spiritual growth, 2008.

Deuteronomy-Kings as emerging authoritative books : a conversation, 2014.

New Testament apocrypha : more noncanonical scriptures, 2016.

The Oxford handbook of early Christian apocrypha, 2015.

Social Sciences
Small is beautiful : economics as if people mattered : 25 years later … with commentaries, 1999.

Welshimer Library

Language and Literature
Don’t tell the grown-ups : the subversive power of children’s literature, 1998.

Neoliberalism and the novel, 2017.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
After the flood.

Awakening in the Hollow: Godsfade Series, Book 2.

Before amen : the power of a simple prayer.

The Bible in Greek : translation, transmission, and theology of the Septuagint.

Christian perspectives on being human : a multidisciplinary approach to integration.

The composition of the Pentateuch : renewing the documentary hypothesis.

Dalí illustrator / of Lautréamont : Les Chants de Maldoror / Dante : the Divine Comedy / Holy Scripture : the Sacred Bible.

Dismembering the whole : composition and purpose of Judges 19-21.

The divided states of America? : what liberals and conservatives are missing in the God-and-country shouting match!

Education in ancient Israel, from earliest times to 70 A.D.

Empirical models challenging biblical criticism.

The first idiot in Heaven : secrets of the Apostle Paul [and why the meek merely inherit the Earth].

The forgotten kingdom : the archaeology and history of Northern Israel.

Golden treasury of Bible stories; two hundred and three Bible stories from Genesis to Revelation.

Hear my story : understanding the cries of troubled youth.

Hey God, listen!

How children fail.

Is Samuel among the Deuteronomists? : current views on the place of Samuel in a Deuteronomistic history.


The Latin Testament Project : New Testament, a Latin-English, verse-by-verse translation.

Levites and priests in biblical history and tradition.

The Living Gods: Godsfade Series, Book 1.

The new Strong’s exhaustive concordance of the Bible : with main concordance, appendix to the main concordance, topical index to the Bible, dictionary of the Hebrew Bible, dictionary of the Greek Testament.

The Philistines and other “sea peoples” in text and archaeology.

Postcolonialism and the Hebrew Bible : the next step.

Profit patterns : 30 ways to anticipate and profit from strategic forces reshaping your business.

The quality of mercy : Southern Baptists and social Christianity, 1890-1920.

The read-aloud book of Bible stories.

The Samaritan Pentateuch : an introduction to its origin, history, and significance for biblical studies.

Shaping the spiritual life of students : a guide for youth workers, pastors, teachers & campus ministers.

Something old, something new : marriage and family ministry in a postmodern culture.

XV Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies, Munich, 2013.

New Books and Media Received (October-November 2016)

The following Books and DVDs (138 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget, Gail Phillips Endowment, and by donation during October and November 2016.

Seminary Library

Philosophy,  Psychology,  Religion
A spirituality of fundraising, 2011.

Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels : reminiscences,  allusions,  intertextuality, 2016.

Flavius Josephus. Vol. 4 : translation and commentary : Judean antiquities books 5-7, 2005.

Not your parents’ offering plate : a new vision for financial stewardship, 2008.

The minister’s salary : and other challenges in ministry finance, 2015.

Welshimer Library

Fine Arts
Berthe Morisot, 2010.

Best of college photography annual, 2016.

New art of Cuba, 2003.

The graphic design idea book : inspiration from 50 masters, 2016.

Between the world and me, 2015.

Cuba in the special period : culture and ideology in the 1990s, 2010.

Global Latin America : into the twenty-first century, 2016.

Performing Afro-Cuba : image,  voice,  spectacle in the making of race and history, 2014.

The international relations of the Persian Gulf, 2010.

The papers of Andrew Jackson, 2016.

Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli pirates : the forgotten war that changed American history, 2015.

Echo : a novel, 2015.

Finding Winnie : the true story of the world’s most famous bear, 2015.

Last stop on Market Street, 2015.

Roller girl, 2015.

The adventures of Beekle : the unimaginary friend, 2014.

The war that saved my life, 2016.

Trombone Shorty, 2015.

Voice of freedom : Fannie Lou Hamer,  spirit of the civil rights movement, 2015.

Waiting, 2015.

Juvenile (Gail Phillips Collection of Children’s Bible story books)
A little boy’s gift, 2013.

A little girl is healed, 2013.

Bible stories for children, 1980.

Breakfast with Jesus, 2014.

My first Bible stories, 2013.

My learn to read Bible : stories in words and pictures, 2013.

The comic book Bible, 2013.

The complete illustrated children’s Bible, 2014.

The donkey who carried a king, 2012.

The garden,  the curtain and the cross, 2016.

The illustrated bible for little ones, 2015.

The longest night : a Passover story, 2013.

The Nativity, 2006.

The whale tells his side of the story, 2013.

Women of the Bible, 2013.

Language and Literature
Charlotte Brontë : a fiery heart, 2016.

Domingo de revolución, 2016.

Dulce Maria Loynaz Obras Escogidas, 2015.

Felicity, 2016.

Filmish : a graphic journey through film, 2015.

Go set a watchman, 2015.

Home fronts : domesticity and its critics in the Antebellum United States, 1997.

Mínima Cuba : heretical poetics and power in post-Soviet Cuba, 2015.

The caped crusade : Batman and the rise of nerd culture, 2016.

Trilogía sucia de La Habana, 1998.

Notorious RBG : the life and times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg , 2015.

The witches : Salem,  1692, 2015.

Treating trauma and traumatic grief in children and adolescents, 2006.

Treating survivors of childhood abuse : psychotherapy for the interrupted life, 2006.

Treating complex trauma in children and their families : an integrative approach, 2017.

Music and Books on Music
Origins of Cuban music and dance : changüí, 2008.

Philosophy,  Psychology,  Religion
Mindful work : how meditation is changing business from the inside out, 2015.

Committed unto us., 2015.

Thing explainer : complicated stuff in simple words, 2015.

Social Sciences
Grassroots : a field guide for feminist activism, 2005.

Manifesta : young women,  feminism,  and the future, 2010.

Evicted : poverty and profit in the American city, 2016.

Fu lu shou = Long life,  happiness,  and prosperity, 2004.

Mujeres al borde de un ataque de “nervios” = Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown, 2009.

Star trek,  the original series. Season one, 2004.

Star trek, the original series. Season two, 2004.

Star trek, the original series. Season three, 2004.

The lost city, 2006.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
A history of the United States since 1945

All the things we were ; a scrapbook of the people, politics, and popular culture in the tragicomic years between the crash and Pearl Harbor

Alternative Americas

America in the sixties; an intellectual history

American weather stories

An American family; the Tafts, 1678 to 1964

Another look at the twentieth-century South


Bobos in paradise : the new upper class and how they got there

Brotherhood of arms : General Dynamics and the business of defending America

Chinese calligraphy : from pictograph to ideogram : the history of 214 essential Chinese/Japanese characters

Culture in an age of money : the legacy of the 1980s in America

Death’s acre : inside the legendary forensic lab the Body Farm where the dead do tell tales

Democracy, dissent, and disorder; the issues and the law

Engaging adolescent learners : a guide for content-area teachers

Fern growers manual

From poor law to welfare state : a history of social welfare in America

Great issues in American history : from Reconstruction to the present day, 1864-1969

Great issues in American history

Homeward bound : American families in the Cold War era

How East Asians view democracy

How the Irish saved civilization : the untold story of Ireland’s heroic role from the fall of Rome to the rise of medieval Europe

Immigration and the American City

Industrial democracy in America : ideological origins of national labor relations policy

Institutions in modern America; innovation in structure and process

Jane Eyre’s fairytale legacy at home and abroad : constructions and deconstructions of national identity

Joseph B. Eastman : servant of the people

Keshiki bonsai : the easy, modern way to create miniature landscapes

Knuckle sandwich : growing up in the working-class city

Learning in adulthood : a comprehensive guide

Let the glory out; my South and its politics

Liberalism and its challengers : F.D.R. to Reagan

Lynchburg College : more than books and bricks

Managing by the numbers : absentee ownership and the decline of American industry

Praying for sheetrock : a work of nonfiction

Race, reform, and rebellion : the second Reconstruction in black America, 1945-1990

Red, black, and green : Black nationalism in the United States

Robert R. Young, the populist of Wall Street

Salt of the earth; the story of a film

Screening out the past : the birth of mass culture and the motion picture industry

Shades of gray : old age, American values, and Federal policies since 1920

Slaughter at sea : the truth behind a naval war crime

Some of my best friends are Black : the strange story of integration in America

Struggles for justice : social responsibility and the liberal state

The agrarian transition in America; dualism and change

The American political tradition and the men who made it

The Americanization of sex

The bamboos

The best years, 1945-1950

The China model : political meritocracy and the limits of democracy

The Chinese translations

The corporate state and the broker state : the Du Ponts and American national politics, 1925-1940

The credit union movement : origins and development, 1850-1980

The Cuban threat

The decline of American liberalism

The electronic sweatshop : how computers are transforming the office of the future into the factory of the past

The good life : the meaning of success for the American middle class

The hero in America

The history of violence in America: historical and comparative perspectives

The Marshall Plan : the launching of the Pax Americana

The Mean season : the attack on the welfare state

The medical messiahs; a social history of health quackery in 20th century, America : a social history of health quackery in 20th century, America

The movement : a history of the American New Left, 1959-1972

The other side of time : a combat surgeon in World War II

The Tao of deception : unorthodox warfare in historic and modern China

The Truman period as a research field, a reappraisal, 1972

The underside of American history: other readings

Time wars : the primary conflict in human history

Uncle Sam’s family : issues in and perspectives on American demographic history

When we were young : a baby boomer yearbook

Treasures from Milligan Archives exhibits enrich 150th celebration

Archivist Lindsay Kenderes has curated three exhibits showcasing treasures of photographs, documents, and artifacts from the Milligan College Archives to coincide with the school’s 150th Anniversary celebration. The exhibits are on display in various locations across campus to be viewed during this weekend’s Homecoming festivities and continuing through the end of the semester:

  • “Christian Education, the Hope of the World: An Early History of Milligan College” is located at the back of the main floor of the P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library
  • “Where the Buffs Roam: Milligan’s Campus Through 150 Years” can be seen in the main lobby of Derthick Hall
  • “Celebrating 150 years of Milligan History and Memory” is located in the main lobby of the Gregory Center (exhibit on display during Homecoming week only, coinciding with the performance of the play, Forward With Faith: The Milligan Story)

Christian Education, the Hope of the World: An Early History of Milligan College

The Milligan College Archives holds several original and copied documents related to the founding of the institution, first called the Buffalo Male and Female Institute, in 1866. An original subscription list, dated 1867, names 79 donors contributing funds for the school building. Kenderes notes that the oldest document in the Archives’ possession is a 1782 land grant given to Edmund Williams from the state of North Carolina. Williams’ grandson, Joshua donated the first acre of land upon which the original school was built. Selected digitized documents and photos from this exhibit are viewable online here on the Milligan College Archives’ digital repository, MCStor.



This Robert Milligan brooch is on loan to the Milligan College Archives for the Sesquicentennial Celebration. Provided by Rebecca Coleman Ray, the great-great-great granddaughter of Robert Milligan, Milligan’s namesake. Robert Milligan used this text to learn shorthand. Written inside is “Robert Milligan commenced the study of stenography, Feb. 1845” followed by shorthand characters, the year and the handwritten name “Robert.” Underneath Robert’s name is a stamped “A. R. Milligan.”

Where the Buffs Roam: Milligan’s Campus Through 150 Years

This is a photo exhibit of student life and campus scenes through the College’s history. Kenderes comments, “I selected photos that reveal how student life and campus outdoor scenes have both changed and have endured throughout the years.” Particularly striking are the May Day celebrations from the 1950s, and photos of students beside Buffalo Creek. This exhibit is also viewable online here on the Milligan College Archives’ digital repository, MCStor.



Celebrating 150 years of Milligan History and Memory

Photos for this exhibit were selected to highlight scenes from the play, Forward With Faith: The Milligan Story, which was written and directed by retired Milligan professor Rosemarie Shields, and performed during Homecoming week. Photos from this exhibit are also viewable online here on the Milligan College Archives’ digital repository, MCStor.


Archivist Lindsay Kenderes with Professor Rosemarie Shields

Who is that on Sarah Hopwood’s shoulder?