New Books and Media Received (April – August 2024)

The following books (136 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation from April to August 2024.

Seminary Library

All my knotted-up life: a memoir

A biblical theology of exile

Blessed are the peacemakers: a biblical theology of human violence

The book of Numbers by Timothy R. Ashley

The Book of Ruth by Peter H. W. Lau

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah by Hannah K. Harrington

The books of Joel, Obadiah, and Jonah by James D. Nogalski

Edessa, ‘the blessed city’

The Hebrew Bible and environmental ethics: humans, nonhumans, and the living landscape

Marakwet: an ethnographic study of religious and cultural identity in Africa

The New Cambridge companion to Christian doctrine

The Orthodox Church: an introduction to Eastern Christianity

Parochial and plain sermons

Shadow Sophia

Was blind, but now I see: discipleship in Mark’s gospel

Where the light fell: a memoir

New Testament Seminar
1 Corinthians by Luise Schottroff, Claudia Janssen, and Everett R. Kalin

1-2 Timothy, Titus by Annette Bourland Huizenga

1985 seminar papers: one hundred twenty-first annual meeting, November 23-26, 1985, Anaheim Hilton and Towers, Anaheim, California by the Society of Biblical Literature

2 Corinthians by Antoinette Clark Wire, Mary Ann Beavis, and Barbara E. Reid

2 Kings by Song-Mi Suzie Park, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, and Barbara E. Reid

Basic questions in theology;collected essays.

Biblical critical theory: how the Bible’s unfolding story makes sense of modern life and culture

Embedded genres in the New Testament: understanding their impact for interpretation

Ephesians by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza

Hebrews by Mary Ann Beavis, HyeRan Kim-Cragg, Linda M. Maloney, and Barbara E. Reid

Into the heart of Romans: a deep dive into Paul’s greatest letter

John, Jesus, and the renewal of Israel

Judges by Mercedes L. Garcia Bachmann, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, and Barbara E. Reid

Judith by Jennifer L. Koosed, Robert Paul  Seesengood, Amy-Jill Levine, and Barbara E. Reid

Lamentations by Gina Hens-Piazza, Carol J. Dempsey, and Barbara E. Reid

Leviticus by S. Tamar Kamionkowski, Lauress Wilkins Lawrence, and Barbara E. Reid

Luke was not a Christian: reading the Third Gospel and Acts within Judaism

Micah by Julia M. O’Brien

Mortal goods: reimagining Christian political duty

Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah by Wilda Gafney, Carol J. Dempsey, and Barbara E. Reid

Paul and time: life in the temporality of Christ

Paul, politics, and new creation: reconsidering Paul and empire

Philippians by Elsa Tamez, Cynthia Briggs Kittredge, and Alicia J. Batten

Proverbs by Alice Ogden Bellis, Sarah Tanzer, and Barbara E. Reid

Qoheleth (Ecclesiastes) by Lisa M. Wolfe, Athalya Brenner-Idan, and Barbara E. Reid

Romans: a handbook on the Greek text by Stanley E. Porter and David I. Yoon

Ruth by Alice L. Laffey, Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, Amy-Jill Levine, and Barbara E. Reid

Sarcasm in Paul’s letters

Song of Songs by F. Scott Spencer

T&T Clark handbook to the historical Paul

The people of the parables: Galilee in the time of Jesus

Tobit by Michele Murray, Amy-Jill Levine, and Barbara E. Reid

Memoirs of Alexander Campbell, embracing a view of the origin, progress and principles of the religious reformation which he advocated

Program of the International Convention of Disciples of Christ, 1926

Welshimer Library

24/7 politics: cable television and the fragmenting of America from Watergate to Fox News

Africa: an introduction by Eustace Palmer

The age of interconnection: a global history of the second half of the twentieth century

America before 1787: the unraveling of a colonial regime

American inheritance: liberty and slavery in the birth of a nation, 1765-1795

America’s book: the rise and decline of a Bible civilization, 1794-1911

Andreoli and Carpenter’s Cecil essentials of medicine

Angela’s ashes: a memoir

Appalachia on the table: representing mountain food and people

Atlas of pelvic anatomy and gynecologic surgery

Benjamin Britten in context

Better living through TV: contemporary TV and moral identity formation

The British home front and the First World War

The Cambridge companion to the literature of the American Civil War and Reconstruction

The Chicago guide to fact-checking

Christianity and constitutionalism by Nicholas Aroney and Ian Leigh

Color atlas and text of obstetric and gynecologic dermatology

The coming of the railway: a new global history, 1750-1850

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2018

The delight makers: Anglo-American metaphysical religion and the pursuit of happiness

Elie Wiesel: confronting the silence

Empire building: the construction of British India, 1690-1860

The false promise of superiority: the United States and nuclear deterrence after the Cold War

Feminist judgments: rewritten criminal law opinions

Genital dermatology atlas

A genius for confusion: Joseph R. McCarthy and the politics of deceit

G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the making of the American century

The goddess myth in contemporary literature and popular culture: a feminist critique

Haunted laughter: representations of Adolf Hitler, the Third Reich, and the Holocaust in comedic film and television

How documentaries work by Jacob Bricca

Indefinite: doing time in jail

Indigenous memory, urban reality: stories of American Indian relocation and reclamation

The industrial Brontës: advocates for women’s equality in a turbulent age

Leadership: theory and practice by Peter G. Northouse

The Lion House: the coming of a king

Managed dissent: the law of public protest

Michael Chekhov technique in the twenty-first century: new pathways

Mosby’s manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests

A movement in every direction: legacies of the Great Migration

On music theory and making music more welcoming for everyone

Opium’s orphans: the 200-year history of the war on drugs

Orange-collar labor: work and inequality in prison

Origin Africa: a natural history

The Oxford handbook of the Cold War

The Oxford history of the Reformation

Performing racial uplift: E. Azalia Hackley and African American activism in the postbellum to pre-Harlem era

Perplexing plots: popular storytelling and the poetics of murder

Philosophies of religion: a global and critical introduction

Practical colposcopy

Prisons and health in the age of mass incarceration

Rain of ash: Roma, Jews, and the Holocaust

Red hot city: housing, race, and exclusion in twenty-first century Atlanta

Religion’s power: what makes it work

Remembering John Adams: the second president in history, memory and popular culture

The Routledge handbook of the Cold War

The Routledge social science handbook of AI

Scotland: the global history 1603 to the present

The shadow of childhood harm behind prison walls: theory, evidence, and treatment

Strong female protagonist by Heather Hoover

The struggle for the people’s King: how politics transforms the memory of the civil rights movement

Television in the streaming era: the global shift

The unfinished business of unsettled things: art from an African American South

Vaughan Williams by Eric Saylor

Waging a good war: a military history of the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1968

The water recycling revolution: tapping into the future

Why dance matters

Wilkinson & Stone atlas of vulvar disease

Women and the crusades

The women’s mosque of America: authority and community in US Islam

Worship for the whole people of God

Worship in the early Church by Justo L. González and Catherine Gunsalus González

The writer’s brush: paintings, drawings, and sculpture by writers

Writing the history of the humanities: questions, themes, and approaches

Eagle drums

Jovita wore pants: the story of a Mexican freedom fighter

More stories from the Old Testament: [from Joseph to the Prophets]

Simon sort of says

Stories from the Old Testament [from Adam to Joseph]

The truth about dragons

Allowing God to cultivate our character: reflections on the fruit of the spirit by Kristen Mudrack

The hall of mustard-seed faith by Kristen Mudrack

Real joy: exercising joy in all circumstances by Kristen Mudrack

Strong female protagonist by Heather Hoover

Teaching primary source research skills to 21st-century learners

Teaching with primary sources

Tennessee blue book, 2023-2024

New Books and Media Received (March 2024)

The following books (40 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in March 2024.

Seminary Library

1 Samuel by Ralph W. Kleim and Bruce Manning Metzger

Biblical anthropology: a philosophical, medical, and sociological sourcebook

Ezra: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Tamara Cohn Eskenazi

Feminist theory and Christian theology: cartographies of grace

Humilitas: a lost key to life, love, and leadership

Isaiah 34-66 by John D. W. Watts

Jonah: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Rhiannon Graybill, John Kaltner, and Steven L. McKenzie

Joshua 13-24: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Thomas B. Dozeman

Micah: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Bob Becking

On the human image of God by Gregory and John Behr

New Testament Seminar
Greek grammar beyond the basics: an exegetical syntax of the New Testament: with scripture, subject, and Greek word indexes

Welshimer Library

Accessible elections: how the states can help Americans vote

The all-consuming nation: chasing the American dream since World War II

Beethoven: a political artist in revolutionary times

Belief and cult: rethinking Roman religion

Black Shakespeare: reading and misreading race

The Bloomsbury introduction to postmodern realist fiction: resisting master narratives

Byzantine and Renaissance philosophy

The caregiving ambition: what it is and why it matters at home and work

The classical and Christian origins of American politics: political theology, natural law, and the American founding

Convoys: the British struggle against Napoleonic Europe and America

From big bang to big data: a history of the media

Gems of exquisite beauty: how hymnody carried classical music to America

The index of prohibited books: four centuries of struggle over word and image for the greater glory of God

The John Adams reader: essential writings on an American composer

Just war and ordered liberty

Literacy in a long blues note: Black women’s literature and music in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Oxford handbook of Virginia Woolf

Reclaiming John Steinbeck: writing for the future of humanity

The religious journey of Dwight D. Eisenhower: duty, God, and country

Sacred foundations: the religious and medieval roots of the European state

Sister novelists: the trailblazing Porter sisters, who paved the way for Austen and the Brontës

Van Dyck and the making of English portraiture

Watermarks: Leonardo da Vinci and the mastery of nature

Wearing God: clothing, laughter, fire, and other overlooked ways of meeting God

“Whatever it is, I’m against it”: resistance to change in higher education

White: the history of a color

Big by Vashti Harrison

The eyes and the impossible

The many assassinations of Samir, the seller of dreams

New Books and Media Received (November 2023)

The following books (82 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in November 2023.

Seminary Library

A is for alabaster: 52 reflections on the stories of scripture

Apostolic letters of faith, hope, and love: Galatians, 1 Peter, and 1 John

Beyond the Greek New Testament: advanced readings for students of biblical studies

The bible vs. biblical womanhood: how God’s word consistently affirms gender equality

Biblical exegesis: a beginner’s handbook by John H. Hayes and Carl R. Holladay

Bonhoeffer as youth worker: a theological vision for discipleship and life together

Breaking bread: the emergence of Eucharist and agape in early Christian communities

The Cambridge companion to the Hebrew Bible and ethics

Chasing the devil at Foggy Bottom: the future of religion in American diplomacy

The church in an age of secular mysticisms: why spiritualities without God fail to transform us

Climate, catastrophe, and faith: how changes in climate drive religious upheaval

A commonwealth of hope: Augustine’s political thought

Connections: a lectionary commentary for preaching and worship, Year A v. 1-3 and Year B, v. 1-3

De Castro Marim à Faïfo: naissance et développement du padroado portugais d’Orient des origines à 1659

Death, the end of history, and beyond: eschatology in the Bible

Democracy and the soul of America

Eve isn’t evil: feminist readings of the Bible to upend our assumptions

Exclusion & embrace: a theological exploration of identity, otherness, and reconciliation

Flood and fury: Old Testament violence and the Shalom of God

For such a time as this: twenty-six women of vision and faith tell their stories

Fully alive: the apocalyptic humanism of Karl Barth

A Jewish Paul: the Messiah’s herald to the gentiles

Just church: Catholic social teaching, synodality, and women

The Lord’s prayer: Matthew 6 and Luke 11 for the life of the church

Margery Kempe: a mixed life

Opening the field of practical theology: an introduction

Origen of Alexandria: master theologian of the early church

Origins of New Testament Christology: an introduction to the traditions and titles applied to Jesus

The Oxford handbook of ecclesiology

The pastor’s bookshelf: why reading matters for ministry

The patristic doctrine of redemption: a study of the development of doctrine during the first five centuries

Philosopher of the heart: the restless life of Søren Kierkegaard

Postcolonial politics and theology: unraveling empire for a global world

Qualitative research: a multi-methods approach to projects for Doctor of Ministry dissertations

The real Mary: why evangelical Christians can embrace the Mother of Jesus

Redrawing the blueprints for the Early Church: historical ecclesiology in and around the Stone-Campbell Movement

Religious transformation in Maya Guatemala: cultural collapse and Christian Pentecostal revitalization

A sacred unity: further steps to an ecology of mind

The saint and the count: a case study for reading like a historian

A short history of Byzantium by John Julius Norwich

“Son of Man”: Volume 1, Early Jewish literature

A Syriac service-book from Turfan: Museum für Asiatische Kunst, Berlin MIK III 45

The Syriac World: in search of a forgotten Christianity

T&T Clark handbook of ecclesiology

The unfinished search for common ground: reimagining Howard Thurman’s life and work

Union with the resurrected Christ: eschatological new creation and New Testament biblical theology

What can you do with your bible training?: traditional and nontraditionl vocational paths

What kind of Christianity: a history of slavery and anti-Black racism in the Presbyterian church

When church stops working: a future for your congregation beyond more money, programs, and innovation

The whole language: the power of extravagant tenderness

Why do you trouble this woman?: women and the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola

Wisdom for faithful reading: principles and practices for Old Testament interpretation

Women and the gender of God by Amy L. B. Peeler

New Testament Seminar
Septuaginta: Vetus Testamentum Graecum v. 11, pt. 2; v. 12, pt. 3; v. 7, pt. 2

Come to the table: meditations on the Lord’s Supper by George M. Knox and Ronald E. Heine

Life in Utah; or, The mysteries and crimes of Mormonism: Being an exposé of the secret rites and ceremonies of the Latter-Day Saints, with a full and authentic history of polygamy and the Mormon sect from its origin to the present time by J. H. Beadle

The man from Mars Hill: the life and times of T.B. Larimore by J. M. Powell

Strange texts, but grand truths by Clarence Edward Noble Macartney

Preaching in the footsteps of Hitler by Otis Gatewood

Welshimer Library

The age of acrimony: how Americans fought to fix their democracy, 1865-1915

Art and myth in ancient Greece

By her hand: Artemisia Gentileschi and women artists in Italy, 1500-1800

C.S. Lewis and the Catholic Church

Die Flache: design and lettering of the Vienna Secession, 1902-1911

Digital authoritarianism in the Middle East: deception, disinformation and social media

Entertaining ethics: lessons in media ethics from popular culture

The essential Greek historians

Family conflict by Heather E. Canary, Heather E. and Daniel J. Canary

Hieronymus Bosch: time and transformation in The garden of earthly delights

Improvising the score: rethinking modern film music through jazz

Muslims and the making of modern Europe

Nonconformers: a new history of self-taught artists

The personality of math: a key to learning and teaching math

Poland 1945: war and peace

The racial Muslim: when racism quashes religious freedom

Rewriting the Chicano movement: new histories of Mexican American activism in the civil rights era

Science denial: why it happens and what to do about it.

Small power: how local parties shape elections

Social media, freedom of speech and the future of our democracy

What you need to know about Alzheimer’s disease

What’s your pronoun?: beyond he & she

The wretched atom: America’s global gamble with peaceful nuclear technology

New Books and Media Received (October 2023)

The following books (29 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in October 2023.

Seminary Library

Christopraxis: a practical theology of the cross, 2014.

The perfect balance: a study of Matthew 1-18, 1975.

Welshimer Library

Iveliz explains it all, 2023. Newbery 2023 Honor Book.

Benjamin Franklin: cultural Protestant, 2021.

The cause of freedom: a concise history of African Americans, 2021.

Climate change, literature, and environmental justice: poetics of dissent and repair, 2021.

Climate lyricism, 2022.

Democracy’s child: young people and the politics of control, leverage, and agency, 2022.

The Enlightenment: the pursuit of happiness, 1680-1790, 2023.

The flag and the cross: white Christian nationalism and the threat to American democracy, 2022.

How people matter: why it affects health, happiness, love, work, and society, 2021.

The Internet is not what you think it is: a history, a philosophy, a warning, 2022.

Just health: treating structural racism to heal America, 2022.

Last witches of England: a tragedy of sorcery and superstition.,2023.

Majority minority, 2022.

Making darkness light: a life of John Milton, 2021.

The monster’s bones: the discovery of T. Rex and how it shook our world, 2023.

Narrating trauma: Victorian novels and modern stress disorders, 2022.

The only wonderful things: the creative partnership of Willa Cather and Edith Lewis, 2021.

Our plastic problem and how to solve it, 2022.

Pushing cool: big tobacco, racial marketing, and the untold story of the menthol cigarette, 2021.

The roots of American individualism: political myth in the age of Jackson, 2022.

Soviet judgment at Nuremberg: a new history of the international military tribunal after World War II, 2020.

The trials of Harry S. Truman: the extraordinary presidency of an ordinary man, 1945-1953, 2023.

Understanding cancer, 2022.

Vermeer and the art of love, 2022.

What is American literature?, 2022.

Why we hate: understanding the roots of human conflict, 2022.

Women and musical salons in the Enlightenment, 2022.

New Books and Media Received (September 2023)

The following books (81 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in September 2023.

Seminary Library

Christian family activities for families with preschoolers

Crash course on the Old Testament: six sessions

The father, the son, & the brother’s ghost: twenty years gone: revisiting a tragedy and a trilogy

My life as I lived it: autobiography

The Bible told them so: how Southern Evangelicals fought to preserve white supremacy C. S. Lewis and the Christian worldview

Claiming the call to preach: four female pioneers of preaching in nineteenth-century America

Created to thrive: cultivating abuse-free faith communities

Eyes to see and ears to hear women: sexual assault as a crisis of evangelical theology

Gender and ministry: [the role of the woman in the work and worship of the church]

Jesus and woman: an exciting discovery of what he offered her

Les lettres du patriarche nestorien Timothée I: Étude critique avec, en appendice, la lettre de Timothée I aux moines du couvent de Mār Mārōn (traduction latine et texte chaldéed)

Lives of Syriac saints by Sebastian P. Brock, Jeanee-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, Aramando Elkhoury, Rodrigue Constantin

The Mediterranean diaspora in late Antiquity: what Christianity cost the Jews

Motherhood: a confession by Natalie Carnes

Numbers by Philip J. Budd

On earth as it is in heaven: religion in modern Latin America

Palästinisches Hieratisch: die Zahl- und Sonderzeichen in der althebräischen Schrift

Preaching the Gospel: collected sermons on discipleship, mission, peace, justice, and the sacraments

Selected metrical homilies by Jacob, Armando Elkhoury, Robert A. Kitchen, Sebastian P. Brock

A week in the life of Rome

Women and the religion of ancient Israel

New Testament Seminar
The Apollinarian Christologies: a study of the writings of Apollinarius of Laodicea

Being ‘in Christ’ in the letters of Paul: saved through Christ and in his hands

A former Jew: Paul and the dialectics of race

Honor, patronage, kinship, and purity: unlocking New Testament culture

Introduction to the New Testament by Carl R. Holladay

Lives of the eminent philosophers by Diogenes Laertius, Pamela Mensch, Jim Miller

The Passion as liturgy: a study in the origin of the Passion narratives in the four Gospels

Platonist philosophy 80 BC to AD 250: an introduction and collection of sources in translation

Prophetic Jesus, prophetic church: the challenge of Luke-Acts to contemporary Christians

Shaping the past to define the present: Luke-Acts and apologetic historiography

Women in classical antiquity from birth to death  

Welshimer Library

The afterlife in popular culture: heaven, hell, and the underworld in the American imagination

Bauhaus: a graphic novel

Black artists in America: from the Great Depression to civil rights

Can we unlearn racism?: what South Africa teaches us about Whiteness

Covering the border war: how the news media creates crime, race, nation, and the USA-Mexico divide

Criminology and moral philosophy: empirical methods and the study of values

Cultivating student success: a multifaceted approach to working with emerging adults in higher education

The dawn of everything: a new history of humanity

Designing a world for everyone: 30 years of inclusive design

The digital mindset: what it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI

Ethics in the digital domain

Forever prisoners: how the United States made the world’s largest immigrant detention system

Fortress dark and stern: the Soviet home front during World War II

The future of business journalism: why it matters for Wall Street and Main Street

Happiness: a history

Horror fiction in the 20th century: exploring literature’s most chilling genre

How democracies live: power, statecraft, and freedom in modern societies

The imperial presidency and American politics: governance by edicts and coups

The Inca: lost civilizations

The Italian Renaissance and the origins of the modern humanities: an intellectual history, 1400-1800

The Japanese myths: a guide to gods, heroes and spirits

Judaism, antisemitism, and Holocaust: making the connections

Kindred by Octavia Butler

Korea: a history

The making of a story: a Norton guide to creative writing

The movement: the African American struggle for civil rights

Neighborhood watch: policing white spaces in America

On justice: philosophy, history, foundations

Parable of the sower

Parable of the talents

The passion of Anne Hutchinson: an extraordinary woman, the Puritan patriarchs, and the world they made and lost

Philosophy of mind: a very short introduction

Pick a pocket or two: a history of British musical theatre

Race, class, and social welfare: American populism since the New Deal

Raphael by Paul Joannides

Rivals for power: presidential-congressional relations

Seeing like an activist: civil disobedience and the civil rights movement

Shakespeare’s ‘lady editors’: a new history of the Shakespearean text

Sheer misery: soldiers in battle in WWII

Should you believe Wikipedia?: online communities and the construction of knowledge

The southern key: class, race, and radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s

Surviving solitary: living and working in restricted housing units

Under the iron heel: the Wobblies and the capitalist war on radical workers

Under the skin: the hidden toll of racism on American lives and on the health of our nation

Understanding the transnational lives and literacies of immigrant children

A vertical art: on poetry

You don’t know us Negroes: and other essays  

Compact copyright: quick answers to common questions