New Books and Media Received (February 2023)

The following books (64 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in February 2023.

Seminary Library

The contemplacioun of synnaris: late-medieval advice to a prince by William Touris, A. A. MacDonald, and J. Craig McDonald, 2022.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
The biblical world of gender: the daily lives of ancient women and men by Celina Durgin and Dru Johnson, 2022.

Church dogmatics v. 2, pt. 1by Karl Barth, Geoffrey William Bromiley, Tomas F. Torrance, and Frank McCombie, 2010.

Global voices: reading the Bible in the majority world by Craig S. Keener and M. Daniel Carroll Rodas, 2013.

The human search: Howard Thurman and the quest for freedom:  proceedings of the Second Annual Thurman Convocation Thurman Convocation and Mozella G. Mitchell, 1992.

Illness, pain, and health care in early Christianity by Helen Rhee, 2022.

Jesus v. evangelicals: a biblical critique of a wayward movement by Constantine R. Campbell, 2023.

Monarchianism and Origen’s early Trinitarian theology by Stephen E. Waers, 2022.

The Pauline corpus in early Christianity: its formation, publication, and circulation by Benjamin P. Laird, 2022.

Reading Hebrews in context: the sermon and Second Temple Judaism by Ben C. Blackwell, John K. Goodrich, and Jason Maston, 2023.

The Scripture and hermeneutics seminar: retrospect and prospect by Craig G. Bartholomew, David J. H. Beldman, Amber Bowen, and William Olhausen, 2022.

The Trinity in the Book of Revelation: seeing Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in John’s Apocalypse by Brandon D. Smith, 2022.

NT Seminar
The Book of Revelation: currents in British research on the Apocalypse by Garrick V. Allen, Ian Paul, and Simon Patrick Woodman, 2015.

The Gospel of Mark: edition critica maior v. 1, pt. 2.1, 2.2., and 2.3.

Paul, servant of the new covenant: Pauline polarities in eschatological perspective by Scott J. Hafemann, 2019. 

Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Midrash: Matthew v. 1 by Hermann Strack, 2022. 

Office Reference
AMA manual of style: a guide for authors and editors [11th edition], 2020.

Welshimer Library

Born black by Sylvester Jacobs and Linette Martin, 1977.

Choreography invisible: the disappearing work of dance by Anna Pakes, 2020.

Ernest L. Blumenschein: the life of an American artist by Robert W. Larson and Carole Larson, 2013.

Nightmares in the dream sanctuary: war and the animated film by Donna Kornhaber, 2020.

Portrait of a shelter by Sylvester Jacobs and Linette Martin, 1973.

Portrait of England by Sylvester Jacobs, 1976.

The Sarpedon Krater: the life and afterlife of a Greek vase by Nigel Jonathan Spivey, 2019.

A history of fascism in France: from the First World War to the National Front by Christ Millington, 2020.

The weight of vengeance: the United States, the British empire, and the War of 1812 by Troy O. Bickham, 2012. 

Language and Literature
American blockbuster: movies, technology, and wonder by Charles R. Acland, 2020.

Aristotle’s art of rhetoric by Aristotle and Robert C. Bartlett, 2019.

The Beats: a literary history by Steven Belletto, 2020.

How words make things happen by David Bromwich, 2019.

The lost books of Jane Austen by Janine Barchas, 2019.

William Wordsworth: a life [2nd edition] by Stephen Gill, 2020.

Law and Political Science
Debating nationalism: the global spread of nations by Florian Bieber, 2020.

Just war and the responsibility to protect: a critique by Robin Dunford and Micahel Neu, 2019.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5-TR, 2022.

The Oxford handbook of stress and mental health by Kate L. Harkness and Elizabeth P. Hayden, 2020. 

At the risk of thinking: an intellectual biography of Julia Kristeva by Alice Jardine and Mari Ruti, 2020.

Dao companion to the philosophy of the Zhuangzi by Kim-chong Chong, 2022.

Why we act: turning bystanders into moral rebels by Catherine Ashley Sanderson, 2022. 


Caldecott Honor Books

Ain’t burned all the bright by Jason Reynolds and Jason Griffin, 2022.

Berry song by Michaela Goade, 2022.

Knight Owl by Christopher Denise, 2022.

Geisel Honor Books

Fish and Wave by Sergio Ruzzier, 2022.

Gigi and Ojiji by Melissa Iwai, 2022.

Hello, bumblebee bat by Darrin P. Lunde and Patricia Wynne, 2007.

Owl and Penguin by Vikram Madan, 2022.

A seed grows by Antoinette Portis, 2022.

Newbery Honor Books

The last mapmaker by Christina Soontornvat, 2022.

Maizy Chen’s last chance by Lisa Yee, 2022.

Printz Honor Books

Apple: skin to the core:  a memoir in words and pictures by Eric Gansworth, 2020.

Dragon hoops by Gene Luen Yang, Lark Pien, Rianne Meyers, and Kolbe Yang, 2020.

Icebreaker by A. L. Graziadei, 2022.

When the angels left the old country by Sacha Lamb, 2022.


Anchor Yale Bible

1 Maccabees: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Daniel R. Schwartz, 2022.

The Gospel of Judas: a new translation with introduction and commentary by David Brakke, 2022.

New Testament Library

Matthew: a commentary by R. Alan Culpepper, 2021.


The book of Deuteronomy, chapters 1-11 by Bill T. Arnold, 2022.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah by Hannah K. Harrington, 2022.

Word Biblical Commentary

1 Samuel by Ralph W. Klein and Bruce Manning Metzger, 2000.

1, 2, and 3 John: revised by Stephen S. Smalley, 2020.

Isaiah 34-66 by John D. W. Watts, 2005.

Psalms 101-150, revised by Leslie C. Allen, 2002.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Seminary Library
Cross and creation: a theological introduction to Origen of Alexandria by Mark Edward Therrien, 2022.

Welshimer Library
Reframing assessment to center equity: theories, models, and practices by Gavin Henning, Gianina R. Baker, Natasha A. Jankowski, Anne E. Lundquist, and Erick Montenegro, 2022.

New Books and Media Received (December 2022 – January 2023)

The following books (51 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts and by donation in December 2022 and January 2023.

Seminary Library

We will be free: the life and faith of Sojourner Truth by Nancy Koester and Alice K. Jackson, 2023.

The Cambridge Greek lexicon by James Diggle, B. L. Fraser, Patrick James, O. B. Simkin, A. A. Thompson, and S. J. Westripp, 2021. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1 & 2 Kings: a commentary for biblical preaching and teaching by David B. Schreiner and Lee Compson, 2022.

1 Peter: a commentary for biblical preaching and teaching by Timothy E. Miller and Bryan Murawski, 2022.

Ancient wisdom: an introduction to sayings collections by Walter T. Wilson, 2022.

Associate pastors: Ministry from the middle by Michael Mauriello, 2022.

Augustine’s preached theology: living as the body of Christ by J. Patout Burns, 2022.

A center in the cyclone: twenty-first century clergy self-care by Bruce Gordon Epperly, 2014.

The cross in context: reconsidering Biblical metaphors for atonement by Jackson Wu, 2022.

Doing Asian American theology: a contextual framework for faith and practice by Daniel D. Lee, 2022.

The early Barth: lectures and shorter works by Karl Barth, Hans-Anton Drewes, and Hinrich Stoevesandt, 2022.

Faithful disobedience: writings on church and state from a Chinese house church movement by Yi Wang, Hannah Nation, J. D. Tseng, and Ian Johnson, 2022.

Finding Phoebe: what New Testament women were really like by Susan Hylen, 2022.

Five views on the New Testament canonby Stanley E. Porter and Benjamin P. Laird, 2022.

The forgotten Desert Mothers: sayings, lives, and stories of early Christian women by Laura Swan, 2022.

From prisoner to prince: the Joseph story in biblical theology by Sam Emadi and D. A. Carson, 2022.

Galatians: life in the new creation: a spiritual-pastoral reading by Ronald D. Witherup, 2020.

Gods, goddesses, and the women who serve them by Susan Ackerman, 2022.

A history of the quests for the historical Jesus (2 volumes)by Colin Brown and Craig A. Evans, 2022.

The hope of life after death: a biblical theology of resurrection by Michael Jeffrey Brannon, 2022.

In the margins: a transgender man’s journey with scripture by Shannon T. L. Kearns, 2022.

In the shelter: finding a home in the world by Padraig Ó Tuama, 2016.

Jeremiah and Lamentations: a commentary for biblical preaching and teaching by Duane A. Garrett and Calvin F. Pearson, 2022.

The Lord roars: recovering the prophetic voice for today by R. Carroll and M. Daniel,2022.

Mark through Old Testament eyes by Andrew T. Le Peau, 2017.

Martin Luther and the rule of faith: reading God’s word for God’s people by Todd R. Hains and Robert Kolb, 2022.

Preaching: a simple approach to the sacred Daniel Overdorf, 2022.

Psalms for Black lives: reflections for the work of liberation by Gabby Cudjoe-Wilkes, Andrew J. Wilkes, and Otis Moss, 2022.

Race & rhyme: rereading the New Testament by Love L. Sechrest, 2022.

Reading the Bible around the world: a student’s guide to global hermeneutics by Federico Alfredo Roth, 2022.

Renewal worship: a theology of Pentecostal doxology by Steven Felix-Jager, 2022.

Savoring scripture: a six-step guide to studying the Bible by Andrew T. Abernethy and Charlie Dates, 2022.

Scribes and scripture: the amazing story of how we got the Bible by John D. Meade and Peter J. Gurry, 2022.

Theological aesthetics after von Balthasar by O. V. Bychkov and Jim Fodor, 2016.

Turning points: decisive moments in the history of Christianity by Mark A. Noll, David Russell Komline, and Han-luen Kantzer Komline, 2022.

Walking through the valley: womanist explorations in the spirit of Katie Geneva Cannon by Emilie Maureen Townes, Stacey M. Floyd-Thomas, Alison P. Gise Johnson, and Angela D. Sims, 2022.

Youth ministry as mission: a conversation about theology and culture by Brian Hull and Patrick Mays, 2022.

Aging: growing old in church by William H. Willimon, 2020.

An ethical view of human-animal relations in the ancient Near East by Idan Breier, 2022.

No cure for being human: (and other truths I need to hear) by Kate Bowler, 2021.

NT Seminar
Abject joy: Paul, prison, and the art of making do by Ryan S. Schellenberg, 2021.

The apostle and the empire: Paul’s implicit and explicit criticism of Rome by Christoph Heilig, 2022.

The Elijah-Elisha narrative in the composition of Luke by John S. Kloppenborg and Jozef Verheyden, 2015.

Exodus in the New Testament by Seth Ehorn, 2022.

The origins of early Christian literature: contextualizing the New Testament within Greco-Roman literary culture by Robyn Faith Walsh, 2021.

A reader in Biblical Greek by Richard A. Wright, 2022.

Rethinking the dates of the New Testament: the evidence for early composition by Jonathan Bernier, 2022.

The Roman Stoics: self, responsibility, and affection by Gretchen J. Reydams-Schils, 2005. 

Welshimer Library

The presidents of American fiction: fashioning the U.S. political imagination by Michael Blouin, 2022.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5-TR, 2022. 

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Seminary Library

Treasuring the Word : an introduction to Biblical manuscripts in the Chester Beatty Library by David Hutchinson Edgar, 2003.

New Books and Media Received (November 2022)

The following Books (16 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in November 2022.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1 Corinthians, Kimlyn J. Bender, 2022.

Bully pulpit: confronting the problem of spiritual abuse in the church, Michael J. Kruger, 2022.

Five views of Christ in the Old Testament: genre, authorial intent, and the nature of Scripture, John Goldingay and Brian J. Tabb, 2022.

Foretaste of the future: reading Revelation in light of God’s mission, Dean E. Flemming, 2022.

Saeculum: history and society in the theology of St. Augustine, R. A. Markus, 1988. [replacement]

State of the art in Ethiopian Church forests and restoration options, Mengistie Kindu, 2022.

Three in One: analogies of the trinity, William David Spencer, 2022. 

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Welshimer Library

Territory, Nick Blosser, 2022. 

Bible tales for very young children, Lenore Cohen, 1934.

Everett Anderson’s friend, Lucille Clifton and Ann Grifalconi, 1976.

How to build a museum: Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture, Tonya Bolden, 2016.

The Song of Songs, Gilbert James, 1906.

Those magnificent men in their flying machines, or, How I flew from London to Paris in 25 hours and 11 minutes. 

Seminary Library

An elder’s public prayers, Toyozo Wada Nakarai, 1968.

The Genesis creation account and its reverberations in the New Testament, Thomas R. Shepherd, 2022.

The grace of troublesome questions: vocation, restoration, and race, Richard T. Hughes, 2022.


New Books and Media Received (October 2022)

The following Books (85 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in October 2022.

Seminary Library

Education in late antiquity: challenges, dynamism, and reinterpretation, 300-550 CE, 2022. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1-2 Kings by David T. Lamb, Tremper Longman, and Scot McKnight,2021.

15 New Testament words of life: how to live well in the real world, 2022.

The book of Deuteronomy, chapters 1-11 by Bill T. Arnold, 2022.

Come and see: discipleship in the Gospel of John, 2022.

A commentary on James by Aída Besançon Spencer,2020.

A critical and exegetical commentary on Isaiah 1-27 by H. G. M. Williamson,2006.

Early New Testament apocrypha by J. Christopher Edwards,2022.

Erased: God’s complete forgiveness of sins, 2019.

Global Christianity: a guide to the world’s largest religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, 2022.

Karl Barth: a life in conflict, 2021.

The Lord is my shepherd: Psalm 23 for the life of the church, 2021.

Mapping atonement: the doctrine of reconciliation in Christian history and theology, 2022.

Means of grace: a year of weekly devotions, 2021.

More than a white man’s religion: why the gospel has never been merely white, male-centered, or just another religion, 2022.

The Orthodox Church of Ethiopia: a history, 2020.

The Septuagint from Alexandria to Constantinople: canon, New Testament, Church fathers, catenae, 2021.

Typology: understanding the Bible’s promise-shaped patterns:  how Old Testament expectations are fulfilled in Christ, 2022.

Voices of lament: reflections on brokenness and hope in a world longing for justice, 2022.

When women lead: embrace your authority, move beyond barriers, and find joy in leading others, 2022.

Saving us: a climate scientist’s case for hope and healing in a divided world, 2022. 

Welshimer Library

The boy Jesus.,1953.

Catherine Marshall’s Story Bible, 1982.

Children’s Bible stories from Genesis to Daniel, 1993.

The child’s book of Psalms, 1956.

City of gold and other stories from the Old Testament, 1980.

David’s songs: his Psalms and their story, 1992.

The days of Christ’s coming, 1960.

Elijah and the great drought: a true story from the Bible, 1980.

Jesus befriends Zacchaeus, 1983.

Jonah: an Old Testament story, 1977.

Joseph, the dreamer, 1971.

The mighty ones: great men and women of early Bible days, 1968.

Mr. and Mrs. Noah, 2002.

Mr. Noah and the animals (Monsieur Noʹe et les animaux),1960.

Noah’s ark, 1992.

Passover to freedom, 1967.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.From the Book of Daniel.,1965.

The Shepherd Psalm: Psalm XXIII from the book of Psalms.,1962.

The story of Noah’s ark, 1905.

Women of the Bible: the Old Testament, 1977.

*These books were added to the Gail Phillips collection of juvenile Bible story books, supported by the Gail Phillips endowment

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Welshimer Library
Freud: an intellectual biography. 

Seminary Library
All about hands.

The best thing about Christmas.

Building a healthy minster’s family.

A celebration and a tribute : with love to Myron Jackson Taylor and Sarah Jean Taylor, tenth anniversary, September 9, 1979.

God is great by Diane McIntyre, Marian Bennett, and Pat Karch.

Great things He has done : the history of First Christian Church, Monticello IL (1911-2011).

The hands of Christ and other images.

Hurry up, Noah.

I can help.

The littlest sheep.

METS : Middle East Travel Seminar.

The Michigan pulpit.

Ministry in Australian churches.

My book of Bible stories : a Frances Hook picture book : with stories.

Roll Jordan roll : a biography of Marshall Keeble.

The Standard church hymnal.

Sweetly the tones are falling : a hymnal history of churches of Christ.

Teachers’ edition of the New Christian hymn and tune-book, consisting of rudiments and exercises for use in singing-schools or private study, in addition to the selection of hymns and tunes of the regular church edition, to which also is added a selection of anthems..

Who am I by Madonna Burget Spratt and Eleanor Daniel.

1 Enoch 2: a commentary on the book of 1 Enoch: chapters 37-82 by George W. E. Nickelsburg, James C. VanderKam, and Klaus Baltzer.

Aristotle’s theory of the will.

Christian art by Rowena Loverance.

Christian ethics and the church: ecclesial foundations for moral thought and practice.

Cosmos, life, and liturgy in a Greek Orthodox village.

Dialectic and narrative in Aquinas: an interpretation of the Summa contra gentiles.

The difference heaven makes: rehearing the Gospel as news.

Fortunate fallibility: Kierkegaard and the power of sin.

From nothing: a theology of creation.

George Lindbeck: a biographical and theological introduction.

Holy silence: the gift of Quaker spirituality.

Meditations of a hermit.

The monk of Mount Athos: Staretz Silouan, 1866-1938.

Music in American religious experience.

On prayer by Sofroniĭ

Pavel Florensky: a quiet genius: the tragic and extraordinary life of Russia’s unknown Da Vinci.


Rorty and Kierkegaard on irony and moral commitment: philosophical and theological connections.

The spiritual meadow by John Moschus and John Wortley.

Theology and Game of thrones.

Things that bother me: death, freedom, the self, etc..

Time and the word: figural reading of the Christian scriptures.

A time to keep: theology, mortality, and the shape of a human life.

The way of silent love: Carthusian novice conferences; the beatitudes.

New Books and Media Received (September 2022)

The following Books (45 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in September 2022.

Seminary Library

African founders: how enslaved people expanded American ideals, 2022.

Language and Literature
Enbe men karmo suryoyo =(Bunches of grapes from the Syriac vineyard):  a Syriac chrestomathy, 2010.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1 Maccabees: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Daniel R. Schwartz, 2022.

Anointed teaching: Partnership with the Holy Spirit, 2019.

Answering the Enlightenment: the Catholic recovery of historical revelation, 2006.

Becoming a missionary church: Lesslie Newbigin and contemporary church movements, 2022.

Bishop Ida Bell Robinson: the authoritarian servant leader, 2018.

Black United Methodists preach!, 2012.

Celsus in his world: philosophy, polemic, and religion in the second century, 2021.

Chaplaincy and spiritual care in the twenty-first century: an introduction, 2022.

Dwelling in the household of God: Johannine ecclesiology and spirituality, 2007.

Ecclesial exegesis: a synthesis of ancient and modern approaches to scripture, 2022.

Ecclesiastes and the meaning of life in the ancient world, 2022.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahïdo Church, 2012.

Faithful anti-racism: moving past talk to systemic change, 2022.

A feminist companion to Patristic literature, 2008.

God at work in the world: theology and mission in the global church, 2022.

Good news preaching: offering the gospel in every sermon, 2011.

The Gospel of Judas: a new translation with introduction and commentary by David Brakke, 2022.

Healing wisdom: depth psychology and the pastoral ministry, 2010.

Homilies on the Gospels by Hildegard and Beverly Mayne Kienzle, 2011.

How women transform preaching, 2021.

Indian and Christian: historical accounts of Christianity, and theological reflections in India, 2019.

Learning to walk in the dark, 2014.

The letter to the Romans by Ian Christopher Levy, Philip D. Krey, and Thomas Ryan, 2013.

The Oxford handbook of Origen, 2022.

Restoration appreciation: the rich legacy and hopeful future of the Stone-Campbell movement, 2022.

A theology of Mark’s Gospel: good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, 2015.

Unexpected grace: preaching good news from difficult texts, 2012.

Views from the mountain: select writings of James Earl Massey, 2018.

Who are my people?: love, violence, and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2022.

Women of the Bible: a one-year devotional study of women in scripture, 2015.

You shall not bow down and serve them: the political economic projects of Jesus and Paul, 2021.

Churches of Christ in Oklahoma: a history, 2020.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Seminary Library
Bilingual proverbs : (Filipino-English) Love & marriage.

Bilingual proverbs : ‘absolute’ or ‘obselete’ truth.

First annual report of the united Christian missionary society : October 1, 1920-June 30, 1921.

L’histoire des Disciples du Christ = The history of the Disciples of Christ.

[Mountain Mission School – The Challenger.].

Only in the Philippines? = tanging sa Pilipinas lang?.

Samson Lubag’s preacher’s precis : “Book of Mark”.

Second annual report of the united Christian missionary society : July 1, 1921-June 30, 1922.

Some selected songs from choice gospel hymns : which contains many of the old standard songs and many of the sweetest new melodies.

Songs of fellowship.

The word makes words : (communion meditations).