The following books (49 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in February 2025.
Individual Ebooks
Anti-Semitism before the Holocaust
Called beyond our selves: vocation and the common good
Seminary Library
African Christian theology: journal of the association for Christian theological, v. 1, no. 1
African Christian theology: journal of the association for Christian theological, v. 1, no. 2
Behind the scenes of the New Testament: cultural, social, and historical contexts
Comfort in the ashes: explorations in the book of Job to support trauma survivors
Ephesians: a pastoral and contextual commentary by Brian C. Wintle and Ken Gnanakan
How ableism fuels racism: dismantling the hierarchy of bodies in the church
Hymnes, t. 1 by Romanus
Hymnes, t. 4 by Romanus
Hymnes, t. 5 by Romanus
Hymns of repentance by Romanus
Turning points in American church history: how pivotal events shaped a nation and a faith
Walking with God through the valley: recovering the purpose of biblical lament
Welshimer Library
The art of the literary poster: the Leonard A Lauder Collection
Bad Chaucer: the great poet’s greatest mistakes in the Canterbury Tales
Becoming Foucault: the Poitiers years
The Cambridge history of European Romantic literature
Counterfeit countess: the jewish woman who rescued thousands of poles during the holocaust
Emoji and social media paralanguage
England’s insular imagining: the Elizabethan erasure of Scotland
Falsehoods fly: why misinformation spreads and how to stop it
The fine art of literary fist-fighting: how a bunch of rabble-rousers, outsiders, and ne’er-do-wells concocted creative nonfiction
The force of truth: critique, genealogy, and truth-telling in Michel Foucault
I dread the thought of the place: the Battle of Antietam and the end of the Maryland Campaign
The inner Civil War: northern intellectuals and the crisis of the Union
Jazz and American culture by Michael Borshuk
King : a life by Jonathan Eig
Kingdom of characters: the language revolution that made China modern
A learning community built on strengths: inspiring educators to positively impact student lives
Lost literacies: experiments in the nineteenth-century US comic strip
The lost princess: women writers and the history of classic fairy tales
MacIntyre’s After Virtue at 40
No Right to an Honest Living (Winner of the Pulitzer Prize): The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers: The Struggles of Boston’s Black Workers in the Civil War Era
The Oxford handbook of World War II
The pleasures of memory in Shakespeare’s sonnets
Politics and literature at the dawn of World War II
Power, image, and memory: historical subjects in art
The presidency and the American State: leadership and decision making in the Adams, Grant, and Taft administrations
The private Civil War: popular thought during the sectional conflict
Social work and the grand challenge to eliminate racism: concepts, theory, and evidence based approaches
Theorizing Stephen King by Michael Blouin
The understory: an invitation to rootedness and resilience from the forest floor
The undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
What works in community news: media startups, news deserts, and the future of the fourth estate
Why we vote by Owen M. Fiss
Writing on the social network: digital literacy practices in social media’s first decade
Beyond the texts: an archaeological portrait of ancient Israel and Judah by William G. Dever
My nine lives: sixty years in Israeli and biblical archaeology by William G. Dever