New Books and Media Received (September 2023)

The following books (81 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in September 2023.

Seminary Library

Christian family activities for families with preschoolers

Crash course on the Old Testament: six sessions

The father, the son, & the brother’s ghost: twenty years gone: revisiting a tragedy and a trilogy

My life as I lived it: autobiography

The Bible told them so: how Southern Evangelicals fought to preserve white supremacy C. S. Lewis and the Christian worldview

Claiming the call to preach: four female pioneers of preaching in nineteenth-century America

Created to thrive: cultivating abuse-free faith communities

Eyes to see and ears to hear women: sexual assault as a crisis of evangelical theology

Gender and ministry: [the role of the woman in the work and worship of the church]

Jesus and woman: an exciting discovery of what he offered her

Les lettres du patriarche nestorien Timothée I: Étude critique avec, en appendice, la lettre de Timothée I aux moines du couvent de Mār Mārōn (traduction latine et texte chaldéed)

Lives of Syriac saints by Sebastian P. Brock, Jeanee-Nicole Mellon Saint-Laurent, Aramando Elkhoury, Rodrigue Constantin

The Mediterranean diaspora in late Antiquity: what Christianity cost the Jews

Motherhood: a confession by Natalie Carnes

Numbers by Philip J. Budd

On earth as it is in heaven: religion in modern Latin America

Palästinisches Hieratisch: die Zahl- und Sonderzeichen in der althebräischen Schrift

Preaching the Gospel: collected sermons on discipleship, mission, peace, justice, and the sacraments

Selected metrical homilies by Jacob, Armando Elkhoury, Robert A. Kitchen, Sebastian P. Brock

A week in the life of Rome

Women and the religion of ancient Israel

New Testament Seminar
The Apollinarian Christologies: a study of the writings of Apollinarius of Laodicea

Being ‘in Christ’ in the letters of Paul: saved through Christ and in his hands

A former Jew: Paul and the dialectics of race

Honor, patronage, kinship, and purity: unlocking New Testament culture

Introduction to the New Testament by Carl R. Holladay

Lives of the eminent philosophers by Diogenes Laertius, Pamela Mensch, Jim Miller

The Passion as liturgy: a study in the origin of the Passion narratives in the four Gospels

Platonist philosophy 80 BC to AD 250: an introduction and collection of sources in translation

Prophetic Jesus, prophetic church: the challenge of Luke-Acts to contemporary Christians

Shaping the past to define the present: Luke-Acts and apologetic historiography

Women in classical antiquity from birth to death  

Welshimer Library

The afterlife in popular culture: heaven, hell, and the underworld in the American imagination

Bauhaus: a graphic novel

Black artists in America: from the Great Depression to civil rights

Can we unlearn racism?: what South Africa teaches us about Whiteness

Covering the border war: how the news media creates crime, race, nation, and the USA-Mexico divide

Criminology and moral philosophy: empirical methods and the study of values

Cultivating student success: a multifaceted approach to working with emerging adults in higher education

The dawn of everything: a new history of humanity

Designing a world for everyone: 30 years of inclusive design

The digital mindset: what it really takes to thrive in the age of data, algorithms, and AI

Ethics in the digital domain

Forever prisoners: how the United States made the world’s largest immigrant detention system

Fortress dark and stern: the Soviet home front during World War II

The future of business journalism: why it matters for Wall Street and Main Street

Happiness: a history

Horror fiction in the 20th century: exploring literature’s most chilling genre

How democracies live: power, statecraft, and freedom in modern societies

The imperial presidency and American politics: governance by edicts and coups

The Inca: lost civilizations

The Italian Renaissance and the origins of the modern humanities: an intellectual history, 1400-1800

The Japanese myths: a guide to gods, heroes and spirits

Judaism, antisemitism, and Holocaust: making the connections

Kindred by Octavia Butler

Korea: a history

The making of a story: a Norton guide to creative writing

The movement: the African American struggle for civil rights

Neighborhood watch: policing white spaces in America

On justice: philosophy, history, foundations

Parable of the sower

Parable of the talents

The passion of Anne Hutchinson: an extraordinary woman, the Puritan patriarchs, and the world they made and lost

Philosophy of mind: a very short introduction

Pick a pocket or two: a history of British musical theatre

Race, class, and social welfare: American populism since the New Deal

Raphael by Paul Joannides

Rivals for power: presidential-congressional relations

Seeing like an activist: civil disobedience and the civil rights movement

Shakespeare’s ‘lady editors’: a new history of the Shakespearean text

Sheer misery: soldiers in battle in WWII

Should you believe Wikipedia?: online communities and the construction of knowledge

The southern key: class, race, and radicalism in the 1930s and 1940s

Surviving solitary: living and working in restricted housing units

Under the iron heel: the Wobblies and the capitalist war on radical workers

Under the skin: the hidden toll of racism on American lives and on the health of our nation

Understanding the transnational lives and literacies of immigrant children

A vertical art: on poetry

You don’t know us Negroes: and other essays  

Compact copyright: quick answers to common questions