The following books (95 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgeted funds and expense accounts and by donation in September 2024.
Seminary Library
Agur’s wisdom and the coherence of Proverbs 30
Balai of Qenneshrin: hymns
Basics of verbal aspect in biblical Greek
A chorus of prophetic voices: introducing the prophetic literature of ancient Israel
Cities of the biblical world
The city of Babylon: a history, c. 2000 BC – AD 116
A critical and exegetical commentary on 1 Peter in 2 volumes
Depicting deity: a metatheological approach
Emotional intelligence for religious leaders
Exegetical journeys in biblical Greek: 90 days of guided reading
The expectation gap: the tiny, vast space between our beliefs and experience of God
From idols to icons: the rise of the devotional image in early Christianity
Gender and Christian ethics by Adrian Thatcher
The genius of the gospels: the fifth annual mid-year lectures delivered at Western Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary
Gregory Palamas: the Hesychast controversy and the debate with Islam: documents relating to Gregory Palamas
The guide to the perplexed: a new translation
The hermeneutics of sacred architecture: experience, interpretation, comparison
The history of Galilee, 1538-1949: mysticism, modernization, and war
Human anguish and God’s power
The idea of semitic monotheism: the rise and fall of a scholarly myth
In the beginning was the image: art and the Reformation Bible
Innocence of Pontius Pilate: how the roman trial of Jesus shaped history
Jesus and his parables by Craig B. Manning
Khirbet Qeiyafa in the Shephelah: papers presented at a colloquium of the Swiss Society for Ancient Near Eastern Studies held at the University of Bern, September 6, 2014
Kierkegaard and the new nationalism: a contemporary reinterpretation of the attack upon Christendom
Leadership or servanthood?: walking in the steps of Jesus
Leading at a higher level: Blanchard on leadership and creating high performing organizations
The library of paradise: a history of contemplative reading in the monasteries of the Church of the East
Macrina the Younger, philosopher of God
The medieval clergy, 800-1250: a sourcebook
The message of Judges: grace abounding
The Mishnah: an introduction by Jacob Neusner
The mysteries of Christianity
The NIV: the making of a contemporary translation
The Oxford annotated Mishnah: a new translation of the Mishnah with introductions and notes
The power of transformation: re-imagining the parables of Jesus
Proclaiming the parables: preaching and teaching the kingdom of God
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs by David C. Fink and Timothy George
Reforming the household of God: Paul’s models of belonging
Rise and fall of Christian Ireland
Romans: a structural, thematic, and exegetical commentary by Aaron Sherwood
Romans: text, readers, and the history of interpretation by Stephen Westerholm
The saved and the damned: a history of the Reformation
Saying no to say yes: everyday boundaries and pastoral excellence
Seeing and understanding Jesus: a literary and theological commentary on Mark 8:22-9:13
Spirituality and mental health across cultures
Teilhard de Chardin: an analysis and assessment
The Americanization of the apocalypse: creating America’s own Bible
Two views on homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church
Wesley-Langshaw correspondence: Charles Wesley, his sons, and the Lancaster organists
When in Romans: an invitation to linger with the gospel according to Paul
Wisdom of Ben Sira
Women and religion: global lives in focus
Women and the church: from devil’s gateway to discipleship
Worship in an age of anxiety: how Churches can create space for healing
Yahweh and the origins of ancient Israel: insights from the archaeological record
Yes She Can: biblical and practical reflections on women in leadership in the church
New Testament Seminar
The new perspective on grace: Paul and the gospel after Paul and the gift
Romans: a commentary by Beverly Roberts Gaventa
Campbellism examined
Core 52: a fifteen-minute daily guide to build your Bible IQ in a year
On target: creating a faith development plan for your church
Preaching James: preaching classic texts
Quest 52: a fifteen-minute-a-day yearlong pursuit of Jesus
Teach with success
Welshimer Library
2001, a space odyssey
Bach in the world: music, society, and representation in Bach’s cantatas
Beethoven in the bunker: musicians under the Nazi regime
The Cambridge companion to Latin American independence
Caves of the South Cumberland Plateau by Justin Whitmel Earley
Christian nationalism and the birth of the war on drugs
Cry, the beloved country
Decolonizing journalism: a guide to reporting in Indigenous communities
Don’t forget to live: Goethe and the tradition of spiritual exercises
English begins at Jamestown: narrating the history of a language
Fantasy: how it works by Larry E. Matthews and Bob Biddix
A fever in the heartland: the Ku Klux Klan’s plot to take over America, and the woman who stopped them
Habits of the household: practicing the story of God in everyday family rhythms
Homegrown: Timothy McVeigh and the rise of right-wing extremism
In the shadow of invisibility: Ralph Ellison and the promise of American democracy
Keeping your children’s ministry on mission: practical strategies for discipling the next generation
The little book of exoplanets by Fred Brouwers and Eileen J. Stevens
A little history of music by Joshua Winn
On Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Charles Darwin and Jan A. Pechenik
One lost soul: Richard Nixon’s search for salvation by Daniel Silliman
The opt-out family: how to give your kids what technology can’t
The Oxford handbook of religion and Europe
Patriots to pioneers: the first Tennessee volunteers
The readable Darwin: The origin of species edited for modern readers
Selected short stories of William Faulkner.
Show them Jesus: teaching the gospel to kids
What sorrows labour in my parent’s breast?: a history of the enslaved Black family
When you see fireflies: equipping leaders and parents to minister effectively to generation alpha
Romans: a commentary by Beverly Roberts Gaventa
Wit, 2001