Second Annual Edible Books Festival–A Yummy Success!

Featuring books ranging from the most ancient (The Epic of Gilgamesh) to the most contemporary (The Hunger Games), the Milligan College Library held its Second Annual Edible Books Festival on March 26-27. Building upon a successful first festival last year, this year’s festival was easily better–and possibly even yummier! The event was held in the Welshimer Room on the main floor of the Library.

See this Wikipedia article for an explanation of the origins of this delightful festival. The submission guidelines are fairly simple: Create an edible treat that either looks like, alludes to, or describes a book in some way. It can be literal, artistic, or humorous.

This year we had 23 very creative entries–double the number of from last year–from Milligan students, faculty, and staff, or their family members. About 130 votes were cast on Monday for favorites in our four categories: Most Book-like, Funniest/Punniest, Most Creative, and Overall Favorite.

Congratulations to our winners (who each received an Earth Fare gift card):

  • Most Book-LikeThe Hunger Games by Grace Jackson
  • Funniest/PunniestPigs in Heaven by Seth and Stacy Tramel
  • Most Creative Where’s Wal-Dough? By Grace Jackson
  • Overall FavoriteCurious George by Brittany and Mariana Robinson

Once the winners were announced on Tuesday, the books were fair game to be sampled. In addition to their bookish qualities, all the entries were very, very tasty!

We received some great press on the event, including this March 27th story (with video) in the Johnson City Press, and this March 28th story in the Elizabethton Star.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks go to Mary Jackson, our Research and Instruction Librarian, and Meredith Sommers, our Information Resources Librarian/College Archivist, for planning and organizing the event. It’s not too early to get your ideas together for next year’s festival. Mary and Meredith are already looking forward to it, and how to make it even better.