Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

Announcing the Million Pennies campaign!

Help us raise one million pennies for the library renovation and we’ll let you name a study room anything you want!

A dramatically improved library is on the horizon, and with your help, we’ll get there sooner!  The library is excited to launch the Million Pennies campaign for library renovation as a part of Milligan College’s Forward Ever capital campaign.

Contribute your pennies (or other cash or coins) to the box at the library front desk, and be sure to put your name on a slip of paper so we can thank you later!  Our goal is to raise one million pennies, or $10,000, for the renovation.  If we succeed, we’ll allow you, our loyal library users, to name a library study room whatever you’d like!

Thank you!  We appreciate your generosity!  Please come see us or give us a call (423.461.8703) if you have any questions!

Search EBSCOhost journal databases from your mobile phone!

EBSCO Mobile access

Milligan College Library patrons with Internet-capable smartphones (e.g., iPhone, BlackBerry, Palm) and wireless handheld devices (e.g., iPod touch) can now search our EBSCOhost online journal databases on the go!

Point your device web browser to This will take you to EBSCO’s service selection page for Milligan College. (The following screenshots were taken from an Apple iPod touch.) Select “mobile access” from the services list. If you are off-campus, you will be prompted by our proxy server to fill in the fields with your Name and Barcode Number from your Milligan College ID card.  Click the “Submit” button to enter the EBSCOhost databases page. This page includes a complete list (with descriptions) of our EBSCOhost journal databases. Scroll through the list and place a check mark next to the database or databases you want to search and then click “Continue.”

I selected the ATLA Religion Database. Notice the search screen is very similar to the standard computer web interface, only it is formatted for easier viewing on your mobile device. The “Search Options” link allows you to set the kind of search you want to perform (Boolean, phrase, etc.), or any search limits (date ranges, full-text, peer-reviewed only, etc). The “Preferences” link allows you to control how search results are displayed (results per page, title with or without citation/description, etc.). Type in your search term(s) and click “Search.”

The search results are displayed in a list. Titles are hyperlinked to article records just like in the standard interface. Full-text, if available (in either html or pdf format), can be launched and viewed directly on your device (if supported), or emailed for later viewing.

The tools for gaining access to scholarly information resources are increasingly migrating to the mobile environment. This is an exciting development. It is another way in which the Library is reaching out to serve you, wherever you happen to be!

I tested the EBSCOhost mobile interface wirelessly on my iPod touch. Although it is not always convenient reading pdf articles on the device (I can enlarge the view in landscape mode, or zoom-in), I’m really happy with this experience overall. I especially liked being able to attach and email articles to my computer. I would be interested hearing about your experience using this service on other mobile devices. Did you run into any difficulties? Please report with your comments below. We will also share news of other mobile tools as they become available.

2nd Annual Library Booksale a success!

The P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library’s 2nd Annual Milligan College Library Homecoming Book Sale, held October 23-24, was a rousing success! As with last year’s sale, we got off to a great start with a faculty & staff preview on Thursday afternoon that raised several hundred dollars. The sale continued all day Friday and Saturday, and continued at half-price the following Tuesday through Friday. Altogether, the sale raised over $1,000, beating last year’s total of $960. Library staff decided to donate all proceeds to Milligan College’s Forward Ever capital campaign, a portion of which will fund a major library renovation in the years to come.

The books and media collected for the sale came from duplicates and other titles weeded from the Library collection, titles donated by individuals that did not fit library collection guidelines, and some items from last year’s sale. Milligan College yearbooks that had been stored in the library over the decades were again offered for sale, and, as last year, were quite a hot item.

Library staff would like to thank members of the Milligan community and surrounding areas for visiting our booksale and making the event a success. Thanks also to our library student-workers who helped with organizing, setup, and tending to the cash box. We’d also like to thank Michael Kaal, who won our Library Booksale Art Contest, and whose picture of aspen trees was the images used in our promotional posters and postcards. The booksale is always a fun event, and we look forward to seeing you at Homecoming Weekend next year for the 3rd annual sale!

Booksale art contest submissions on display!

It wasn’t easy to pick the winning image in the library’s first annual Homecoming Booksale Art Contest–we received nearly 40 pieces of art from several different students.  Since so many of them were so good, we’ve decided to put some of the most outstanding pieces on display in the library.

The display is on the main floor of the library, behind the the desk of Jack Weinbender, our Library Assistant.  We’ve displayed at least one piece from everyone who submitted.

So stop by, take a look, and gaze in wonder at the artistic accomplishments of your fellow Milliganites.  We can’t wait to host this contest again next year–thanks again to everyone who entered!