New Books and Media Received (October 2022)

The following Books (85 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in October 2022.

Seminary Library

Education in late antiquity: challenges, dynamism, and reinterpretation, 300-550 CE, 2022. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1-2 Kings by David T. Lamb, Tremper Longman, and Scot McKnight,2021.

15 New Testament words of life: how to live well in the real world, 2022.

The book of Deuteronomy, chapters 1-11 by Bill T. Arnold, 2022.

Come and see: discipleship in the Gospel of John, 2022.

A commentary on James by Aída Besançon Spencer,2020.

A critical and exegetical commentary on Isaiah 1-27 by H. G. M. Williamson,2006.

Early New Testament apocrypha by J. Christopher Edwards,2022.

Erased: God’s complete forgiveness of sins, 2019.

Global Christianity: a guide to the world’s largest religion from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, 2022.

Karl Barth: a life in conflict, 2021.

The Lord is my shepherd: Psalm 23 for the life of the church, 2021.

Mapping atonement: the doctrine of reconciliation in Christian history and theology, 2022.

Means of grace: a year of weekly devotions, 2021.

More than a white man’s religion: why the gospel has never been merely white, male-centered, or just another religion, 2022.

The Orthodox Church of Ethiopia: a history, 2020.

The Septuagint from Alexandria to Constantinople: canon, New Testament, Church fathers, catenae, 2021.

Typology: understanding the Bible’s promise-shaped patterns:  how Old Testament expectations are fulfilled in Christ, 2022.

Voices of lament: reflections on brokenness and hope in a world longing for justice, 2022.

When women lead: embrace your authority, move beyond barriers, and find joy in leading others, 2022.

Saving us: a climate scientist’s case for hope and healing in a divided world, 2022. 

Welshimer Library

The boy Jesus.,1953.

Catherine Marshall’s Story Bible, 1982.

Children’s Bible stories from Genesis to Daniel, 1993.

The child’s book of Psalms, 1956.

City of gold and other stories from the Old Testament, 1980.

David’s songs: his Psalms and their story, 1992.

The days of Christ’s coming, 1960.

Elijah and the great drought: a true story from the Bible, 1980.

Jesus befriends Zacchaeus, 1983.

Jonah: an Old Testament story, 1977.

Joseph, the dreamer, 1971.

The mighty ones: great men and women of early Bible days, 1968.

Mr. and Mrs. Noah, 2002.

Mr. Noah and the animals (Monsieur Noʹe et les animaux),1960.

Noah’s ark, 1992.

Passover to freedom, 1967.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.From the Book of Daniel.,1965.

The Shepherd Psalm: Psalm XXIII from the book of Psalms.,1962.

The story of Noah’s ark, 1905.

Women of the Bible: the Old Testament, 1977.

*These books were added to the Gail Phillips collection of juvenile Bible story books, supported by the Gail Phillips endowment

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Welshimer Library
Freud: an intellectual biography. 

Seminary Library
All about hands.

The best thing about Christmas.

Building a healthy minster’s family.

A celebration and a tribute : with love to Myron Jackson Taylor and Sarah Jean Taylor, tenth anniversary, September 9, 1979.

God is great by Diane McIntyre, Marian Bennett, and Pat Karch.

Great things He has done : the history of First Christian Church, Monticello IL (1911-2011).

The hands of Christ and other images.

Hurry up, Noah.

I can help.

The littlest sheep.

METS : Middle East Travel Seminar.

The Michigan pulpit.

Ministry in Australian churches.

My book of Bible stories : a Frances Hook picture book : with stories.

Roll Jordan roll : a biography of Marshall Keeble.

The Standard church hymnal.

Sweetly the tones are falling : a hymnal history of churches of Christ.

Teachers’ edition of the New Christian hymn and tune-book, consisting of rudiments and exercises for use in singing-schools or private study, in addition to the selection of hymns and tunes of the regular church edition, to which also is added a selection of anthems..

Who am I by Madonna Burget Spratt and Eleanor Daniel.

1 Enoch 2: a commentary on the book of 1 Enoch: chapters 37-82 by George W. E. Nickelsburg, James C. VanderKam, and Klaus Baltzer.

Aristotle’s theory of the will.

Christian art by Rowena Loverance.

Christian ethics and the church: ecclesial foundations for moral thought and practice.

Cosmos, life, and liturgy in a Greek Orthodox village.

Dialectic and narrative in Aquinas: an interpretation of the Summa contra gentiles.

The difference heaven makes: rehearing the Gospel as news.

Fortunate fallibility: Kierkegaard and the power of sin.

From nothing: a theology of creation.

George Lindbeck: a biographical and theological introduction.

Holy silence: the gift of Quaker spirituality.

Meditations of a hermit.

The monk of Mount Athos: Staretz Silouan, 1866-1938.

Music in American religious experience.

On prayer by Sofroniĭ

Pavel Florensky: a quiet genius: the tragic and extraordinary life of Russia’s unknown Da Vinci.


Rorty and Kierkegaard on irony and moral commitment: philosophical and theological connections.

The spiritual meadow by John Moschus and John Wortley.

Theology and Game of thrones.

Things that bother me: death, freedom, the self, etc..

Time and the word: figural reading of the Christian scriptures.

A time to keep: theology, mortality, and the shape of a human life.

The way of silent love: Carthusian novice conferences; the beatitudes.

New Books and Media Received (September 2022)

The following Books (45 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in September 2022.

Seminary Library

African founders: how enslaved people expanded American ideals, 2022.

Language and Literature
Enbe men karmo suryoyo =(Bunches of grapes from the Syriac vineyard):  a Syriac chrestomathy, 2010.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1 Maccabees: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Daniel R. Schwartz, 2022.

Anointed teaching: Partnership with the Holy Spirit, 2019.

Answering the Enlightenment: the Catholic recovery of historical revelation, 2006.

Becoming a missionary church: Lesslie Newbigin and contemporary church movements, 2022.

Bishop Ida Bell Robinson: the authoritarian servant leader, 2018.

Black United Methodists preach!, 2012.

Celsus in his world: philosophy, polemic, and religion in the second century, 2021.

Chaplaincy and spiritual care in the twenty-first century: an introduction, 2022.

Dwelling in the household of God: Johannine ecclesiology and spirituality, 2007.

Ecclesial exegesis: a synthesis of ancient and modern approaches to scripture, 2022.

Ecclesiastes and the meaning of life in the ancient world, 2022.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahïdo Church, 2012.

Faithful anti-racism: moving past talk to systemic change, 2022.

A feminist companion to Patristic literature, 2008.

God at work in the world: theology and mission in the global church, 2022.

Good news preaching: offering the gospel in every sermon, 2011.

The Gospel of Judas: a new translation with introduction and commentary by David Brakke, 2022.

Healing wisdom: depth psychology and the pastoral ministry, 2010.

Homilies on the Gospels by Hildegard and Beverly Mayne Kienzle, 2011.

How women transform preaching, 2021.

Indian and Christian: historical accounts of Christianity, and theological reflections in India, 2019.

Learning to walk in the dark, 2014.

The letter to the Romans by Ian Christopher Levy, Philip D. Krey, and Thomas Ryan, 2013.

The Oxford handbook of Origen, 2022.

Restoration appreciation: the rich legacy and hopeful future of the Stone-Campbell movement, 2022.

A theology of Mark’s Gospel: good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, 2015.

Unexpected grace: preaching good news from difficult texts, 2012.

Views from the mountain: select writings of James Earl Massey, 2018.

Who are my people?: love, violence, and Christianity in Sub-Saharan Africa, 2022.

Women of the Bible: a one-year devotional study of women in scripture, 2015.

You shall not bow down and serve them: the political economic projects of Jesus and Paul, 2021.

Churches of Christ in Oklahoma: a history, 2020.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Seminary Library
Bilingual proverbs : (Filipino-English) Love & marriage.

Bilingual proverbs : ‘absolute’ or ‘obselete’ truth.

First annual report of the united Christian missionary society : October 1, 1920-June 30, 1921.

L’histoire des Disciples du Christ = The history of the Disciples of Christ.

[Mountain Mission School – The Challenger.].

Only in the Philippines? = tanging sa Pilipinas lang?.

Samson Lubag’s preacher’s precis : “Book of Mark”.

Second annual report of the united Christian missionary society : July 1, 1921-June 30, 1922.

Some selected songs from choice gospel hymns : which contains many of the old standard songs and many of the sweetest new melodies.

Songs of fellowship.

The word makes words : (communion meditations).

New Books and Media Received (April – August 2022)

The following Books (248 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation from April through August 2022. A significant number of books were added to the Seminary Library holdings from a large backlog.

Seminary Library

Black leaders and ideologies in the South: resistance and nonviolence, 2005.

The history of Galilee, 47 BCE to 1260 CE: from Josephus and Jesus to the crusades, 2021.

The ‘History of the kings of the Persians’ in three Arabic chronicles: the transmission of the Iranian past from Late Antiquity to early Islam, 2018.

Invitation to Syriac Christianity: an anthology, 2022.

Reading Jewish history in the Renaissance: Christians, Jews, and the Hebrew Sefer Josippon, 2020.

The Reverend Albert Cleage Jr. and the Black prophetic tradition: a reintroduction of the Black Messiah, 2022.

Transnational roots of the civil rights movement: African American explorations of the Gandhian …, 2013.

Language and Literature
Between city and school: selected orations of Libanius, 2015.

The medieval mind of C. S. Lewis: how great books shaped a great mind, 2022.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Accidental theologians: four women who shaped Christianity, 2014.

Aesthetics of change, 1983.

The art of spiritual direction: a guide to Ignatian practice, 2020.

Athanasiana Syriaca. Part IV Expositio in Psalmos, Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium., Scriptores Syri ;, t. 168., 1977.

Athanasiana Syriaca. Part IV Expositio in Psalmos, Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium., Scriptores Syri ;, t. 167., 1977.

Biblical worship: theology for God’s glory, 2021.

Books Jesus read: Learning from the Apocrypha, 2022.

Buried talents: overcoming gendered socialization to answer God’s call, 2022.

Calling in context: social location and vocational formation, 2022.

Calvin’s company of pastors: pastoral care and the emerging reformed church, 1536-1609, 2015.

Carved in ebony: lessons from the black women who shape us, 2021.

Christ in the Book of Revelation, 2021.

A Christian field guide to technology for engineers and designers, 2022.

Christian theology and its institutions in the early Roman Empire: prolegomena to a history of early Christian theology, 2015.

Christian women and modern China: recovering a women’s history of Chinese Protestantism, 2021.

Christosis: engaging Paul’s soteriology with his patristic interpreters, 2016.

The Church’s book: theology of scripture in ecclesial context, 2022.

Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews by Thomas Aquinas, 2006.

Commentary on the Gospel of John by Īshōʻdād and Johan D. Hofstra [2 vol.], 2019.

Commonwealth: transformation through Christian community development, 2020.

Creation, God, and humanity: engaging the mystery of suffering within the sacred cosmos, 2017.

Delighting in the Trinity: an introduction to the Christian faith, 2012.

Des heiligen Ephraem des Syrers Hymnen de fide, 1965.

Face to face with God: a biblical theology of Christ as priest and mediator, 2022.

Fountain of salvation: trinity and soteriology, 2021.

George Lindbeck and the Israel of God: scripture, ecclesiology, and ecumenism, 2021.

Glory of God and Paul: text, themes and theology, 2022.

The good Samaritan: Luke 10 for the life of the church, 2022.

Historical foundations of worship: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant perspectives, 2022.

Hope for us: knowing God through the Nicene Creed, 2017.

Howard Thurman, his enduring dream, 1988.

The Jerome biblical commentary for the twenty-first century by John J. Collins, Gina Hens-Piazza, Barbara E. Reid, Donald Senior, and Francis, 2022.

John: through Old Testament eyes ; A Background and Application Commentary by Karen H. Jobes and Andrew T. Le Peau , 2021.

The landscape of the Gospels: a deeper meaning, 2020.

Latino/a theology and the Bible: ethnic-racial reflections on interpretation, 2021.

Latinx perspectives on the New Testament, 2022.

Leaving silence: sexualized violence, the Bible, and standing with survivors, 2021.

Let my people live: an Africana reading of Exodus, 2022.

Letters to the Johannine circle: 1-3 John by Francis J. Moloney, 2020.

Life of Columbanus ; Life of John of Réomé ; and Life of Vedast, 2017.

Matthew: a commentary by R. Alan Culpepper, 2021.

Mentor for life: finding purpose through intentional discipleship, 2016.

Might from the margins: the gospel’s power to turn the tables on injustice, 2020.

Notes of a native daughter: testifying in theological education, 2021.

Now and not yet: theology and mission in Ezra-Nehemiah, 2021.

On Ezra and Nehemiah by Bede and Scott DeGregorio, 2006.

On First Samuel by Bede, Scott DeGregorio, and Rosalind C. Love, 2019.

The Oxford handbook of the Bible and ecology, 2022.

The Oxford handbook of the epistemology of theology, 2017.

Philippians: an introduction and commentary by Jeannine K. Brown, 2022.

Reading scripture as the church: Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s hermeneutic of discipleship, 2020.

Reading the prophets as Christian scripture: a literary, canonical, and theological introduction, 2022.

Revelation through Old Testament eyes: a background and application commentary by Tremper Longman, 2022.

The rise of the early Christian intellectual, 2020.

The Samaritan woman’s story: reconsidering John 4 after #ChurchToo, 2022.

Scripture and tradition in the letters of Paul, 2021.

The search for spirituality: our global quest for a spiritual life, 2009.

The soul of desire: discovering the neuroscience of longing, beauty, and community, 2021.

Spiritual writings by Gustavo Gutiérrez, 2011.

Stand up!: fearless women in the Gospel of Mark, 2021.

Texts less traveled: exploring Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles, and Revelation, 2022.

A theology of James, Peter, and Jude by Peter H. Davids, 2014.

A theology of John’s Gospel and letters by Andreas J. Köstenberger, 2009.

A theology of Luke and Acts: biblical theology of the New Testament by Darrell L. Bock and Andreas J. Köstenberger, 2012.

They looked for a city: a comparative analysis of the ideal of community in the thought of Howard Thurman and Martin Luther King, Jr., 1989.

This here flesh: spirituality, liberation, and the stories that make us, 2022.

Translation and survival: the Greek Bible of the ancient Jewish Diaspora, 2009.

The triune story: collected essays on Scripture, 2019.

Unleashing the Word: rediscovering the public reading of Scripture, 2009.

What is my calling?: a biblical and theological exploration of Christian identity, 2022.

Who will be a witness: igniting activism for God’s justice, love, and deliverance, 2020.

With head and heart: the autobiography of Howard Thurman., 1981.

Witnesses to the ends of the earth: New Testament reflections on mission, 2022. 

Ending human trafficking: a handbook of strategies for the church today, 2022.

Leadership for the greater good: a textbook for leaders, 2021.

Memory and memories in Early Christianity: proceedings of the international conference held at the Universities of Geneva and Lausanne (June 2-3, 2016), 2018.

New Testament Seminar
The alter-imperial paradigm: empire studies & the book of Revelation, 2016.

A companion to ancient epigram, 2019.

Jesus and the historians, 2010.

Paul and the rise of the slave: death and resurrection of the oppressed in the epistle to the Romans, 2016.

Reading Romans with Roman eyes: studies on the social perspective of Paul, 2020. 

Backs against the wall: the Howard Thurman Story, 2021.

Welshimer Library

Baseline shift: untold stories of women in graphic design history, 2021.

Language and Literature
All bullshit and lies?: insincerity, irresponsibility, and the judgment of untruthfulness, 2020.

Everything is connected: the power of music, 2009.

Louder than bombs: a life with music, war, and peace, 2020.


Concrete rose, 2021. Printz 2022 Honor Book
Every body looking, 2021. Printz 2021 Honor Book
Firekeeper’s daughter, 2021. Printz 2022 Medal Winner
Mel fell, 2021. Caldecott 2022 Honor Book
Starfish, 2021. Printz 2022 Honor Book
Unspeakable: the Tulsa Race Massacre, 2021. Caldecott 2022 Honor Book
Watercress, 2021. Caldecott 2022 Medal Winner
Newbery 2022 Honor Book
We are not free, 2022. Printz 2021 Honor Book
Wonder walkers, 2021. Caldecott 2022 Honor Book

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries

Seminary Library
Do all to the glory of God.

Luke: a social identity commentary.

Reconciliation as the mission of God: Christian witness in a world of destructive conflicts.

Reconciling all things: a Christian vision for justice, peace and healing.

Spirit and Word: dual testimony in Paul, John and Luke.

Theological themes of the Old Testament: creation, covenant, cultus, and character.

2005 Middle East travel seminar: reflection papers.

2013 Middle East travel seminar: reflection papers.

The A.R.T. of agape- listening: the miracle of mutuality.

American church and church school hymnal: a new religious educational hymnal ; consists of carefully edited hymns and tunes, songs, responsive readings and orders of service for church and church school.

American goddess at the rape of Nanking: the courage of Minnie Vautrin.

The art of illustrating.

Basic Bible Course: designed for the use of sincere students of the word.

Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va. Bulletin (1966-1967).

Bethany College, Bethany, W. Va. Bulletin (1970-1971).

The biography of a gentleman: A.G. Freed.

Bradfield’s sermon outlines, with many extra features.

Caring and curing in Congo and Kentucky.

Caring enough to correct: studies in church fellowship and discipline: thirteen lessons.

Carmina sacra: sacred songs for the Sunday school ; a high-grade collection of gospel songs and standard hymns.

The case of William MacKlin in Nanking: an assessment of his mission work and theology of mission.

Celebrating justice & liberation: a resource for worship.

Chalice praise.

Children at the Lord’s table.

Choice gospel hymns: a collection of over three hundred hymns for all occasions of Christian work and worship.

Christian homes are the vestibules of heaven.

The Christian hymnal: a choice collection of hymns and tunes for congregational and social worship.

The Christian international lesson commentary.

The Christian lesson commentary. (1907).

The Christian lesson commentary. (1908).

Church discipline for caring Christians.

Church discipline for caring Christians: a study guide.

Cobb’s sermons.

Commentary on Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, Jude and Revelation.

Communion meditations: book three.

Communion meditations for a year.

A complete survey of the Old Testament v. 1.

A complete survey of the Old Testament v. 3.

The discipling movement: a study of the neo-Crossroads philosophy among churches of Christ.

Do you still believe in the devil?.

Embracing a beautiful God.

Enmore incorporated: pioneers of Churches of Christ in New South Wales.

Fables for today.

A father talks to teenagers.

Favorite chorus time: inspiring choruses to keep youth singing along their way.

Find wisdom: panning Proverbs’ treasures using visual aids.

G. Willard Collins: the people person.

The glory of the ordinary.

Glory songs: a choice collection of original and popular gospel songs together with standard hymns and tunes, suitable for church, Sunday-school, young peoples societies, evangelistic services and all occasions of worship.

Go ye means go me.

God made kittens.

The God who saves: an introduction to the message of the Old Testament.

God! if you are really God, ask and receive.

The gospel according to John.

A handbook for Korean-American Disciples in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Harvester (Atlanta Christian College), 1987.

Have the time of your life: living for God in each moment.

The Holy Spirit.

How to be an open-minded Christian without losing your faith.

How to win souls today.

In search of a city: an autobiographical perspective on a remarkable but controversial movement.

Jewels for juniors: a choice collection of songs, exercises and readings for primary and intermediate departments of Sunday schools, mission bands, junior societies of Christian Endeavor, young peoples’ societies, and public schools.

Ken: being the memoirs of Kenneth Joines.

Let all the earth keep silence: a study on the silence of Scriptures.

Let’s have a Timothy class: a teacher’s manual.

The Lifeline: [the annual yearbook of Lincoln Christian College and Seminary.

Looking back to see ahead: more than 85 stories about the leaders of the Christian Church and Churches of Christ during the 19th century and the many evidences of their faithful labor.

Los Discipulos de Cristo en Puerto Rico: albores, crecimiento y madurez de un peregrinar de fe, constancia y esperanze, 1899-1987.

Mama’s boy: [a rejected boy who became a respected man of God].

Meditations at the Lord’s table.

The messenger (Ozark Bible College), 1965.

Miracles or mirages?.

More than a slave: the biography of Rev. A.J. Hurdle.

New Testament Christianity for today.

Paul’s sermon on Mars’ Hill.

A peculiar people: growing up in Churches of Christ.

The philosophical basis for belief in the existence of God.

Questions you have asked about soul-winning.

Rust as a witness.

Sacred solos and duets no. 2: contains one hundred and twenty-one songs suitable for special music in evangelistic meetings, church service, Bible school, Christian Endeavor, etc.

Sermons on First Corinthians.

Shaken foundations: sermons from America’s pulpits after the terrorist attacks.

Showtime!: worship in the age of show business.

Songs of praise (1986).

Songs of praise (1964).

Soul winning – not something you do – it’s something you are.

Standard eclectic commentary on the International Sunday-school lessons (1885).

The Standard vacation Bible school courses: intermediate: first year.

The Standard vacation Bible school courses: intermediate: second year.

The story of Churches of Christ.

Survey of Hebrews.

Survey of I Corinthians.

That there may be ministers: Disciples ministerial education in California.

A theological debate: between T.W. Brents and E.D. Herod.

They called him brother masters: John Wesley Masters a mountain pioneer evangelist 1854-1924.

Tovey’s unique choruses with scripture readings.

A trip around the world, a series of letters.

Voice of praise: a collection of new songs for gospel meetings and Sunday schools.

The warrior from Rock Creek: the life, times, and thoughts of F.B. Srygley, 1859-1940.

What Christian living is all about: studies in James.

Where God leads, never give up.

Whole: a call to unity in our fragmented world.

Winning over worry.

The wise woman knows.

The Word disclosed: preaching the Gospel of John.

Worship and service: a peerless collection of new and standard gospel songs and hymns for church, Bible school and evangelistic meetings.

Welshimer Library
The Black experience in design: identity, expression & reflection.

For colored girls who have considered suicide, when the rainbow is enuf: a choreopoem.

From Africa.

Woman’s fiction: a guide to novels by and about women in America, 1820-1870.

100 ways to know God loves me: 100 songs to love Him back.

Aarvy Aardvark finds hope: a read aloud story for people of all ages about loving and losing, friendship and hope.

A beautiful day in the neighborhood: the poetry of Mister Rogers.

A book of hugs.

The boy and the ghost.

Bugs: a closer look at the world’s tiny creatures.

David gets in trouble.

David goes to school.

A farm.

Good Rosie!.

Grace for president.

Grandpa’s face.

The hired hand: an African-American folktale.

I sing a song of the saints of God.

Lorraine: the girl who sang the storm away.

Lotsa de Casha.

Louisiana’s way home.

Mercy Watson to the rescue.

Mr. Peabody’s Apples.

Munschworks 3: the third Munsch treasury.



Raymie nightingale.

Read all about it!.

Seabiscuit: the wonder horse.

Seaman’s journal: on the trail with Lewis and Clark.

The split tongue sparrow: a traditional Japanese folktale.

The story of Divaali.

Touch the sky: Alice Coachman, Olympic high jumper.

Turning pages: my life story.

We are girls who love to run = Somos chicas y a nosotras nos encanta correr.

The wonderful story of Jesus; self-pronouncing for young people.

The yellow house: Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin side by side.

4 little girls.

New Books and Media Received (March 2022)

The following Books (46 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in March 2022.

Seminary Library

The medieval church art collection: University Museum of Bergen (Norway), 2022. 

An introduction to early Judaism, 2022.

Unbroken and unbowed: a history of black protest in America, 2022. 

Language and Literature
Biblical Greek vocabulary in context: building competency with words occurring 25 times or more, 2021. 

Deep river and the Negro spiritual speaks of life and death, 1975.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Beyond authority and submission: women and men in marriage, church, and society, 2019.

The Bible in the early church, 2022.

Christian ethics: a new covenant model, 2021.

The creative encounter: an interpretation of religion and the social witness., 1972.

The doctrine of Scripture by Brad East, 2021.

For the inward journey: the writings of Howard Thurman, 1984.

Grounded in the body, in time and place, in Scripture: papers by Australian women scholars in the Evangelical tradition, 2021.

A history of contemporary praise & worship: understanding the ideas that reshaped the Protestant Church, 2021.

Howard Thurman: the mystic as prophet, 2007.

Intertextuality in the second century, 2016.

The inward journey by Howard Thurman, 1977.

Luke-Acts in modern interpretation by Stanley E. Porter and Ron C. Fay, 2021.

The manifold beauty of Genesis one: a multi-layered approach, 2021.

Metaphors in Proverbs: decoding the language of metaphor in the book of Proverbs, 2021.

The parables: Jesus’s friendly subversive speech, 2021.

Pilgrimage as moral and aesthetic formation in Augustine’s thought, 2017.

A prophet has appeared: the rise of Islam through Christian and Jewish eyes:  a sourcebook, 2021.

A reader of ancient Near Eastern texts: sources for the study of the Old Testament, 2013.

Recovering Christian character: the psychological wisdom of Soren Kierkegaard, 2022.

Reformed and Evangelical across four centuries: the Presbyterian story in America, 2022.

Romans: a theological and pastoral commentary by Michael J. Gorman, 2022.

Sanctified revolution: the Church of God in Christ:  a history of African-American holiness, 2021.

The sexual reformation: restoring the dignity and personhood of man and woman, 2022.

Simplicity and humility in late antique Christian thought: elites and the challenges of apostolic life, 2021.

Surprised by the parables: growing in grace through the stories of Jesus, 2020.

Syriac-English new testament: the traditional Syriac Peshitta text and the Antioch Bible English translation, 2020.

Visions of a better world: Howard Thurman’s pilgrimage to India and the origins of African American nonviolence, 2014.

Voices long silenced: women biblical interpreters through the centuries, 2022.

Worship with teenagers: adolescent spirituality and congregational practice, 2022.

Worshiping in season: ecology and Christ through the liturgical year, 2021.

Political Science
Moral opposition to authoritarian rule in Chile, 1973-90, 1996.

Welshimer Library

America’s impressionism: echoes of a revolution, 2020. 

Language and Literature
Jane Austen’s style :narrative economy and the novel’s growth, 2020.

The Oxford handbook of children’s musical cultures, 2013.


Fox at night, 2021. Geisel 2022 Medal Winner
Have you ever seen a flower?, 2021. Caldecott 2022 Honor Book
The last cuentista, 2021. Newbery 2022 Medal Winner
Nothing fits a dinosaur, 2021. Geisel 2022 Honor Book
Red, white, and whole, 2021. Newbery 2022 Honor Book
Too bright to see, 2021. Newbery 2022 Honor Book

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Why design matters : conversations with the world’s most creative people.

New Books and Media Received (February 2022)

The following Books (83 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in February 2022.

Seminary Library

Camels in the Biblical world, 2021.

Witnessing Whiteness: confronting White supremacy in the American church, 2020.

Language and Literature
An introduction to biblical Greek grammar: elementary syntax and linguistics, 2020.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
All things wise and wonderful: a Christian understanding of how and why things happen, in light of Covid-19 , 2021.

Amos: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Göran Eidevall, 2017.

Atando cabos: Latinx contributions to theological education , 2021.

Black biblical studies: an anthology of Charles B. Copher:  biblical and theological issues on the Black presence in the Bible., 1993.

Body: biblical spirituality for the whole person , 2016.

The Book of Judges by Barry G. Webb, 2012.

The book of Lamentations by John Goldingay, 2022.

The book of Psalms by Nancy L. DeClaissé-Walford, Rolf A. Jacobson, Beth LaNeel Tanner, 2014.

The Book of Zechariah by Mark J. Boda, 2016.

The books of Haggai and Malachi by Mignon R. Jacobs, 2017.

Christopraxis: a theology of action , 1995.

Cleansing the cosmos: a biblical model for conceptualizing and counteracting evil , 2012.

Eastern Christianity: a reader , 2021.

Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs by Kiara A. Jorgenson and Alan G. Padgett, 2020.

Ecotheology: a Christian conversation , 2020.

Eight women of faith , 2016.

Epigraphy, iconography, and the Bible , 2022.

Ezekiel 38-48: a new translation with introduction and commentary by Diana Lynn Severance, 2018.

Feminine threads: women in the tapestry of Christian history , 2011.

Figura and fulfillment: typology in the Bible, art, and literature , 2016.

First Nations version: an indigenous translation of the New Testament., 2021.

Four views on heaven by Gary T. Meadors and Walter C. Kaiser, 2022.

Four views on moving beyond the Bible to theology by Ronald D. Witherup, 2009.

Galatians: life in the new creation:  a spiritual-pastoral reading by Henri de Lubac, Henri de and David Grumett, 2020.

Henri de Lubac and the shaping of modern theology: a reader , 2020.

Holding up half the sky: a biblical case for women leading and teaching in the church , 2020.

Icons of Christ: a biblical and systematic theology for women’s ordination , 2020.

Jesus, divorce, & remarriage: in their historical setting , 2019.

Job 38-42 by Michelle Derusha, 2011.

Judges by Andrew Mellas, 2014.

Katharina and Martin Luther: the radical marriage of a runaway nun and a renegade monk , 2018.

Liturgy and the emotions in Byzantium: compunction and hymnody , 2020.

Now that I’m called: a guide for women discerning a call to ministry , 2018.

Outposts of hope: First Peter’s Christ for culture strategy , 2015.

The Oxford handbook of Russian religious thought , 2020.

Racial justice and the Catholic Church , 2010.

Revelation by David Toshio Tsumura, 2020.

Sanctified sexuality: valuing sex in an oversexed world , 2020.

The Second Book of Samuel by Emily Suzanne Johnson, 2019.

Talking about race: Gospel hope for hard conversations , 2022.

This is our message: women’s leadership in the new Christian right , 2019.

The way of humility by Philip Barton Payne and Vince Huffaker, 2007.

When narcissism comes to church: healing your community from emotional and spiritual abuse , 2020.

Why can’t women do that?: breaking down the reasons churches put men in charge , 2021.

Women in God’s mission: accepting the invitation to serve and lead , 2018.

Yahweh among the gods: the divine in Genesis, Exodus, and the ancient Near East , 2022.

You need a better gospel: reclaiming the Good News of participation with Christ , 2022.

New Testament Seminar
The First Epistle to the Corinthians by Gordon D. Fee, 2014.

A grammar of New Testament Greek by Rodney A. Whitacre, 2021.

The Letter to Philemon by Scot McKnight, 2017.

The letter to the Colossians by Scot McKnight, 2018.

The letter to the Ephesians by Lynn H. Cohick, 2020.

The letter to the Romans by Douglas J. Moo, 2018.

Matthew 1-14: a handbook on the Greek text by Wesley G. Olmstead, 2019.

Matthew 15-28: a handbook on the Greek text by Wesley G. Olmstead, 2019.

Social and cognitive perspectives on the Sermon on the Mount , 2021.

Welshimer Library

Dance theory: source readings from two millennia of Western dance:  a critical anthology, 2020. 

The 1619 Project: a new origin story, 2021.

Information hunters: when librarians, soldiers, and spies banded together in World War II Europe, 2020.

Laughter after: humor and the Holocaust, 2020. 

Language and Literature
All bullshit and lies?: insincerity, irresponsibility, and the judgment of untruthfulness, 2020.

The Cambridge companion to fiction in the Romantic period, 2008.

Re-orienting the fairy tale: contemporary adaptations across cultures, 2020.

Social Sciences
Careers in counseling and psychology: a guide to choosing the right career path, 2022.

Dear Ijeawele, or, A feminist manifesto in fifteen suggestions, 2018.

Masculinity in the making: managing the transition to manhood, 2020.

Dune, 2022.


American born Chinese, 2021. Printz 2007 Medal Winner
Beak Ally #1: Unlikely Friends, 2022. Geisel 2022 Honor Book
Everything sad is untrue: (a true story), 2020. Printz 2021 Medal Winner
I hop, 2021. Geisel 2022 Honor Book
Last night at the Telegraph Club, 2021. Printz 2022 Honor Book
The poet X: a novel, 2018. Printz 2019 Medal Winner
Revolution in our time: the Black Panther Party’s promise to the people, 2021. Printz 2022 Honor Book
A snake falls to Earth, 2021. Newbery 2022 Honor Book
We are okay: a novel, 2019. Printz 2018 Medal Winner

The book of Lamentations by John Goldingay, 2022.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Armed struggle : the history of the IRA.

Samuel Usque’s Consolation for the tribulations of Israel = (Consolaçam ás tribulaçoens de Israel).

Tennessee blue book, 2021-2022.