New Books and Media Received (March 2021)

The following Books (37 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through expense accounts and by donation in March 2021.

Seminary Library

The ancient near east: a very short introduction, 2014.

Dream with me: race, love, and the struggle we must win, 2017.

One blood by John M. Perkins, 2020.

The Syro-Anatolian city-states: an Iron Age culture, 2021.

Philosophy,  Psychology,  and Religion
All but invisible: exploring identity questions at the intersection of faith, gender & sexuality, 2017.

Desmond Tutu: a spiritual biography of South Africa’s confessor, 2021.

Embodied: transgender identities, the church & what the Bible has to say, 2021.

The essential writings of Christian mysticism by Bernard McGinn, 2006.

The innovative church: how leaders and their congregations can adapt in an ever-changing world, 2020.

Jesus for revolutionaries: an introduction to race, social justice, and Christianity, 2013.

Melania the Younger: from Rome to Jerusalem, 2021.

A multitude of all peoples: engaging ancient Christianity’s global identity, 2020.

Reading the Bible missionally, 2016.

With justice for all: a strategy for community development, 2014.

Social Sciences
The purpose gap: empowering communities of color to find meaning and thrive, 2021.

New Testament Seminar
African American readings of Paul: reception, resistance, and transformation, 2020.

Apostle of persuasion: theology and rhetoric in the Pauline letters, 2020.

Ethnic negotiations: the function of race and ethnicity in Acts 16, 2010.

The Jewish annotated Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version Bible translation, 2020.

Matthew by Jeannine K. Brown and Kyle A. Roberts, 2018.

Reading Acts in the discourses of masculinity and politics, 2017.

A Roman commentary on St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, 2020.

The second sophistic by Tim Whitmarsh, 2005.

Women and society in the Roman world: a sourcebook of inscriptions from the Roman West, 2021.


Welshimer Library

The motivated worker: a manager’s guide to improving job satisfaction by Brad Ward, 2020. 


Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
The American tradition in literature [2 volumes].

Fading memories of my first 84 years by Duard Walker.

Give & take: the complete guide to negotiating strategies and tactics.

A global fellowship: a concise history of the world convention of Churches of Christ.

The hands that shaped Milligan humanities.

Harry Potter and the cursed child. Parts one and two.

A history of prayer: the first to the fifteenth century.

If God is good–: faith in the midst of suffering and evil.

The illustrated Faerie queene.

The lion and the honeycomb: essays in solicitude and critique.

A month with Jesus: 31 days with a surprising Savior.

Preaching in the Patristic Era: sermons, preachers, and audiences in the Latin West.

New Books and Media Received (February 2021)

The following Books (76 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through expense accounts and by donation in February 2021.

Seminary Library

The house of the father as fact and symbol: patrimonialism in Ugarit and the ancient Near East, 2001.

Language and Literature
The variae: the complete translation by M. Shane Bjornlie, 2019.

Our malady: lessons in liberty from a hospital diary, 2020.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
The book of Amos by M. Daniel Carroll, 2020.

The breadth of salvation: rediscovering the fullness of God’s saving work, 2020.

The Codex Amiatinus and its “sister” Bibles: Scripture, liturgy, and art in the milieu of the Venerable Bede, 2019.

Creation and ecology: the political economy of ancient Israel and the environmental crisis, 2020.

Dogmatic ecclesiology by Tom Greggs, 2019.

The first letter of Peter: a global commentary by Lambeth Conference, Jennifer R. Strawbridge, Robert Stewart Heaney, Emma Ineson, and Justin Welby, 2020.

Genesis by Abraham Tal, 2015.

Gospel haymanot: a constructive theology and critical reflection on African and diasporic Christianity, 2020.

How (not) to read the Bible: making sense of the anti-women, anti-science, pro-violence, pro-slavery, and other crazy-sounding parts of scripture, 2020.

Howard Thurman and the disinherited: a religious biography, 2020.

Interfaith leadership: a primer by Eboo Patel, 2016.

Proverbs by Jan de Waard, 2008.

Retrieving Augustine’s doctrine of creation: ancient wisdom for current controversy, 2020.

The saints’ guide to happiness by Robert Ellsberg, 2003.

The spiritual way: classic traditions and contemporary practice, 2019.

Veritas: a Harvard professor, a con man and the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife, 2020.

White too long: the legacy of white supremacy in American Christianity, 2020.

Social Sciences
How to fight racism: courageous Christianity and the journey toward racial justice, 2021.

The rise and triumph of the modern self: cultural amnesia, expressive individualism, and the road to sexual revolution, 2020.

New Testament Seminar
The apocalypse of John: a commentary by Francis J. Moloney, 2020.

The early textual transmission of John: stability and fluidity in its second and third century Greek manuscripts, 2018.

The gospels as stories: a narrative approach to Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, 2020.

Introducing the Pseudepigrapha of Second Temple Judaism: message, context, and significance, 2020.

Jesus and the forces of death: the Gospels’ portrayal of ritual impurity within first-century Judaism, 2021.

Jewish roots of Eastern Christian mysticism: studies in honor of Alexander Golitzin, 2020.

Khirbet Qumrân and Aïn Feshkha, 2019.

Lift up your heads: nonverbal communication and related body imagery in the Bible, 2018.

Linguistics and New Testament Greek: key issues in the current debate, 2020.

The new day of atonement: a Matthean typology, 2020.

Perspectives on Paul: five views, 2020.

Reading Revelation in context: John’s Apocalypse and Second Temple Judaism, 2019.

A socio-rhetorical interpretation of the letter to Philemon in light of the new institutional economics: an exhortation to transform a master-slave economic relationship into a brotherly loving relationship, 2017.

To live in the Spirit: Paul and the spirit of God, 2019.

New Testament Seminar Reference
The New Testament Gospels in Manichaean tradition: the sources in Syriac, Greek, Coptic, Middle Persian, Parthian, Sogdian, Bactrian, New Persian, and Arabic:  with appendices on the “Gospel of Thomas” and Diatessaron, 2020.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
After The passion is gone: American religious consequences.

Beyond borders: thinking critically about global issues.

Black like me.

The burden of the flesh: fasting and sexuality in early Christianity.

The Cambridge companion to Orthodox Christian theology.

China from the inside [DVD].

The Christian sacraments: or, A scriptural exhibition of the nature, design, mode and subjects of Christian baptism: in which every important question, touching the subject, is fairly stated, and fully and scripturally answered. Also, a History of immersion, as a religious rite, from its rise among the Jews to the present time. Together with the nature, design, proper use, perpetuity, and proper subjects of the sacrament of the Lord’s supper: designed as a halp [sic] to a correct understanding and proper use of the Christian sacraments.

The Church of Christ – essential, all-sufficient, indestructable, perpetually relevant: being the Freed-Hardeman College Lectures of 1971.

Encyclopedia of religion and film.

The fire this time: a new generation speaks about race.

Gender diversity: crosscultural variations.

Gendered lives: communication, gender, and culture.

The Gospel according to Hollywood.

Holy cow [DVD].

Holy superheroes!: exploring the sacred in comics, graphic novels, and film.

Home by Marilynne Robinson.

How to be an antiracist.

In good faith: questioning religion and atheism.

Inquiry about the monks in Egypt.

My life [DVD].

A new practical primer of literary Chinese.

No one can stem the tide: selected poems, 1931-1991.

The other side of the river: a story of two towns, a death, and America’s dilemma.

Pondering the Passion: what’s at stake for Christians and Jews?

Privilege: a reader.

Race, class, and gender in the United States: an integrated study.

Racism without racists: color-blind racism and the persistence of racial inequality in America.

Report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders.

Saint Anselm: a portrait in a landscape.

Salvage the bones: a novel.

Screen christologies: redemption and the medium of film.

The word in this world: two sermons by Karl Barth, Christopher Asprey, and Kurt I. Johanson.

There are no children here: the story of two boys growing up in the other America.

Toward the endless day: the life of Elisabeth Behr-Sigel.

Treatises on Noah and David Ambrose and Brian Dunkle.

Tuesdays with Morrie [DVD].

Understanding race and ethnic relations.

White privilege: essential readings on the other side of racism.

Working toward whiteness: how America’s immigrants became white: the strange journey from Ellis Island to the suburbs.

New Books and Media Received (November 2020-January 2021)

New Books and Media Received (November 2020 – January 2021)

The following Books (150 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through expense accounts and by donation from November 2020 to January 2021.

Seminary Library

The Rublev Trinity: the icon of the Trinity by the monk-painter Andrei Rublev, 2007.

The Oxford handbook of cuneiform culture, 2020.

Information Resources and Library Science
Latin palaeography : antiquity and the Middle Ages, 1990.

Language and Literature
Translating empire: Tell Fekheriyeh, deuteronomy, and the Akkadian treaty tradition, 2019. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Athanasiana Syriaca.De incarnatione contra Arianos;  contra Apollinarium I;  De cruce et passione;  quod unus sit Christus;  De incarnatione dei verbi;  Ad Jovianum, 1972.

Balaam in Text and Tradition, 2019.

Beguiled by beauty: cultivating a life of contemplation and compassion, 2020.

Commentaire sur l’Épître aux Romains [3 volumes, vols. 2-4], 2009.

A concise guide to the Quran: answering thirty critical questions, 2020.

The Congregation in a secular age: keeping sacred time against the speed of modern life, 2021.

A critical and exegetical commentary on the Epistle of James by Dale C. Allison, 2013.

Deuteronomy (Biblia Hebraica) by Carmel McCarthy, 2007.

Dogmatics in outline, 1970.

Ezra and Nehemiah (Biblia Herbraica) by David Marcus, 2006.

Genesis by John Goldingay, 2020.

God’s messiah in the Old Testament: expectations of a coming king, 2020.

Hosea-Micah by John Goldingay, 2021.

How to preach a dangerous sermon, 2018.

Institutions of divine and secular learning; and, On the soul by Cassiodorus, James Halporn, and James W. Vessey, 2004.

Jesus and John Wayne: how white evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation, 2020.

Judges (Biblia Hebraica) by Natalio Fernández Marcos and David Marcus, 2011.

Majority world theology, 2020.

The practice of pastoral care: a postmodern approach, 2015.

Rhetoric and hermeneutics: approaches to text, tradition and social construction in Biblical and Second Temple literature, 2019.

Surviving a dangerous sermon, 2020.

Theology as freedom: on Martin Luther’s “De servo arbitrio”, 2019.

Third culture faithful: empowered ministry for multi-ethnic believers and congregations, 2020.

Twelve Minor Prophets by Anthony Gelston and Adrian Schenker, 2010.

Warriors between worlds: moral injury and identities in crisis, 2019.

Women in the Bible by Jaime Clark-Soles, 2020.

Work and worship: reconnecting our labor and liturgy, 2020.

New Testament Seminar
The Eucharist, its origins and contexts: sacred meal, communal meal, table fellowship in late antiquity, early Judaism, and early Christianity, 2018.

The Eusebian canon tables: ordering textual knowledge in late antiquity, 2019.

Faith as participation: an exegetical study of some key Pauline texts, 2019.

The first Christians in the Roman world: Augustan and New Testament essays, 2008.

John the theologian and his Paschal Gospel: a prologue to theology, 2019.

The media matrix of early Jewish and Christian narrative, 2019.

Numerals in early Greek New Testament manuscripts: text-critical, scribal, and theological studies, 2017.

Paul and the ancient celebrity circuit: the cross and moral transformation, 2019.

Scribal harmonization in the Synoptic Gospels, 2019.

Simply come copying: direct copies as test cases in the quest for scribal habits, 2019.

Encyclopedia of Christianity in the global south [2 volumes], 2018.

The Oxford handbook of the archaeology of the Levant: c. 8000-332 BCE, 2014. 

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
1984 revisited: totalitarianism in our century.

African American poetry: 250 years of struggle & song.

After the fact: the art of historical detection.

All the daring of the soldier: women of the Civil War armies.

American beauty by Lois W. Banner.

And sadly teach: teacher education and professionalization in American culture.

Animal land: the creatures of children’s fiction.

Basic Christianity by John R. W. Stott.

The beautiful soul of John Woolman, apostle of abolition.

Becoming visible: women in European history.

The Beechers: an American family in the nineteenth century.

Beyond freedom and dignity.

A brief history of the book: from tablet to tablet.

Bring out your dead: the past as revelation.

Chaos: making a new science.

A chorus of stones: the private life of war.

Clash of extremes: the economic origins of the Civil War.

Clio’s consciousness raised: new perspectives on the history of women.

Complicity: how the North promoted, prolonged, and profited from slavery.

Conflict and consensus in modern American history.

Connecting spheres: women in the Western world, 1500 to the present.

The Constitution in conflict.

Dearly: new poems by Margaret Atwood.

Disappearing through the skylight: culture and technology in the twentieth century.

Early biblical interpretation by James L. Kugel and Rowan A. Greer.

Elidor and the golden ball.

An encyclopedia of fairies: hobgoblins, brownies, bogies, and other supernatural creatures.

The Experts speak: the definitive compendium of authoritative misinformation.

Felon: poems by Reginald Dwayne Betts.

The forms of autobiography: episodes in the history of a literary genre.

Free but not equal: the Midwest and the Negro during the Civil War.

Freedom in America by Kenneth Bridges.

From confederation to nation: the American Constitution, 1835-1877.

From rationality to liberation: the evolution of feminist ideology.

The gift of Acabar.

A guide for the writing of local history by John Cumming.

A guide to writing history by Doris Ricker Marston.

Having our say: the Delany sisters’ first 100 years.

Healing the hurt that won’t heal: freedom for the abortion-wounded and help for the church they fear.

Heavy metal [DVD].

Heritage of music [4 volumes] by Michael Raeburn and Alan Kendall.

Heroines of Dixie: Confederate women tell their story of the War.

History and American society: essays of David M Potter.

History as an art of memory.

History making history: the new historicism in American religious thought.

A history of American political thought by Alfons J. Beitzinger.

A history of food by Maguelonne Toussaint-Samat.

A history of medicine by Lois N. Magner.

A history of private life [2 volumes] by Philippe Ariès and Georges Duby.

J.R.R. Tolkien by Robley Evans.

Joyous greetings: the first international women’s movement, 1830-1860.

Legends, lies, and cherished myths of American history.

Love and limerence: the experience of being in love.

Making history matter by Robert Dawidoff.

Manifest destiny: a study of nationalist expansionism in American history.

Many thousands gone: the first two centuries of slavery in North America.

Material culture: a research guide.

Mechanical man: John Broadus Watson and the beginnings of behaviorism.

Medieval bodies: life, death and art in the Middle Ages.

Memoirs of a medieval woman: the life and times of Margery Kempe.

Modern and modernism: the sovereignty of the artist, 1885-1925.

Mongrel firebugs and men of property: capitalism and class conflict in American history.

Monument: poems: new and selected.

The motivated worker: a manager’s guide to improving job satisfaction.

Mythology by Edith Hamilton and Steele Savage.

A Natural History of the Senses by Diane Ackerman.

The nature of historical knowledge by Michael Stanford.

The Negro in the making of America.

Not in God’s image; [women in history from the Greeks to the Victorians].

On the laps of gods: the Red Summer of 1919 and the struggle for justice that remade a nation.

Paradigms lost: images of man in the mirror of science.

Patriotic treason: John Brown and the soul of America.

The philosophy of history: with reflections and aphorisms by John William Miller.

Portraits of American women: from settlement to the present.

The problem of slavery in Western culture.

The Random House library of painting and sculpture.

Remembering and forgetting: an inquiry into the nature of memory.

Researching and writing in history; a practical handbook for students.

Rethinking masculinity: philosophical explorations in light of feminism.

Rising from the rubble: the restoration of Boldt Castle 1977-2002.

The sable arm: Negro troops in the Union Army, 1861-1865.

The sisterhood: the true story of the women who changed the world.

The slave catchers: enforcement of the Fugitive slave law, 1850-1860.

The southern hill and the land beyond.

A student’s guide to history Jules R. Benjamin.

A student’s guide to the study of history by John Lukacs.

Teacher in America by Jacques Barzun.

Teaching history with community resources.

The theologian and his universe: theology and cosmology from the Middle Ages to the present.

They also ran: the story of the men who were defeated for the presidency.

They marched into sunlight: war and peace, Vietnam and America, October 1967.

Timeless problems in history.

To serve them all my days [DVD Miniseries].

Understanding history through the American experience.

Velcro families: they stick!

A visual history of the English Bible: the tumultuous tale of the world’s bestselling book.

The voice of Black America: major speeches by Negroes in the United States, 1797-1971.

Wade in the water: poems by Tracy K. Smith.

Walden Two by B. F. Skinner.

The war against women Marilyn French.

Warrior dreams: violence and manhood in post-Vietnam America.

The way of St Francis: the challenge of Franciscan spirituality for everyone.

A woman of valor: Clara Barton and the Civil War.

Women and the American experience by Nancy Woloch.

Women’s America: refocusing the past.

You shall be as gods: a radical interpretation of the Old Testament and its tradition.


New Books and Media Received (October 2020)

The following Books (79 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through expense accounts and by donation during October 2020.

Seminary Library

Christian maps of the holy land: images and meanings, 2020.

Information Resources and Library Science
The Oxford illustrated history of the book, 2020.

Language and Literature
An anthology of Syriac writers from Qatar in the seventh century, 2015.

A corpus of Ammonite inscriptions, 2019.

Hebrew for life: strategies for learning, retaining, and reviving biblical Hebrew, 2020.

An introduction to biblical Greek: a grammar with exercises, 2020.

Lord, we need thee: a tribute to Nina Simone, James Weldon, Howard Thurman, Song of Solomon, 2015.

Jewish law and early Christian identity: betrothal, marriage, and infidelity in the writings of Ephrem the Syrian, 2020. 

The cry of the poor: liberation ethics and justice in health care, 2020.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Always a guest: speaking of faith far from home, 2020.

Anchored in the current: discovering Howard Thurman as educator, activist, guide, and prophet, 2020.

Ancient Jewish and Christian scriptures: new developments in canon controversy, 2020.

Apologiae pro Christianis ; Dialogus cum Tryphone, 2005.

Barth in conversation, 3 volumes, 2017.

Bavinck: a critical biography, 2020.

Beautiful and terrible things: a Christian struggle with suffering, grief, and hope, 2020.

Becoming brave: finding the courage to pursue racial justice now, 2020.

Born from lament: the theology and politics of hope in Africa, 2017.

The centering moment, 1984.

A critical edition of the hexaplaric fragments of Job 22-42, 2020.

Disciplines of the spirit, 1977.

The end of the Christian life: how embracing our mortality frees us to truly live, 2020.

The end of youth ministry?: why parents don’t really care about youth groups and what youth workers should do about it, 2020.

The enneagram for spiritual formation: how knowing ourselves can make us more like Jesus, 2020.

The essential Karl Barth: a reader and commentary, 2019.

The Exodus, by Richard Elliott Friedman, 2017.

Faith formation in a secular age: responding to the church’s obsession with youthfulness, 2017.

The Father of lights: a theology of beauty, 2020.

The first one hundred years of Christianity: an introduction to its history, literature, and development, 2020.

Footprints of a dream: the story of the Church for the Fellowship of All Peoples, 2009.

From the Maccabees to the Mishnah, 2014.

A Greek Thomist: providence in Gennadios Scholarios, 2020.

The harp of glory: Enzira Sebhat: an alphabetical hymn of praise for the ever-blessed Virgin Mary from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 2010.

Howard Thurman: essential writings, 2006.

Howard Thurman: philosophy, civil rights, and the search for common ground, 2019.

Judges, by Klaas Spronk, 2019.

Justice and charity: an introduction to Aquinas’s moral, economic, and political thought, 2020.

Leading not normal volunteers: a not normal guide for leading your incredible, quirky team, 2016.

Love alone is credible, 2004.

Metrical discourses on faith by the blessed Mar Ephrem, 2020.

The mood of Christmas, 1985.

On Christian leadership: the letters of Alexander Schmemann and Georges Florovsky (1947-1955), 2020.

On Satan, demons, and psychiatry: exploring mental illness in the Bible, 2020.

On the mystical life: the ethical discourses, 3 volumes, 1997.

On the sacraments: a selection of works of Hugh and Richard of St. Victor, and of Peter of Poitiers, 2020.

The origin and character of God: ancient Israelite religion through the lens of divinity, 2020.

The papers of Howard Washington Thurman, five volumes, 2009.

The pastor in a secular age: ministry to people who no longer need a God, 2019.

Reading while Black: African American biblical interpretation as an exercise in hope, 2020.

Redeeming power: understanding authority and abuse in the church, 2020.

The search for common ground: an inquiry into the basis of man’s experience of community, 1986.

The spirit of hope: theology for a world in peril, 2019.

The stories we live by: personal myths and the making of the self, 1993.

Teachers in late antique Christianity, 2018.

Temptations of Jesus: five sermons, by Howard Thurman, 1978.

Traités contre les ariens, 2 volumes, 2019.

Trauma + grace: theology in a ruptured world, 2019.

An unconventional God: the spirit according to Jesus, 2020.

Vicarious kingship: a theme in Syriac political theology in late antiquity, 2017.

Whence and whither: on lives and living, 2019.

Who is God?: key moments of biblical revelation, 2020.

‘The wings of the Spirit’: exploring feminine symbolism in early pneumatology: a reassessment of a key metaphor in the spiritual teachings of the Macarian homilies in the light of early Syriac Christian tradition, 2020.

A life of Alexander Campbell, 2020.

Visions and faces of the tragic: the mimesis of tragedy and the folly of salvation in early Christian literature, 2020.

Reference Oversize
Greek and Roman mosaics, by Umberto Pappalardo, Rosaria Ciardiello, Luciano Pedicini, and Ceil Friedman, 2019.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Bearing God’s name: why Sinai still matters.

Bringing Jesus to the desert: uncover the ancient culture, discover hidden meanings.

Casablanca (DVD).

A concise guide to reading the New Testament: a canonical introduction, by David R. Nienhuis.

Discerning ethics: diverse Christian responses to divisive moral issues.

The Holy Land satellite atlas, 2 volumes.

Jewish law and decision-making: a study through time.

Judaism, the first phase: the place of Ezra and Nehemiah in the origins of Judaism.

Killing a Messiah: a novel.

Paul among the people: the Apostle reinterpreted and reimagined in his own time.

Paul before the Areopagus, and other New Testament studies.

Pee-Wee’s big adventure (DVD).

The significance of singleness: a theological vision for the future of the church.

Transpacific evangelicalism in the twentieth century: revival and evangelism in America and Korea.

The world is waiting for you: celebrating the 50th ordination anniversary of Addie Davis.


New Books and Media Received (September 2020)

The following Books (28 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through expense accounts and by donation during September 2020.

Seminary Library

How to be an antiracist, 2019. 

Language and Literature
Greek to me, 2002. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Basics of Hebrew accents, 2020.

If I give my soul: faith behind bars in Rio de Janeiro, 2017.

“Like a lone bird on a roof”: animal imagery and the structure of Psalms, 2018.

Origen, spirit and fire: a thematic anthology of his writings, 1984.

Origen’s influence on the young Augustine: a chapter of the history of Origenism, 2003.

The wellspring of worship, 2005.

The Oxford handbook of Maximus the Confessor, 2017.

Tübinger Bibelatlas: auf der Grundlage des Tübinger Atlas des Vorderen Orients, 2001.

New Testament Seminar
Honor and shame in the world of the Bible, 1996.

Writing the Gospels: a dialogue with Francis Watson, 2019.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
The book of lights, by Chaim Potok.

The Cambridge companion to ancient ethics.

The chosen: a novel, by Chaim Potok.

Christian grace and pagan virtue: the theological foundation of Ambrose’s ethics.

The Christian Moses: from Philo to the Qur’ân.

Davita’s harp.

Fighting words.

Find your place: locating your calling through your gifts, passions, and story.

The gift of Asher Lev.

Hated without a reason: the remarkable story of Christian persecution over the centuries.

In the beginning, by Chaim Potok.

My name is Asher Lev.

Professional spiritual & pastoral care: a practical clergy and chaplain’s handbook.

The promise, by Chaim Potok.

Strengths finder 2.0.

Visions and faces of the tragic: the mimesiis of tragedy and the folly of salvation in early Christian literature.