Million Pennies Campaign raises $140.56 since May!

We’re proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, contributed $140.56 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign since May 2012. We have now raised $6,778.22 since the start of the campaign in April 2010, which means we’re more than two-thirds of the way there!

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our most recent donors: Rosemarie Shields and Lauren Tomlinson. Remember, if you’d like us to thank you by name, please write your name down on the slips of paper in the tray next to the donation box, and we’ll let everyone know about your generosity. Next month’s prize is the 2003 paperback The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini. Donate to the campaign, write your name on a slip of paper, and place it in the box. On September 3rd, we’ll draw a winner from the names we’ve collected!

We still need your help in raising funds to help us reach our goal of a totally renovated library. Bring your loose change and help us get closer to $10,000. We’ll also take your unwanted but gently used books, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and audiobooks for our Million Pennies Book Drive–there’s a donation box in the library lobby. Remember, when we raise the money, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like. Every penny helps! If you’re not familiar with the Campaign, check out original post on the library blog. And remember you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter as well. Thank you!