New Books and Media Received (June-August 2021)

The following Books (140 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in June, July, and August 2021.

Seminary Library

Teaching and learning across cultures: a guide to theory and practice, 2021.

Language and Literature
Aramaic: a history of the first world language, 2021. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Abuelita faith: what women on the margins teach us about wisdom, persistence, and strength, 2021.

Beads and strands: reflections of an African woman on Christianity in Africa, 2004.

Church administration: creating efficiency for effective ministry, 2011.

Church conflicts: the cross, apocalyptic, and political resistance, 2021.

Constructing exile: the emergence of a biblical paradigm, 2020.

Ethical prophets along the way: those hall of famers, 2020.

The first biography of Jesus: genre and meaning in Mark’s gospel, 2020.

Holy living: the Christian tradition for today, 2017.

John interpreted by early Christian and medieval commentators, 2018.

Liberty for all: defending everyone’s religious freedom in a pluralistic age, 2021.

The ministry of women in the New Testament: reclaiming the biblical vision for church leadership, 2021.

Scripture as communication: introducing biblical hermeneutics, 2021.

Theological foundations of worship: biblical, systematic, and practical perspectives, 2021.

Thriving in the second chair: ten practices for robust ministry (when you’re not in charge), 2016.

The unbearable wholeness of being: God, evolution and the power of love, 2013.

Unfettered: imagining a childlike faith beyond the baggage of Western culture, 2021.

The universal Christ: how a forgotten reality can change everything we see, hope for, and believe, 2021.

An unsettling God: the heart of the Hebrew Bible, 2009.

Voices from the ruins: theodicy and the fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible, 2021.

Women in the mission of the church: their opportunities and obstacles throughout Christian history, 2021.

Social Sciences
Aged by culture, 2004.

New Testament Seminar
African American readings of Paul: reception, resistance, and transformation, 2020.

The Jewish annotated Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version Bible translation, 2020.

Matthew by Jeannine K. Brown and Kyle A. Roberts, 2018.

Reading Acts in the discourses of masculinity and politics, 2017.

A Roman commentary on St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, 2020.

The second sophistic, 2005.

Women and society in the Roman world: a sourcebook of inscriptions from the Roman West, 2021.

Welshimer Library

From Eastern Europe: graphic design from Eastern Europe, 2018.

From Japan: graphic design from Japan, 2015.

From Latin America: graphic design from Latin America, 2019.

From Scandinavia: graphic design from Scandinavia, 2017.

From South Korea, 2021.

From Switzerland: graphic design from Switzerland, 2020.

Graphic Artists Guild handbook: pricing & ethical guidelines., 2021.

The graphic design reader, 2019.

In progress: see inside a lettering artist’s sketchbook and process, from pencil to vector, 2015.

On the shoulders of giants, 2019.

Paula Scher: twenty-five years at the Public, a love story, 2020.

The power of color: five centuries of European painting, 2019.

The holistic curriculum, 2019.

America for Americans: a history of xenophobia in the United States, 2021.

Authoritarian apprehensions: ideology, judgment, and mourning in Syria, 2019.

Diaries, 1898-1902 [of Alma Mahler], 2000.

Malevolent muse: the life of Alma Mahler, 2015.

Passionate spirit: the life of Alma Mahler, 2019.

The three lives of James Madison: genius, partisan, president, 2020.

Social scaffolding: applying the lessons of contemporary social science to health and healthcare, 2019.

Acting the song: performance skills for the musical theatre, 2016.

Jerome Robbins, by himself: selections from his letters, journals, drawings, photographs, and an unfinished memoir, 2019.

Philosophy and Religion
The big idea companion for preaching and teaching: a guide from Genesis to Revelation, 2021.

The great sex rescue: the lies you’ve been taught and how to recover what God intended, 2021.

The meaning of life and death: ten classic thinkers on the ultimate question, 2020.

Mission drift: the unspoken crisis facing leaders, charities, and churches, 2015.

Political Science
The psychology of politics, 2019.

Aesthetic science: representing nature in the Royal Society of London, 1650-1720, 2020.

Find your path: unconventional lessons from 36 leading scientists and engineers, 2019.

Testosterone: an unauthorized biography, 2019.

Social Sciences
Capital in the nineteenth century, 2019.

Globalisms: facing the populist challenge, 2020.

The party and other stories, 2020.

Where’s baby?, 2020.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Art, craft, and theology in fourth-century christian authors.

The body broken: embracing the peace of Christ in a fragmented church.

Books of Meqabyan 1-3.

Casino royale [DVD].

Christian character: New Testament passages.

Christian egalitarian leadership: empowering the whole church according to the scriptures.

Christian extremism.

Christian philosophy.

Christology after Chalcedon: Severus of Antioch and Sergius the Monophysite.

The courtier and the heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the fate of God in the modern world.

The cultural church.

Descartes: the project of pure enquiry.

Diamonds are forever [DVD].

Die another day [DVD].

Dynamic women of the Bible: what we can learn from their surprising stories.

Emboldened: a vision for empowering women in ministry.

The enigma of anger: essays on a sometimes deadly sin.

The experience of God [2 volumes].


Font of life: Ambrose, Augustine and the mystery of baptism.

For your eyes only [DVD].

Four views on the Apostle Paul.

The global Church: the first eight centuries: from Pentecost through the rise of Islam.

The God of Jesus Christ.

God’s glory alone: the majestic heart of Christian faith and life: what the reformers taught … and why it still matters.

Goldeneye [DVD].

Help: the original human dilemma.

In the time of the butterflies.

Inner river: a pilgrimage to the heart of Christian spirituality.

Inventing the individual: the origins of Western liberalism.

Israel’s apostasy and restoration: essays in honor of Roland K. Harrison.

Jesus and the remains of his day: studies in Jesus and the evidence of material culture.

The Jewish teachers of Jesus, James, and Jude: what earliest Christianity learned from the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.

Let her be: right relationships and the Southern Baptist conundrum over woman’s role.

Licence to kill [DVD].

Lime green: reshaping our view of women in the church.

The living daylights [DVD].

Living icons: persons of faith in the Eastern church.

Love does: discover a secretly incredible life in an ordinary world.

The man with the golden gun [DVD].

Meaning and the moral sciences.

Metropolis: a history of the city, humankind’s greatest invention.

Midsommar [DVD].

Mind and language.

Moonraker [DVD].

The moral gap: Kantian ethics, human limits, and God’s assistance.

The mysterious flame: conscious minds in a material world.

The mystery of the Trinity.

Octopussy [DVD].

Philosophy of logics.

The philosophy of mind: an introduction.

The philosophy of St. Bonaventure.

Quantum of solace [DVD].

Sacred places, pilgrim paths: an anthology of pilgrimage.

Saint Augustine’s memory.

Salvation through temptation: Maximus the Confessor and Thomas Aquinas on Christ’s victory over the devil.

The sign of Jonah reconsidered: a study of its meaning in the gospel traditions.

Skyfall [DVD].

Spectre [DVD].

The Synoptic vision: essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars.

Tales of the Dairy Godmother: Chuck’s ice cream wish.

Testimony: a philosophical study.

A theologian in search of a philosophy.

A theology of love.

Tomorrow never dies [DVD].

Tongue of the prophets: the life story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda.

The Trinity: an interdisciplinary symposium on the Trinity.

The twilight zone: the complete series [DVD].

Two worlds: an Edinburgh Jewish childhood.

Undergoing God: dispatches from the scene of a break-in.

A view to a kill [DVD].

Was Jesus married?: the distortion of sexuality in the Christian tradition.

What’s with Paul and women?: unlocking the cultural background to 1 Timothy 2.

Women in the life of Jesus.

The Word leaps the gap: essays on Scripture and theology in honor of Richard B. Hays.

The world is not enough [DVD].