Archives named in recognition of longtime Milligan Library and Archives supporter

The Milligan College Archives and Archivist Lindsay Kenderes was kept very busy providing material support, research consultation, and mounting not one but three exhibits across campus leading up to this year’s very special Homecoming celebration on October 21-22, 2016 of Milligan’s 150th Anniversary. In the midst of this flurry of activity, the Archives got a name–The Holloway Archives–in honor and recognition of longtime Milligan Library and Archives supporter, Clinton J. (1995) and Adele Adinolfi (1996) Holloway.

Archivist Lindsay Kenderes with Clinton Holloway (1995)

Clint reflected on the role the Library and Archives played on his decision to come to Milligan: “As a prospective student I remember going through the library on my campus tour and I saw a clipping from the Johnson City Press pinned to the bulletin board talking about Joe McCormick and Professor Lone Sisk and their long tenures at Milligan. This is the first I can remember becoming intrigued about the heritage of Milligan College.”

It was perhaps only natural then, that as a student Clint should work in the Library and Archives. “As a freshman I sought out Librarian Billie Oakes, who founded the Archives in 1981, and I ask her for a work-study job in the archives. I kept that job through the rest of my student days at Milligan. Actually, during my senior year in 1994-95 while Ms. Oakes took a sabbatical to work on her PhD, the College made me a part-time staff person as Archives and Special Collections Supervisor.”

Clint’s wife Adele was influenced to come to Milligan by an alumna whose grandparents had attended Milligan before the First World War. “So even though she came to Milligan sight unseen, her roots at Milligan are actually a little deeper than mine!” Clint and Adele were married by former Milligan College President, Dr. Marshall J. Leggett.

Plaque recognizes the support of Clint (1995) and Adele (1996) Holloway and the naming of the Milligan Archives, now The Holloway Archives

After graduating from Milligan, Clint attended Emmanuel Christian Seminary. He graduated in 1998 with a Master of Arts in Religion, majoring in Church History. Not surprisingly, he wrote his thesis on the history of Milligan College. In 2014, Clint authored a book on Robert Milligan, and last year he co-authored with Lee (Fierbaugh) Harrison, Scholarship, Community, Faith: Milligan Celebrates 150 Years.

Clint and Adele have served on the Milligan College Board of Advisors and the Alumni Leadership Council. In December 2016 Clint will complete nine years as president of the Alumni Leadership Council. They currently live in Nashville, proud parents of two sons, John Campbell and Jin. “We are very proud of our alma mater. Many of our most treasured friendships were made while we were students–friendships that have remained strong for 25 years.”

Responding to news of the naming of The Holloway Archives, Director of Libraries Gary Daught said, “Clint has been intimately involved in the life and development of the Milligan Archives from his earliest days as a student all the way to the present. As a frequent user of the Archives, Clint has enriched our understanding and appreciation of the history of Milligan College. This naming recognition is perhaps as natural as it is apropos, especially in this 150th year. Thank you Clint and Adele for your support of Milligan College.”

Treasures from Milligan Archives exhibits enrich 150th celebration

Archivist Lindsay Kenderes has curated three exhibits showcasing treasures of photographs, documents, and artifacts from the Milligan College Archives to coincide with the school’s 150th Anniversary celebration. The exhibits are on display in various locations across campus to be viewed during this weekend’s Homecoming festivities and continuing through the end of the semester:

  • “Christian Education, the Hope of the World: An Early History of Milligan College” is located at the back of the main floor of the P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library
  • “Where the Buffs Roam: Milligan’s Campus Through 150 Years” can be seen in the main lobby of Derthick Hall
  • “Celebrating 150 years of Milligan History and Memory” is located in the main lobby of the Gregory Center (exhibit on display during Homecoming week only, coinciding with the performance of the play, Forward With Faith: The Milligan Story)

Christian Education, the Hope of the World: An Early History of Milligan College

The Milligan College Archives holds several original and copied documents related to the founding of the institution, first called the Buffalo Male and Female Institute, in 1866. An original subscription list, dated 1867, names 79 donors contributing funds for the school building. Kenderes notes that the oldest document in the Archives’ possession is a 1782 land grant given to Edmund Williams from the state of North Carolina. Williams’ grandson, Joshua donated the first acre of land upon which the original school was built. Selected digitized documents and photos from this exhibit are viewable online here on the Milligan College Archives’ digital repository, MCStor.



This Robert Milligan brooch is on loan to the Milligan College Archives for the Sesquicentennial Celebration. Provided by Rebecca Coleman Ray, the great-great-great granddaughter of Robert Milligan, Milligan’s namesake. Robert Milligan used this text to learn shorthand. Written inside is “Robert Milligan commenced the study of stenography, Feb. 1845” followed by shorthand characters, the year and the handwritten name “Robert.” Underneath Robert’s name is a stamped “A. R. Milligan.”

Where the Buffs Roam: Milligan’s Campus Through 150 Years

This is a photo exhibit of student life and campus scenes through the College’s history. Kenderes comments, “I selected photos that reveal how student life and campus outdoor scenes have both changed and have endured throughout the years.” Particularly striking are the May Day celebrations from the 1950s, and photos of students beside Buffalo Creek. This exhibit is also viewable online here on the Milligan College Archives’ digital repository, MCStor.



Celebrating 150 years of Milligan History and Memory

Photos for this exhibit were selected to highlight scenes from the play, Forward With Faith: The Milligan Story, which was written and directed by retired Milligan professor Rosemarie Shields, and performed during Homecoming week. Photos from this exhibit are also viewable online here on the Milligan College Archives’ digital repository, MCStor.


Archivist Lindsay Kenderes with Professor Rosemarie Shields

Who is that on Sarah Hopwood’s shoulder?

Main stairwell loses old wallpaper, gets new coat of paint!

I don’t know how long that tan painted burlap-textured wallpaper has “graced” the main stairwell and rear entrance lobby walls of the Welshimer Library. Decades, I’ll warrant. Well, it’s gone now. Last week painters removed the wallpaper and repainted, and it looks great! I want to thank President Bill Greer who approved this project coinciding with the development of the Sesquicentennial Plaza behind the Library and the reopening of our rear entrance (which opens onto the plaza). Here are some photos chronicling the painting progress last week:










Students and Library staff send Jake a Thank You card


Librarians Jude Morrissey, Lindsay Kenderes, and Gary Daught with Dr. Julie Wade, Jake’s owner and trainer

Jake the Therapy Dog and his owner and trainer, retired Milligan College Biology Professor, Julie Wade have been visiting students in the Welshimer Library as a “de-stressing activity” during Finals Week every semester since Fall 2013. We were looking forward to planning for Jake’s visit again at the end of this semester when we learned earlier in the summer that Jake was retiring due to poor health. Library staff thought it would be neat to create a large Thank You card for Jake and invite students to write a message or sign.

The card was posted in the Library lobby during the week of jake-last-weekSeptember 12, with a great response from students. We contacted Dr. Wade and invited her to come by a pick up the card for Jake at the end of the week. Dr. Wade was very much moved by this out-pouring of appreciation from the students. What we didn’t know when we first proposed the idea was that Jake passed away in late July. So there was additional poignancy and emotion at our meeting. Jake will be very much missed.

Dr. Wade indicated that she intends to continue therapy dog training, which she views as a ministry. She just has to find the right companion. She assured us that she will stay in touch with us, and when the time is right she will return to the Library with a new friend to help students de-stress during Finals.

Library Prank: So early in the semester?!

Library housekeeping staff was greeted this morning by tables and chairs not in their accustomed locations…

All in good fun, no doubt. But please remember and have compassion on the folks who have to put everything back in its place.

Library Prank