Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

5th Annual Edible Books Festival — A Tasty Success!

The P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library’s 5th Annual Edible Books Festival, held on Monday and Tuesday last week, was a tasty success. This year we had ten entries from the Milligan community. 117 votes were cast for the Funniest/Punniest, Most Creative, Tastiest (judged by Library staff on Tuesday morning), and the Overall Favorite.

The winners, who each received a Dunkin Donuts gift card, were:
IMG_9488Funniest/Punniest: “20,000 Leeks Under the Sea” by Grace Jackson

IMG_9490Most Creative & Tastiest: “Around the World in Eighty Days” by Megan Lincoln and Justin Athey

IMG_9494Overall Favorite: “Madeline” by Lindsay Kenderes

Two other entries of special note were:
Dante's Inferno“Dante’s Inferno” by Kaitlin Campbell, which was a Humanities Creativity Project entry, and

IMG_9497“The Interpretation of Dreams” as a group entry by the Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society.

On Tuesday morning the doors of the Welshimer Room were reopened to invite taste sampling by the Milligan College community. By late afternoon almost everything was consumed. The leeks were avoided, but even some of that sea blue Jell-O had been tasted!







Milligan College’s Student Clubs and Traditions

Written by Katherine Siebenaler, Senior ’15, Archive Intern

The snow is melting and spring is in the air! And with spring coming, that means Wonderful Wednesday is coming. But did you know that Wonderful Wednesday used to include discussion panels and races up and down Sutton Hill? Or did you know that TWIRP Week rules used to require that every girl have one date per day?

This Archives exhibit in the Library highlights a few of the near-100 student organizations on campus through the years, as well as a handful of the traditions Milligan students have enjoyed and still continue to enjoy, such as TWIRP Week and Wonderful Wednesday. Located on the first floor, the exhibit includes the orange and black beanies known as “dinks” that Milligan freshman used to wear and the “M” Club roster from the late 1940s that lists Milligan celebrity Coach Walker’s name. Continue reading

Remembering Omer Hamlin, Jr., Milligan’s first Head Librarian, 1930-2014

Omer Hamlin, Jr.
July 16, 1930 – December 25, 2014

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The Library remembers Omer Hamlin, Jr., who passed away on Christmas Day, 2014 in Lexington, Kentucky. Omer was born on July 16, 1930 in Tollesboro, Kentucky. He was a Milligan College alumnus (1956), President of the Milligan College Student Council 1955-56, and later Milligan College Trustee and Trustee Emeritus.

But the Library especially remembers Omer as our first Head Librarian, from 1959-62. He earned a master’s degree in library science from the University of Kentucky and was hired at Milligan College on September 1, 1959. He oversaw the move into and early management of the new P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library. During his tenure, Milligan College received a $25,000 grant from the U.S. Steel Foundation and another grant of $2,000 from the Babcock Foundation of Winston-Salem, NC. These monies were earmarked by the College administration and trustees for the purchase of new books for the Library, toward the goal of increasing holdings from 25,800 to 50,000 books.

At the Service of Dedication of the P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library building on November 24, 1961, Omer had the honor of formally opening the doors for the symbolic entry of the books from the liberal arts disciplines (carried by various faculty members)–Bible, Science, Government, Fine Arts, and Literature–to find their places on the new shelves for current and future use by students and faculty.