Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

What’s going on at the library this summer?

Answer: plenty!

Library staff have been busy all summer with a number of exciting projects to make your library more accessible and enjoyable!  The current work began in mid-June, when the old IT area in the basement was cleaned up and painted, and library staff moved in (see photo at right)!  This space is now permanent offices for four members of library staff, and it also houses the staff workroom and Photo Archives.

The area on the main floor that we vacated (see picture at left) will become open space for all library users, with some areas serving as dedicated office space for adjunct faculty.  The area has received a fresh coat of paint, and Physical Plant is removing walls, updating the electrical system, and widening the entrances to make the area more inviting and spacious.

Beginning next Monday, July 12th, the reference area of the main floor of the library will receive a fresh coat of paint and new carpet.  During this time, most of the main floor (with the exception of the lobby, circ desk area, and main stairwell) will be blocked off.  While the computers on the first floor of the library will be inaccessible, the other computers in the building (2nd floor and basement) will be available.  You also can check out laptops for library use only at the Circulation Desk.  The second floor and basement will remain open as always.  Since all the materials on the main floor (DVDs, CDs, VHS, scores, kits, reserves, current theses, etc.) will be unavailable for checkout after the main floor work begins, we’ve decided to extend the due date on all new media checkouts to August 6th as a courtesy to our users.  Since we’ll need to vacate the space by Friday afternoon, we encourage you to come in before 5:oo PM, Friday, July 9th to check out anything you may want or need until August 6th!  Apologies for the short notice, but we just received word about the Friday deadline on Thursday morning!

We’ve posted photos of the work in progress on our Milligan College Library Facebook page, which itself is also a work in progress!  Be sure to “Like” us and check out our photo updates.  We’ll be expanding and improving our Facebook presence as the Fall semester begins, so stay tuned!  You can also keep up with updates here on our library blog and on our Twitter.   

The Million Pennies Campaign for library renovation continues to move forward.  In June 2010, you contributed $49.50 to our efforts, which brings our total to $261.00 for the duration of the campaign.  The library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our new June 2010 donors: Susan Bentler, Deven Japengie, and Dr. Bev Schmalzried.  Since the full library renovation is still a few years away, we encourage you to continue to help us reach our goal of $10,000!  Every penny gets us closer to the goal of a dramatically improved library, so we encourage you, our loyal users, to give back generously!

If you’re around this summer, we encourage you to stop by the library to see our improvements!  The library is open 8 AM – 5 PM Monday through Friday until the beginning of the Fall semester, when evening and weekend hours will resume.  Remember, is always open:  you can access online databases, request interlibrary loans, search the online catalog, read an e-book, chat with a librarian, and much more!

Thanks, and enjoy the rest of your summer!  Please contact Jeff Harbin at 423.461.8495 if you have any questions.  See you soon!

Million Pennies Campaign raises $101.00 in May 2010

The Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, have contributed $101.00 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign in May 2010!  We have now raised $211.50 since the start of the campaign two months ago.

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our May 2010 contributors:

Charlotte Anderson, James Bowlin, Kellie Brown, Sidney Burns, Bruce Cakebread, David Campbell, Carolyn Carter, Ruth McDowell Cook, Jim Dahlman, Joy Drinnon, Theresa Garbe, Betty Goah, B. Elizabeth Griffith, Gumby, Katherine Haehl, Heather Holland, Jenny, Bob Mahan, Garrett March, Jeff McNabb, Phil McNear, Jake Merrick, Ellen Moore, Norma Morrison, Ben Richardson, Shannon Slaughter, Danielle Thomas, Jay Thomas, and Theodore N. Thomas.

The library will be open all summer, and we encourage your future generosity.  Bring your unwanted change and help us get closer to our goal of $10,000 for library renovation and a study room named whatever you like.  Every penny helps!

Thanks, and we look forward to seeing you this summer.  Have a great break, and remember is always open!

TWO new articles featuring Milligan College Library!

The May 1 issue of Library Journal features an article by Barbara Fister on the future of academic libraries entitled “Academic libraries, a view from the administration building.”  The article features input from  Mark Matson, Milligan’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean, who is an enthusiastic supporter of our library and its approach to information literacy  and the digital environment.  From the article:

“When asked about how their libraries support teaching and learning, administrators seemed knowledgeable about the library’s role. ‘There is a total focus on information literacy—in classes, helping faculty, teaching students,’ according to Mark Matson, VP for academic affairs at Milligan College in northeastern Tennessee. ‘This focus has had a radical change across campus. And the use of our library has simply skyrocketed the last three years.'”

“While I agree that over time print collections might decrease, […] the digital collections will continue to increase at phenomenal rates. And with this shift, the role of librarians to help other patrons negotiate this world will be critical. In fact, I see skilled modern librarians as being even more important in the future, provided they are partners with faculty in designing courses.”

The article is an excellent read, and anyone concerned about the future of academic libraries should take a look!

The Milligan College Library in general, and our Million Pennies Campaign in particular, is also the subject of an editorial entitled “Wii don’t need no education” in the Milligan Stampede, the college’s student newspaper.  Check out the article and let us know what you think.

And of course, keep those pennies coming!

Million Pennies Campaign raises $110.50 in first month!

The Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, have contributed $110.50 in cash and change to our Million Pennies campaign in our first month!

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our April 2010 contributors:

Kelly Alexander, Lauren Anderson, Abby Banks, Belteshazzar, Ken Broyles, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Teresa Carter, Ashley Cunigan, Bri Curtis, Gary F. Daught, Erin Dye, Erasmus, Lauren Eversole, Bill & Edwina Greer, Deb Harbin, Jefferson Harbin, Walter Hendrickson, Erica Hiteshew, Clinton J. Holloway, Ryan Hughes, Grace Jackson, John Jackson, Mary Jackson, Diane Junker, Adam Knust, Emily Krug, Pat Magness, Mount, James Oaks, Random Security Guy, Emma Rees, Sarah Rhymer, Janey Robinson, Jessica Saltzman, Gail Scalf, Jennifer Sheldon, Robert B Shields, Meredith Sommers, Alicya Suit, Aniela Suit, Amber Thomas, Adam Tomlinson, Tim Wasem, and Matt Watkins.

    If you haven’t contributed yet, we encourage you do so by the end of the semester!  You’ve probably got change in your desk drawer or car cupholder you don’t feel like lugging home for the summer–stop by the library before you leave and put it toward a good cause!

    And on May 3rd & 4th, Monday and Tuesday of Finals week, we’re making it even easier for you to donate!  Library staff are bringing the donation box up to Sutton lobby during lunch. Bring your unwanted change and help us get closer to our goal of $10,000 for library renovation and a study room named whatever you like.  Every penny helps!

    Good luck on Finals!  As a reminder, we’ve extended our hours this weekend–we’ll be open until midnight this Saturday, with free coffee and tea to boot.

    Thanks again!  We’ll see you this weekend and next week!

    Milligan Stampede article on Million Pennies Campaign

    Check out this article on the library’s Million Pennies campaign in the online edition of the Stampede, Milligan’s student newspaper.

    In case you haven’t seen donation box in a few days, here’s how it looks as of April 20, 2010:

    Thanks to all who have donated!  Keep those pennies coming!  If you haven’t given yet, now is the time!

    Next week, we’ll count how much we’ve received in the first month of the Million Pennies campaign.  Stay tuned!