Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

Winner of the Library Booksale Art Contest!

MichaelKaalThe Library is proud to announce the Michael Kaal is the winner of the First Annual Homecoming Book Sale Art Contest!  Michael’s photograph of aspen trees will soon be sprouting up all over campus and the surrounding community as the poster and postcard image of this year’s Library Homecoming Booksale.  In addition to the free display of his art, Michael will receive 2.5% of the total booksale proceeds.  Congratulations, Michael!

Thanks to all students who entered the contest—we received nearly 40 pieces of art, and we look forward to hosting the contest next year!  See you at the booksale Homecoming weekend, October 23-24!

APA and MLA Workshops

Mary Jackson, Reference and Instruction Librarian, will be offering several citation workshops in the next few weeks.

  • ABCs of APA citation style

An overview of how to do citations according to the APA style. You are welcome to bring your lunch to this workshop.

Monday, September 14           11:45-12:15

Tuesday, September 22           12:00-12:30

Sunday, September 27             7:30-8:00 p.m.

  • APA—What’s new in the 6th edition

A workshop discussing the changes to APA citations based on the new edition of the style manual.   It is expected that attendees will have a basic understanding of APA 5th edition.

Sunday, September 20             7:30-8:00 p.m.

  • MLA—What’s new in the 7th edition

A workshop discussing the changes to MLA citation based on the new edition of the handbook.

Sunday, September 20             8:00-8:30 p.m.

All workshops will meet in the Hopwood Room in the Library basement.  For more information, please contact Mary Jackson at

New and recently added electronic resources

The Library is very excited to announce the addition of several new and recently added electronic resources to support research for Milligan College students and faculty.

acm logo

bioone logoproject muse logo

ACM Digital Library is a premier resource of citations, full text journals, conference proceedings, transactions and newletters covering all aspects of computing hardware and software, research, and the computer and information technology industry.

BioOne is an extensive collection of high quality peer-reviewed full text journals in botany, zoology, ecology and conservation biology, and human biology.

Project MUSE is an interdisciplinary collection of high quality peer-reviewed full text journals in the humanities and social sciences.

Be sure to check out these and many other journal databases, e-reference and e-book collections, and online searchable book and media catalogs available 24/7 from the Milligan College Library website. We welcome and value your feedback on these resources or any other Library service. Feel free to drop in or send us your comments at any time!

Homecoming Book Sale art contest – WIN MONEY!

The library is having an art contest! The Homecoming book sale is coming up and we need some creative students to put their talents to work to design the promotional material for the library’s biggest event of the year.  If you win, your original work will be the poster and postcard image for this year’s sale.  Additionally, the winner will receive 2.5% of the book sale proceeds! Last year, that was about $50, but thanks to your eye-popping image, we expect this year’s sale to be bigger and better!

Entries must be two-dimensional, no larger than 11” x 17”, submitted in a sealed envelope (with contact info and a brief bio) to Jeff Harbin by Friday, September 25, 2009. The library staff will add text regarding the book sale to your image.

If you have any questions please contact Jeff Harbin, Public Services Librarian, at or 423-461-8495.  We are excited to see and display your artwork!

Meet our newest librarian!

meredithPlease join us in welcoming Meredith Sommers, our new Information Resources Librarian/College Archvist, who began work with us on July 13th.

Meredith is a recent graduate of the School of Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh, where she also received her BA, in Classics (while she, like Librarian Assistant Jack Weinbender, counts the Greek language as one of her major loves, please don’t ask her to translate, as it’s been a few years . . .)  At Pitt, she worked as an undergrad in the Fine Arts Library, and as a grad student in the library’s preservation department, where she repaired some books and built protective boxes for others.  She is most proud of her work rebinding Audubon’s Ornithological Biography of America, a five volume set.  (See her work on Volume 2 here).

Meredith is very much looking forward to getting to know Milligan, and to exploring beautiful Northeast Tennessee with her husband, Jon, and two children, Nathaniel and Cora (22 months and 10 weeks, respectively.)

Meredith is taking over from Ginger Dillon, who resigned in May to get married and relocate to the Washington, DC area. “We were sorry to see Ginger leave us, but we are very excited to have Meredith joining our library staff,” says Director of the Library Gary Daught.  Meredith’s job responsibilities will retain much of the hybrid character as when Ginger occupied the position—dividing her time between the Library and the Milligan College Archives.

But there has been some tweaking. As Information Resources Librarian, Meredith will be responsible not only for acquisitions and processing of books and media, but she will also manage the Library’s print and electronic journal and magazine subscriptions.  Daught asserts that the nature of information resource handling in libraries continues to change, requiring new skills and new ways of working. “It’s important for staff to be adaptable, remain flexible, and not to allow position descriptions to become too hardened.  Still, points of personnel change provide the most natural time to rethink and reconfigure.  The departures of Ginger and Jan Ricker (earlier in February) gave us a chance to seriously reevaluate our staffing needs in this area.  It seemed to make sense to bring the management of our various information resource types together under one position.”

Initially, Meredith will spend roughly two-thirds of her time developing workflows with Library information resource management, and one-third of her time as College Archivist. However, it is hoped that she can gradually increase the time she dedicates to archival work.

Next time you’re in the library, be sure to say hello to Meredith, the newest member of our team.