New Books and Media Received (March 2014)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (154 items) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during March 2014:

3.11 : disaster and change in Japan / Richard J. Samuels. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2013.

12 years a slave / Regency Enterprises and River Road Entertainment present ; a River Road, Plan B, and New Regency production ; in association with Film4 ; a film by Steve McQueen ; produced by Brad Pitt, Dede Gardner, Jeremy Kleiner, Bill Pohlad, Steve McQueen, Arnon Milchan, Anthony Katagas ; screenplay by John Ridley ; directed by Steve McQueen. Beverly Hills, California : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, [2014].

2014 photographer’s market / Mary Burzlaff Bostic, editor. Cincinnati, Ohio : North Light Books, [2013].

Agee [videorecording] / James Agee Film Project ; a film by Ross Spears. [Johnson City, TN] : James Agee Film Project, c1980.

American Isis : the life and art of Sylvia Plath / Carl Rollyson. New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2013.

Appletopia : media technology and the religious imagination of Steve Jobs / Brett T. Robinson. Waco, Texas : Baylor University Press, [2013].

The art of Rube Goldberg : (A) inventive (B) cartoon (C) genius / selected and with commentary by Jennifer George ; introduction by Adam Gopnik ; essays by Andrew Baron, Al Jaffee, Carl Linich, Peter Maresca, Paul Tumey [and one other] ; cover paper engineering by Andrew Baron of Popyrus Studio, Inc. ; additional photography by Geoff Spear. New York : Abrams ComicArts, 2013.

Beautiful LEGO / Mike Doyle. San Francisco : No Starch Press, [2013].

Beyond human nature : how culture and experience shape the human mind. [S.l.] : W W Norton, 2014.

Big box of Wood [videorecording]. Sherman Oaks, CA : S’more Entertainment, [2011].

Bless me, Ultima / Rudolfo A. Anaya. New York : Grand Central Pub., 1999.

The bonobo and the atheist : in search of humanism among the primates / Frans de Waal ; with drawings by the author. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2014].

Brutes or angels  : human possibility in the age of biotechnology / James T. Tuscaloosa : The University of Alabama Press, [2013].

Call me– the A&M years [sound recording]. U.K. : Distributed by Polydor Ltd. (UK), 2006.

Chore wars [videorecording] : the battle over who cleans the toilet / produced by Venus de Lino Productions, Inc. in association with CBC Newsworld. Brooklyn, NY : First Run/Icarus Films, 1995.

Christian counseling [videorecording] / American Psychological Association presents ; a production of Communications Services, Governors State University ; producer, Yevette Brown and Jon M. Tullos ; director, Jon M. Tullos. Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, c2006.

Church camp chaos / Anne Tipton. Uhrichsville, Ohio : Barbour Pub Inc, 2014.

Correspondence. Selections. New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, a Division of W.W. Norton & Company, [2013].

Da zui xia [videorecording] = Come drink with me / Shao shi zhi pian chang chu pin ; jian zhi Shao Yifu ; bian ju Jin Quan ; bian ju zhu dao Er Yang ; dao yang Jin Quan. [New York, NY] : Weinstein Co. ; Santa Monica, CA : Genius Products, [2008].

Daibosatsutōge [videorecording] = The sword of doom / Tōhō Kabushiki Kaisha ; sakuhin, Tōhō, Takarazuka Eiga ; seisaku, Fujimoto Masumi, Satō Masayuki, Nanri Konparu ; gensaku, Nakazato, Kaizan ; kyakuhon, Hashimoto Shinobu ; kantoku, Okamoto Kihachi. [United States] : Criterion Collection, c2005.

Dancing goddesses : folklore, archaeology, and the origins of european dance. [S.l.] : W W Norton, 2014.

Darius & Twig / Walter Dean Myers. New York, NY : Amistad, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2013].

Darwin deleted : imagining a world without Darwin / Peter J. Bowler. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Decolonizing indigenous histories : exploring prehistoric / colonial transitions in archaeology / edited by Maxine Oland, Siobhan M. Hart, and Liam Frink. Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c2012.

Devised and collaborative theatre : a practical guide / edited by Tina Bicât and Chris Baldwin. Marlborough : Crowood, 2002.

Devising theatre : a practical and theoretical handbook / Alison Oddey. London ; New York : Routledge, 1996, c1994.

The devouring dragon : how China’s rise threatens our natural world / Craig Simons. New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2013.

Discord : the story of noise / Mike Goldsmith. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Does spelling matter? / Simon Horobin. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Doll bones / Holly Black ; with illustrations by Eliza Wheeler. New York : Margaret K. McElderry Books, c2013.

The double shift [videorecording] / a CTV production ; co-produced in 1996 by Point de mire. Orangeville, ON. : McIntyre Media Inc., c1997.

Drown / Junot Diaz. New York : Riverhead Books, 1997.

Drunken master [videorecording] / Destination Films ; Seasonal Film Corporation ; producer, Ng See Yuen ; screenplay, Hsiao Lung, Ng See Yuen ; director, Yuen Woo Ping. Culver City, Calif. : Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, [2002].

Duel to the death [videorecording] = Sheng si jue. Beverly Hills, CA : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2003.

Emile Durkheim : a biography / Marcel Fournier ; translated by David Macey. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, c2013.

The end of leadership / Barbara Kellerman. New York : Harper Business, c2012.

Endangered alphabets  : an essay on writing / Tim Brookes. [Burlington, Vt.] : Champlain College Publishing Initiative, 2010.

Escaflowne [videorecording] / producers, Masuo Veda, Minoru Takanashi, Masahiko Minami, Toyoyuki Yokohama ; directed by Kazuki Akane. Cypress, CA : Bandai Entertainment, c2001.

Essential writings / John Howard Yoder ; selected with an introduction by Paul Martens and Jenny Howell. Maryknoll, NY : Orbis Books, Box 302, c2011.

Europe before Rome : a site-by-site tour of the stone, bronze, and iron ages / T. Douglas Price. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Evangelical Christians and popular culture : pop goes the gospel / Robert H. Woods Jr., editor ; foreword by Mark A. Noll. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2013.

The everything store : Jeff Bezos and the age of Amazon / Brad Stone. New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2013.

Exploring feelings : cognitive behaviour therapy to manage anxiety / Tony Attwood. Arlington, Tex. : Future Horizons, c2004.

Financial justice : the people’s campaign to stop lender abuse / Larry Kirsch and Robert N. Mayer ; foreword by Congressman Barney Frank. Santa Barbara : Praeger, [2013].

Five lives in music : women performers, composers, and impresarios from the baroque to the present / Cecelia Hopkins Porter. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2012.

Flora : a novel / Gail Godwin. New York : Bloomsbury, 2013.

Flora & Ulysses : the illuminated adventures / Kate DiCamillo ; illustrated by K.G. Campbell. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2013.

From enlightenment to receptivity : rethinking our values / Michael Slote. New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

From frontier policy to foreign policy : the question of India and the transformation of geopolitics in Qing China / Matthew W. Mosca. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2013.

From goods to a good life : intellectual property and global justice / Madhavi Sunder. New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2012.

From melancholia to prozac : a history of depression / Clark Lawlor. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Fukushima : impacts and implications / David Elliott. Basingstoke, Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Gettysburg : the last invasion / Allen C. Guelzo. New York : Vintage Books 2014.

Gilgamesh among us : modern encounters with the ancient epic / Theodore Ziolkowski. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2011.

Glen or Glenda [videorecording] / written and directed by Edward D. Wood Jr. ; produced by George Weiss. [U.S.] : Legend Films [distributor], 2012, c1953.

Globalgothic / edited by Glennis Byron. Manchester, UK : Manchester University Press, 2013.

The golden ticket : P, NP, and the search for the impossible / Lance Fortnow. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Guglielmo Tell [sound recording] = William Tell / Rossini ; [text by] Jouy, Bis. New York, N.Y. : London Records : Distributed by Polygram Distribution, p1980.

He said, she said [videorecording] : gender, language & communication / produced in cooperation with Department of Linguistics, Georgetown University and Columbian School of Arts & Sciences, George Washington University and Committee on Linguistics at George Washington University ; production, Pulse Media ; producer, Robert DiNozzi. [Los Angeles] : Into the Classroom Media, [2004].

Heart disease / Regis A . DeSilva. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Greenwood, 2013.

The Hudsucker proxy [videorecording] / Warner Home Video ; Warner Bros. ; Polygram Filmed Entertainment ; a Silver Pictures production in association with Working Title Films ; directed by Joel Coen ; produced by Ethan Coen ; written by Ethan Coen, Joel Coen & Sam Raimi. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [1999].

I do and I don’t : a history of marriage in the movies / Jeanine Basinger. New York : Vintage Books, 2014.

I speak of the city : Mexico City at the turn of the twentieth century / Mauricio Tenorio-Trillo. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, [2012].

Invisible agents : spirits in a Central African history / David M. Gordon. Athens : Ohio University Press, c2012.

Invisible in the storm : the role of mathematics in understanding weather / Ian Roulstone and John Norbury. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Journey / Aaron Becker. Somerville, Massachusetts : Candlewick Press, 2013.

July 1914 : countdown to war / Sean McMeekin. New York : Basic Books, [2013].

Karl Marx : a nineteenth-century life / Jonathan Sperber. New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, 2014.

Knock knock : my dad’s dream for me / by Daniel Beaty ; illustrated by Bryan Collier. New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2013.

Kung fu vs yoga [videorecording]. [United States?] : Video Asia, [2004?].

Laws of creation : property rights in the world of ideas / Ronald A. Cass and Keith N. Hylton. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

Lee Daniels’ the butler / directed by Lee Daniels ; written by Danny Strong ; produced by Pamela Oas Williams ; produced by Laura Ziskin ; produced by Lee Daniels ; produced by Buddy Patrick ; produced by Cassian Elwes ; executive producers, Michael Finley, Sheila C. Johnson, Brett Johnson ; executive producers, Matthew Salloway, Earl W. Stafford, Danny Strong ; executive producers, Bob Weinstein, Harvey Weinstein ; executive producers, Len Blavatinik, Aviv Giladi, Vince Holden ; executive producers, James T. Bruce IV, R. Bryan Wright, Liz Destro, Jordan Kessler ; executive producers, Hilary Shor and Adam Merims ; the Weinstein Company presents a Lee Daniels film ; a Laura Ziskin production in association with Windy Hill Pictures, Follow Through Productions, Salamander Pictures and Pam Williams Productions. Beverly Hills, California : Anchor Bay Entertainment : Starz Media, [2014].

Legendary heroes: The Shaw Brothers Kung-Fu collection dvd. Chatsworth, CA. : Celestial Pictures, 2009.

Lessons from the heartland : a turbulent half-century of public education in an iconic American city / Barbara J. Miner. New York : The New Press, c2013.

Lin Shirong [videorecording] = Magnificent butcher / Golden Harvest ; produced by Louis Sit ; screenplay by Wong Jing ; directed by Yuen Woo Ping. [United States] : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2003.

Literature, religion, and the evolution of culture, 1660-1780 / Howard D. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

Living color : the biological and social meaning of skin color / Nina G. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2012.

Locomotive / Brian Floca. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, [2013].

Low-tech print : contemporary hand-made printing / Caspar Williamson. London : Laurence King Publishing, [2013].

March : Book One / John Lewis ; [co-written by] Andrew Aydin ; [art by] Nate Marietta, GA : Top Shelf Productions, [2013].

Marketing to millennials : reach the largest and most influential generation of consumers ever / Jeff Fromm and Christie Garton. New York : AMACOM, American Management Association, [2013].

Martial club [videorecording] / Celestial Pictures, Ltd. ; a Run Run Shaw presentation ; screenplay by Ni Kuang ; produced by Mona Fong ; directed by Liu Chia-Liang. [United States] : Celestial Pictures : [Distributed by] Tokyo Shock, c2009.

The master / written and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson ; produced by Joanne Sellar, Daniel Lupi, Paul Thomas Anderson, Megan Ellison ; executive producers, Adam Somner, Ted Schipper ; the Weinstein Company presents a Joanne Sellar/ Ghoulardi Film Company/Annapurna Pictures production. [New York, NY] : Weinstein Company, [2013]. Beverly Hills, CA : Distributed by Anchor Bay Entertainment.

Mastering iron : the struggle to modernize an American industry, 1800-1868 / Anne Kelly Knowles ; cartography by Chester Harvey. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Mating intelligence unleashed : the role of the mind in sex, dating, and love / Glenn Geher, Scott Barry Kaufman. New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

The measure of civilization : how social development decides the fate of nations / Ian Morris. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2013.

Midnight in Paris [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Classics presents a Mediapro, Versátil Cinema & Gravier production ; a Pontchartrain production ; executive producer, Javier Méndez ; produced by Letty Aronson, Stephen Tenenbaum, Jaume Roures ; written and directed by Woody Allen. Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2011.

The missile next door : the Minuteman in the American heartland / Gretchen Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, c2012.

Modern nature : Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George / [catalogue essayists], Erin B. Coe, Gwendolyn Owens, Bruce Robertson. New York, New York : Thames & Hudson, 2013.

Moving innovation : a history of computer animation / Tom Sito. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013].

Mr. Wuffles! / David Wiesner. New York : Clarion Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

The Muppet Christmas carol [videorecording] / Jim Henson Productions ; Walt Disney Pictures ; producers, Martin G. Baker, Brian Henson ; screenplay by Jerry Juhl ; directed by Brian Henson. Burbank, CA : Walt Disney Home Entertainment, [2005].

Never forget national humiliation : historical memory in Chinese politics and foreign relations / Zheng Wang. New York : Columbia University Press, 2012.

The New Testament : a historical and theological introduction / Donald A. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2012.

Newton and the origin of civilization / Jed Z. Buchwald & Mordechai Feingold. Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Night of the ghouls [videorecording] / [presented by] Wade Williams ; produced by Edward D. Wood, Jr. ; writer, Edward D. Wood, Jr. ; directed by Edward D. Wood, Jr. Chatsworth, CA : Image Entertainment, [2002].

Novel science : fiction and the invention of nineteenth-century geology /Adelene Buckland. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Obedience [videorecording] / chief investigator, Stanley Milgram ; production, S. Milgram ; production … Christopher Johnson. Alexandria, Va. : Alexandra Milgram ; distributed by Alexander Street Press, c1965, 2012.

Oh! What a lovely war [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures presents an Accord production ; produced by Brian Duffy and Richard Attenborough ; directed by Richard Attenborough. Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount Pictures, [2006].

Once upon a time in China trilogy [videorecording]. [Hong Kong] : Star TV Filmed Entertainment, Inc. ; Culver City, CA : Distributed by Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment, c2003.

One came home / Amy Timberlake. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

ʻOng bāk [videorecording] = Ong-Bak / Sahamongkhon Fīm, san̄œ ; Bār̄æmyū, sāng ; ʻAkkhadēt K̄æokhōt, ʻ̨ōkb̄æp ngānsāng ; kamkap phāpphayon, Pratyā Pink̄æo ; r̄ưang, Pratyā Pink̄æo, Phannā Ritthikrai ; botphāpphayon, Supphachai Sitthiʻāph̨ōnphan ; phāpphayon dōi Pratyā Pink̄æo = Sahamongkol Film International presents ; [a] Baa-Ram-Ewe production ; story, Prachya Pinkaew, Panna Rittikrai ; written by Suphachai Sittiaumponpan ; producers, Prachya Pinkaew, Sukanya Vongsthapat ; directed by Prachya Pinkaew. Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2005.

Opening moves / Steven James. New York : Signet Select ; London : Turnaround [distributor], c2012.

P.S. Be eleven / by Rita Williams-Garcia. New York, NY : Amistad, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2013].

Paperboy / Vince Vawter. New York : Delacorte Press, c2013.

Philosophy of physics : space and time / Tim Maudlin. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.

The physics of Wall Street : a brief history of predicting the unpredictable / James Owen Weatherall. Boston : Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2014.

Picturing disability : beggar, freak, citizen, and other photographic rhetoric / Robert Bogdan, with Martin Elks and James A. Knoll. Syracuse, N.Y. : Syracuse University Press, c2012.

The Plantagenets : the warrior kings and queens who made England / Dan Jones. New York : Viking, c2012.

Plutopia : nuclear families, atomic cities, and the great Soviet and American plutonium disasters / Kate Brown. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Police story [videorecording]. Police story 2 / screenplay by Jackie Chan, Edward Tang ; produced by Leonardo Ho ; directed by Jackie Chan. Los Angeles, CA : Shout! Factory, [2010].

Politics of the Maya court : hierarchy and change in the late classic period / Sarah E. Jackson. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, c2013.

Portrayal and the search for identity / Marcia Pointon. London : Reaktion, c2013.

Positioned : strategic workforce planning that gets the right person in the right job / Dan L. Ward and Rob Tripp, with Bill Maki. New York : American Management Association, c2013.

Project Plowshare : the peaceful use of nuclear explosives in Cold War America / Scott Kaufman. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2013.

Psychology comes to Harlem : rethinking the race question in twentieth-century America / Jay Garcia. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012.

Pumping iron II [videorecording] : the women / a White Mountain Film in association with Gym Tech USA Inc. ; B.S. Ong presents ; written by Charles Gaines and George Butler ; conceived, produced and directed by George Butler. [United States] : Central Park Media, [2002].

The Red Sea from Byzantium to the Caliphate : AD 500-1000 / Timothy Power. Cairo ; New York : American University in Cairo Press, 2012.

Reining in the state : civil society and Congress in the Vietnam and Watergate eras / Katherine A. Scott. Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2013].

River of dark dreams : slavery and empire in the cotton kingdom / Walter Cambridge, Massachusetts : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013.

Royal cities of the ancient Maya / text by Michael D. Coe ; photographs by Barry New York : The Vendome Press, 2012.

Scaling your social venture : becoming an impact entrepreneur / Paul N. Bloom. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Seven views of mind / Lise Wallach, Michael A Wallach. New York : Psychology Press, 2013.

Shu shan [videorecording] = Zu, warriors from the magic mountain / Media Asia Group ; a Golden Harvest presentation ; a Tsui Hark film ; production coordinated by Leonard K.C. Ho ; [presented by] Raymond Chow ; directed by Tsui Hark Hong Kong : Universe Laser & Video Co., 2003.

Sicily : art and invention between Greece and Rome / edited by Claire L. Lyons, Michael Bennett, Clemente Marconi with Alexandra Sofroniew. Los Angeles : J. Paul Getty Museum, c2013.

Sigmund Freud [videorecording] : analysis of a mind / produced by Greystone Communications, Inc. for A & E Network ; produced by Henry Schipper ; series producer, Melanie Blythe. [Burlington, VT] : A & E Home Video ; [New York, NY] : Distributed by New Video, [2008].

The Silk Road : a new history / Valerie Hansen. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2012].

Sons of encouragement : five stories of faithful men who changed eternity / Francine Rivers. Carol Stream, IL : Tyndale House Publishers, [2010].

Speak, move, play, and learn with children on the autism spectrum : activities to boost communication skills, sensory integration, and coordination, using simple ideas from speech and language pathology, and occupational therapy / Lois Jean Brady … [et al.] ; illustrated by Byron Roy James. London ; Philadelphia : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2012.

Spectrums : our mind-boggling universe from infinitesimal to infinity / David New York : Bloomsbury, 2014.

Storytelling in business : the authentic and fluent organization / Janis Forman. Stanford, California : Stanford Business Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press, [2013].

Tai chi master [videorecording] / Golden Harvest presents a [sic.] Eastern Production Ltd. production ; screenplay by Ip Kwong Kim ; produced by Jet Li ; directed by Yuen Wo-Ping. [United States] : Weinstein Co. : Distributed by Genius Products, [2008].

Tesla : inventor of the electrical age / W. Bernard Carlson. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Testing wars in the public schools : a forgotten history / William J. Reese. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

Theology of mission : a believers church perspective / by John Howard Yoder ; edited by Gayle Gerber Koontz and Andy Alexis-Baker. Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2014.

Think : why you should question everything / Guy P. Harrison. Amherst, New York : Prometheus Books, 2013.

To save everything, click here : the folly of technological solutionism / Evgeny New York : PublicAffairs, [2013].

Translating Maya hieroglyphs / Scott A.J. Johnson. Norman : University of Oklahoma Press, [2013].

Trinkets & beads [videorecording] / a Cinemax Reel Life presentation ; a Phantom /Sunnyside/Faction Films production in association with Television Trust for the Environment ; director, Christopher Walker ; producers, Tony Avirgan, Christopher Walker. New York : Faction Films : First Run/Icarus Films (distributor), 1996.

The Trojan War : a very short introduction / Eric H. Cline. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Twitch and shout [videorecording] / Twitch and Shout Productions ; produced in association with Newton Television Foundation ; produced and directed by Laurel [Harriman, N.Y.] : New Day Films, [200-?].

Tychomancy : inferring probability from causal structure / Michael Strevens. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, [2013].

Untitled : thoughts on the creative process  / by Blaine Hogan. Alpharetta Ga : Clark, 2012..

When can you trust the experts? : how to tell good science from bad in education / Daniel T. Willingham. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, a Wiley imprint, [2012].

Where night is day : the world of the ICU / James Kelly. Ithaca : ILR Press, 2013.

Whole : rethinking the science of nutrition / T. Colin Campbell, PhD ; with Howard Jacobson, PhD. Dallas, Texas : BenBella Books, Inc., [2013].

Why tolerate religion? / Brian Leiter. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Wilberforce : family and friends / Anne Stott. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.

William : king and conqueror / Mark Hagger. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris ; New York : Distributed in the U.S. by Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Winning the story wars : why those who tell–and live–the best stories will rule the future / Jonah Sachs. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Review Press, c2012.

The wisdom of failure : how to learn the tough leadership lessons without paying the price / Laurence G. Weinzimmer, Jim McConoughey. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2013.

Witches, goddesses, and angry spirits : the politics of spiritual liberation in African diaspora women’s fiction / Maha Marouan. Columbus : Ohio State University Press, c2013.

Words with wings / Nikki Grimes. Honesdale, Penn. : WordSong, c2013.

The year of Billy Miller / Kevin Henkes. New York, NY : Greenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2013].

The following Books (5 items) were received into the Library’s bestsellers collection during March 2014:

Lost Lake / Sarah Addison Allen. New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2014.

Out of the woods : a memoir of wayfinding / Lynn Darling. New York, NY : Harper, [2014].

Radiance of tomorrow : [a novel] / Ishmael Beah. New York : Sarah Crichton Books, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014.

Roomies / Sara Zarr & Tara Altebrando. New York ; Boston : Little, Brown and Company, 2013.

Starting over : stories / Elizabeth Spencer. New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, A Division of W.W. Norton & Company, [2014].

The following Books (2 items) were received into the Library collection as Gift Donations during March 2014:

Jackie Evancho [videorecording] : dream with me in concert / [sung by] Jackie Evancho ; a production of SYCO Music, Columbia Records, and Thirteen, for WNET. [New York, N.Y.] : Sony Music Entertainment : Manufactured and distributed by Columbia Records, c2011.

Lost Inverness : Inverness’s lost architectural heritage / Norman S. Newton.
Edinburgh : Birlinn, 2013.


New Books and Media Received (February 2014)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (246 items) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during February 2014:

Building a market : the rise of the home improvement industry, 1914-1960 / Richard Harris. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2012.

Celestial geometry : understanding the astronomical meanings of ancient sites / Ken Taylor. London : Watkins Publishing, 2012.

Circulation. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

The city of Akhenaten and Nefertiti : Amarna and its people / Barry Kemp. London : Thames & Hudson, 2014.

Confucianism as a world religion : contested histories and contemporary realities / Anna Sun. Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2013.

A continuous revolution : making sense of Cultural Revolution culture / Barbara Mittler. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Asia Center, 2012.

Correspondence. Selections. 2013. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Dangerous and divine : the secret of the serpent / Wouter Welling (ed.). Amsterdam : KIT publishers ; Berg en Dahl : Afrika Museum, c2012.

Debtors’ prison : the politics of austerity versus possibility / Robert Kuttner. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Declaring his genius : Oscar Wilde in North America / Roy Morris. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, c2013.

Deep things out of darkness : a history of natural history / John G. T. Anderson. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2013.

Defending the filibuster : the soul of the senate / Richard A. Arenberg and Robert B. Dove ; foreword by Senator Mark Udall and Senator Ted Kaufman. Bloomington ; Indianapolis : Indiana University Press, c2012.

Defending your brand : how smart companies use defensive strategy to deal with competitive attacks / Tim Calkins, Kellogg School of Management. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

The definitive guide to entertainment marketing : bringing the moguls, the media, and the magic to the world / Al Lieberman and Patricia Esgate. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey : FT Press/Pearson Education Inc., 2014.

Derrida : a biography / Benoît  Peeters ; translated by Andrew Brown. Cambridge, UK : Malden, MA : Polity Press, c2013.

The Devil within : possession & exorcism in the Christian West / Brian P. Levack. New Haven [Connecticut] : Yale University Press, [2013].

Diaries / George Orwell ; edited by Peter Davison ; introduction by Christopher Hitchens. New York : Liveright Pub. Corp., 2012.

Diaries. English. Selections. Ithaca, NY : Cornell University Press, 2013.

Dickinson unbound : paper, process, poetics / Alexandra Socarides. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Divine love : Islamic literature and the path to god / William C. Chittick, foreword by Seyyed Hossein Nasr. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

Downton Abbey. Season 4. [United States] : [Public Broadcasting Service?], [2014?].

Earnestly contending : religious freedom and pluralism in antebellum America / Dickson D. Bruce Jr. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, c2013.

Earth-honoring faith : religious ethics in a new key / Larry L. Rasmussen. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Edge of the universe : a voyage to the cosmic horizon and beyond / by Paul Halpern. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, c2012.

Edmund Spenser : a life / Andrew Hadfield. Oxford ; [New York] : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Edvard Munch, 1863-1944 / [catalogue editors, Mai Britt Guleng, Birgitte Sauge and Jon-Ove Steihaug ; translation, Francesca M. Nichols, Glenn Ostling ; exhibition curators, Jon-Ove Steihaug and Ingebjørg Ydstie, Nils Ohlsen and Mai Britt Guleng].

Einstein’s physics : atoms, quanta, and relativity derived, explained, and appraised / Ta-Pei Cheng, University of Missouri–St. Louis, Portland State University. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Eisenhower’s Sputnik moment : the race for space and world prestige / Yanek Mieczkowski. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2013.

Elizabeth Singer Rowe and the development of the English novel / Paula R. Backscheider. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

Ellis Island nation : immigration policy and American identity in the twentieth century / Robert L. Fleegler. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2013.

The end of sex : how hookup culture is leaving a generation unhappy, sexually unfulfilled, and confused about intimacy / Donna Freitas. New York : Basic Books, [2013].

Erasmus Darwin : sex, science, and serendipity / Patricia Fara. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Essays in biography / Joseph Epstein. Mount Jackson, VA : Axios Press, c2012.

Europe and the Islamic world : a history / John Tolan, Gilles Veinstein, and Henry Laurens ; translated by Jane Marie Todd with a foreword by John L. Esposito. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Europe : the struggle for supremacy, from 1453 to the present / Brendan Simms. New York : Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, [2013].

The faithful executioner : life and death, honor and shame in the turbulent Sixteenth Century / Joel F. Harrington. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.

Fatal flaws : how a misfolded protein baffled scientists and changed the way we look at the brain / Jay Ingram. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2013.

FDR’s ambassadors and the diplomacy of crisis : from the rise of Hitler to the end of World War II / David Mayers. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

The feathery tribe : Robert Ridgway and the modern study of birds / Daniel Lewis. New Haven, CT : Yale University Press, 2012.

The fertile crescent : gender, art, and society / Judith K. Brodsky & Ferris Olin ; with essays by Judith K. Brodsky … [et al.]. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Institute for Women and Art ; New York, N.Y. : Distributed by D.A.P./Distributed Art Publishers, 2012.

Fictions of dignity : embodying human rights in world literature / Elizabeth S. Anker. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012.

The first presidential contest : 1796 and the founding of American democracy / Jeffrey L. Pasley. Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2013].

The flame of Miletus : the birth of science in ancient Greece (and how it changed the world) / John Freely. London ; New York  : I.B. Tauris, 2012.

Flux : what marketing managers need to navigate the new environment / edited by David Soberman and Dilip Soman ; with a foreword by Roger Martin. Toronto : University of Toronto Press, c2012.

For Adam’s sake : a family saga in colonial New England / Allegra di Bonaventura. New York : Liveright Publishing Corporation, A Division of W.W. Norton & Company, [2013].

Foreign relations : American immigration in global perspective / Donna R. Gabaccia. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.

The fourth dimension of a poem : and other essays / M.H. Abrams ; foreword by Harold Bloom. New York : W. W. Norton & Co., c2012.

The fractalist : memoir of a scientific maverick / Benoit B.  Mandelbrot. New York : Vintage Books, c2013.

Fragments and assemblages : forming compilations of medieval London / Arthur Bahr. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Franz Kafka : the poet of shame and guilt / Saul Friedländer. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2013.

Freaks of fortune : the emerging world of capitalism and risk in America / Jonathan Levy. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

Freedom to harm : the lasting legacy of the laissez faire revival / Thomas O. McGarity. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

From Gabriel to Lucifer : a cultural history of angels / Valery Rees. London : I.B. Tauris, 2013.

From homeland to new land : a history of the Mahican Indians, 1600-1830 / William A. Starna. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2013].

From the jaws of victory : the triumph and tragedy of Cesar Chavez and the farm worker movement / Matt Garcia. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2012.

Futurity : contemporary literature and the quest for the past / Amir Eshel. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Gandhi’s printing press : experiments in slow reading / Isabel Hofmeyr. Cambridge, Mass. ; London, England : Harvard University Press, c2013.

Genetic explanations : sense and nonsense / edited by Sheldon Krimsky, Jeremy Gruber. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

The genome generation / Elizabeth Finkel. Carlton, Vic. : Melbourne University Press, 2012.

Ginkgo : the tree that time forgot / Peter Crane ; with a foreword by Peter Raven. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2013.

Global crisis : war, climate change and catastrophe in the seventeenth century / Geoffrey Parker. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

Global security watch–Syria / Fred H. Lawson. Santa Barbara, California : Praeger, An Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC, [2013].

The God problem : how a godless cosmos creates / Howard Bloom. Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2012.

Government by dissent : protest, resistance, and radical democratic thought in the early American republic / Robert W.T. Martin. New York : New York University Press, [2013].

Graphic design before graphic designers : the printer as designer and craftsman 1700-1914 / David Jury. New York, N.Y. : Thames & Hudson 2012.

The great Charles Dickens scandal / Michael Slater. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.

The great ocean : Pacific worlds from Captain Cook to the gold rush / David Igler. New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

The great persuasion : reinventing free markets since the Depression / Angus Burgin. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

Green equilibrium : the vital balance of humans & nature / Christopher Wills. Oxford, UK : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Haiti and the Americas / edited by Carla Calargé … [et al.]. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2013.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince / by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPré. New York, NY : Arthur A. Levine Books, 2005.

Hawthorne’s habitations : a literary life / Robert Milder. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Heart of darkness : unraveling the mysteries of the invisible universe. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2013.

Heavenly mathematics : the forgotten art of spherical trigonometry / Glen Van Brummelen. Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2013.

The Hemingway short story : a study in craft for writers and readers / Robert Paul Lamb. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2013.

Henri Poincaré : a scientific biography / Jeremy Gray. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Henry Wallace’s 1948 presidential campaign and the future of postwar liberalism / Thomas W. Devine. Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, [2013].

Historia cultural del dolor. English. Basingstoke ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

A history of opera / Carolyn Abbate and Roger Parker. New York, NY : W.W. Norton, 2012.

A history of the Arctic : nature, exploration and exploitation / John McCannon. London : Reaktion Books, 2012.

Homeless : poverty and place in urban America / Ella Howard. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2013.

The hour between dog and wolf : risk taking, gut feelings and the biology of boom and bust / John Coates. New York : Penguin Press, 2013.

The house at Ujazdowskie 16 : Jewish families in Warsaw after the Holocaust / Karen Auerbach. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2013].

How the trading floor really works / Terri Duhon. Chichester, West Sussex  : Bloomberg Press, an imprint of Wiley, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.

How to do things with fictions / Joshua Landy. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

An image of God : the Catholic struggle with eugenics / Sharon M. Leon. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2013].

Imperial crossroads : the great powers and the Persian Gulf / edited by Jeffrey R. Macris and Saul Kelly. Annapolis, MD : Naval Institute Press, 2012.

The importance of being civil : the struggle for political decency / John A. Hall. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

In pursuit of early mammals / Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska. Bloomington, Indiana : Indiana University Press, [2013].

In the kingdom of the sick : a social history of chronic illness in America / Laurie Edwards. New York : Walker & Co., c2013.

Indispensable : when leaders really matter / Gautam Mukunda. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business Review Press, c2012.

Influences : art, optics, and astrology in the Italian Renaissance / Mary Quinlan-McGrath. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Inheriting Abraham : the legacy of the patriarch in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam / Jon D. Levenson. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.

The invisible hand in popular culture : liberty versus authority in American film and TV / Paul A. Cantor. Lexington : University Press of Kentucky, c 2012.

Islam and the Arab awakening / Tariq Ramadan. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Israel : a history / Anita Shapira ; translated from the Hebrew by Anthony Berris. Waltham, Mass. : Brandeis University Press, c2012.

It didn’t have to be this way : why boom and bust is unnecessary–and how the Austrian school of economics breaks the cycle / Harry C. Veryser. Wilmington, Delaware : ISI Books, [2012].

Jane Austen, game theorist / Michael Suk-Young Chwe. Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2013].

John Gilbert : the last of the silent film stars / Eve Golden. Lexington, Kentucky : The University Press of Kentucky, [2013].

Johnson and Boswell : a biography of friendship / John B. Radner. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.

Just and unjust peace : an ethic of political reconciliation / Daniel Philpott. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Just business : multinational corporations and human rights / John Gerard Ruggie. New York : W. W. Norton & Company, [2013].

Kierkegaard : exposition and critique / Daphne Hampson. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Killing by remote control : the ethics of an unmanned military / edited by Bradley Jay Strawser. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Killing McVeigh : the death penalty and the myth of closure / Jody Lyneé Madeira. New York : New York University Press, 2014.

The kingdom of fungi / Jens H. Petersen. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2013.

The kingdom of rarities / Eric Dinerstein. Washington : Island Press, c2013.

Kosher : private regulation in the age of industrial food / Timothy D. Lytton. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2013.

The last lion, Winston Spencer Churchill / William Manchester. New York : Bantam Books Trade Paperbacks, <2012>-2013.

Lebanon : a history, 600-2011 / William Harris. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

The life and death of stars / Kenneth R. Lang. Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

A life in letters / P.G. Wodehouse ; edited by Sophie Ratcliffe. New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2013.

The literary heritage of the Arabs : an anthology / edited by Suheil Bushrui & James M. Malarkey ; in collaboration with C. Bayan Bruss. London : Saqi Books, 2012.

Lost Antarctica : adventures in a disappearing land / James McClintock ; with a new preface by Sylvia Earle. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014.

Louder than words : the new science of how the mind makes meaning / Benjamin K. Bergen. New York, NY : Basic Books, 2012.

Loverly : the life and times of My fair lady / Dominic McHugh. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Mad science : psychiatric coercion, diagnosis, and drugs / Stuart A. Kirk, Tomi Gomory, & David Cohen. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, [2013].

Magic and religion in medieval England / Catherine Rider. London : Reaktion Books, 2012.

Maimonides and Spinoza : their conflicting views of human nature / Joshua Parens. Chicago, Ill. ; London, U.K. : The University of Chicago Press, 2012.

Mao : the real story / Alexander V. Pantsov with Steven I. Levine. New York, N.Y. : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2012.

The March on Washington : jobs, freedom, and the forgotten history of civil rights / William P. Jones. New York : W.W. Norton & Company, [2013].

Margaret Thatcher : the authorized biography, from Grantham to the Falklands / Charles Moore. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Masters of the universe : Hayek, Friedman, and the birth of neoliberal politics / Daniel Stedman Jones. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.

Measurement / Paul Lockhart. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, c2012.

Men of bronze : hoplite warfare in ancient Greece / edited by Donald Kagan and Gregory F. Viggiano. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Mirror Earth : the search for our planet’s twin / Michael D. Lemonick. New York : Bloomsbury, 2013.

Misalliance : Ngo Dinh Diem, the United States, and the fate of South Vietnam / Edward Miller. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

The moon in the nautilus shell : from climate change to species extinction, how life persists in an ever-changing world : discordant harmonies reconsidered / Daniel B. Botkin. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

The Mormon quest for glory : the religious world of the Latter-day Saints / Melvyn Hammarberg. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Moscow, 1937 / Karl Schlögel ; translated by Rodney Livingstone. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, c2012.

Mosquitoes of the southeastern United States / Nathan D. Burkett-Cadena. Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press, c2013.

Mozart’s grace / Scott Burnham. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Mu bei. English. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012.

The museum on the roof of the world : art, politics, and the representation of Tibet / Clare E. Harris. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, [2012].

Mussolini’s death march : eyewitness accounts of Italian soldiers on the Eastern Front / Benvenuto Revelli ; translated and with an introduction by John Penuel. Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2013].

Napoleon : life, legacy, and image : a biography / Alan Forrest. New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 2013.

Native and Spanish new worlds : sixteenth-century entradas in the American southwest and southeast / edited by Clay Mathers, Jeffrey M. Mitchem, and Charles M. Haecker. Tucson : University of Arizona Press, c2013.

No joke : making Jewish humor / Ruth R. Wisse. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2013].

The Norman conquest : the battle of Hastings and the fall of Anglo-Saxon England / Marc Morris. New York, NY : Pegasus Books, 2013.

Northern Ireland : the reluctant peace / Feargal Cochrane. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

The notorious Elizabeth Tuttle [electronic resource] : marriage, murder, and madness in the family of Jonathan Edwards / Ava Chamberlain. New York : New York University Press, c2012.

Odd couples : extraordinary differences between the sexes in the animal kingdom / Daphne J. Fairbairn. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

On becoming God : late medieval mysticism and the modern Western self / Ben Morgan. New York : Fordham University Press, c2013.

On global justice / Mathias Risse. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2012].

On records : Delaware Indians, colonists, and the media of history and memory / Andrew Newman. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2012.

On the edge : mapping North America’s coasts / Roger M. McCoy. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Once we all had gills : growing up evolutionist in an evolving world / Rudolf A. Raff. Bloomington, Ind. : Indiana University Press, c2012.

One simple idea for startups and entrepreneurs : live your dreams and create your own profitable company / Stephen Key, with Colleen Sell. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2013.

The origins of the Irish / J.P. Mallory. London : Thames & Hudson, c2013.

The origins of the Lebanese national idea, 1840-1920 / Carol Hakim. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2013.

Paper memory : a sixteenth-century townsman writes his world / Matthew Lundin. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

The parent app : understanding families in the digital age / Lynn Schofield Clark. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Pascal the philosopher : an introduction / Graeme Hunter. Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2013].

Peeking at peak oil / Kjell Aleklett, with Michael Lardelli ; illustrated by Olle Qvennerstedt. New York ; London : Springer, c2012.

The people’s car : a global history of the Volkswagen Beetle / Bernhard Rieger. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

The philosophical child / Jana Mohr Lone. Lanhamn, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012.

A philosophical history of love / Wayne Cristaudo. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, c2012.

Philosophos : Plato’s missing dialogue / Mary Louise Gill. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.

The philosophy of religion of Alexander Campbell / J. Caleb Clanton. Knoxville : The University of Tennessee Press, [2013].

Photographing the Mexican Revolution : commitments, testimonies, icons / John Mraz. Austin : University of Texas Press, 2012.

Picasso and truth : from Cubism to Guernica / T.J. Clark. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Piety and public funding : evangelicals and the state in modern America / Axel R. Schäfer. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2012.

Poe and the remapping of antebellum print culture / edited by J. Gerald Kennedy and Jerome McGann. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 2012 .

The politics of faith during the Civil War / Timothy L. Wesley. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2013.

Pre-Raphaelites : Victorian art and design / Tim Barringer, Jason Rosenfeld, Alison Smith ; with contributions by Elizabeth Prettejohn and Diane Waggoner. New Haven, [Conn.] ; London : Yale University Press, 2012.

Prose of the world : modernism and the banality of empire / Saikat Majumdar. New York : Columbia University Press, 2013.

Public nature : scenery, history, and park design / edited by Ethan Carr, Shaun Eyring, and Richard Guy Wilson. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2013.

The quantum divide : why Schrödinger’s   cat is either dead or alive / Christopher C. Gerry and Kimberley M. Bruno. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Railroads and the American people / H. Roger Grant. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2012.

Randomness in evolution / John Tyler Bonner. Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Reading Paradise lost / David Hopkins. Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, 2013.

Recovering disability in early modern England / edited by Allison P. Hobgood and David Houston Wood. Columbus : The Ohio State University Press, c2013.

Reference and existence : the John Locke lectures / Saul A. Kripke. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Reinventing modern China : imagination and authenticity in Chinese historical writing / Huaiyin Li. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press, c2013.

Rendezvous with destiny : how Franklin D. Roosevelt and five extraordinary men took America into the War and into the world / Michael Fullilove. New York : The Penguin Press, 2013.

Renewable energy : sustainable concepts for the energy change / edited by Roland Wengenmayr and Thomas Bührke. Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, c2013.

The reporter who knew too much : Harrison Salisbury and the New York Times / Donald E. Davis and Eugene P. Trani. Lanham : AltaMira Press, 2012.

The republic of rock : music and citizenship in the sixties counterculture / Michael J. Kramer. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Restless empire : China and the world since 1750 / Odd Arne Westad. New York : Basic Books, c2012.

Return from the natives : how Margaret Mead won the Second World War and lost the Cold War / Peter Mandler. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

Ride, boldly ride : the evolution of the American western / Mary Lea Bandy and Kevin Stoehr. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2012.

The rise of Rome : the making of the world’s greatest empire / Anthony Everitt. New York : Random House, c2012.

Robot futures / Illah Reza Nourbakhsh. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013].

Rome : an empire’s story / Greg Woolf. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2014.

Run, swim, throw, cheat : the science behind drugs in sport / Chris Cooper. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Sacred discourse and American nationality / Eldon J. Eisenach. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., c2012.

Salt, sugar, fat : how the food giants hooked us / Michael Moss. New York : Random House, [2013].

Savannas of our birth : people, wildlife, and change in East Africa / Robin S. Reid. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2012.

The saxophone / Stephen Cottrell. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.

The scientific Buddha : his short and happy life / Donald S. Lopez, Jr. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2012].

Sea monsters on medieval and Renaissance maps / Chet Van Duzer. London : The British Library, 2013.

The secrets of alchemy / Lawrence M. Principe. Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 2013.

The secrets of triangles : a mathematical journey / by Alfred S. Posamentier and Ingmar Lehmann. Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2012.

Self-observation in the social sciences / Joshua W. Clegg, editor. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, 2013.

Sex, sickness, and slavery : illness in the antebellum South / Marli F. Weiner with Mazie Hough. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2012.

Shakespeare in company / Bart van Es. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Shakespeare’s common prayers : the Book of common prayer and the Elizabethan Age / Daniel Swift. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Shaky foundations : the politics-patronage-social science nexus in Cold War America / Mark Solovey. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, 2013.

Small-town America : finding community, shaping the future / Robert Wuthnow. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

A Small Town Near Auschwitz : Ordinary Nazis and the Holocaust / Mary Fulbrook. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2013.

The southern journey of Alan Lomax : words, photographs, and music / with an essay by Tom Piazza ; introduction by William R. Ferris. New York : The Library of Congress in association with W.W. Norton & Company, [2013].

Spartacus / Aldo Schiavone ; translated by Jeremy Carden. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, 2013.

Spirit cure : a history of pentecostal healing / Joseph W. Williams. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

The spirit of compromise : why governing demands it and campaigning undermines it / Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson. Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2012.

Stalin’s curse : battling for communism in war and Cold War / Robert Gellately. New York : Vintage Books, 2013.

The stardust revolution : the new story of our origin in the stars / by Jacob Berkowitz. Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, 2012.

Status in classical Athens / Deborah Kamen. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Still : American silent motion picture photography / David S. Shields. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Stonehenge, a new understanding : solving the mysteries of the greatest stone age monument / by Mike Parker Pearson and the Stonehenge Riverside Project. New York : The Experiment, 2013.

Storm kings : the untold history of America’s first tornado chasers / Lee Sandlin. New York : Pantheon Books, c2013.

The story of N : a social history of the nitrogen cycle and the challenge of sustainability / Hugh S. Gorman. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2013.

A story of six rivers : history, culture and ecology / Peter Coates. London : Reaktion Books, 2013.

Student activism and civil rights in Mississippi : protest politics and the struggle for racial justice, 1960-1965 / James P. Marshall ; with a foreword by Staughton Lynd. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2013.

A student’s guide to Einstein’s major papers / Robert E. Kennedy. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Suffer the little children : uses of the past in Jewish and African American children’s literature / Jodi Eichler-Levine. New York : New York University Press, [2013].

Surfaces : a history / Joseph A. Amato. Berkeley, California : University of California Press, [2013].

Talking Appalachian : voice, Identity, and Community / edited by Amy D. Clark and Nancy M. Hayward. Lexington, KY : University Press of Kentucky, [2013].

Thirst : water and power in the ancient world / Steven Mithen with Sue Mithen. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

This is the day : the March on Washington / Leonard Freed ; foreword by Julian Bond ; essay by Michael Eric Dyson ; afterword by Paul M. Farber. Los Angeles : J. Paul Getty Museum, c2013.

Trafficking in slavery’s wake : law and the experience of women and children / edited by Benjamin N. Lawrance and Richard L. Roberts. Athens : Ohio University Press, c2012.

Trent : what happened at the council / John W. O’Malley. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013.

Truth’s ragged edge : the rise of the American novel / Philip F. Gura. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.

Trying biology : the Scopes trial, textbooks, and the antievolution movement in American schools / Adam R. Shapiro. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

The Tudors : the history of a dynasty / David Loades. London ; New York : Continuum, 2012.

Turing : pioneer of the information age / B. Jack Copeland. Oxford, U.K. : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Uncommon sense : the strangest ideas from the smartest philosophers / Andrew Pessin. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2012.

Under the shadow : the atomic bomb and Cold War narratives / David Seed. Kent, Ohio : Kent State University Press, c2013.

Unfinished empire : the global expansion of Britain / John Darwin. New York : Bloomsbury Press, 2012.

Vanishing paradise : art and exoticism in colonial Tahiti / Elizabeth C. Childs. Berkeley : University of California Press, [2013].

Visions of a vanished world : the extraordinary fossils of the Hunsrück  Slate / Gabriele Kühl  … [et al.] ; foreword by Richard Fortey. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.

Well met : renaissance faires and the American counterculture / Rachel Lee Rubin. New York : New York University Press, c2012.

What was contemporary art? / Richard Meyer. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013].

What’s up, doc? [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures ; directed and produced by Peter Bogdanovich ; screenplay by Buck Henry, David Newman & Robert Benton ; story by Peter Bogdanovich. Burbank, Calif. : Warner Home Video, c2003.

What’s wrong with fat? / Abigail C. Saguy. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

The whole story of climate : what science reveals about the nature of endless change / E. Kirsten Peters. Amherst, New York : Prometheus Books, 2012.

Why America needs a left : a historical argument / Eli Zaretsky. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2012.

Why we left : untold stories and songs of America’s first immigrants / Joanna Brooks. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2013].

Wordsworth’s ethics / Adam Potkay. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2012.

Worldly philosopher : the odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman / Jeremy Adelman. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, [2013].

The world’s largest prison : the story of Camp Lawton / John K. Derden. Macon, Ga. : Mercer University Press, 2012.

The worlds of the Moche on the north coast of Peru / Elizabeth P. Benson. Austin : University of Texas Press, c2012.

Writing war : soldiers record the Japanese Empire / Aaron William Moore. Cambridge, Massachusetts : Harvard University Press, [2013].

Years of plenty, years of want : France and the legacy of the Great War / Benjamin Franklin Martin. DeKalb, Illinois : Northern Illinois University Press, [2013].

The young Atatürk : from Ottoman soldier to statesman of Turkey / George W. Gawrych. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris ; New York : Distributed in the United States and Canada Exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Young Thurgood : the making of a Supreme Court Justice / Larry S. Gibson. Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus Books, c2012.

Zion’s dilemmas : how Israel makes national security policy / Charles D. Freilich. Ithaca ; London : Cornell University Press, 2012.

The following Books (2 items) were received into the Library collection as Gift Donations during February 2014:

The broken circle / David P. Bridges. Eugene, Oregon : Resource Publications, [2013].

The life and morals of Jesus of Nazareth / Thomas Jefferson.  Edited with a foreword. Cleveland, Ohio : World Pub. Co. , 1942, c1940.