New Books and Media Received (December 2013 – January 2014)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (391 items) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during December 2013 and January 2014:

The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership : follow them and people will follow you /John C. Maxwell. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, c2007.

1940 : FDR, Willkie, Lindbergh, Hitler–the election amid the storm / Susan Dunn. New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, 2013.

1984 [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures. [S.l.] : DVD Video Disc, [2010?].

Across God’s frontiers : Catholic sisters in the American West, 1850-1920 / Anne M. Butler. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2012.

Adoption : a brief social and cultural history / Peter Conn. New York, N.Y. ; Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Adulting : how to become a grown-up in 468 easy(ish) steps / Kelly Williams Brown. New York : Grand Central Pub., 2013.

Afghanistan from the Cold War through the War on Terror / Barnett R. Rubin. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

African American faces of the Civil War : an album / Ronald S. Coddington ; with a foreword by J. Matthew Gallman. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, [2012].

After Piaget / Eduardo Martí and Cintia Rodríguez, editors. New Brunswick, NJ : Transaction Publishers, c2012.

After Thermopylae : the oath of Plataea and the end of the Graeco-Persian Wars / Paul Cartledge. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

An age of infidels : the politics of religious controversy in the early United States / Eric R. Schlereth. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2013.

Aimless love : new and selected poems / Billy Collins. New York : Random House, [2013].

Air words : writing broadcast news in the Internet age / John Hewitt. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Alexander I : the tsar who defeated Napoleon / Marie-Pierre Rey ; translated by Susan Emanuel. DeKalb, Ill : NIU Press, [2012].

Alfred Hitchcock’s Notorious [videorecording] / RKO Radio Pictures, Inc. presents ; by arrangement with David O. Selznick ; original story, Alfred Hitchcock ; written by Ben Hecht ; directed by Alfred Hitchcock. [United States] : Metro Goldwyn Mayer ; Beverly Hills, Calif. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2012,c2008.

Alfred the Great : Asser’s Life of King Alfred and other contemporary sources / translated with an introduction and notes by Simon Keynes and Michael Lapidge. Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England ; New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Penguin Books,1983.

Alice Herz-Sommer, ein Garten Eden inmitten der Hölle. English. New York, N.Y. : St. Martin’s Press, 2012.

Alice in the land of plants : biology of plants and their importance for planet earth / Yiannis Manetas. Berlin ; New York : Springer, c2012.

All in the family : the realignment of American democracy since the 1960s / Robert O. Self. New York : Hill and Wang, 2012.

Always the fat kid : the truth about the enduring effects of childhood obesity / Jacob C. Warren, PhD, K. Bryant Smalley, PhD, PsyD. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Ambient rhetoric : the attunements of rhetorical being / Thomas Rickert. Pittsburgh, Pa. : University of Pittsburgh Press, [2013].

America 1933 : the Great Depression, Lorena Hickok, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the shaping of the New Deal  / Michael Golay. New York : Free Press, 2013.

American canopy : trees, forests, and the making of a nation / Eric Rutkow. New York : Scribner, 2013.

American evangelicals today / Corwin E. Smidt. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield, [2013].

An American family [videorecording] / an American family original series ; produced by Alan Raymond and Susan Raymond ; conceived and produced by Craig Gilbert. [United States] : PBS Distribution, 2011.

American Isis : the life and art of Sylvia Plath / Carl Rollyson. New York : St. Martin’s Press, 2013.

American lynching / Ashraf H.A. Rushdy. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.

American politics in the age of ignorance : why lawmakers choose belief over research / David Schultz. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

The American pragmatists / Cheryl Misak. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

American Zion : the Old Testament as a political text from the Revolution to the Civil War / Eran Shalev. New Haven, Conn. ; London, U.K. : Yale University Press, [2013].

America’s unwritten constitution : the precedents and principles we live by / Akhil Reed Amar. New York : Basic Books, c2012.

The Amish / Donald B. Kraybill, Karen M. Johnson-Weiner, and Steven M. Nolt. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2013.

The Amistad rebellion : an Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom / Marcus Rediker. New York : Penguin Books, 2013.

Ancient Nubia : African kingdoms on the Nile / edited by Marjorie M. Fisher … [et al.] ; with photographs by Chester Higgins Jr. Cairo ; New York : American University in Cairo Press, c2012.

Andrei Sakharov : quarks and the structure of matter / Harry J. Lipkin. Singapore ; Hackensack, NJ : World Scientific, c2013.

The Andromeda strain [videorecording] / Universal Studios ; a Robert Wise production ; directed by Robert Wise ; screenplay by Nelson Gidding. Universal City, CA : Universal Studios, c2003.

The Anglo-Saxon world / Nicholas J. Higham and Martin J. Ryan. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

Animal spirits : how human psychology drives the economy, and why it matters for global capitalism / George A. Akerlof and Robert J. Shiller ; with a new preface by the authors. Princeton, N.J. ; Woodstock : Princeton University Press, 2010.

The annotated and illustrated double helix / James D. Watson ; edited by Alexander Gann & Jan Witkowski. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2012.

The annotated Frankenstein / Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ; edited by Susan Wolfson and Ronald Levao. Cambridge, Mass. : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012.

Antarctica : an intimate portrait of the world’s most mysterious continent / Gabrielle Walker. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pub., c2013.

The archaeology of mind : neuroevolutionary origins of human emotions / Jaak Panksepp, Lucy Biven ; foreword by Daniel J. Siegel. New York : W. W Norton, c2012.

An argument for same-sex marriage : religious freedom, sexual freedom, and public expressions of civic equality / Emily R. Gill. Washington, DC : Georgetown University Press, [2012].

Aristophanes’ Frogs / Mark Griffith. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Aristotle on practical wisdom : Nicomachean ethics VI / translated with an introduction, analysis, and commentary by  C. D. C. Reeve. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

Arms control policy : a guide to the issues / Marie Isabelle Chevrier. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, c2012.

Art & architecture / Judith H. Bonner & Estill Curtis Pennington, volume editors. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2013.

Art music : love, listening, and soulfulness / Matthew Del Nevo. New Brunswick, N.J. : Transaction Publishers, 2013.

The artful recluse : painting, poetry, and politics in seventeenth-century China / edited by Peter C. Sturman, Susan S. Tai ; essays by Peter C. Sturman, Timothy Brook, Jonathan Chaves, Jonathan Hay, Hui-shu Lee. Santa Barbara, CA : Santa Barbara Museum of Art ; Munich : Delmonico Books/ Prestel, 2012.

As sure as the dawn / Francine Rivers. Carol Stream, Ill. : Tyndale House Publishers, [2008], c2002.

Bach : music in the castle of heaven / by John Eliot Gardiner. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Band of angels : the forgotten world of early Christian women / Kate Cooper. London : Atlantic Books, 2013.

Baroque science / Ofer Gal, Raz Chen-Morris. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

The bassoon / James B. Kopp. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.

The Beatles  : all these years. Volume 1, Tune in / Mark Lewisohn. New York : Crown Archetype, [2013].

Becoming a person of influence : how to positively impact the lives of others / John C. Maxwell, Jim Dornan. Nashville, Tenn. : Thomas Nelson, c1997.

Before religion : a history of a modern concept / Brent Nongbri. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2013.

Behind the Velvet Curtain / by Trudy Harvey Tait. Hampton, Tenn. : Harvey Christian Publishers, Inc., 2007.

Belief and truth : a skeptic reading of Plato / Katja Maria Vogt. New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Bending toward justice : the Voting Rights Act and the transformation of American democracy / Gary May. New York : Basic Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, [2013].

The best planned city in the world : Olmsted, Vaux, and the Buffalo park system / Francis R. Kowsky.

Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press : Library of American Landscape History, [2013].

Between flesh and steel : a history of military medicine from the Middle Ages to the war in Afghanistan / Richard A. Gabriel. Washington, D.C. : Potomac Books, c2013.

Beyond civilization : society, culture, and the individual in the age of globalization / Harry Redner. New Brunswick : Transaction Publishers, c2013.

Beyond Rosie the Riveter : Women of World War II in American Popular Graphic Art / Donna B. Knaff. Lawrence, Kansas : University Press of Kansas, [2012].

Beyond X and Y : inside the science of gender / Jane McCredie. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2012.

The Bible and womens’ ministry : an Australian dialogue / [editor, Alan Nichols ; contributors, Peter Jensen … et al.]. Wanniassa, ACT : Acorn Press, c1990.

Bioluminescence : living lights, lights for living / Therese Wilson, J. Woodland Hastings. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

Black ranching frontiers : African cattle herders of the Atlantic World, 1500- 1900 / Andrew Sluyter. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.

Black slaves, Indian masters : slavery, emancipation, and citizenship in the Native American South / Barbara Krauthamer. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, [2013].

The Blair Witch Project [videorecording] / Artisan Entertainment presents ; a Haxan Films production ; a film by Eduardo Sanchez & Daniel Myrick ; producers, Gregg Hale, Robin Cowie ; written, directed and edited by Daniel Myrick & Eduardo Sanchez. Santa Monica, CA : Artisan Entertainment, c1999.

The blind man and the loon : the story of a tale / Craig Mishler ; foreword by Robin Ridington. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2013.

The Book of Mormon : a biography / Paul C. Gutjahr. Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, [2012].

Boundary leaders : leadership skills for people of faith / Gary Gunderson. Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2004.

The boy on the wooden box : how the impossible became possible… on Schindler’s list / Leon Leyson ; with Marilyn J Harran and Elisabeth B. Leyson. New York : Atheneum Books for Young Readers, [2013].

Brave new world [videorecording] / Universal Studios. Toronto, ON : Visual Entertainment, c2012.

Brigham Young, pioneer prophet / John G. Turner. Cambridge, Massachusetts ; London, England : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012.

Brilliant blunders : from Darwin to Einstein – colossal mistakes by great scientists that changed our understanding of life and the universe / Mario Livio. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2013.

Broadcast news handbook : writing, reporting & producing in a converging media world / C. A. Tuggle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Forrest Carr, News Director KGUN, Tucson, AZ, Suzanne Huffman, Texas Christian University. New York, NY : McGraw-Hill, [2014].

The broken estate : essays on literature and belief / James Wood. New York : Picador, 2010.

Bruce Almighty [videorecording] / Universal Pictures and Spyglass Entertainment present a Shady Acres/Pit Bull production, a Tom Shadyac film ; producers, Tom Shadyac, Jim Carrey, James D. Brubaker, Michael Bostick, Steve Koren, Mark O’Keefe ; screenplay writers, Steve Koran, Mark O’Keefe, Steve Oedekerk ; director, Tom Shadyac. Universal City, CA : Universal, c2003.

The bully pulpit : Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the golden age of journalism / Doris Kearns Goodwin. Detroit : Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, 2013.

C. S. Lewis and the Middle Ages / Robert Boenig. Kent, Ohio : Kent State University Press, c2012.

Cairo to Constantinople : Francis Bedford’s Photographs of the Middle East / Sophie Gordon ; introduction by John McCarthy ; with contributions by Badr El Hage and Alessandro Nasini. [London] : Royal Collection Trust, 2013.

The Cambrian explosion : the construction of animal biodiversity / Douglas H. Erwin, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC and Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, NM, James W. Valentine, Department of Integrative Biology, University of California, Berkeley. Greenwood Village, Colorado : Roberts and Company, [2013].

The Cambridge companion to fantasy literature / edited by Edward James and Farah Mendlesohn. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c2012.

The Cambridge companion to John Henry Newman / edited by Ian Ker and Terrence Merrigan. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

The Cambridge introduction to travel writing / Tim Youngs, Nottingham Trent University. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Catastrophic care : why everything we think we know about health care is wrong / David Goldhill. New York : Vintage Books, a division of Random House LLC, November 2013.

Chaim Potok : confronting modernity through the lens of tradition / edited by Daniel Walden. University Park, Pa. : Pennsylvania State University Press, c2013.

Challenging the Bible : selections from the writings and speeches of Robert G. Ingersoll / edited by Dean Tipton. [Place of publication not identified] : Immediex Pub., 2005.

Чапаев [videorecording] = Chapaev / производство киностудии “Ленфильм” ; авторы сценария и постановки – режиссеры братья Васильевы. Moskva : Gosfilʹmofond Rossii : Krupnyĭ plan : [Distributed by Close-Up International, Inc.], c2007

Characteristics of games / George Skaff Elias, Richard Garfield, and K. Robert Gutschera ; foreword by Eric Zimmerman ; drawings by Peter Whitley. Cambridge, MA : MIT Press, c2012.

The Charleston Orphan House : children’s lives in the first public orphanage in America / John E. Murray. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, [2013].

The children of 1965 : on writing, and not writing, as an Asian American / Min Hyoung Song. Durham ; London : Duke University Press, 2013.

The children of Henry VIII / John Guy. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013.

The chosen few : how education shaped Jewish history, 70-1492 / Maristella Botticini and Zvi Eckstein. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2012.

Chosen people : the rise of American Black Israelite religions / Jacob S. Dorman. New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Christ across the disciplines : past, present, future / edited by Roger Lundin. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

Christ and reconciliation / Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2013.

Christ in conflict : lessons from Jesus and his controversies / John R.W. Stott. Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2013.

City [videorecording] : the classic 1939 documentray film / with a newly recorded soundtrack of the score by Aaron Copland. Canada : Naxos, 2009.

The Civil War and American art / Eleanor Jones Harvey. Washington, D.C. : Smithsonian American Art Museum ; New Haven, Connecticut : in association with Yale University Press, [2012].

Civil War journalism / Ford Risley. Santa Barbara, Calif. : Praeger, 2012.

Clandestine marriage : botany and Romantic culture / Theresa M. Kelley. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, c2012.

Cold War. The complete series [videorecording] / a Jeremy Isaacs production for Turner Original Productions, Inc. ; series producer, Martin Smith. Burbank, CA : Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2012].

Colors of confinement : rare Kodachrome photographs of Japanese American incarceration in World War II / edited by Eric L. Muller ; with photographs by Bill Manbo. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press ; [Durham] : in association with the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University, c2012.

Common mosses of the Northeast and Appalachians / Karl B McKnight … [et al.]. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Common spiders of North America / Richard A. Bradley ; illustrations by Steve Buchanon ; sponsored by the American Arachnological Society. Berkeley : University of California Press, 2013.

The computer / Mark Frauenfelder. London : Carlton, 2013.

Concealing coloration in animals / Judy Diamond and Alan B. Bond. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2013.

A concise history of Switzerland / Clive H. Church, Randolph C. Head. Cambridge  : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Confronting ecological crisis in Appalachia and the South : university and community partnerships / edited by Stephanie McSpirit, Lynne Faltraco, and Conner Bailey. Lexington, Ky. : University Press of Kentucky, c2012.

A Confucian constitutional order : how China’s ancient past can shape its political future / Jiang Qing ; edited by Daniel A. Bell and Ruiping Fan ; translated by Edmund Ryden. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2013.

Confucianism, democratization, and human rights in Taiwan / Joel S. Fetzer and J. Christopher Soper. Lanham : Lexington Books, c2013.

Congress : the electoral connection / David R. Mayhew ; foreword by R. Douglas Arnold. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2004.

The conquest of Everest : original photographs from the legendary first ascent / George Lowe and Huw Lewis-Jones. New York  : Thames & Hudson, 2013.

The conscious brain : how attention engenders experience / Jesse J. Prinz. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Contagious : why things catch on / Jonah Berger. New York : Simon & Schuster, c2013.

Contemporary China : a history since 1978 / Yongnian Zheng. Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley-Blackwell, 2014.

Contemporary metaethics : an introduction / Alexander Miller. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2013.

The coup : 1953, the CIA, and the roots of modern U.S.-Iranian relations / Ervand Abrahamian. New York : The New Press, [2013].

The course of Andean history / Peter V. N. Henderson. Albuquerque : University of New Mexico Press, 2013.

Cracking the Egyptian code : the revolutionary life of Jean-François Champollion / Andrew Robinson. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

The craft [videorecording] / Columbia Pictures presents ; a Douglas Wick production ; a film by Andrew Fleming. Culver City, CA : Columbia TriStar Home Video, [2000].

Creating good work : the world’s leading social entrepreneurs show how to build a healthy economy / edited by Ron Schultz ; foreword by Cheryl L. Dorsey. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Creation and the sovereignty of God / Hugh J. McCann. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2012.

Creature from the Black Lagoon [videorecording] : the legacy collection / Universal-International ; produced by William Alland. Universal City, CA : Universal, [2004].

Crisis in the Horn of Africa : politics, piracy and the threat of terror / Peter Woodward. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2013.

The crusader states / Malcolm Barber. New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.

Cuban missile crisis [videorecording] : three men go to war / produced by Crossing the Line Productions ; directed by Emer Reynolds & John Murray ; produced by John Murray & Siobhán Ward ; in association with Bord Scannán na hÉireann/Irish Film Board.. [Alexandria, Va.] : PBS Distribution, c2012.

Cultivating victory : the Women’s Land Army and the Victory Garden movement / Cecilia Gowdy-Wygant. Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, c2013.

Cultural conversions : unexpected consequences of Christian missionary encounters in the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia / edited by Heather J. Sharkey. Syracuse, New York : Syracuse University Press, 2013.

Cultural struggles : performance, ethnography, praxis / Dwight Conquergood ; edited and with a critical introduction by E. Patrick Johnson. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, [2013].

Culture war? : the myth of a polarized America / Morris P. Fiorina, Samuel J. Abrams, Jeremy C. Pope. Boston, MA : Longman, 2011.

Cultures of charity : women, politics, and the reform of poor relief in Renaissance Italy / Nicholas Terpstra. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2013.

Curiosity : how science became interested in everything / Philip Ball. Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, 2013.

The curse of reason : the great Irish famine / Enda Delaney. Dublin : Gill & Macmillan, c2012.

Cycling science : how rider and machine work together / Max Glaskin. Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 2012.

David Starkey’s music & monarchy / an Oxford Film and Television production  for BBC ; written and presented by Dr. David Starkey ; directed and produced by Peter Sweasey and Christopher Walker. [London, England] : [Oxford Film and Television], [2013?]. [Silver Spring, Md.] : Athena. [United States] : RLJ Entertainment.

The deadlocked election of 1800 : Jefferson, Burr, and the union in the balance / James Roger Sharp. Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c2010.

Dear Mr. Watterson [videorecording] : [an exploration of Calvin & Hobbes] / a film by Joel Allen Schroeder ; directed by Joel Allen Schroeder ; produced by Christopher Browne, Matt Mcusic, Joel Allen Schroeder. [United States?] : Fingerprint Films, c2013. Debating the presidency : conflicting perspectives on the American executive / edited by Richard J. Ellis and Michael Nelson. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, c2010.

Defeat of the German forces near Moscow. IHF: International Historic Films, Inc.

Defending the rights of others : the great powers, the Jews, and international minority protection, 1878-1938 / Carole Fink. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2004.

Defying gravity : the making of Newton / Doug Menuez, photography ; Markos Kounalakis, text ; Paul Saffo, introduction. Hillsboro, Or. : Beyond Words Pub., c1993.

Delete : the virtue of forgetting in the digital age / Viktor Mayer- Schönberger Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2009.

Democracies always in the making : historical and current philosophical issues for education / Barbara Thayer-Bacon. Lanham, Maryland : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, [2013].

Development challenges confronting Pakistan / edited by Anita M. Weiss and Saba Gul Khattak. Sterling, VA : Kumarian Press, an imprint of Stylus Publishing, 2013.

Digital marketing analytics : making sense of consumer data in a digital world / Chuck Hemann, Ken Burbary. Indianapolis, Ind. : Que, 2013.

A disability history of the United States / Kim E. Nielsen. Boston : Beacon Press, c2012.

Doctor Who. The complete seventh series [videorecording] / BBC Worldwide Ltd ; British Broadcasting Corporation ; BBC Wales ; executive producers, Steven Moffat & Caroline Skinner ; series producer, Marcus Wilson,  ; directors, Farren Blackburn, Nick Hurran, Saul Metzstein, Denise Paul, Douglas MacKinnon, Jamie Payne. Burbank, Calif. : Distributed in the USA and Canada by Warner Home Video, 2013.

Doctor Who. The day of the doctor / BBC Wales ; Executive producers, Steven Moffat, Faith Penhale ; directed by Nick Hurran ; written by Steven Moffat ; produced by Marcus Wilson. Burbank, CA : Distributed in the USA and Canada by Warner Home Video, Inc., 2013.

Dogfight : how Apple and Google went to war and started a revolution / Fred Vogelstein. New York : Sarah Crichton Books, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2013.

Don’t call me inspirational : a disabled feminist talks back / Harilyn Rousso. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2013.

DSM-5 : clinical cases / edited by John W. Barnhill. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Publishing, A Division of American Psychiatric Association, [2014].

DSM-5 handbook of differential diagnosis / Michael B. First. Washington, DC : American Psychiatric Publishing, a division of American Psychiatric Association, [2014].

Dying modern : a meditation on elegy / Diana Fuss. Durham : Duke University Press, 2013.

Dyspraxia in the early years : identifying and supporting children with movement difficulties / Christine MacIntyre. London : David Fulton, 2009.

Early medieval Europe, 300-1000 / Roger Collins. Houndmills, Basingstoke [England] ; New York, NY  : Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.

Eastern Mystics [videorecording] : discovering the sacred in the ordinary / Forest Way Productions in association with Canyon Productions presents ; written by Matthew Flickstein and Carol Flickstein ; produced by Matthew Flickstein and Carol Flickstein ; directed by Eric Temple. [United States] : Forest Way Productions, c2010.

An economic and social history of later medieval Europe, 1000-1500 / Steven A. Epstein. Cambridge, England ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Emancipating Lincoln : the Proclamation in text, context, and memory / Harold Holzer. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

Embers of war : the fall of an empire and the making of America’s Vietnam / Fredrik Logevall. New York : Random House, 2012.

The emergence of Islam : classical traditions in contemporary perspective / By Gabriel Said Reynolds. Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2012.

End-of-life nursing care : a guide for best practice / Joanna De Souza and Annie Pettifer. Los Angeles : Sage, 2013.

An environmental history of Russia / Paul Josephson…[]. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Escaping the Velvet curtain / by Trudy Harvey Tait. Hampton, Tenn. : Harvey Christian Publishers, Inc., 2009.

Essential eschatology : our present and future hope / John E. Phelan, Jr. Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Press, An imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2013].

European aesthetics : a critical introduction, from Kant to Derrida / Robert L. Wicks. London : Oneworld, 2013.

Evidence-based practices for Christian counseling and psychotherapy / edited by Jamie Dee Aten, Joshua N. Hook, Eric L. Johnson and Everett Worthington Jr. Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, 2013.

Exodus, commentary by Ronald E. Clements. Cambridge [Eng.] Cambridge University Press, 1972.

Fahrenheit 451 [videorecording] / an Enterprise Vineyard Film production ; producer, Lewis M. Allen ; director, Francois Truffaut ; screenplay by Francois Truffaut and Jean-Louis Richard. Universal City, CA : Universal Studios, c2003.

The failure of popular sovereignty : slavery, manifest destiny, and the radicalization of southern politics / Christopher Childers. Lawrence : University Press of Kansas, c2012.

Family accountability in missions : Korean and Western case studies / editor Jonathan J. Bonk ; assoc. eds. Dwight P. Baker … [et al.]. New Haven, Ct. : OMSC Pub., c2013.

The Federal Reserve : what everyone needs to know / Stephen H. Axilrod. Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2013].

Field guide to the carnivorous plants of the United States and Canada / Stewart McPherson, Donald Schnell. Poole, England : Redfern Natural History Productions, [2012].

The final cut [videorecording] / Lions Gate Entertainment, in association with Cinerenta, present[s] ; an Industry Entertainment production, in association with Cinetheta ; produced by Nick Wechsler ; written and directed by Omar Naim. Santa Monica, Calif. : Lions Gate Home Entertainment, c2005.

The first Apple / by Bob Luther. Alexandria, Va : Press, 2013.

Florence Nightingale, feminist / Judith Lissauer Cromwell. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2013].

Flourishing : health, disease, and bioethics in theological perspective / Neil Messer. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

Folk art / Carol Crown & Cheryl Rivers, volume editors. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2013.

Forbidden music : the Jewish composers banned by the Nazis / Michael Haas. New Haven : Yale University Press, [2013].

Four decades on : Vietnam, the United States, and the legacies of the Second Indochina War / Scott Laderman and Edwin A. Martini, editors. Durham : Duke University Press, 2013.

Friends. The complete season 1 [videorecording]. [United States] : Warner Home Video, 2010.

From peace to freedom : Quaker rhetoric and the birth of American antislavery, 1657-1761 / Brycchan Carey. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.

From Times Square to Timbuktu  : the post-Christian West meets the non-western church / Wesley Granberg-Michaelson. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

Frost/Nixon [videorecording] / Universal Pictures, Imagine Entertainment, Working Title Films present in association with StudioCanal ; a Brian Grazer/ Working Title production ; a Ron Howard film ; produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner ; screenplay by Peter Morgan ; directed by Ron Howard. Universal City, CA : Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2009, c2008.

Fruits and plains : the horticultural transformation of America / Philip J. Pauly. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2007.

Gathering moss : a natural and cultural history of mosses / by Robin Wall Kimmerer. Corvallis, OR : Oregon State University Press, c2003.

Gebetbuch der Bibel. English. Minneapolis : Augsburg Pub. House, 1974, 1970.

Generation roe : inside the future of the pro-choice movement / Sarah Erdreich. New York : Seven Stories Press, [2013].

The Genesis enigma : why the first book of the Bible is scientifically accurate / Andrew Parker. New York : Plume, 2010.

The geography of bliss : one grump’s search for the happiest places in the world / Eric Weiner. New York : Twelve, 2009.

George Frideric Handel. New York, W. W. Norton [1966].

Getting started in a pharmacy residency / [edited by] Monica L. Miller. Washington, D.C. : American Pharmacists Association, c2013.

Going public : new strategies of presidential leadership / Samuel Kernell. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, c2007.

Governing America : the revival of political history / Julian E. Zelizer. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2012.

The great agnostic : Robert Ingersoll and American freethought / Susan Jacoby. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2013.

The green Bible / [foreword by Desmond Tutu]. New York, NY : HarperCollins, 2008.

Green revolution : coming together to care for creation / Ben Lowe ; foreword by Shane Claiborne ; afterword by J. Matthew Sleeth. Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, c2009.

Grizzly man [videorecording] / Lions Gate Films and Discovery Docs present a Werner Herzog film ; directed and narrated by Werner Herzog ; produced by Erik Nelson ; produced by Real Big Production, Inc. Santa Monica, CA : Lions Gate Home Entertainment, 2005.

ha-Rambam. English. Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, [2014].

The heart of everything that is : the untold story of Red Cloud, an American legend / Bob Drury and Tom Clavin. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2013.

Heidegger and language / edited by Jeffrey Powell. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, [2013].

Hester Street [videorecording] / Midwest Films presents ; directed by Joan Micklin Silver ; produced by Raphael D. Silver ; screenplay by Joan Micklin Silver. [Chatsworth, Calif.] : Home Vision Entertainment, c2004.

The hidden power of social networks : understanding how work really gets done in organizations / Rob Cross, Andrew Parker. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, c2004.

Higher ground [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Classics ; Strategic Motion Ventures presents ; a BCDF Pictures production ; directed by Vera Farmiga ; screenplay by Carolyn S. Briggs and Tim Metcalfe ; produced by Claude Dal Farra .. [et al.]. Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, [2012].

A history of Namibia : from the beginning to 1990 / Marion Wallace with John Kinahan. New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Holy luck : poems / Eugene H. Peterson. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

Homesickness : an American history / Susan J. Matt. New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

How to create a portfolio & get hired : a guide for graphic designers and illustrators / Fig Taylor. London : Laurence King Publishing, 2012.

The human being : a theological anthropology / Hans Schwarz. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

I and Tao : Martin Buber’s encounter with Chuang Tzu / Jonathan R. Herman. Albany : State University of New York Press, c1996.

Iconic : a photographic tribute to Apple innovation / Jonathan Zufi; [foreword by Jim Dalrymple; foreword by Steve Wozniak]. Atlanta, GA : Ridgewood Pub., c2013.

iGods : how technology shapes our spiritual and social lives / Craig Detweiler. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Brazos Press, 2013.

Imperfect believers : ambiguous characters in the Gospel of John / Susan E. Hylen. Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2009.

In the watches of the night : life in the nocturnal city, 1820-1930 / Peter C. Baldwin. Chicago ; London : University of Chicago Press, c2012.

Infinite loop : how the world’s most insanely great computer company went insane / Michael S. Malone. New York : Currency/Doubleday, 1999.

Influencer : the new science of leading change / by Joseph Grenny … [et al.]. New York : McGraw-Hill Education, c2013.

Infographics : the power of visual storytelling / Jason Lankow, Josh Ritchie, Ross Crooks. Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., c2012.

Inherently unequal : the betrayal of equal rights by the supreme court, 1865-1903 / Lawrence Goldstone. New York : Walker & Co., 2012.

Inside school turnarounds : urgent hopes, unfolding stories / Laura Pappano. Cambridge, MA : Harvard Education Press, c2010.

Inspired : the Holy Spirit and the mind of faith / Jack Levison. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

The intellectual world of C.S. Lewis / Alister E. McGrath. Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, a John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, 2014.

The intentional christian community handbook : for idealists, hypocrites, and wannabe disciples of Jesus / David Janzen and a Community of Friends. Brewster, Mass. : Paraclete Press, c2013.

An introduction to Daoist philosophies / Steve Coutinho. New York : Columbia University Press, 2014.

The invisible man [videorecording] : the legacy collection / Universal Pictures. Universal City, CA : Universal, [2004].

Irrational exuberance / Robert J. Shiller. New York : Currency/Doubleday, c2005.

The irresponsible self : on laughter and the novel / James Wood. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.

Islamophobia in America : the anatomy of intolerance / edited by Carl W. Ernst. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

It happened here [videorecording] / written, produced and directed by Kevin Brownlow and Andrew Mollo ; made by Rath Films, Ltd. [New York, N.Y.] : Milestone Film & Video : exclusively distributed by Oscilloscope Laboratories, [2011].

It’s even worse than it looks : how the American constitutional system collided with the new politics of extremism / Thomas E. Mann and Norman J. Ornstein. New York : Basic Books, 2013.

Jesus and his world : the archaeological evidence / Craig A. Evans. Louisville, Kentucky : Westminster John Knox Press, 2013.

Jesus Christ superstar [videorecording] / a Universal picture ; a Norman Jewison-Robert Stigwood production ; produced by Norman Jewison and Robert Stigwood ; screenplay by Melvyn Bragg and Norman Jewison ; directed by Norman Jewison. Universal City, CA : Universal, [2004].

Jesus feminist / Sarah Bessey. Nashville, TN : Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 2013.

The Jesus sutras : rediscovering the lost scrolls of Taoist Christianity / Martin Palmer, in association with Eva Wong … [et al.]. New York : Ballantine, 2001.

Jobs. Universal City, CA : Universal Studios Home Entertainment, [2013].

John Henry Newman : a biography / by Ian Ker. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2010.

Jony Ive : the genius behind Apple’s greatest products / Leander Kahney. New York : Portfolio/Penguin, 2013.

Journey toward justice : personal encounters in the global south / Nicholas P. Wolterstorff. Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2013.

Jurassic Park [videorecording] / director, Steven Spielberg ; screenplay, Michael Crichton. [United States] : Universal Studios Home Entertainment, 2012.

Just lead! : a no-whining, no-complaining, no-nonsense practical guide for women leaders in the church / Sherry Surratt and Jenni Catron ; foreword by Mark Batterson. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, [2013].

Keep It Simple The Early Design Years of Apple. Arnoldsche 2013.

Koranic allusions : the Biblical, Qumranian, and pre-Islamic background to the Koran / edited by Ibn Warraq. Amherst, New York : Prometheus Books, 2013.

Kung Fu The complete season 1 [videorecording] / [presented by] Warner Bros. Television ; producers, Jerry Thorpe, Herman Miller ; teleplay/writers, Ed Spielman & Howard Friedlander … [et al.] ; directors, Jerry Thorpe, Alex Beaton … [et al.]. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2004], c1972.

The lair of the white worm [videorecording] / Vestron Pictures present a Ken Russell film ; screenplay by Ken Russell ; produced and directed by Ken Russell. Santa Monica, CA : Artisan Home Entertainment, [2003].

Landmarks of early Soviet film [videorecording] : 4 disc DVD collection of 8 groundbreaking films / produced by Jeffery Masino and David Shepard. Los Angeles, Calif. : Flicker Alley, LLC, c2011.

The last segregated hour : the Memphis kneel-ins and the campaign for Southern church desegregation / Stephen R. Haynes. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

The leadership challenge : how to make extraordinary things happen in organizations / James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, c2012.

Leadership on the line : staying alive through the dangers of leading / Ronald A. Heifetz, Marty Linsky. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press, 2002.

Left Behind II: Tribulation force [videorecording] / Cloud Ten Pictures … [et al.] ; screenplay by Paul LaLonde and John Patus ; produced by Nicholas D. Tabborok ; directed by Bill Corcoran. [United States] : Cloud Ten Pictures, c2002.

Left behind, the movie [videorecording] / Cloud Ten Pictures in association with Namesake Entertainment presents ; produced by Peter Lalonde [and others] ; screenplay by Alan McElroy, Paul Lalonde, Joe Goodman ; directed by Vic Sarin. Niagara Falls, NY : Cloud Ten Pictures, 2010.

Left behind [videorecording] : world at war / Sony Pictures Home Entertainment presents a Cloud Ten Pictures production ; produced by Nicholas D. Tabarrok, André van Heerden ; screenplay by Peter Lalonde, Paul Lalonde, André van Heerden ; directed by Craig R. Baxley. Culver City, CA : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2005.

Legacies of social change [videorecording] : 100 years of professional social work in the U.S. / a production of the Educational Film Center ; produced and directed by Jacqueline Offenbach. [S.l.] : Council on Social Work Education : National Association of Social Workers, 2001.

Let her lead : creating a better future for women in the church. Colorado Springs, Colo. : Bondfire Books; in association with Alive Communications, Inc. ; 2013.

Lincoln’s Hundred Days : the emancipation proclamation and the war for the Union / Louis P. Masur. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2012.

Logan’s run [videorecording (DVD)] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents ; a Saul David production ; screenplay by David Zelag Goodman ; produced by Saul David ; directed by Michael Anderson. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2007, c1976.

The logic of slavery : debt, technology, and pain in American literature / Tim Armstrong, Royal Holloway, University of London. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2012.

The lost world of scripture : ancient literary culture and biblical authority / John H. Walton and D. Brent Sandy. Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Love me & let me go. Hampton, Tenn. : Harvey Christian Publishers, Inc., 2012.

Luke 2 A Commentary on the Gospel of Luke 9:51-19:27/ by Francois Bovon ; translated by Donald S. Deer ; edited by Helmut Koester. Minneapolis, MN: Fortress Press, 2013.

The lumberman’s frontier : three centuries of land use, society, and change in America’s forests / Thomas R. Cox. Corvallis : Oregon State University Press, 2010.

Mahogany : the costs of luxury in early America / Jennifer L. Anderson. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2012.

Maiden voyage / by Denton Welch. Cambridge, MA : Exact Change, 1999.

The making of Europe : conquest, colonization, and cultural change, 950-1350 / Robert Bartlett. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1993.

The man who broke into Auschwitz : a true story of World War II / Denis Avey, with Rob Broomby. Boston, MA : Da Capo Press, 2012.

The manliest man : Samuel G. Howe and the contours of nineteenth-century American reform / James W. Trent Jr. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, c2012.

MASH Season 1 [videorecording] / Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ; produced by Gene Reynolds and Larry Gelbart ; associate producer Burt Metcalfe ; developed for television by Larry Gelbart. Beverly Hills, CA : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2008.

The maturational processes and the facilitating environment; studies in the theory of emotional development, by D. W. Winnicott. New York, International Universities Press [1965].

Max Headroom [videorecording] : the complete series / Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. Los Angeles, Calif. : Shout! Factory, [2010].

The measurement of affect, mood, and emotion : a guide for health-behavioral research / Panteleimon Ekkekakis. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Mere equals : the paradox of educated women in the early American republic / Lucia McMahon. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2012.

Merton & the Tao : dialogues with John Wu and the ancient sages / edited by Cristóbal Serrán-Pagán y Fuentes. Louisville, KY.: Fons Vitae, 2013.

The message of the person of Christ / Robert Letham, Director of Research and senior lecturer in Systematic and Historical Theology, Wales Evangelical School of Technology, Bridgend. Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, 2013.

The Message [videorecording] : the story of Islam / produced and directed by Moustapha Akkad. Troy, MI : Anchor Bay Entertainment, 2005.

Mill : Founders of modern political and social thought / Frederick Rosen. Oxford, United Kingdom : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Minority report [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures and Twentieth Century Fox present a Cruise/Wagner Blue Tulip Ronald Shusett/Greg Goldman production, a Steven Spielberg film ; produced by Gerald R. Molen … [et al.] ; screenplay by Scott Frank and Jon Cohen ; directed by Steven Spielberg. [United States] : DreamWorks Home Entertainment : Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Film Corp., c2002.

A missional orthodoxy : theology and ministry in a post-Christian context / Gary Tyra. Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, [2013].

A monastery in time : the making of Mongolian Buddhism / Caroline Humphrey and Hürelbaatar Ujeed. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2013].

Moon [videorecording] / Sony Pictures Classics ; Stage 6 ; a Liberty Films production in association with Xingu Films and Limelight ; producer, Stuart Fenegan ; producer, Trudie Styler ; written by Nathan Parker ; director, Duncan Jones. Culver City, Calif. : Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, c2009.

Mound sites of the ancient South : a guide to the Mississippian chiefdoms / Eric E. Bowne. Athens : University of Georgia Press, c2013.

Mozart / Paul Johnson. New York, New York : Viking, published by the Penguin Group, 2013.

Much ado about nothing [videorecording] / Lionsgate presents ; a Bellwether production ; a film by Joss Whedon ; produced by Joss Whedon ; produced by Kai Cole ; adapted for the screen and directed by Joss Whedon. Santa Monica, CA : Lionsgate, [2013].

Museums, monuments, and national parks : toward a new genealogy of public history / Denise D. Meringolo. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, c2012.

My beloved world / Sonia Sotomayor. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

My son the fanatic [videorecording] / Miramax Films ; BBC Films in association with Canal+, Image International & the Arts Council of Great Britain present a Zephyr Films production ; written by Hanif Kureishi ; produced by Chris Curling; directed by Udayan Prasad. Burbank, CA : Miramax Home Entertainment : Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [1999].

The natural / Bernard Malamud. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2003.

The Negro soldier [videorecording] / produced by the War Department, Special Services Division, Army Special Services with the cooperation of the Signal Corps. ; [produced by Frank Capra ; written by Carlton Moss ; directed by Stuart Heisler]. [Naples, FL] : Mad Phat Enterprises, 2009.

The New Deal : a modern history / Michael Hiltzik. New York : Free Press, 2011.

A New England prison diary : slander, religion, and markets in early America / Martin J. Hershock. Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 2012.

Nineteen eighty-four [videorecording] / Virgin Films presents an Umbrella-Rosenblum production ; produced by Simon Perry ; written and directed by Michael Radford. [South Korea] : Fondtree Entertainment, c2009.

No future without forgiveness / Desmond Mpilo Tutu. New York, N.Y. : Doubleday, 2000.

Objectifying China, imagining America : Chinese commodities in early America / Caroline Frank. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, c2011.

Offret [videorecording] = Sacrifice. New York : Kino Lorber, c2011.

Old & New Testaments / Lynn Powell. Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c1995.

The omen [videorecording] / 11:11 Mediaworks ; Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation ; produced by John Moore, Glenn Williamson ; written by David Seltzer ; directed by John Moore. Beverly Hills, Calif. : 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, c2006.

On God’s side : what religion forgets and politics hasn’t learned about serving the common good / Jim Wallis. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Brazos Press, [2013].

On leadership : with a preface to the paperback edition / John W. Gardner. New York : Free Press, c1993.

Orderly and humane : the expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War / R.M. Douglas. New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, c2012.

Overreach : leadership in the Obama presidency / George C. Edwards III. Princeton ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, c2012.

The papers of Andrew Jackson / Sam B. Smith and Harriet Chappell Owsley, editors; Robert V. Remini, consulting editor ; Sharon C. Macpherson, associate editor ; Linda D. Keeton, staff assistant. Knoxville : University of Tennessee Press, c1980-

Paris is burning [videorecording] / Miramax Films and Prestige present ; a Jennie Livingston film ;  produced and directed by Jennie Livingston ; a production of Off White Productions, Inc. Lexington, KY : manufactured by kydc ; Santa Monica, Calif. : Lionsgate, [2012].

Pastrix : the cranky, beautiful faith of a sinner & saint / Nadia Bolz-Weber. New York : Jericho Books, 2013.

Paul Robeson [videorecording] : portraits of the artist. [Irvington, NY] : Criterion Collection, c2007.

Pen and ink witchcraft : treaties and treaty making in American Indian history / Colin G. Calloway. New York, NY : Oxford University Press, [2013].

People apart : 1950s Cape Town revisited / photographs by Bryan Heseltine ; [editor], Darren Newbury ; foreword by Amanda Hopkinson ; essays by Vivian Bickford-Smith and Sean Field. London : Black Dog, c2013.

Performance assessment in orchestra / by Wendy Barden. San Diego, Calif. : Kjos, c2009.

Peter Shaffer’s Amadeus [videorecording] / [presented by] the Saul Zaentz Company ; original stage play and screenplay by Peter Shaffer ; produced by Saul Zaentz ; directed by Milos Forman. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [1997].

Philosophical temperaments : from Plato to Foucault / Peter Sloterdijk ; translated by Thomas Dunlap ; foreword by Creston Davis. New York : Columbia University Press, [2013].

Photography and the American Civil War / Jeff L. Rosenheim. New York, N.Y. : Metropolitan Museum of Art, [2013]. New Haven : Distributed by Yale University Press.

Photography as told by Life Magazine photographers [videorecording]. [Australia] : DV1 [distributor], [2009].

Preaching in Hitler’s shadow : sermons of resistance in the Third Reich / edited by Dean G. Stroud. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

The presidency and the political system / Michael Nelson, editor. Washington, DC : CQ Press, 2010.

The presidential difference : leadership style from FDR to Barack Obama / Fred I. Greenstein. Princeton, NJ ; Oxford : Princeton University Press, 2009.

Presidential leadership in political time : reprise and reappraisal / Stephen Skowronek. Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c2011.

Presumed incompetent : the intersections of race and class for women in academia / edited by Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs … [et al.]. Boulder, Colo. : University Press of Colorado, c2012.

Pretty in ink : North American women cartoonists, 1896-2013 / by Trina Robbins ; chapter 8 with Kristy Valenti. Seattle, Wash. : Fantagraphics, 2013.

Primal leadership : unleashing the power of emotional intelligence / Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, Annie McKee. Boston : Harvard Business ReviewPress, [2013].

Putting names with faces : women’s impact in mission history / Christine Lienemann-Perrin, Atola Longkumer, Afrie Songco Joye, editors. Nashville : Abingdon Press, c2012.

Race / Thomas C. Holt and Laurie B. Green, volume editors. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2013.

Race, riots, and roller coasters : the struggle over segregated recreation in America / Victoria W. Wolcott. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2012.

Railroaded : the transcontinentals and the making of modern America / Richard White. New York : W.W. Norton & Co., 2012.

The Rapture [videorecording] / FineLine Features ; New Line Cinema presents ; a New Line Cinema production in association with Weschler/Tenenbaum/Parker ; a film by Michael Tolkin ; executive producer, Laurie Parker ; produced by Nick Wechsler, Nancy Tenebaum, and Karen Koch ; written and directed by Michael Tolkin. [United States] : New Line Home Entertainment, c2004.

Reading a different story : a Christian scholar’s journey from America to Africa / Susan VanZanten. Grand Rapids : Baker Academic, 2013.

Recovering the full mission of God : a Biblical perspective on being, doing, and telling / Dean Flemming. Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, An imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Red fortress : history and illusion in the Kremlin / Catherine Merridale. New York : Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 2013.

Refuge in music : Terezin theresienstadt. Hamburg : Deutsche Grammophon, 2013.

Remembering the forgotten war : the enduring legacies of the U.S./Mexican War / Michael Scott Van Wagenen. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, c2012.

Rhetorics of motherhood / Lindal Buchanan ; with a foreword by Amber Kinser. Carbondale ; Edwardsville : Southern Illinois University Press, c2013.

The rise of the president’s permanent campaign / Brendan J. Doherty. Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, 2012.

The savage garden : cultivating carnivorous plants / Peter D’Amato. Berkeley [Ca.] : Ten Speed Press, c2013.

Saved! [videorecording] / United Artists presents ; a Single Cell Pictures and Infinity Media production ; produced by Michael Stipe … [et al.] ; written by Brian Dannelly & Michael Urban ; directed by Brian Dannelly. Santa Monica, CA : MGM Home Entertainment, c2004.

Science & medicine / James G. Thomas Jr. & Charles Reagan Wilson, volume editors. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2012.

The secret history / Donna Tartt. New York : Vintage Contemporaries, 2004.

The secret history of fantasy / edited by Peter S. Beagle. San Francisco, CA : Tachyon, 2010.

Servant leadership : a journey into the nature of legitimate power and greatness / essays by Robert K. Greenleaf ; edited by Larry C. Spears ; foreword by Stephen R. Covey ; afterword by Peter M. Senge. New York : Paulist Press, c2002.

Sherlock. Season one [videorecording] / 2 Entertain Video Limited ; a Hartswood Film production for BBC ; written by Steven Moffat, Steve Thompson and Mark Gatiss ; producer, Sue Vertue ; directed by Paul McGuigan and Euros Lyn. [United States] : BBC Worldwide Americas ; Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, 2010.

Sherlock. Season two [videorecording] / Hartswood Films production for BBC Wales in co-production with Masterpiece. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video : BBC Video, c2012.

The shining [videorecording] / produced association with the Producer Circle Co. ; screenplay by Stanley Kubrick & Diane Johnson ; produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2010].

The shining / Stephen King. New York : Anchor Books, c2013, c1977.

Sieg im Westen [videorecording] : ein film des Oberkommandos des Herres = Victory in the West : a film of the Supreme Command of the German Army / [Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Wehrpropaganda V]. Chicago, Ill. : Distributed by International Historic Films, c2006.

The Simpsons. Complete season 6 [videorecording] / Gracie Films ; Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corporation. [United States] : 20th Century Fox, 2005.

The slaves’ gamble : choosing sides in the War of 1812 / Gene Allen Smith. New York, NY : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Smuggler nation : how illicit trade made America / Peter Andreas. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Sociology & empire : the imperial entanglements of a discipline / edited by George Steinmetz. Durham : Duke University Press, 2013.

Sophistication & simplicity : the life and times of the Apple II computer / Steven Weyhrich. Winnipeg : Variant Press, 2013.

The sound of freedom : Marian Anderson, the Lincoln Memorial, and the concertthat awakened America / Raymond Arsenault. New York : Bloomsbury Press, 2010, c2009.

Soylent green [videorecording] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer ; produced by Walter Seltzer and Russell Thacher ; directed by Richard Fleischer ; screenplay by Stanley R. Greenberg. [United States] : Turner Entertainment Co. : Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2007].

The spiritual practice of remembering / Margaret Bendroth. Grand Rapids, Michigan : William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2013.

Stand and deliver [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures ; Warner Bros. presents an American Playhouse theatrical film ; written by Ramon Menendez & Tom Musca ; produced by Tom Musca ; directed by Ramon Menendez. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [1998].

Steamboats and the rise of the cotton kingdom / Robert Gudmestad. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2011.

The Tao of the West : Western transformations of Taoist thought / J.J. Clarke. London ; N.Y. : Routledge, 2000.

The Tea Party and the remaking of Republican Conservatism / Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson. New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Teach like a champion : 49 techniques that put students on the path to college / Doug Lemov ; foreword by Norman Atkins. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, c2010.

Ten virtues of outstanding leaders : leadership and character / Al Gini, Ronald M. Green. Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.

Theories of multiculturalism : an introduction / George Crowder. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, Mass. : Polity Press, 2013.

Thirteen days [videorecording] / presented by New Line Cinema in association with Beacon Pictures ; a Roger Donaldson film ; produced by Armyan Bernstein, Peter O. Almond and Kevin Costner ; written by David Self ; directed by Roger Donaldson. [United States] : New Line Home Entertainment, [2001], c2000.

Thomas Jefferson’s Qur’an : Islam and the founders / Denise A. Spellberg. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2013.

Three in love / by Trudy Harvey Tait. Hampton, Tenn. : Harvey Christian Publishers, Inc.., c2012..

To conserve unimpaired : the evolution of the national park idea / Robert B. Keiter. Washington : Island Press, [2013].

Town of mirrors : the reassembled imagery of Robert Pollard / [words and pictures by Robert Pollard ; introduction by Rick Moody ; edited by Eric Reynolds]. Seattle, WA : Fantagraphics Books ; London : Turnaround [distributor], 2008.

Transforming leadership : a new pursuit of happiness / James MacGregor Burns. New York : Grove Press, 2003.

Trifles [videorecording]. [S.l.] : Ghost Ranch Productions, c2008.

The triple thinkers : twelve essays on literary subjects / by Edmund Wilson. New York : Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1976.

Tron [videorecording] / Walt Disney Productions presents ; a Lisberger/Kushner production ; directed by Steven Lisberger ; screenplay by Steven Lisberger ; produced by Donald Kushner ; executive producer, Ron Miller. Burbank, Calif. : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment : Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, c2011.

Tron [videorecording] : legacy / Walt Disney Pictures ; directed by Joseph Kosinski ; screenplay by Edward Kitsis & Adam Horowitz ; story by Edward Kitnis & Adam Horowitz and Brian Klugman & Lee Sternthal ; produced by Sean Bailey ; produced by Jeffrey Silver ; produced by Steven Lisberger ; Walt Disney Pictures presents a Sean Bailey production. [Burbank, Calif.] : Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment : Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [2011].

Trouble in mind : Black southerners in the age of Jim Crow / Leon F. Litwack. New York : Vintage Books, 1999.

Troubling nationhood in U.S. Latina literature : explorations of place and belonging / Maya Socolovsky. New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, [2013].

TV’s Betty goes global : from telenovela to international brand / edited by Janet McCabe and Kim Akass. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2013.

Twentieth-century color photographs : Identification and care  / Sylvie Penichon. Los Angeles, California : Getty Conservation Institute, [2013].

The typewriter is holy : the complete, uncensored history of the Beat generation / Bill Morgan. Berkeley, Calif. : Counterpoint, c2010.

The Velvet Underground [sound recording]. [United States] : Polydor Records ; Hollywood, CA : Manufactured and marketed by A & M Records, [1996].

The Velvet Underground & Nico [sound recording]. New York, NY : Polydor : Manufactured and marketed by A & M Records, [1996].

The verbal behavior approach : how to teach children with autism and related disorders / Mary Lynch Barbera, with Tracy Rasmussen ; foreword by Mark L. Sundberg. London ; Philadelphia Pa. : Jessica Kingsley Publishers, c2007.

VU [sound recording]. New York : Verve, [1985].

The wages of history : emotional labor on public history’s front lines / Amy M. Tyson. Amherst : University of Massachusetts Press, [2013].

Walt Disney on the front lines [videorecording] : animation from 1941-1945 / produced by Buena Vista Home Entertainment in association with David A. Bossert and Kurtti Pellerin ; producer and writer, Leonard Maltin. [Burbank, Calif.] : Walt Disney Home Entertainment ; distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [2003].

The war on truth : 9/11, disinformation, and the anatomy of terrorism / Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. Northampton, Mass. : Olive Branch Press, 2005.

Westworld [videorecording (DVD)] / Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents ; produced by Paul N. Lazarus III ; written and directed by Michael Crichton. Burbank, CA : Turner Entertainment : Distributed by Warner Home Video, 2010, c1973.

What is the human being? / by Patrick R. Frierson. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, c2013.

White light/white heat [sound recording] / the Velvet Underground. Hollywood, Calif. : Polydor, p1996.

Why a painting is like a pizza : a guide to understanding and enjoying modern art / Nancy G. Heller. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, 2002.

A wicked war : Polk, Clay, Lincoln, and the 1846 U.S. invasion of Mexico / Amy S. Greenberg. New York : Vintage Books, 2013, 2012.

The wife of Jesus : ancient texts and modern scandals / Anthony Le Donne. London, United Kingdom : Oneworld Publications, 2013.

With one voice [videorecording] : awaken to the reality that unites us all / Forest Way Productions and Canyon Productions, Inc present. ; a film produced by Matthew Flickstein and Carol Flickstein ; written by Matthew Flickstein … [et al.] ; directed by Eric Temple. [United States] : Alive Mind ; New York, NY : Distributed by Lorber HT Digital, 2009.

Wizards [videorecording] / Twentieth Century Fox ; written, produced and directed by Ralph Bakshi. Beverly Hills, CA : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2004.

Women in the church : a biblical theology of women in ministry / Stanley J. Grenz with Denise Muir Kjesbo. Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c1995.

Women of design : influence and inspiration from the original trailblazers to the new groundbreakers / Bryony Gomez-Palacio and Armin Vit. Cincinnati, Ohio : HOW Books, c2008.

Writing broadcast news : shorter, sharper, stronger : a professional handbook / Mervin Block. Washington, D.C. : CQ Press, 2011.

Writing the self : diaries, memoirs, and the history of the self / Peter Heehs. New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.

WWII Memphis Belle [videorecording] / directed by William Wyler ; produced by War Activities Committee. La Crosse, Wis. : Platinum Disc Corp, c2003.

The following Books (10 items) were received into the Library’s bestsellers collection during December 2013 and January 2014:

Blessing the hands that feed us : what eating closer to home can teach us about food, community, and our place on earth / Vicki Robin. New York : Viking, 2014.

Dog Songs : thirty-five dog songs and one essay / Mary Oliver. New York : The Penguin Press, 2013.

I am Malala : the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban / Malala Yousafzai ; with Christina Lamb. New York, NY : Little, Brown, & Company, 2013.

Let me off at the top! : my classy life & other musings / Ron Burgundy. New York : Crown Archetype, [2013].

The luminaries : a novel / Eleanor Catton. New York : Little, Brown, 2013.

Outlaw / Ted Dekker. New York : Center Street, 2013.

Perfect : a novel / Rachel Joyce. New York : Random House, [2013].

Shady characters : the secret life of punctuation, symbols, & other typographical marks / Keith Houston. New York ; London : W.W. Norton & Company, [2013].

A story lately told : coming of age in Ireland, London, and New York / Anjelica Huston. New York : Scribner, 2013.

The Visionist : a novel / Rachel Urquhart. New York, N.Y. : Little Brown and Little, 2014.


New Books and Media Received (November 2013)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (99 items) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during November 2013:

Algorithms unlocked / Thomas H. Cormen. Cambridge, Massachusetts : The MIT Press, [2013].

Animal personalities : behavior, physiology, and evolution / edited by Claudio Carere and Dario Maestripieri. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

An archaeology of the cosmos : rethinking agency and religion in ancient america / Timothy R. Pauketat. New York : Routledge, 2013.

Ascending peculiarity : Edward Gorey on Edward Gorey : interviews / selected and edited by Karen Wilkin. New York : Harcourt, c2001.

The British aesthetic tradition : from Shaftesbury to Wittgenstein / Timothy M. Costelloe. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

The Cambridge companion to theatre history / edited by David Wiles and Christine Dymkowski. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Captain America and the nationalist superhero : metaphors, narratives, and geopolitics / Jason Dittmer. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2013.

Christians in an age of wealth : a biblical theology of stewardship / Craig L. Blomberg. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, 2013.

The cinema and its shadow : race and technology in early cinema / Alice Maurice. Minneapolis ; London : University of Minnesota Press, [2013].

The complete marketer : 60 essential concepts for marketing excellence / Malcolm McDonald and Mike Meldrum. London ; Philadelphia ; New Delhi : Kogan Page Limited, [2013].

Conservation / Clive Hambler, Susan M. Canney. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c2013.

The covert sphere : secrecy, fiction, and the national security state / Timothy Melley. Ithaca : Cornell University Press, 2012.

Cultures in contact : from Mesopotamia to the Mediterranean in the second millennium B.C. / edited by Joan Aruz, Sarah B. Graff, and Yelena Rakic. New York : Metropolitan Museum of Art ; New Haven, Conn. : distributed by Yale University Press, 2013.

The darkening spirit : Jung, spirituality, religion / David Tacey. Hove ; NewYork, NY : Routledge, 2013.

Democratic statecraft : political realism and popular power / J. S. Maloy, Oklahoma State University. Cambridge  : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5. Washington, D.C. : American Psychiatric Association, c2013.

Dictatorship in South America / Jerry Dávila. Chichester, West Sussex, UK : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

Digital anthropology / edited by Heather A. Horst and Daniel Miller. London : Bloomsbury, 2013.

Digital religion : understanding religious practice in new media worlds / edited by Heidi A. Campbell. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2013.

Disability and passing : blurring the lines of identity / edited by Jeffrey A. Brune and Daniel J. Wilson. Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2013.

Doctor Who : the complete 3rd series [videorecording]  / BBC ; producer, Phil Collinson ; executive producers, Russell T. Davies, Julie Gardner ; BBC Wales in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. [England] : BBC Video, 2 Entertain : BBC Worldwide Americas ; Burbank, Calif. : Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2007].

Each Hour Redeem : Time and Justice in African American Literature / Daylanne K. English. Minneapolis ; London : University of Minnesota Press, [2013].

Education in the school of dreams : travelogues and early nonfiction film / Jennifer Lynn Peterson. Durham ; London : Duke University Press, 2013.

Education, justice, and democracy / edited by Danielle Allen and Rob Reich. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2013].

Encountering Jesus, encountering scripture : reading the Bible critically in faith / David Crump. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2013.

Estimating Emerson : an anthology of criticism from Carlyle to Cavell / edited by David LaRocca. New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.

Evaluating empire and confronting colonialism in eighteenth-century Britain / Jack P. Greene. Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Family : photographers photograph their families [compiled by Sophie Spencer-Wood]. London ; New York : Phaidon Press, 2005.

Gap year : how delaying college changes people in ways the world needs / Joseph O’Shea. Baltimore : John Hopkins University Press, 2014.

Gods like us : on movie stardom and modern fame. New York : Anchor, 2013.

Going to the sources : a guide to historical research and writing / Anthony Brundage. Chichester, West Sussex, UK ; Malden, MA : Wiley Blackwell, a John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, 2013.

Google and the world brain / directed by Ben Lewis. [Barcelona, Spain] : Polar Star Films ; [Northampton, MA] : Media Education Foundation [distributor], 2013.

Governing security : the hidden origins of American security agencies / Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar. Stanford, California : Stanford Law Books, an imprint of Stanford University Press, [2013].

The handbook of journal publishing / Sally Morris… [et al.]. Cambridge, [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Heidegger, an introduction / J. Jeremy Wisnewski. Lanham, Md. : Rowan & Littlefield Pub. c2013.

Higgs force : cosmic symmetry shattered : the story of the greatest scientific discovery for 50 years / Nicholas Mee. Marple, U.K. : Quantum Wave, 2013,c2012.

Hollow men : writing, objects, and public image in Renaissance Italy / Susan Gaylard. New York : Fordham University Press, 2013.

Hollywood in the new millennium / Tino Balio. London ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan on behalf of the British Film Institute, 2013.

Imperial debris : on ruins and ruination / edited by Ann Laura Stoler. Durham ; London : Duke University Press, c2013.

Including children with cerebral palsy in the early years Foundation Stage / written by Lindsay Brewis ; illustrated by Martha Hardy. Moorabbin, Vic. : A&C Black/Featherstone Education, c2008.

International ethics : concepts, theories, and cases in global politics / Mark R. Amstutz. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., [2013].

An introduction to German pietism : Protestant renewal at the dawn of modern Europe / Douglas H. Shantz ; foreword by Peter C. Erb. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

The invention of craft / Glenn Adamson. London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.

Launching a business : the first 100 days / Bruce Barringer. New York : Business Expert Press, 2013.

Leo Strauss’s defense of the philosophic life : reading “What is political philosophy?” / edited by Rafael Major. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, [2013].

The life & pontificate of Pope Pius XII : between history & controversy / Frank J. Coppa. Washington, D.C. : The Catholic University of America Press, [2013].

The longest journey : Southeast Asians and the pilgrimage to Mecca / Eric Tagliacozzo. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, [2013].

The marrying kind? : debating same-sex marriage within the lesbian and gay movement / Mary Bernstein and Verta Taylor, editors. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2013].

Medieval English lyrics and carols / edited by Thomas G. Duncan. Cambridge, UK : D. S. Brewer, 2013.

Moon bound : choosing and preparing NASA’s lunar Astronauts / Colin Burgess. New York : Springer ; Chichester, UK : Praxis Publishing, c2013.

Noise : a human history of sound and listening / David Hendy. New York, NY : Ecco, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers, [2013].

Occupational therapy in community-based practice settings / Marjorie E. Scaffa, S. Maggie Reitz. Philadelphia : F.A. Davis, c2014.

Paging God : religion in the halls of medicine / Wendy Cadge. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, [2012].

Passing by the dragon : the Biblical tales of Flannery O’Connor / J. Ramsey Michaels ; with a foreword by Thomas Howard. Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2013.

Paula Scher : maps : paintings, installations, drawings and prints / Paula Scher; foreword by Simon Winchester. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2011.

Peacebuilding, power, and politics in Africa / edited by Devon Curtis and Gwinyayi A. Dzinesa ; foreword by Adekeye Adebajo. Athens : Ohio University Press, 2012.

Penjing, the Chinese art  of bonsai : a pictorial exploration of its history, aesthetics, styles and preservation / Zhao Qingquan ; [photographs, Zhao Qingquan … [et al.] ; translation, Jiang Yajun, Ma Suping]. New York : Better Link Press, c2012.

Philippians / Lynn H. Cohick. Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan, 2013.

Pink globalization : Hello Kitty’s trek across the Pacific / Christine R. Yano. Durham : Duke University Press, 2013.

Plant-thinking : a philosophy of vegetal life / Michael Marder ; with a foreword by Gianni Vattimo and Santiago Zabala. New York : Columbia University Press, c2013.

The power and the people : paths of resistance in the Middle East / Charles Tripp. New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

A primer of botanical Latin with vocabulary / Emma Short, Darwin, NOrthern Territory, Australia, Alex George AM, Murdoch University, Perth, Western Australia. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Projecting tomorrow : science fiction and popular cinema / James Chapman & Nicholas J. Cull. London [England] ; New York, NY : I.B. Tauris ; New York, NY : Distributed in the United States and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Questionnaire design : how to plan, structure and write survey material for effective market research / Ian Brace. London : Kogan Page Limited, 2013.

Race : a philosophical introduction / Paul C. Taylor. Cambridge : Polity, 2013.

Racial science in Hitler’s new Europe, 1938-1945 / edited by Anton Weiss-Wendt and Rory Yeomans. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2013].

Rebellion in Black and white : southern student activism in the 1960s / edited by Robert Cohen and David J. Snyder ; foreword by Dan T. Carter. Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

Reducing gun violence in America : informing policy with evidence and analysis / edited by Daniel W. Webster, and Jon S. Vernick. Baltimore, MD : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

Relentless evolution / John N. Thompson. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Religion and sustainability : social movements and the politics of the environment / Lucas F. Johnston. Sheffield ; Bristol, CT : Equinox, 2013.

Remembering United States District Judge Robert L. Taylor : a collection of memories / edited by Judge Charles D. Susano, Jr.; foreword by Don K. Ferguson. Knoxville, Tenn. : Tennessee Valley Pub., 2009.

Researching student learning in higher education : a social realist approach / Jennifer M. Case. Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, 2013.

Roald Dahl / edited by Ann Alston & Catherine Butler. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

The science writers’ handbook : everything you need to know to pitch, publish, and prosper in the digital age / the writers of SciLance, edited by Thomas Hayden and Michelle Nijhuis. Boston, MA : Da Capo Lifelong Books, a member of the Perseus Books Group, [2013].

Seeing red : Hollywood’s pixeled skins : American Indians and film / edited by LeAnne Howe, Harvey Markowitz, and Denise K. Cummings. East Lansing : Michigan State University Press, 2013.

The Sermon on the mount / Scot McKnight. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 2013.

Shatterzone of empires : coexistence and violence in the German, Habsburg, Russian, and Ottoman borderlands / edited by Omer Bartov and Eric D. Weitz. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2013.

Side effects : Mexican governance under NAFTA’s labor and environmental agreements / Mark Aspinwall. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2013].

A sneetch is a sneetch and other philosophical discoveries : finding wisdom in children’s literature / Thomas E. Wartenberg ; illustrations by Joy Kinigstein. Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.

Societies beyond oil : oil dregs and social futures / John Urry. London ; New York : Zed Books, c2013.

Still the same hawk : reflections on nature and New York / edited by John Waldman. New York : Empire State Editions, [2013].

A student’s guide to textual criticism of the Bible : [its history, methods & results] / Paul D. Wegner. Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic/InterVarsity Press, 2006.

Sustainability / Leslie Paul Thiele. Cambridge ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2013.

The text and contexts of Ignatius Loyola’s autobiography / John M. McManamon. New York : Fordham University Press, 2013.

There was a country : a personal history of biafra. [S.l.] : Penguin Books Ltd, 2013.

To catch a virus / John Booss, and Marilyn J. August. Washington, DC : ASM Press, c2013.

The transformational self : attachment and the end of the adolescent phase / Harold K. Bendicsen. London : Karnac, 2013.

Turning the pages of American girlhood : the evolution of girls’ series fiction, 1865-1930 / Emily Hamilton-Honey. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2013].

Universal sense : how hearing shapes the mind. [S.l.] : Bloomsbury, 2013.

Urban China / Xuefei Ren. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2013.

Wal-Mart wars : moral populism in the twenty-first century / Rebekah Peeples Massengill. New York : New York University Press, [2013].

Warped mourning : stories of the undead in the land of the unburied / Alexander Etkind. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, [2013].

The way of Chinese painting, its ideas and technique; with selections from the seventeenth-century Mustard Seed Garden manual of painting. New York, Random House [1959].

Wayward shamans : the prehistory of an idea / Silvia Tomásková. Berkeley : University of California Press, [2013].

What is not sacred? : African spirituality / by Laurenti Magesa. Maryknoll : Orbis Books, 2013.

Women and wars / edited by Carol Cohn. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2013.

Working hard for the American dream : workers and their unions, World War I to the present / Randi Storch. Chichester, West Sussex : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication, 2013.

Writing successful grant proposals from the top down and the bottom up / edited by Robert J. Sternberg, Oklahoma State University. Los Angeles : Sage, [2014].

Your ad here : the cool sell of guerrilla marketing / Michael Serazio. New York : New York University Press, [2013].

The following Books (5 items) were received into the Library’s bestsellers collection during November 2013:

The book of Jezebel : an illustrated encyclopedia of lady things / edited by Anna Holmes ; written by Kate Harding, Amanda Hess. New York : Grand Central Publishing, 2013.

Hyperbole and a half : unfortunate situations, flawed coping mechanisms, mayhem, and other things that happened / Allie Brosh. New York : Simon & Schuster, [2013].

The secret daughter of the tsar / Jennifer Laam. New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 2013.

What the dog knows : the science and wonder of working dogs / Cat Warren. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2013.

“When did you see her last?” / Lemony Snicket ; art by Seth. New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2013.

The following Books (2 items) were received into the Library collection as Gift Donations during November 2013:

Boy meets girl : say hello to courtship / Joshua Harris. Sisters, Or. : Multnomah, c2001.

To be or not to be / a chooseable-path adventure by Ryan North ; William Shakespeare, [creator of original work] ; and YOU. [Massachusetts] : Breadpig, Inc., [2013].

New Books and Media Received (October 2013)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (111 titles) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during October 2013:

Abelardo Morell : the universe next door / Elizabeth Siegel with Brett Abbott and Paul Martineau.
Chicago, Illinois : The Art Institute of Chicago, [2013].
New Haven, Connecticut ; London : Distributed by Yale University Press.

Acts / Mark E. Moore.
Joplin, Mo : College Press, 2011.

The Alexiad / Anna Komnene ; translated by E.R.A. Sewter.
London ; New York : Penguin, 2009.

An American saga : some East Tennessee Taylors / W. Eugene Cox and Joyce Cox.
Bloomington, Ind. : IUniverse, c2011.

Amphigorey again / Edward Gorey.
Orlando : Harcourt, 2007.

Amphigorey also / Edward Gorey.
New York : Congdon & Weed : Distributed by St. Martin’s Press, c1983.

Amphigorey : fifteen books / by Edward Gorey.
New York : Berkley Pub. Grp. 1980, c1972.

Amphigorey too / Edward Gorey.
New York : Perigee, 1980, c1975.

Anne of Green Gables [videorecording] : the sequel / produced by Anne of Green Gables II Productions (1986) Inc. in association with the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Disney Channel and PBS/Wonderworks ; produced, written and edited by Kevin Sullivan.
[Ontario, Canada] : Sullivan Entertainment [distributor], c2006.

Antonio Vivaldi and the Baroque tradition / Donna Getzinger, Daniel Felsenfeld.
Greensboro, N.C. : Morgan Reynolds Pub., c2004.

The art of curating worship : reshaping the role of worship leader / Mark Pierson ; with a foreword from Dan Kimball.
Minneapolis, MN : Sparkhouse Press, c2010.

The Arthur of the Welsh : the Arthurian legend in medieval Welsh literature / edited by Rachel Bromwich, A.O.H. Jarman, Brynley F. Roberts.
Cardiff : University of Wales Press, 2008.

At last / Edward St Aubyn.
New York: Picador, 2013.

Ballykissangel. Series 1 [videorecording] / A Ballykea production for World Productions for the BBC in association with BBC Worldwide.
[United States] : BBC Video, 2010.

Berenice Abbott : Changing New York / Bonnie Yochelson.
New York : New Press : Museum of the City of New York : Distributed by W.W. Norton & Co., c1997.

Berlin 1961 : Kennedy, Khrushchev, and the most dangerous place on earth / Frederick Kempe ; [foreword by Brent Scowcroft]. New York : Berkley Books, 2012.

The best American infographics, 2013 / with an introduction by David Byrne.
Boston : Mariner Books, 2013.

The Bhāgavata Purāṇa : sacred text and living tradition / edited by Ravi M. Gupta and Kenneth R. Valpey.
New York : Columbia University Press, [2013].

Biblical hermeneutics : five views / edited by Stanley E. Porter & Beth M. Stovell ; with contributions by Craig L. Blomberg … [et al.].
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2012.

The book thief / by Markus Zusak.
New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2007.

Burn! [videorecording] / United Artists Pictures Inc. ; a film by Gillo Pontecorvo ; directed by Gillo Pontecorvo ; produced by Alberto Grimaldi ; written by Franco Solinas, Giorgio Arlorio.
Culver City, Calif. : Metro Goldwyn Mayer Home Entertainment : Distributed by Sony Home Entertainement, [2005].

Catholic Church and democracy in Chile and Peru / Michael Fleet ; Brian H. Smith.
University Notre Dame Press, 2000.

The Catholic Church : what everyone needs to know / John L. Allen Jr.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Charles Marville : photographer of Paris / Sarah Kennel, with Anne de Mondenard, Peter Barberie, Françoise Reynaud, Joke de Wolf.
Washington : National Gallery of Art, 2013.

Charts on the Book of Hebrews / Herbert W. Bateman IV.
Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Publications, 2012.

Charts on the life, letters, and theology of Paul / Lars Kierspel.
Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Publications, 2012.

Choctalking on other realities / by LeAnne Howe ; foreword by Dean Rader.
San Francisco : Aunt Lute Books, 2013.

Christian counseling ethics : a handbook for psychologists, therapists and pastors / edited by Randolph K Sanders, Ph.D.
Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Chronique d’un été (Paris 1960) = Chronicle of a Summer (Paris 1960) / Janus Films ; Cineteca Bologna ; Argos Films ; Anatole Dauman présente ; un film de Jean Rouch et Edgar Morin.
[New York] : Criterion Collection, [2013].

The cinema of Steven Soderbergh : indie sex, corporate lies, and digital videotape / Andrew deWaard & R. Colin Tait.
London ; New York : Wallflower, 2013.

The cinema of Terry Gilliam : it’s a mad world / edited by Jeff Birkenstein, Anna Froula & Karen Randell.
London ; New York : Wallflower Press, 2013.

Classic musical shorts from the Dream Factory [videorecording].
Burbank, CA : Turner Entertainment Co. : Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. : Distributed by Warner Home Video, 2010.

Code name Verity / Elizabeth Wein.
New York : Hyperion, 2013, c2012.

The collected sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer / translated from the German by Douglas W. Stott … [et al.] ; edited by Isabel Best.
Minneapolis, Minn. : Fortress Press, c2012.

College (un)bound : the future of higher education and what it means for students / Jeffrey J. Selingo.
Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

Commodity activism : cultural resistance in neoliberal times / edited by Roopali Mukherjee and Sarah Banet-Weiser.
New York : New York University Press, c2012.

A complete guide to brass : instruments and technique / Scott Whitener ; illustrations by Cathy L. Whitener.
Belmont, Calif. : Thomson/Schirmer, c2007.

The complete Peanuts / Charles M. Schulz.
Seattle : Fantagraphics Books, c2004-

Comprehending mission : the questions, methods, themes, problems, and prospects of missiology / Stanley H. Skreslet.
Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, c2012.

The constitution of China : a contextual analysis / Qianfan Zhang.
Oxford ; Portland, Oregon : Hart Publishing, 2012.

Corelli et son temps. English.
New York, Norton [1956].

Daughters of hope : stories of witness and courage in the face of persecution / Kay Marshall Strom & Michele Rickett.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2003.

Devote yourself to the public reading of scripture : the transforming power of the well-spoken word / Jeffrey D. Arthurs.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : Kregel Academic & Professional, 2012.

The education system in Swaziland : training and skills development for shared growth and competitiveness / Mmantsetsa Marope.
Washington, D.C. : Africa Region Human Development Dept., World Bank, c2010.

Eliot Porter : in the realm of nature / Paul Martineau, with a foreword by Michael Brune.
Los Angeles : J. Paul Getty Museum, c2012.

Emmet Gowin / essays by Carlos Gollonet and Keith F. Davis ; chronology by Martín García ; coordinator, Leticia Martínez Alcocer.
Madrid, Spain : Fundación Mapfre ; New York, N.Y. : Aperture, [2013].

Engaging students with poverty in mind : practical strategies for raising achievement / Eric Jensen.
Alexandria, Virginia : ASCD, 2013.

Essentials of clinical geriatrics / Robert L. Kane … [et al.].
New York : McGraw-Hill Education / Medical, c2013.

Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things William Carey and Adoniram Judson, Missionary Pioneers.
Wipf & Stock Pub 2013.

Family therapies : a comprehensive Christian appraisal / Mark A. Yarhouse & James N. Sells.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2008.

The first thousand years : a global history of Christianity / Robert Louis Wilken.
New Haven : Yale University Press, 2012.

Forgotten girls : stories of hope and courage / Kay Marshall Strom and Michele Rickett.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, c2009.

Framing fat : competing constructions in contemporary culture / Samantha Kwan and Jennifer Graves.
New Brunswick, New Jersey : Rutgers University Press, [2013].

Franco Corelli : a man, a voice / by Marina Boagno, with Gilberto Starone ; translated by Teresa Brentegani and Samuel Chase ; chronology by Gilberto Starone ; discography by Gilberto Starone ; tapography by Federico Rota ; videography and filmography by Gilberto Starone, Mark Schiavone, and Stephen R. Leopold ; compact disc compiled by Mark Schiavone.
Dallas, TX : Baskerville, c1996.

Frontline women : negotiating cross-cultural issues in ministry / edited by Marguerite G. Kraft.
Pasadena, CA : William Carey Library, 2012.

Gender and parenthood : biological and social scientific perspectives / edited by W. Bradford Wilcox and Kathleen Kovner Kline.
New York : Columbia University Press, [2013].

Going somewhere : truth about a life in science / Andrew A. Marino.
Belcher, La. : Cassandra Pub., 2010.

The golden cord : a short book on the secular and the sacred / Charles Taliaferro.
Notre Dame, Indiana : University of Notre Dame Press, [2013].

The Gospel according to Bob Dylan : the old, old story for modern times / Michael J. Gilmour.Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2011.

Guests on Earth : a novel / Lee Smith.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina : Algonquin Books Of Chapel Hill, 2013.

The hermeneutical spiral : a comprehensive introduction to biblical interpretation / Grant R. Osborne.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 2006.

Horizons of Reformation / Robert O. Fife.
[Johnson City, Tennessee] : Emmanuel School of Religion, c1999.

The human magnet syndrome : why we love people who hurt us / Ross Rosenberg, M. Ed., LCPC, CADC.
Eau Claire, WI : Premier Publishing & Media, [2013].

In the steps of the Black Prince : the road to Poitiers, 1355-1356 / Peter Hoskins.
Woodbridge, Suffolk ; Rochester, NY : Boydell Press, 2013.

Infant and child feeding and swallowing : occupational therapy assessment and intervention / Sherna Marcus and Suzanne Breton.
Bethesda, Md. : American Occupational Therapy Assocation, Inc., c2013.

Integrating faith and psychology : twelve psychologists tell their stories / edited by Glendon L. Moriarty ; foreword by Gary R. Collins.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2010.

Integrative psychotherapy : toward a comprehensive Christian approach / Mark R. McMinn and Clark D. Campbell.
Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2007.

Interpreting the Pauline letters : an exegetical handbook / John D. Harvey.
Grand Rapids, MI : Kregel Publications, 2012.

The invisible art of film music : a comprehensive history / Laurence E. MacDonald.
Lanham, Maryland : Scarecrow Press, Inc., 2013.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict : tough questions, direct answers / Dale HansonBourke.
Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, [2013].

Japan and the cosmopolitan gothic : specters of modernity / by Michael J. Blouin.
New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

Jiheishō no boku ga tobihaneru riyū. English
The reason I jump : the inner voice of a thirteen-year-old boy with autism. New York : Random House, [2013].

Kodachrome memory : American pictures 1972-1990 / Nathan Benn ; foreword by Richard Buckley ; essay by Paul M. Farber.
Brooklyn, N.Y. : Powerhouse Books, c2013.

Love and logic magic for early childhood : practical parenting from birth to six years / Jim Fay & Charles Fay.
Golden, Colo. : Love and Logic Press, 2000.

The man with the violin / Kathy Stinson ; Dušan Petričić.
Toronto : Annick Press, [2013].

Mark’s Gospel [videorecording] / told by Max McLean ; [produced by Late Breaking Productions/Fellowship for the Performing Arts].
[Morristown, N.J.] : Late-Breaking Productions/Fellowship for the Performing Arts ; Worcester, PA : Distributed by Gateway Films/Vision Video, [200-?].

Marvel Comics : the untold story / Sean Howe.
New York : Harper Perennial, 2013.

Millennial masculinity : men in contemporary American cinema / edited by Timothy Shary.
Detroit : Wayne State University Press, c2013.

Music in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries / Richard Taruskin.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

The New Grove Italian baroque masters : Monteverdi, Frescobaldi, Cavalli, Corelli, A. Scarlatti, Vivaldi, D. Scarlatti / Denis Arnold … [et al.].
New York : W.W. Norton, 1984.

New York Arbor–Mitch Epstein / [edited by Susan Bell and Ryan Spencer].
Göttingen  : Steidl, 2013.

Niccolo Machiavelli : an intellectual biography / Corrado Vivanti ; translated by Simon MacMichael.
Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Now a terrifying motion picture! : twenty-five classic works of horror adapted from book to film / James F. Broderick.
Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland & Company, Inc., c2012.

Oil / Gavin Bridge and Philippe Le Billon.
Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity Press, 2013.

The origins of the Christian mystical tradition : from Plato to Denys / Andrew Louth.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2007.

The origins of the world’s mythologies / E.J. Michael Witzel.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Pessimism of the intellect? : a history of the New Left Review / Duncan Thompson.
Monmouth : Merlin, 2007.

The play of reason : from the modern to the postmodern / Linda Nicholson.
Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, c1999.

Practical pharmacology in rehabilitation : effect of medication on therapy / Lynette L. Carl, Joseph A. Gallo, Peter R. Johnson.
Champaign, IL : Human Kinetics, c2014.

The prop building guidebook : for theatre, film, and tv / Eric Hart.
New York : Focal Press/Taylor, 2013.

Restoring the shattered self : a Christian counselor’s guide to complex trauma /Heather Davediuk Gingrich.
Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, An imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Reversing the odds : improving outcomes for babies in the child welfare system / by Sheryl Dicker.
Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes Pub. Co., c2009.

The sociolinguistics of writing / Theresa Lillis.
Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press, c2013.

The sorcerer of Bayreuth : Richard Wagner, his work, and his world / Barry Millington.
New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Star trek. Into darkness [videorecording] / Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions present a Bad Robot production, a J.J. Abrams film ; produced by J.J. Abrams … [et al.] ; written by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman & Damon Lindelof ; directed by J.J. Abrams.
Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount Home Entertainment, c2013.

The Stone-Campbell movement : a global history / edited by D. Newell Williams, Douglas A. Foster, Paul M. Blowers.
St. Louis : Chalice Press, c2013.

The story of helium and the birth of astrophysics / Biman B. Nath.
New York : Springer, c2013.

The synergy of film and music : sight and sound in five Hollywood films / Peter Rothbart.
Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2013.

That’s the joint! : the hip-hop studies reader / edited by Murray Forman and Mark Anthony Neal.
New York : Routledge, 2012.

Theories of international politics and zombies / Daniel W. Drezner.
Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011.

This is England [videorecording] / Weinstein Company ; IFC Films ; Red Envelope Entertainment ; FilmFour and the UK Film Council present in association with EM Media and Screen Yorkshire a Warp Films production in association with Big Arty Productions a Shane Meadows film ; executive producers, Tessa Ross, Peter Carlton, Paul Trijbits, Kate Ogborn, Will Clarke, Hugo Heppell ; produced by Mark Herbert ; written and directed by Shane Meadows.
[New York, N.Y.] : IFC Films ; [Solana Beach, Calif.] : Distributed by Genius Products, [2007].

This is no place for a woman : Nadine Gordimer, Buchi Emecheta, Nayantara Saghal [i.e. Sahgal], and the politics of gender / Joya Uraizee.
Trenton, NJ : Africa World Press, c2000.

Unlocking Romans : resurrection and the justification of God / J.R. Daniel Kirk.
Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2008.

Vivaldi / Michael Talbot.
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2000.

Vivaldi, the four seasons and other concertos, op. 8 / Paul Everett.
Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1996.

Wall / photographs by Josef Koudelka.
New York : Aperture, 2013.

Watching while Black : centering the television of Black audiences / edited by Beretta E. Smith-Shomade.
New Brunswick, N.J. ; London : Rutgers University Press, c2012.

With : reimagining the way you relate to God / Skye Jethani.
Nashville : Thomas Nelson, c2011.

Worship and mission for the global church : an ethnodoxology handbook / James R. Krabill, general editor ; Frank Fortunato, Robin P. Harris, Brian Schrag, editors.
Pasadena, CA : William Carey Library, c2013.

Worship where you’re planted : a primer for the local church worship leader / Dave Clark.
Kansas City, Mo. : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, c2010.

The Writer’s market.
Cincinnati, Writer’s Digest.

The following Books (5 items) were received into the Library’s bestsellers collection during October 2013:

The disaster artist : my life inside The room, the greatest bad movie ever made / Greg Sestero & Tom Bissell. New York : Simon & Schuster, 2013.

King’s mountain : a ballad novel / Sharyn McCrumb. New York : Thomas Dunne Books, 2013.

My mother’s secret : based on a true Holocaust story / J. L. Witterick. New York : G.P. Putnam’s Sons, [2013].

Paddle your own canoe : one man’s principles for delicious living / Nick Offerman. New York : Dutton, 2013.

The purchase / Linda Spalding. New York : Pantheon Books, [2013], c2012.

The following Books (59 items) were received into the Library collection as Gift Donations during October 2013:

The amazing life of Benjamin Franklin / by James Cross Giblin ; illustrated by Michael Dooling. New York : Scholastic Press, 2000.

Ana cultiva manzanas = Apple farmer Annie / por Monica Wellington. New York : Dutton Children’s Books, c2004.

Ancient melodies / Su Hua Ling Chen ; with an introduction by V. Sackville-West. New York : Universe Books, 1988.

Big brother, little brother / story and pictures by Marci Curtis. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c2004.

Big sister, little sister / story and pictures by Marci Curtis. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c2000.

The book of balance and harmony / translation and introduction by Thomas Cleary. Rider, 1990.

China journal 1889-1900 : an American missionary family during the Boxer Rebellion : with the letters and diaries of Eva Jane Price and her family / foreword by Harrison E. Salisbury ; introductory notes and annotations by Robert H. Felsing. New York : Collier Books, 1990.

China’s intercourse with Korea from the XVth century to 1895. New York, Paragon Book Reprint Corp., 1970.

The Chinese rites controversy : from its beginning to modern times / George Minamiki. Chicago : Loyola University Press, c1985.

Christianity and Chinese religions / Hans Küng, Julia Ching. New York : Doubleday, c1989.

Do you know where sea turtles go? / written by Paul Lowery ; illustrated by Tim Thomas. Panama City, FL : PBL Stories, 2007, c2005.

Don’t lose your shoes! : tie them instead! / [written by Elizabeth Mills ; illustrated by Sarah Beise]. New York : Cartwheel Books, 2009.

Evidence and Paul’s journeys : an historical investigation into the travels of the Apostle Paul / Jefferson White. Hilliard, OH : Parsagard Press, c2001.

The food of China / E.N. Anderson. New Haven : Yale University Press, c1988.

From Ming to Chʻing : conquest, region, and continuity in seventeenth- century China / edited by Jonathan D. Spence and John E. Wills. Jr. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1979.

The gay genius; the life and times of Su Tungpo. New York, J. Day Co. [1947].

George Washington : a brief biography / by William MacDonald. Mount Vernon, Va. : Mount Vernon Ladies’ Association, 1987.

George Washington, young leader / by Laurence Santrey ; illustrated by William Ostrowsey. Mahwah, N.J. : Troll Associates, c1982.

The golden mean : in which the extraordinary correspondence of Griffin & Sabine concludes / written and illustrated by Nick Bantock. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, c1993.

Granny’s dragon / Lisa McCourt ; illustrated by Cyd Moore. New York : Dutton Children’s Books, c2008.

Griffin & Sabine : an extraordinary correspondence / written and illustrated by Nick Bantock. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, c1991.

Hurlbut’s story of the Bible for young and old : one hundred sixty-eight stories, forming a continuous narrative of the Holy Scripture from Genesis to Revelation / by Jesse Lyman Hurlbut. Chicago ; Philadelphia : Winston, 1932.

If it weren’t for you. Pictures by Ben Shecter. New York: Harper & Row (c1966).

It’s all mine, or, The little raven’s mischief / story told by Nele Moost ; illustrations by Annet Rudolph. New York : Abbeville Press Publishers, 1999.

The legend of the Indian paintbrush / retold and illustrated by Tomie dePaola. New York : Putnam, 1991, c1988.

The lion, the witch and the wardrobe / based on the original book by C.S. Lewis ; retold by Hiawyn Oram ; illustrated by Tudor Humphries. [New York] : HarperCollins, c2004.

Little Loon and Papa / Toni Buzzeo ; illustrated by Margaret Spengler. New York : Dial Books for Young Readers, c2004.

Little pictures of Japan. Edited by Olive Beaupré  Miller, pictures by Katharine Sturges. Chicago, Book House for Children Publishers [c1950].

The living earth manual of feng-shui : Chinese geomancy / Stephen Skinner. London ; Boston : Routledge & K. Paul, 1982.

Llama Llama red pajama / written and illustrated by Anna Dewdney. New York : Viking, 2005.

The lord of the rings. Return of the king [videorecording] / New Line Cinema presents a Wingnut Films production ; producers, Barrie M. Osborne, Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson ; directed by Peter Jackson. Los Angeles, Calif. : New Line Home Entertainment, 2004, c2003.

The lord of the rings. The fellowship of the ring [videorecording] / New Line Cinema presents a Wingnut Films production ; producers, Barrie M. Osborne … [et al.] ; screenplay writers, Fran Walsh … [et al.] ; director, Peter Jackson. [United States] : New Line Home Entertainment, c2002.

The lord of the rings, the two towers [videorecording] / New Line Cinema presents a Wingnut Films production ; producers, Barrie M. Osborne, Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Stephen Sinclair & Peter Jackson ; directed by Peter Jackson. [United States] : New Line Home Entertainment ; Burbank, CA : Distributed by Warner Home Video, [2004].

Luke goes to bat / Rachel Isadora. New York : G.P. Putnam’s Sons, c2005.

Madame Mao : The white-boned demon. A biography of Madame Mao Zedong / Ross Terrill. Toronto ; New York : Bantam Books, 1986, c1984.

My Maasai life : from suburbia to Savannah / Robin Wiszowaty. Toronto : Me to We Books ; Vancouver : Greystone Books, c2010.

Nursery friends from France. Illustrated by Maud and Miska Petersham. Chicago, Book House for Children [1950].

OTA : the pygmy in the zoo / Phillips Verner Bradford & Harvey Blume. New York : St. Martin’s Press, 1992.

The perilous journey of the Donner Party / by Marian Calabro. New York : Scholastic Books, 2000, c1999.

Pigs love potatoes / Anika Denise ; illustrated by Christopher Denise. New York : Philomel Books, c2007.

The power of forgiveness [videorecording] / produced by Martin Doblmeier, Dan Juday, Adele Schmidt ; directed by Martin Doblmeier. [United States] : First Run Features, [2008].

Prehistoric life / M. Benton & E. Cook. New York : Shooting Star Press, 1996.

A puzzling day at Castle MacPelican / Scoular Anderson. Cambridge, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 1995.

Pyramids / Anne Millard. New York : Scholastic, c1996 (1998 printing).

The rain forest / created by Gallimard Jeunesse and René  Mettler ; illustrated by René  Mettler ; [English translation by Jennifer Riggs ; American text by Jean Marzollo]. New York : Scholastic, 1994.

Sabine’s notebook : in which the extraordinary correspondence of Griffin & Sabine continues / written and illlustrated by Nick Bantock. San Francisco : Chronicle Books, c1992.

Science / written by John Farndon ; illustrated by Julian Baker. Clifton : Dempsey Parr, c1999.

Selected writings of Nichiren / translated by Burton Watson and others ; edited with an introduction by Philip B. Yampolsky. New York : Columbia University Press, c1990.

A short history of Chinese philosophy. New York, Free Press [1966, c1948].

Six million paper clips : the making of a children’s Holocaust memorial / Peter W. Schroeder & Dagmar Schroeder-Hildebrand. Minneapolis : Kar-Ben Publishing, c2004.

The slant book / by Peter Newell. Boston ; Rutland, Vermont ; Tokyo : Tuttle Pub., [2001], c1967 (China : Palace Press International).

The soul of China. New York, Harper & Row [1965].

Stink : solar system superhero / Megan McDonald ; illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds. Somerville, Mass. : Candlewick Press, 2010.

Tales told in Holland / edited by Olive Beaupré  Miller ; illustrated by Maud & Miska Petersham. Chicago : Book House for Children, c1950.

Taoist ritual in Chinese society and history / John Lagerwey. New York : Macmillan ; London : Collier Macmillan, c1987.

Triumph on Everest : a photobiography of Sir Edmund Hillary / by Broughton Coburn. New York, NY : Scholastic, Inc., 2001, c2000.

Tumbler / Liz Filleul ; illustrated by Susan Field. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Books, 2001.

The West : an illustrated history for children / by Dayton Duncan ; with an introduction by Stephen Ives and Ken Burns. Boston : Little, Brown, c1996.

Young George Washington : America’s first president / by Andrew Woods ; illustrated by John Himmelman. [Mahwah, N.J.] : Troll Associates, 2001 c1992.

New Books and Media Received (September 2013)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (211 items) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during September 2013:

27 short plays / Christopher Durang. [Lyme, NH] : Smith and Kraus, 1995.

50 keys to the Bible / Marc Sevin. New York : Paulist Press, c2013.

56 up / produced by Claire Lewis, Michael Apted ; directed by Michael Apted ; executive producer, Alexander Gardiner. [London, England] : ITV Studios Ltd ; New York, New York : First Run Features, [2012].

100 principles of game design / Wendy Despain, editor ; Keyvan Acosta … [et al.]. Berkeley, Calif. : New Riders, c2013.

4000 miles and After the revolution : two plays / Amy Herzog. New York : Theatre Communications Group, [2013].

The African Christian diaspora : new currents and emerging trends in world Christianity / Afe Adogame. London ; New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.

The African memory of Mark : reassessing early church tradition / Thomas C. Oden. Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Academic, c2011.

Amanush [videorecording] = Amānusha / produced & directed by Shakti Samanta ; music, Shyamal Mitra. New Delhi : Super Cassettes Industries, 2007.

American water [sound recording] / Silver Jews. Chicago : Drag City, [1998].

The anatomy lesson / Philip Roth. New York : Vintage International, 1996.

Angry conversations with God : a snarky but authentic spiritual memoir / Susan E. Isaacs. New York : Faith Words, 2011.

Anne of Green Gables [videorecording] : the sequel / a Kevin Sullivan production ; executive producers, Trudy Grant and Kevin Sullivan ; produced, written and directed by Kevin Sullivan. [Toronto, Ont.] : Sullivan Entertainment, [2002].

Appalachia / Charles Wright. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999, c1998.

Aristotle : his life and school / Carlo Natali ; edited by D.S. Hutchinson. Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013].

Ausgewanderten. English. New York : New Directions, 1997, c1996.

Austerlitz / W.G. Sebald ; translated by Anthea Bell ; introduction by James Wood. New York : Modern Library, 2011.

The battle of Bretton Woods : John Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the making of a new world order / Benn Steil. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2013.

Beautiful souls : the courage and conscience of ordinary people in extraordinary times / Eyal Press. New York : Picador USA , 2013.

Behavior solutions for the inclusive classroom / Beth Aune, Beth Burt & Peter Gennaro. Arlington, Tex. : Future Horizons, c2010.

A bend in the river / V.S. Naipaul. New York : Vintage books, 1989.

The big bang theory. The complete sixth season [videorecording] / creator, Chuck Lorre, Bill Prady. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2013].

The Blackwell companion to Christian spirituality / edited by Arthur Holder. Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, c2011.

Blindness / José Saramago ; translated from the Portuguese by Giovanni Pontiero. San Diego, CA : Harcourt, Inc., 1999., c1997.

Blindness and insight : essays in the rhetoric of contemporary criticism / Paul de Man ; introduction by Wlad Godzich. Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, c1983.

A bolt from the blue and other essays / Mary McCarthy ; edited and with an introduction by A.O. Scott. New York : New York Review Books, 2002.

Bread & wine : a love letter to life around the table, with recipes / Shauna Niequist. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Zondervan, [2013].

Brighten the corners [sound recording] / Pavement. New York : Matador Records, p1997, p1999, p2008.

Broadway : the American musical / Laurence Maslon ; based on the documentary film by Michael Kantor ; [foreword by Julie Andrews]. Milwaukee, WI : Applause Theatre & Cinema Books, 2010.

Building stories / Chris Ware. New York : Pantheon Books, c2012.

C. S. Lewis : a life : eccentric genius, reluctant prophet / Alister McGrath. Carol Stream, Ill. : Tyndale House Publishers, c2013.

The Cambridge companion to Paul Tillich / edited by Russell Re Manning. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Cancer ward / Alexander Solzhenitsyn ; translated from the Russian by Nicholas Bethell and David Burg. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991.

Capitalism, socialism, and democracy / Joseph A. Schumpeter ; [with a new introduction by Thomas K. McCraw]. New York : Harper Perennial Modern Thought, 2008.

The catcher in the rye / J.D. Salinger. New York : Back Bay Books, 2001.

A Century old :  A journalist relives one hundred years through the memories of her grandmother. Mooresville, North Carolina :  Little Hoot Publishing.

The Christian century and the rise of the Protestant mainline / Elesha J. Coffman. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Christian worship : its theology and practice / Franklin M. Segler and Randall Bradley. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Pub. Group, c2006.

The chronicles of Narnia. Prince Caspian [videorecording] / Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media present a Mark Johnson/Silverbell Films production, an Andrew Adamson film ; produced by Mark Johnson, Andrew Adamson, Philip Steuer ; screenplay by Andrew Adamson & Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely ; directed by Andrew Adamson. [United States] : Walt Disney Home Entertainment ; Burbank, Calif. : Distributed by Buena Vista Home Entertainment, [2008].

Chronicles of Narnia. The voyage of the dawn treader [videorecording] / Fox 2000 Pictures and Walden Media present ; directed by Michael Apted ; screenplay by Christopher Markus & Stephen McFeely and Michael Petroni ; produced by Mark Johnson, Andrew Adamson, Philip Steuer. Beverly Hills, CA : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, [2011].

CivilWarLand in bad decline : stories and a novella / George Saunders. New York : Riverhead Books, 1997.

The colored museum / George C. Wolfe. New York : Grove Press, 1988.

Colossians and Philemon / Murray J. Harris. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, 2010.

The company she keeps. Orlando : Harcourt, [2003], c1970.

The complete Peanuts / Charles M. Schulz. Seattle : Fantagraphics Books, c2004-

Conducting technique etudes : laban-based etudes for class or individual practice : a practicalcompanion the The Conductor’s Gesture and Evoking Sound / James Jordan. Chicago : Gia Publications, 2013.

Constantine the Emperor / David Potter. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2013.

Copywriting : successful writing for design, advertising, and marketing / Mark Shaw. London : Laurence King, 2012.

The counterlife / Philip Roth. New York : Vintage International, 1996.

The death of King Arthur : a new verse translation / Simon Armitage. New York : W. W. Norton & Co., c2012.

The decision point : six cases in U.S. foreign policy decision making / David Patrick Houghton. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Deep ecology for the twenty-first century / edited by George Sessions. Boston : Shambhala ; [New York, N.Y.] : Distributed in the United States by Random House, c1995.

Defending childhood : keeping the promise of early education / Beverly Falk, editor ; Linda Darling-Hammond, foreword. New York : Teachers College Press, c2012.

Detroit : a play / by Lisa D’Amour. New York : Faber and Faber, 2011.

Developing a strategy for missions : a biblical, historical, and cultural introduction / John Mark Terry and J. D. Payne. Grand Rapids, Michigan : Baker Academic, 2013.

The Devil wears nada : Satan exposed / Tripp York. Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2011.

Devotions on the Greek New Testament : 52 reflections to inspire & instruct / J. Scott Duvall & Verlyn D. Verbrugge, editors. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c2012.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-5. Washington, D.C. : American Psychiatric Association, c2013.

Disgraced : a play / Ayad Akhtar. New York : Back Bay Books, 2013.

Documenting Intimate matters : primary sources for a history of sexuality in America / edited by Thomas A. Foster. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Early childhood literacy : the National Early Literacy Panel and beyond / edited by Timothy Shanahan and Christopher J. Lonigan. Baltimore, Md. : Paul H. Brookes Pub. Co., c2013.

Eating animals / Jonathan Safran Foer. New York : Back Bay Books/Little, Brown and Co., 2010.

Eating the plates : a pilgrim book of food and manners / by Lucille Recht Penner ; with illustrations selected by the author. New York : Macmillan ; Toronto : Maxwell Macmillan Canada ; New York : Maxwell Macmillan International, c1991.

eGods : faith versus fantasy in computer gaming / William Sims Bainbridge. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

Electronic and computer music / Peter Manning. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

The elegance of the hedgehog / Muriel Barbery ; translated from the French by Alison Anderson. New York : Europa Editions, 2008 ; (2009 printing).

Encountering Jesus in the scriptures / edited by Daniel J. Harrington and Christopher R. Matthews. New York : Paulist Press, c2012.

Enemies, a love story / Isaac Bashevis Singer. New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, [1988], c1972.

The English patient : a novel / by Michael Ondaatje. New York : Vintage Books, 1993.

Essential guide to reading biomedical papers : recognising and interpreting best practice / editor, Phil Langton. Chichester, West Sussex [England] ; Hoboken, N.J. : Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.

Fight club [videorecording] / Fox 2000 Pictures and Regency Enterprises present a Linson Films production ; screenplay by Jim Uhls ; produced by Art Linson, Cean Chaffin, Ross Grayson Bell ; directed by David Fincher. Beverly Hills, Calif. : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, [2003].

Fighting words : religion, violence, and the interpretation of sacred texts / edited by John Renard. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2012.

Filled with the Spirit / John R. Levison. Cambridge, U.K. ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2009.

Finding the lost images of God : uncover the ancient culture, discover hidden meanings / Timothy S. Laniak. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c2012.

Fire in the ashes : twenty-five years among the poorest children in America / Jonathan Kozol. New York : Crown Publishers, c2013..

Flight behavior : a novel / Barbara Kingsolver. New York : Harper Perennial, 2013, c2012.

Forgotten songs : reclaiming the Psalms for Christian worship / C. Richard Wells & Ray Van Neste, editors. Nashville, Tenn. : B&H Academic, 2012.

Four views on the role of works at the Final Judgment / Robert N. Wilkin, Thomas R. Schreiner, James D.G. Dunn, Michael P. Barber. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, [2013].

The gay science / Friedrich Nietzsche ; translated by Thomas Common ; poetry rendered by Paul V. Cohn and Maude D. Petre. Mineola, N.Y. : Dover Publications, 2006.

From pentecost to Patmos : an introduction to Acts through Revelation / Craig L. Blomberg. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, 2006.

From recipients to donors : emerging powers and the changing development landscape / Emma Mawdsley. London ; New York : Zed Books, 2012.

From Rome to Byzantium AD 363 to 565 : the transformation of ancient Rome / A.D. Lee. Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, c2013.

From up on Poppy Hill [videorecording] / Studio Ghibli ; Nippon Television Network ; Dentsu ; Hakuhodo Dymp ; Walt Disney Japan ; Mitsubishi ; Toho ; Kennedy/Marshall ; director, Goro Miyazaki ; producers, Geoffrey Wexler, Toshio Suzuki ; screenwriter, Hayao Miyazaki, Keiko Niwa. [United States] : GKids, [2013].

The fusion marketing bible : fuse traditional media, social media, and digital media to maximize marketing / Lon Safko. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2013.

The German Democratic Republic / Peter Grieder. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

Getting your head around the brain / Amanda Ellison. Basingstoke, Hampshire [England] ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

A gift of love : sermons from Strength to love and other preachings / Martin Luther King, Jr. ; foreword by Coretta Scott King ; new foreword by Raphael G. Warnock. Boston : Beacon Press, c2012.

The girls of slender means / Muriel Spark. New York : New Directions Pub., 1998.

Global health and international relations / Colin McInnes and Kelley Lee. Cambridge, UK ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2012.

The globalization of supermax prisons / edited by Jeffrey Ian Ross ; foreword by Loïc Wacquant. New Brunswick, N.J. ; London : Rutgers University Press, c2013.

The God who provides : biblical images of divine nourishment / L. Juliana M. Claassens. Nashville : Abingdon Press, 2004.

Governing the world : the history of an idea, 1815 to the present / Mark Mazower. New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 2013.

Gravity’s rainbow / Thomas Pynchon. New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 2006.

The Great Commission to worship : biblical principles for worship-based evangelism / David Wheeler and Vernon M. Whaley. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, c2011.

The group / Mary McCarthy. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1991, c1982.

Gruesome playground injuries ; Animals out of paper ; Bengal tiger at the Baghdad Zoo : three plays / Rajiv Joseph. Berkeley, CA : Soft Skull Press/Counterpoint : Distributed by Publishers Group West, 2010.

Here be dragons : exploring fantasy maps and settings / Stefan Ekman. Middletown, CT : Wesleyan University Press, c2013.

The hobbit [videorecording] : an unexpected journey / Warner Bros. Pictures ; New Line Cinema and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures present ; a Wingnut Films production ; directed by Peter Jackson ; screenplay by Fran Walsh & Philippa Boyens & Peter Jackson & Guillermo Del Toro ; produced by Carolynne Cunningham, Zane Weiner, Fran Walsh, Peter Jackson. Burbank, CA : Warner Home Video, [2013].

The Hollywood family film : a history, from Shirley Temple to Harry Potter / Noel Brown. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris, 2012.

Holy war in the Bible : Christian morality and an Old Testament problem / edited by Heath Thomas, Jeremy Evans and Paul Copan. Downers Grove, Illinois : IVP Academic, an imprint of InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Homilies on the first Epistle of John = (Tractatus in epistolam Joannis ad Parthos) / [Saint Augustine] ; introductions, translation and notes by Boniface Ramsey ; editors, Daniel E. Doyle and Thomas Martin. Hyde Park, N.Y. : New City Press, 2008.

How children succeed : grit, curiosity, and the hidden power of character / Paul Tough. Boston ; New York : Mariner Books, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.

How Shakespeare changed everything / Stephen Marche. Toronto : Harper Perennial, 2012, c2011.

I thought it was just me (but it isn’t) : telling the truth about perfectionism, inadequacy, and power / Brené Brown. New York : Gotham Books, 2008, c2007.

In defense of the Bible : a comprehensive apologetic for the authority of scripture / edited by Stephen B. Cowan and Terry L. Wilder. Nashville, TN : Broadman & Holman Publishing Group, c2013.

In Europa. English. London : Vintage Books 2008.

Intellectual memoirs : New York, 1936-1938 / Mary McCarthy ; with a foreword by Elizabeth Hardwick ; notes by Carol Brightman. San Diego : Harcourt Brace, 1993.

Interpreting gospel narratives : scenes, people, and theology / Timothy Wiarda. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Pub., 2010.

Introduction to cancer biology / Robin Hesketh. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

An introduction to medieval theology / Rik van Nieuwenhove. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Isaiah / David W. Baker ; John H. Walton, general editor. Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan, 2013.

James : exegetical guide to the Greek New Testament / Chris A. Vlachos ; foreword by Douglas J. Moo ; Murray J. Harris, Andreas J. Köstenberger, general editors. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, 2013.

Jesus and the Jewish festivals / Gary M. Burge. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c2012.

Jesus is the Christ : the Messianic testimony of the Gospels / Michael F. Bird. Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, c2012.

Job / John H Walton with Kelly Vizcaino. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, [2012].

Job 38-42 / David J.A. Clines. Dallas, Texas : Word Books, 2011.

The king / Steven James. New York : Signet, c2013.

The King Jesus Gospel : the original good news revisited / Scot McKnight. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, c2011.

The last night of Ballyhoo / Alfred Uhry. New York : Theatre Communications Group, c1997.

Let the great world spin : a novel / Colum McCann. New York : Random House, 2010, c2009.

The life of a leaf / Steven Vogel. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2013.

Lifeskills [videorecording] : how to build a class family in an ITI classroom / Susan Kovalik & Associates. Kent, WA : Susan Kovalik & Associates : distributed by Books for Educators, c2006.

The lives of ordinary people in ancient Israel : where archaeology and the Bible intersect / William G. Dever. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012.

The longest war : the enduring conflict between America and al-Qaeda / Peter L. Bergen. New York : Free Press, c2011.

Lost in the cosmos : the last self-help book / Walker Percy. New York : Picador USA, [2000].

Love in the time of revolution : transatlantic literary radicalism and historical change, 1793-1818 / Andrew Cayton. Chapel Hill : Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, [2013].

Maestro Mouse and the mystery of the missing baton / by Peter W. Barnes and Cheryl Shaw Barnes. Washington, DC : Little Patriot Press ; New York : Distributed to the trade by Perseus Distribution, c2013.

The making of American liberal theology  / Gary Dorrien. Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, c2001-c2006.

Man from Nebraska : a play / Tracy Letts. Evanston, Ill. : Northwestern University Press, 2006.

The man without qualities / Robert Musil ; translated from the German by Sophie Wilkins ; editorial consultant, Burton Pike. New York : Vintage Books, 1996, c1995.

The man without qualities / Robert Musil ; translated from the German by Sophie Wilkins ; editorial consultant, Burton Pike. New York : Vintage Books, 1996, c1995.

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers / Kate L. Turabian ; revised by Wayne C. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb, Joseph M. Williams, and the University of Chicago Press editorial staff. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, [2013].

Quotations from Chairman Mao Tsetung.. English. Dubuque, Iowa : Synergy International of The Americas, 2006.

Memories of a Catholic girlhood / Mary McCarthy. New York : Harcourt, Brace, c1985.

The message of women : creation, grace and gender / Derek Tidball, Dianne Tidball. Downers Grove, IL : Inter-Varsity Press, 2012.

Minds, brains, souls, and gods : a conversation on faith, psychology, and neuroscience / Malcolm Jeeves. Downers Grove, IL : InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Les misérables [videorecording] / a Universal Pictures presentation, in association with Relativity Media ; a Working Title Films/Cameron MacKintosh production ; a film by Tom Hooper ; screenplay by William Nicholson, Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg, Herbert Kretzmer ; produced by Tim Bevan, Eric Fellner, Debra Hayward, Cameron MacKintosh ; directed by Tom Hooper. Universal City, Calif. : Universal Studios Home Entertainment, c2013.

Moving forward : six steps to forgiving yourself and breaking free from the past / Everett L. Worthington, Jr. Colorado Springs, Colorado : WaterBrook Press, 2013.

Muqaddar ka Sikandar [videorecording] = Mukaddara kā Sikandara = Muqaddar kā Sikandar / Prakash Mehra Productions presents ; screenplay, Vijay Kaul ; produced and directed by Prakash Mehra. London : Eros International ; Mumbai : Marketed and distributed in India by Eros Multimedia, [2000].

Music career advising : a guide for students, parents, and teachers / Eric Branscome. Lanham : Published in partnership with the National Association for Music Education, Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2013.

Never underestimate god’s child. [S.l.] : West Bow Pr, 2013.

The new rules of marketing & PR : how to use social media, online video, mobile applications, blogs, news releases, and viral marketing to reach buyers directly / David Meerman Scott. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., [2013].

The new social story book / by Carol Gray. Arlington, Tex. : Future Horizons, c2010.

A New Woman reader : fiction, articles, and drama of the 1890s / edited by Carolyn Christensen Nelson. Peterborough, Ont. ; Orchard Park, NY : Broadview Press, c2001.

Next to normal / music, Tom Kitt ; book and lyrics, Brian Yorkey. New York : Theatre Communications Group ; [Minneapolis, Minn.] : Distributed to the book trade by Consortium Book Sales and Distribution, 2010.

Not Hollywood : independent film at the twilight of the American dream / Sherry B. Ortner. Durham ; London : Duke University Press, 2013.

Numbers to Ruth / Tremper Longman III & David E. Garland, general editors. Grand Rapids : Zondervan, 2012.

One Bible, many versions : are all translations created equal? / Dave Brunn. Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Operation Shylock : a confession / Philip Roth. New York : Vintage Books, 1994.

Painting churches / by Tina Howe. London ; New York : S. French, c1984.

The parables of Jesus / David Wenham. Downers Grove, Ill. : InterVarsity Press, 1989.

The Paraguay reader : history, culture, politics / Peter Lambert and Andrew Nickson, eds. Durham and London : Duke University Press, 2013.

Pastoralia : stories / by George Saunders. New York : Riverhead Books, 2001.

The Patrick Melrose novels : Never mind, Bad news, Some hope, and Mother’s milk / Edward St. Aubyn. New York : Picador, 2012.

Paul the Apostle : his life and legacy in their Roman context / J. Albert Harrill. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.

People’s history of the u.s. military : ordinary soldiers reflect on their experience of war,… [S.l.] : New Press, 2013.

Peoples of the Roman world / Mary T. Boatwright. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Philosophy in the boudoir, or, The immoral mentors / Marquis de Sade ; translated from the French by Joachim Neugroschel ; introduction by Francine du Plessix Gray. New York : Penguin Books, 2006.

A picture book of Anne Frank / David A. Adler ; illustrated by Karen Ritz. New York : Holiday House, c1993.

Pleasure in ancient Greek philosophy / David Wolfsdorf. Cambridge, [England] : Cambridge University Press, c2013.

The Prague orgy / Philip Roth. New York : Vintage Books, 1996.

Race in Cuba : essays on the Revolution and racial inequality / by Esteban Morales Domínguez ; edited and translated under the direction of Gary Prevost and August Nimtz. New York : Monthly Review Press, [2013].

Psalms / John W. Hilber ;  John H. Walton, general editor. Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan, 2013.

Radical moves : Caribbean migrants and the politics of race in the jazz age / Lara Putnam. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2013.

Recovering international relations : the promise of sustainable critique / Daniel J. Levine. New York : Oxford University Press, 2012.

Red letter revolution : what if Jesus really meant what he said? / Shane Claiborne and Tony Campolo. Nashville : Thomas Nelson, c2012.

Regulating the poor : the functions of public welfare / Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward. New York : Vintage Books, 1993.

Reinventing professionalism : journalism and news in global perspective / Silvio Waisbord. Cambridge ; Malden, MA : Polity, 2013.

Resonance : beyond the words / Unni Wikan. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, [2012].

The rings of saturn / W.G. Sebald ; translated by Michael Hulse. New York : New Directions, 1999.

The role of women in the church / Charles Ryrie. Nashville, Tenn. : B & H Academic, c2011.

The savage Freud and other essays on possible and retrievable selves / Ashis Nandy. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c1995.

See me naked : stories of sexual exile in American Christianity / Amy Frykholm. Boston : Beacon Press, c2011.

Seeking Palestine : new Palestinian writing on exile and home / edited by Penny Johnson and Raja Shehadeh. Northampton, Mass. : Olive Branch Press, 2013.

Sex, gender, and Christianity / edited by Priscilla Pope-Levison and John R. Levison. Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2012.

Shakespeare and the making of theatre / edited by Stuart Hampton-Reeves and Bridget Escolme. Basingstoke, U. K. ; New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

A short history of the Spanish Civil War / Julián Casanova. London ; New York : I.B. Tauris & Co. ; New York : Distributed in the U.S. and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.

A short introduction to climate change / Tony Eggleton. Cambridge ; Port Melbourne, Vic. : Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Slanted and enchanted [sound recording] / Pavement. New York, NY : Matador Records, p1992.

Spike Lee’s America / David Sterritt. Cambridge, UK : Polity Press, 2013.

St John of the Cross : his life and poetry / Gerald Brenan ; with a translation of his poetry by Lynda Nicholson. London : Cambridge University Press, 1975.

Stella Adler on America’s master playwrights : Eugene O’Neill, Thornton Wilder, Clifford Odets, William Saroyan, Tennessee Williams, William Inge, Arthur Miller, Edward Albee / edited and with commentary by Barry Paris. New York : Vintage Books, 2013.

Story-shaped worship : following patterns from the Bible and history / Robbie F. Castleman. Downers Grove, Illinois : InterVarsity Press, [2013].

Strengths based leadership : great leaders, teams, and why people follow / Tom Rath, Barry Conchie. New York : Gallup Press, c2008.

Teresa of Avila / Rowan Williams. London : New York : Continuum, 2003.

Their fair share : taxing the rich in the age of FDR / Joseph J. Thorndike. Washington, D.C. : The Urban Institute Press, [2013].

Thom Pain (based on nothing) : published with other monologues for theatre / Will Eno. New York : Theatre Communications Group, 2005.

Thrill of the chaste : the allure of Amish romance novels / Valerie Weaver-Zercher. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2013.

True story. [S.l.] : Barbour Pub Inc, 2013.

Undercover reporting : the truth about deception / Brooke Kroeger ; foreword by Pete Hamill. Evanston, Ill. : Medill School of Journalism/Northwestern University Press, 2012.

Understanding biblical theology : a comparison of theory and practice / Edward W. Klink III and Darian R. Lockett. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, 2012.

Understanding Christian mission : participation in suffering and glory / Scott W. Sunquist. Grand Rapids, Michican : Baker Pub. Group, 2013.

The United States and China : a history from the eighteenth century to the present / Dong Wang. Lanham : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2013.

The virtues of poetry / James Longenbach. Minneapolis, Minnesota : Graywolf Press, 2013.

Volcker : the triumph of persistence / William L. Silber. New York ; London : Bloomsbury, 2013.

Water on sand : environmental histories of the Middle East and North Africa / edited by Alan Mikhail. New York : Oxford University Press, c2013.

We are Anonymous : inside the hacker world of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the global cyber insurgency / Parmy Olson. New York : Back Bay Books, 2013.

West Side story [videorecording (DVD)] / Mirisch Pictures presents a Robert Wise production in association with Seven Arts Productions, Inc. ; screenplay writer, Ernest Lehman ; directors, Robert Wise, Jerome Robbins. [United States] : MGM Home Entertainment, [2003], c1961.

When kingdoms clash : the Christian and ideologies / Calvin E. Shenk. Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, c1988.

When the pastor is your husband : the joy and pain of ministry wives / by Donna Bordelon Alder. Kansas City, Mo. : Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, c2011.

The whisperers [videorecording] / United Artists Pictures Inc. ; Seven Pines Productions ; Bryan Forbes’ production ; produced by Michael S. Laughlin & Ronald Shedlo ; written for the screen & directed by Bryan Forbes ; distributed by Lopert Pictures Corporation. [United States] : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios ; Distributed by CreateSpace, c2010.

Women leading women : the biblical model for the church  / Jaye Martin & Terri Stovall. Nashville : B&H Academic, c2008.

The Word as true myth : interpreting modern theology / Gary Dorrien. Louisville, Ky. : Westminster John Knox Press, 1997.

Wowee zowee [sound recording] / Pavement. N[ew] Y[ork] C[ity] : Matador, p1995.

Wuthering heights [videorecording] / Film4 and the UK Film Council present in association with Goldcrest Film Production LLP and Screen Yorkshire and HanWay Films, an Ecosse Films production ; screenplay by Andrea Arnold, Olivia Hetreed; screen story by Olivia Hetreed ; produced by Robert Bernstein, Douglas Rae, Kevin Loader ; directed by Andrea Arnold. [United States] : Oscilloscope Laboratories, [2013].

Yesterday [videorecording] / HBO Films presents in association with Anant Singh ; a Distant Horizon/Videovision Entertainment production in association with the Nelson Mandela Foundation, M-Net, Exciting Films and National Film and Video Foundation of South Africa ; a Darrell James Roodt film ; producers, Anant Singh, Helena Spring ; written and directed by Darrell James Roodt. New York : Home Box Office, [2006].

Youth policy in a changing world : from theory to practice / Marina Hahn-Bleibtreu, Marc Molgat, (eds.). Opladen : Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2012.

Zondervan illustrated Bible backgrounds commentary : Genesis / John H. Walton, [general editor]. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Zondervan, 2013.

Zuckerman unbound / Philip Roth. New York : Vintage International, 1995.

The following Books (5 items) were received into the Library’s bestsellers collection during September 2013:

Falling into the fire : a psychiatrist’s encounters with the mind in crisis / Christine Montross. New York : Penguin Press, 2013.

Fangirl / Rainbow Rowell. New York : St. Martin’s Griffin, 2013.

Keepers : two home cooks share their tried-and-true weeknight recipes and the secrets to happiness in the kitchen / Kathy Brennan and Caroline Campion ; photographs by Christopher Testani. New York, NY : Rodale : Distributed to the trade by Macmillan, [2013].

The sports gene : inside the science of extraordinary athletic performance / David Epstein. New York, New York : Current, [2013].

There is no app for happiness : how to avoid a near-life experience / Max Strom. New York : Skyhorse Publishing, 2013.


#BannedBooksWeek display highlights freedom to read

We’re celebrating American Library Association’s Banned Books Week (September 22-28, 2013) by inviting you to read books that have been deemed “pornographic,” “racist,” “obscene,” and even “un-American.”

The display shelves on the 1st floor of your Library are now home to 28 books wrapped in brown paper, with title and author information hidden. On each wrapper, you’ll find the various charges that have been leveled against that particular book (e.g., “graphic imagery” or “drug use”). What do they have in common? All of these books have been challenged or banned in US libraries or school systems in the past few years. As a point of contrast to these allegations, on the spines of the wrapped books, Library staff have written the praise each has received. You may be surprised to see how many of these controversial books or their authors have won Pulitzers, Nobels, or other prestigious awards, or have been #1 bestsellers!

The books are wrapped in paper to highlight the “dangerous” content some feel they contain, and these wrappers will stay on the books until they’re checked out. We encourage you to take a chance and check out something that will both entertain and challenge you as you come to your own conclusions.

Why celebrate banned books? Libraries serve to connect users to information–not to restrict users’ access to it. As Library professionals, we cannot deny users the right to receive the information they desire because a third party may find it morally objectionable. We uphold the First Amendment’s guarantee of freedom of speech, and the corollary right to freely receive information. Some people want to restrict your right to read whatever you want, but librarians are there to stand up for your to be informed and entertained.

You can learn more about Banned Books Week at, and by following the #BannedBooksWeek hashtag on Twitter. Check out how libraries around the world are taking a stand for your right to read by highlighting their controversial books.