Helsabeck Archives Receives North American Christian Convention Archives

Milligan Libraries is excited to announce that the Helsabeck Archives of the Stone-Campbell Movement recently received the North American Christian Convention archives. The large collection of over 100 boxes contains material spanning the history of the convention. Included are photos, audio and visual material, and papers documenting the 90 year plus history of the independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ’s annual convention.

“When the NACC (North American Christian Convention) contacted us about donating their archives, I was thrilled,” Katherine Banks, Information Resources Librarian & College Archivist, says. “Because the Helsabeck Archives is focusing on collecting the history of the Christian Churches/Churches of Christ branch of the Stone-Campbell Movement and the Convention is such a pivotal part of that branch’s history, I knew it would make a wonderful centerpiece collection for the archives.”

Letterhead from the NACC Executive Director Records collection

First held in 1927, the North American Christian Convention was a gathering of the independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ (“4 C’s”). As such, it was not a denominational meeting, but a meeting highlighted by discussions, exhibits, worship services, and preaching. Beginning in 1950, the convention was held annually until 2018, after which it changed its name to Spire. The convention has been held in conjunction with other similar meetings at times, including a long tenure with Bible Bowl, a youth Bible quiz competition.

“This collection is a superb addition to the Helsabeck Archives,” remarks David Kiger, Theological Librarian and Assistant Director of Library Services. “Our goal with the Helsabeck Archives is to be a vital research center for Stone-Campbell Movement history. Because of Milligan and Emmanuel’s long-standing connection with the convention, the NACC archives is one giant step in that direction.” Former Theological Librarian John Mark Wade donated the shelving necessary to house this unique collection in the Helsabeck Archives.

Newsletter title from the NACC Executive Director Records collection

The first collection made available for research from the larger NACC archives collection is the Executive Director Office’s records. “This has been a fascinating part of the larger collection to work on,” says Banks, who prepared this collection for research. “For anyone wanting to know the work and planning that went into preparing for and debriefing from the convention every year, this will be a valuable resource.” A finding aid (detailed record of the collection, including a list of the contents) can be found on MCStor, Milligan Libraries’ institutional repository. Other parts of the larger archives will be opened for research as they are processed.

We are grateful to the North American Christian Convention for choosing the Helsabeck Archives and Milligan Libraries to preserve their history!

The Helsabeck Archives of the Stone-Campbell Movement, located in the Seminary Library branch of Milligan Libraries, is open by appointment 8:00 AM-4:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

New Books and Media Received (December 2018 & January 2019)

The following Books and DVDs (331 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during December 2018 and January 2019.

Seminary Library

Language and Literature
Relevance theory : a guide to successful communication in translation, 1992.

A week in the fall of Jerusalem, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Acts of the Apostles: interpretation, history, and theology, 2016.

An apocalypse of love: essays in honor of Cyril O’Regan, 2018.

The Bible from late antiquity to the Renaissance: writing and images from the Vatican Library, 2017.

Black theology: essays on global perspectives, 2017.

Black Theology USA and South Africa: politics, culture, and liberation, 2005.

The Cambridge companion to Black theology, 2012.

The Cambridge edition of early Christian writings. Volume 1, God, 2017.

Christ the heart of creation, 2018.

A commentary on the book of the twelve: the minor prophets, 2018.

Complete works by Leontius, Brian E. Daley, 2017.

Connections: a lectionary commentary for preaching and worship, 2018.

The end of preaching, 2018.

Everyday glory: the revelation of God in all of reality, 2018.

Fear of the other: no fear in love, 2016.

Feasting on the Gospels: a feasting on the word commentary, 2013.

The genesis of liberation: biblical interpretation in the antebellum narratives of the enslaved, 2016.

The gospel of John in modern interpretation, 2018.

The hermeneutics of the biblical writers: learning to interpret scripture from the prophets and apostles, 2018.

The history of theological education, 2015.

How Israel became a people, 2013.

Hymnes contre les hérésies; Hymnes contre Julien, 2017.

Images of pastoral care: classic readings, 2005.

Jesus the Spirit baptizer: Christology in light of Pentecost, 2018.

The kingdom of man: genesis and failure of the modern project, 2018.

Learning theology through the church’s worship: an introduction to Christian belief, 2018.

Looking back, moving forward: wisdom from the Sankofa Institute for African American Pastoral Leadership, 2018.

The Lord’s Prayer (Interpretation: resources for the use of Scripture in the church), 2018.

Pastor: the theology and practice of ordained ministry, 2016.

A philosophy of the Christian religion, 2018.

Politics and the order of love: an Augustinian ethic of democratic citizenship, 2008.

Putting God on the map: theology and conceptual mapping, 2018.

Reading Acts, 2018.

Rehearsing scripture: discovering God’s word in community, 2018.

Resourcing theological anthropology: a constructive account of humanity in the light of Christ, 2017.

The righteous and merciful judge: the day of the Lord in the life and theology of Paul, 2018.

The sacred economy of ancient Israel, 2015.

Scripture re-envisioned: Christophanic exegesis and the making of a Christian Bible, 2019.

Simply good news: why the gospel is news and what makes it good, 2017.

Sin in Origen’s Commentary on Romans, 2018.

The Son who learned obedience: a theological case against the eternal submission of the Son, 2018.

Still Christian: following Jesus out of American evangelicalism, 2017.

Studying Paul’s letters with the mind and heart, 2018.

The Syriac versions of the de spiritu sancto, 1999.

Tending the tree of life: preaching and worship through reproductive loss and adoption, 2018.

A theology of grace in six controversies, 2016.

Walking in the prophetic tradition: models of speaking truth and acting in love for everyday… people, 2018.

William Desmond and contemporary theology, 2017.

Womanist Midrash: a reintroduction to the women of the Torah and the throne, 2017.

Youthful preaching: strengthening the relationship between youth, adults, and preaching, 2016.

The dictionary of classical Hebrew, v. 9, 2016.

Theological dictionary of the Old Testament. Volume XVI, 2018.

Welshimer Library

Bibliography, Library Science, and Information Resources
Bookbinding: a comprehensive guide to folding, sewing & binding, 2018.

The codex and crafts in late antiquity, 2018.

The desegregation of public libraries in the Jim Crow South: civil rights and local activism, 2018.

Fine Arts
Animation: a world history [3 volumes], 2017.

Artemisia Gentileschi in a changing light, 2017.

Leonardo da Vinci, 2017.

Monochrome: painting in black and white, 2017.

Pollock’s modernism, 2017.

Sagmeister & Walsh: beauty, 2018.

Sagmeister: made you look: another self-indulgent design monograph (practically everything we have ever designed including the bad stuff), 2009.

In the field: life and work in cultural anthropology, 2018.

Is the cemetery dead?, 2018.

This green and growing land: environmental activism in American history, 2018.

Why good people do bad environmental things, 2018. 

1917: Lenin, Wilson, and the birth of the new world disorder, 2018.

American empire: a global history, 2018.

At mama’s knee: mothers and race in black and white, 2017.

The burning house: Jim Crow and the making of modern America, 2018.

Caliphate redefined: the mystical turn in Ottoman political thought, 2018.

China’s India war: collision course on the roof of the world, 2018.

The Chinese must go: violence, exclusion, and the making of the alien in America, 2018.

Cleopatra’s daughter: and other royal women of the Augustan era, 2018.

The Code of Putinism, 2018.

Friends divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, 2017.

Giza and the pyramids: the definitive history, 2017.

Heroes, Martyrs, and Political Messiahs in Revolutionary Cuba, 1946-1958, 2018.

The Indian world of George Washington: the first President, the first Americans, and the birth of the nation, 2018.

The love of strangers: what six Muslim students learned in Jane Austen’s London, 2016.

On the ocean: the Mediterranean and the Atlantic from prehistory to AD 1500, 2017.

Our Black sons matter: mothers talk about fears, sorrows, and hopes, 2016.

The Oxford handbook of religion and race in American history, 2018.

Pandora’s box: a history of the First World War, 2018.

President McKinley, 2017.

The Second Seminole War and the limits of American aggression, 2018.

Sediments of time: on possible histories, 2018.

A short history of the hundred years war, 2018.

State of repression: Iraq under Saddam Hussein, 2018.

Troy: myth, city, icon, 2018.

Undocumented lives: the untold story of Mexican migration, 2018.

W.E.B. Du Bois’s data portraits: visualizing Black America: the color line at the turn of the twentieth century, 2018.

Language and Literature
Beasts at bedtime: revealing the environmental wisdom in children’s literature, 2018.

The Bloomsbury introduction to children’s and young adult literature, 2018.

Elements of surprise: our mental limits and the satisfactions of plot, 2018.

GOETHE: life as a work of art., 2018.

An introduction to Chinese poetry: from the Canon of poetry to the lyrics of the Song dynasty, 2017.

The making of the Odyssey, 2014.

Reading Jane Austen, 2017.

Repairing the broken surface of talk: managing problems in speaking, hearing, and understanding in conversation / Repairing the broken surface of talk: managing problems in speaking, hearing, and understanding in conversation, 2018.

The social origins of language, 2018.

Solzhenitsyn: the historical-spiritual destinies of Russia and the West, 2017.

Tact: aesthetic liberalism and the essay form in nineteenth-century Britain, 2018.

Tolkien: maker of Middle-Earth, 2018.

Typeset in the future: typography and design in science fiction movies, 2018.

The curse of bigness: antitrust in the new Gilded Age, 2018.

Hate: why we should resist it with free speech, not censorship, 2018.

Scalia speaks: reflections on law, faith, and life well lived, 2017.

Seeking accountability for the unlawful use of force, 2018.

Addiction and change: how addictions develop and addicted people recover, 2018.

Clinical assessment recommendations, 2015.

Life’s work: from the trenches, a moral argument for choice, 2017.

Overcoming opioid addiction: the authoritative medical guide for patients, families, doctors, and therapists, 2018.

Prelude to hospice: Florence Wald, dying people and their families, 2018.

The science of addiction: from neurobiology to treatment, 2018.

Beethoven & freedom, 2017.

Historians on Hamilton: how a blockbuster musical is restaging America’s past, 2018.

The Tchaikovsky papers: unlocking the family archive, 2018.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Action versus contemplation: why an ancient debate still matters, 2018.

Aesthetics of the familiar: everyday life and world-making, 2017.

Bound: essays on free will and responsibility, 2015.

Case conceptualization and effective interventions: assessing and treating mental, emotional and behavioral disorders, 2016.

Christian: the politics of a word in America, 2018.

Christianity: the first three thousand years, 2010.

The craft of creativity, 2018.

Dharma: the Hindu, Jain, Buddhist and Sikh traditions of India, 2017.

The emotional foundations of personality: a neurobiological and evolutionary approach, 2018.

Evolving brains, emerging gods: early humans and the origins of religion, 2017.

Finding ourselves after Darwin: conversations on the image of God, original sin, and the problem of evil, 2018.

A guide to the world of dreams: an integrative approach to dreamwork, 2017.

The history of animals: a philosophy, 2018.

How fear works: culture of fear in the twenty-first century, 2018.

The invention of religion: faith and covenant in the book of Exodus, 2018.

The Jewish Bible: a material history, 2017.

John Wesley: optimist of grace, 2018.

Managing your research data and documentation, 2018.

The monastery and the microscope: conversations with the Dalai Lama on mind, mindfulness, and the Nature of Reality, 2017.

The nature of human creativity, 2018.

Nietzsche’s final teaching, 2017.

On Descartes’ passive thought: the myth of Cartesian dualism, 2018.

Pantheon: a new history of Roman religion, 2018.

A philosophy for the science of well-being, 2017.

Post-truth, 2018.

Psychological science and Christian faith: insights and enrichments from constructive dialogue, 2018.

Russian cosmism, 2018.

Then they came for me: Martin Niemöller, the pastor who defied the Nazis, 2018.

What did Jesus look like?, 2018.

Why we need religion, 2018.

Political Science
America, Aristotle, and the politics of a middle class, 2018.

Civic hope: how ordinary Americans keep democracy alive, 2018.

How to rig an election, 2018.

The price of prestige: conspicuous consumption in international relations, 2018.

Reign of appearances: the misery and splendor of the public sphere, 2018. 

The ark and beyond: the evolution of zoo and aquarium conservation, 2018.

Ethics and practice in science communication, 2018.

Paradoxes of time travel, 2018.

Shapeshifters: a journey through the changing human body, 2018.

Universe in creation: a new understanding of the big bang and the emergence of life, 2018.

Worldviews: an introduction to the history and philosophy of science, 2018. 

Social Sciences
Banana cowboys: the United Fruit Company and the culture of corporate colonialism, 2018.

Building nature’s market: the business and politics of natural foods, 2017.

Collective choice and social welfare, 2017.

Cultural evolution: people’s motivations are changing, and reshaping the world, 2018.

Early medieval Britain: the rebirth of towns in the post-Roman West, 2018.

Hammer, sickle, and soil: the Soviet drive to collectivize agriculture, 2017.

The mystery of the Kibbutz: egalitarian principles in a capitalist world, 2018.

The open sea: the economic life of the ancient Mediterranean world from the Iron Age to the rise of Rome, 2018.

Philosophy of race: an introduction, 2018.

The political history of American food aid: an uneasy benevolence, 2017.

Ramp hollow: the ordeal of appalachia., 2018.

Regulating the lives of women: social welfare policy from colonial times to the present, 2018.

Valley of genius: the uncensored history of Silicon Valley, as told by the hackers, founders, and freaks who made it boom, 2018.

Best before: the evolution and future of processed food, 2018.

The craft of scientific writing, 2018.

How the Internet happened: from Netscape to the iPhone, 2018. 

2010 : the year we make contact, 2010.

30 Rock. Season 1, 2007.

30 Rock. Season 2, 2008.

30 Rock. Season 3, 2009.

30 Rock. Season 4, 2010.

30 Rock. Season 5, 2011.

30 Rock. Season 6, 2012.

30 Rock. Season 7, the final season, 2013.

The big bang theory. The complete eleventh season, 2018.

Eight days a week : the touring years, 2016.

Help!, 2007.

Magical mystery tour, 2012.

The office : the complete series, 2014.

Parks and recreation. [Complete series], 2015. 

A Greek-English lexicon by Henry George Liddell, Robert Scott, Henry Stuart Jones, Roderick McKenzie, 1996.

The Lord’s Prayer (Interpretation: resources for the use of Scripture in the church), 2018.

The Ten commandments (Interpretation: resources for the use of Scripture in the church), 2009.

Theological dictionary of the Old Testament, v. 16, 2018.

Office Reference
The SBL handbook of style, 2014.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
American intellectual tradition: a sourcebook [two volumes].

An American journal, 1839-40.

The American Puritan imagination; essays in revaluation.

American Puritanism: faith and practice.

The American Revolution; a concise history and interpretation.

Andrew Jackson: the border captain.

Andrew Jackson, symbol for an age.

Anglican and Puritan thinking: papers read at the 1977 conference.

The Atlantic civilization: eighteenth-century origins.

The baron of Beacon Hill: a biography of John Hancock.

Benjamin Franklin in American thought and culture, 1790-1990.

The best poor man’s country: a geographical study of early southeastern Pennsylvania.

The birth of modern America, 1820-1850.

The birth of the Republic, 1763-89.

The buccaneers of America: a true account of the most remarkable assaults committed of late years upon the coasts of the West Indies by the buccaneers of Jamaica and Tortuga (both English and French) Wherein are contained more especially the unparalleled exploits of Sir Henry Morgan ….

Captain John Smith’s America; selections from his writings.

Caribbean: sea of the new world.

Charismatic experiences in history.

Christopher Gadsden and the American Revolution.

Churches of old New England, their architecture and their architects, their pastors and their people.

Cities in revolt; urban life in America, 1743-1776.

Colonial America: essays in politics and social development.

The colonial craftsman.

The colonial physician & other essays.

The colonies in transition, 1660-1713.

Constitutional development in the South Atlantic States, 1776-1860: a study in the evolution of democracy.

Contrast and connection: Bicentennial essays in Anglo-American history.

Council minutes, 1638-1649.

Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV.

Country arts in early American homes.

Daniel Webster and Jacksonian democracy.

Democracy in the Connecticut frontier town of Kent.

A description of Kentucky in North America.

Detailed reports on the Salzburger Emigrants who settled in America: vol 5: 1738.

The Devil in Massachusetts: a modern enquiry into the Salem witch trials.

The diary of the American revolution, 1775-1781.

Diary of an early American boy, Noah Blake, 1805.

Edmund Pendleton, 1721-1803: a biography [two volumes].

The eighteenth century background: studies on the idea of nature in the thought of the period.

Eliphalet Nott.

The Elizabethans and America.

Essays in American colonial history.

The establishment of the European hegemony, 1415-1715: trade and exploration in the age of the Renaissance.

The evolution of American society, 1700-1815: an interdisciplinary analysis.

The fathers of the towns: leadership and community structure in eighteenth-century New England.

Fighting for liberty and virtue: political and cultural wars in eighteenth-century America.

The first American Revolution: the American Colonies on the eve of independence.

The founding of New England.

Francis Preston Blair.

The French in the Mississippi Valley.

Frontier parish: an account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel and the Anglican Church in America: drawn from the records of the Bishop of London.

Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne: misadventures of an English general in the revolution.

George the Third.

God’s messengers: religious leadership in colonial New England, 1700-1750.

The golden age of colonial culture.

Gouverneur Morris.

The Governor’s lady.

I believe; the Christian’s creed.

Identity unknown: rediscovering seven American women artists.

In quest of the Northwest passage.

In search of early America: the William & Mary quarterly, 1943-1993.

Interpreting colonial America: selected readings.

The Jacksonian era.

The Jacksonian era: 1828-1848.

Jacques Marquette, S.J., 1637-1675.

John C. Calhoun.

John Carroll of Baltimore, founder of the American Catholic hierarchy.

Jonathan Edwards, art and the sense of the heart.

Jonathan Fisher, Maine parson, 1768-1847.

Josiah Quincy, 1772-1864; the last Federalist.

Journey through a part of the United States of North America in the years 1844 to 1846.

A journey through the years, an autobiography. [two copies donated]

Kiva, cross, and crown: the Pecos Indians and New Mexico, 1540-1840.

Lamy of Santa Fe: his life and times.

Lincoln’s lieutenants: the high command of the Army of the Potomac.

Literary democracy: the declaration of cultural independence in America.

Lopez of Newport; colonial American merchant prince.

Lord of the Mohawks: a biography of Sir William Johnson.

The making of Victorian values: decency and dissent in Britain, 1789-1837.

The maritime history of Massachusetts, 1783-1860.

Martin Van Buren and the making of the Democratic Party.

Maryland’s revolution of government, 1689-1692.

Massachusetts, Colony to Commonwealth: documents on the formation of the constitution, 1775-1780.

Meetinghouse Hill, 1630-1783.

Men in rebellion: higher governmental leaders and the coming of the American Revolution.

The merry heart: reflections on reading, writing, and the world of books.

Mistress of Riversdale: the plantation letters of Rosalie Stier Calvert, 1795-1821.

The navigation acts and the American Revolution.

New England’s generation: the great migration and the formation of society and culture in the seventeenth century.

The origins of American politics.

The other John Adams, 1705-1740.

The Otis family in Provincial and Revolutionary Massachusetts.

Our earliest colonial settlements: their diversities of origin and later characteristics.

Our visible God.


Paul Revere & the world he lived in.

Peaceable kingdoms: New England towns in the eighteenth century.

Prelude to Civil War; the nullification controversy in South Carolina, 1816-1836.

Privilege and prerogative: New York’s provincial elite, 1710-1776.

The Puritan experiment in the New World.

The Puritan origins of the American self.

The Puritan revolution and educational thought: background for reform.

Puritanism in early America.

Puritans: [a sourcebook of their writings] [two volumes].

The pursuit of happiness.

Raleigh and the British Empire.

Rebels and gentlemen; Philadelphia in the age of Franklin.

Register of the Provincial Secretary [three volumes].

The reinterpretation of early American history: essays in honor of John Edwin Pomfret.

The remarkable education of John Quincy Adams.

Reverend Abiel Abbot of Peterborough, New Hampshire.

Revivalism and separatism in New England, 1740-1800: Strict Congregationalist and Separate Baptists in the Great Awakening.

Roger Williams: his contribution to the American tradition.

The Royal Navy and the northwest coast of North America, 1810-1914: a study of British maritime ascendancy.

Rufus Choate, the wizard of the law.

Samuel Seabury, 1729-1796; a study in the high church tradition.

Scandalmonger: a novel.

A season of youth: the American Revolution and the historical imagination.

See Delphi and die: a Marcus Didius Falco novel.

Selected essays, 1963-1975.

The selected work of Tom Paine & Citizen Tom Paine.

Seventeenth century North America.

The shattered synthesis; New England Puritanism before the Great Awakening.

The Spanish-American frontier, 1783-1795; the westward movement and the Spanish retreat in the Mississippi Valley.

Spirit stones: the ancient art of the scholar’s rock.

The Swamp Fox, Francis Marion,

Tall tales from Old Smoky.

A theological interpretation of American history.

Toward a new society: American thought and culture, 1800-1830.

Voyages and discoveries; the principal navigations, voyages, traffiques, and discoveries of the English Nation.

William Dampier.

William Penn.

The works of Jonathan Edwards [two volumes].

Yankees and God.

New Books and Media Received (November 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (200 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during November 2018.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar
Cognitive science and the New Testament : a new approach to early Christian research, 2017.

Lifting the veil : 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 in light of Jewish homiletic and commentary traditions, 2015.

Novum Testamentum Graecum : editio critica maior, Teil 1.1, 2017.

God of tomorrow : how to overcome the fears of today and renew your hope for the future, 2018.

Early Christian care for the poor : an alternative subsistence strategy under Roman imperial rule, 2018.

Messy grace : how a pastor with gay parents learned to love others without sacrificing conviction, 2015. 

Fine Arts
Likeness and presence : a history of the image before the era of art, 1994.

The Routledge handbook of early Christian art, 2018.

Behind the scenes of the Old Testament : cultural, social, and historical contexts, 2018. 

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Advent : the once and future coming of Jesus Christ, 2018.

Being human : bodies, minds, persons, 2018.

Biblical Greek made simple : all the basics in one semester, 2018.

Biblical prophecy : perspectives for Christian theology, discipleship, and ministry, 2014.

The Book of Jeremiah : composition, reception, and interpretation, 2018.

The church and its vocation : Lesslie Newbigin’s missionary ecclesiology, 2018.

The commentary of Origen on the Gospel of St Matthew, 2018.

Connections : a lectionary commentary for preaching and worship, Year C, Part 1, 2018.

Contextualizing the faith : a holistic approach, 2018.

Crafting a rule of life : an invitation to the well-ordered way, 2012.

Discovering the New Testament : an introduction to its background, theology, and themes, 2018.

Dying and the virtues, 2018.

Early Christian care for the poor : an alternative subsistence strategy under Roman imperial rule, 2018.

The end of preaching, by Thomas Troeger, 2018.

Everyday glory : the revelation of God in all of reality, 2018.

A failure of nerve : leadership in the age of the quick fix, 2017.

The fall of man and the foundations of science, 2007.

The four pages of the sermon : a guide to biblical preaching., 2018.

A handbook to Old Testament exegesis, by William P. Brown, 2017.

Heaven on earth : God’s call to community in the Book of Revelation, 2017.

Ingenuity : preaching as an outsider, 2018.

Jesus and the gospels : an introduction, 2016.

Jesus in Asia, 2018.

The kingdom of man : genesis and failure of the modern project, 2018.

Learning theology through the church’s worship : an introduction to Christian belief, 2018.

Liturgy for the whole church : resources for multigenerational worship, 2008.

Miracles : God’s presence and power in creation, 2018.

A new church and a new seminary : theological education is the solution, 2018.

New Testament Christological hymns : exploring texts, contexts, and significance, 2018.

Placemaking and the arts : cultivating the Christian life, 2018.

Poured out : the spirit of God empowering the mission of God, 2018.

Praying for the dawn : a resource book for the ministry of healing, 2000.

Reading the parables, 2014.

Resurrection as salvation : development and conflict in pre-Nicene Paulinism, 2018.

Violence in scripture, 2013.

What the Bible actually teaches on women, 2018.

Who lynched Willie Earle? : preaching to confront racism, 2017.

Why religion? : a personal story, 2018.

Womanist Midrash : a reintroduction to the women of the Torah and the throne, 2017.

The Old Testament in Syriac according to the Peshitta version. Part II Fasc. 5. Proverbs; Wisdom of Solomon; Ecclesiastes; Song of songs. Edited on behalf of the International organization for the Study of the Old Testament by the Peshitta Institute, Leiden, 2018.

The Paulist biblical commentary, 2018.

Welshimer Library

Bibliography, Library Science, and Information Resources
Never use Futura, 2017.

Critical educational psychology, by Stephen Vassallo, 2017.

Fine Arts
Animating the science fiction imagination, 2018.

Art of the Northern Renaissance : courts, commerce and devotion, 2018.

Hagia Sophia : sound, space, and spirit in Byzantium, 2017.

Michelangelo : divine draftsman & designer, 2018.

Rembrandt’s Holland, 2018. 

Living in the anthropocene : Earth in the age of humans, 2017.

Age of conquests : the Greek world from Alexander to Hadrian, 2018.

An autobiography or The story of my experiments with truth, 2018.

Bibi : the turbulent life and times of Benjamin Netanyahu, 2018.

Brutus : the noble conspirator, 2017.

Civil war in Syria : mobilization and competing social orders, 2018.

Creators, conquerors, and citizens : a history of ancient Greece, 2018.

The dead march : a history of the Mexican-American War, 2017.

Eisenhower : becoming the leader of the free world, 2018.

Empress of the east : how a European slave girl became queen of the Ottoman Empire, 2017.

The expanding blaze : how the American Revolution ignited the world, 1775-1848, 2017.

Franklin D. Roosevelt : a political life, 2017.

From independence to revolution : Egypt’s Islamists and the contest for power, 2017.

Gorbachev : his life and times, 2018.

The historian’s narrative of Frederick Douglass : reading Douglass’s autobiography as social and cultural history, 2017.

A history of the future : prophets of progress from H.G. Wells to Isaac Asimov, 2017.

Iran : a modern history, 2017.

Jah kingdom : Rastafarians, Tanzania, and pan-Africanism in the age of decolonization, 2017.

Kennedy and King : the president, the pastor, and the battle over civil rights, 2017.

Last of the Tsars : Nicholas II and the Russia revolution, 2018.

The last Ottoman generation and the making of the modern Middle East, 2017.

Lost kingdom : a history of Russian nationalism from Ivan the Great to Vladimir Putin, 2018.

A nation like all others : a brief history of American foreign relations, 2018.

The political economy of the Kurds of Turkey : from the Ottoman Empire to the Turkish Republic, 2017.

Power without victory : Woodrow Wilson and the American internationalist experiment, 2017.

The Republic for which it stands : the United States during Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, 1865-1896, 2017.

Russia in revolution : an empire in crisis, 1890 to 1928, 2018.

Sea of the caliphs : the Mediterranean in the medieval Islamic world, 2018.

Seven myths of Native American history, 2018.

A socialist peace? : explaining the absence of war in an African country, 2017.

Southern reconstruction, 2018.

Stonehenge : the story of a sacred landscape, 2018.

Thinking about history, 2017.

This worldwide struggle : religion and the international routes of the Civil Rights Movement, 2017.

When the war came home : the Ottomans’ Great War and the devastation of an empire, 2018.

Language and Literature
Ancient rhetorics and digital networks, 2018.

Ascent : philosophy and Paradise lost, 2018.

The Cambridge companion to the writings of Julius Caesar, 2018.

The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf, 2010.

The danger of romance : truth, fantasy, and Arthurian fictions, 2018.

Echoes of Emerson : rethinking realism in Twain, James, Wharton, and Cather, 2017.

Graphic design discourse : evolving theories, ideologies, and processes of visual communication, 2018.

Henry David Thoreau : a life, 2017.

A history of the African American novel, 2017.

Ishiro Honda : a life in film, from Godzilla to Kurosawa, 2017.

James Friedrich and Cathedral Films : the independent religious cinema of the evangelist of Hollywood, 1939-1966, 2018.

Mercury’s wings : exploring modes of communication in the ancient world, 2017.

Milton and the making of Paradise lost, 2017.

The news untold : community journalism and the failure to confront poverty in Appalachia., 2017.

The Oxford handbook of classical Chinese literature (1000 BCE-900 CE), 2017.

The practices of hope : literary criticism in disenchanted times, 2017.

Projecting the world : representing the “foreign” in classical Hollywood, 2017.

Semi-detached : the aesthetics of virtual experience since Dickens, 2018.

Shakespeare’s fathers and daughters, 2017.

The sixties, center stage : mainstream and popular performances in a turbulent decade, 2017.

Spectacular men : race, gender, and nation on the early American stage, 2017.

Why Harry met Sally : subversive Jewishness, Anglo-Christian power, and the rhetoric of modern love, 2017.

The woman question in Plato’s Republic, 2017.

Written in blood : revolutionary terrorism and Russian literary culture, 1861-1881, 2017.

Armed in America : a history of gun rights from colonial militias to concealed carry, 2018.

Living emergency : Israel’s permit regime in the occupied West Bank, 2018.

Supreme Court expansion of presidential power : unconstitutional leanings, 2017.

Supreme injustice : slavery in the nation’s highest court, 2018.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy, by Michelle G. Craske, 2017.

A handbook for the study of mental health : social contexts, theories, and systems, 2017.

Occupational therapy in acute care, by Helene Smith-Gabai and Suzanne E. Holm, 2017.

Parent-child interaction therapy, by Cheryl Bodiford McNeil, Karla Anhalt, and Toni L. Hembree-Kigin, 2010.

Traditional Chinese medicine : heritage and adaptation, 2018.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
1517 : Martin Luther and the invention of the Reformation, 2017.

Assessing empathy, 2017.

Critical thinking about research : psychology and related fields, 2018.

The cross : history, art, and controversy, 2017.

C.S. Lewis, by Stewart Goetz, 2018.

Debating religious liberty and discrimination, 2017.

Embracing the darkness : a cultural history of witchcraft, 2018.

Existential threats : American apocalyptic beliefs in the technological era, 2017.

Faith and resistance in the age of Trump, 2017.

Hasidism : a new history, 2018.

The illusion of certainty : how the flawed beliefs of religion harm our culture, 2017.

On faith and science, 2017.

Pain, pleasure, and the greater good : from the Panopticon to the Skinner box and beyond, 2017.

Post-truth : peak bullshit and what we can do about it, 2018.

Pure : inside the Evangelical movement that shamed a generation of young women and how I broke free, 2018.

Rethinking political Islam, 2017.

Selected writings on ethics, 2017.

Søren Kierkegaard, by Alastair Hannay, 2018.

Tao and method : a reasoned approach to the Tao Te Ching, 1994.

Women and Asian religions, 2017.

Women who fly : goddesses, witches, mystics, and other airborne females, 2018. 

Political Science
The democratic coup d’état, 2017.

Demopolis : democracy before liberalism in theory and practice, 2017.

Expelling the poor : Atlantic Seaboard states and the nineteenth-century origins of American immigration policy, 2017.

The foundation of the CIA : Harry Truman, the Missouri Gang, and the origins of the Cold War, 2017.

The ideology of failed states : why intervention fails, 2017.

Poetic justice : rereading Plato’s Republic, 2018.

The polarizers : postwar architects of our partisan era, 2018.

Red fighting blue : how geography and electoral rules polarize American politics, 2017. 

Artisanal enlightenment : science and the mechanical arts in old regime France, 2017.

Blockchain and the law : the rule of code, 2018.

First in fly : Drosophila research and biological discovery, 2018.

Forms, souls, and embryos : Neoplatonists on human reproduction, 2017.

Isaac Newton and natural philosophy, 2018.

Merchants of doubt : how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming, 2010.

Observation and experiment : an introduction to causal inference, 2017.

The science of sleep : what it is, how it works, and why it matters, 2017. 

Social Sciences
Avoiding war, making peace, 2018.

Counting Americans : how the US Census classified the nation, 2017.

The development dilemma : security, prosperity, and a return to history, 2017.

The economization of life, 2017.

An essay on the principle of population : the 1803 edition, 2018.

Face value : the consumer revolution and the colonizing of America, 2017.

Famine in European history, 2017.

Getting a life : the social worlds of geek culture, 2018.

Handbook of culture and memory, by Brady Wagoner, 2018.

Infinite suburbia, 2017.

Making the Bible Belt : Texas prohibitionists and the politicization of southern religion, 2017.

The neoliberal diet : healthy profits, unhealthy people, 2018.

New criminal justice thinking., 2018.

The philosophical parent : asking the hard questions about having and raising children, 2018.

A study in monetary macroeconomics, 2017.

Working in a multicultural world : a guide to developing intercultural competence, 2017.

First exposures : writings from the beginning of photography, 2017.

How to write and present technical information, 2017.

The war and environment reader, 2017.


James Friedrich and Cathedral Films : the independent religious cinema of the evangelist of Hollywood, 1939-1966, 2018. 

Dark city, 2001.

Take shelter, 2012. 

Ancient apocryphal gospels, 2017.

Biblical prophecy : perspectives for Christian theology, discipleship, and ministry, 2014.

Canon and creed, 2010.

Miracles : God’s presence and power in creation, 2018.

Money and possessions, 2016.

Reading the parables, 2014.

The sacraments in biblical perspective, 2011.

Violence in scripture, 2013. 

21st century musical theatre : 50 songs from shows since 2000, 2018.

Musical theatre for classical singers, 2011.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type. Soprano. Volume 1, 2000.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Baritone/bass. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, 1993.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Mezzo-soprano/belter. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, 2000.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Tenor. Volume 1 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, 2000.

The Singer’s musical theatre anthology. Tenor. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, 1993.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
The book of life, 2014. [DVD]

New Books and Media Received (October 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (127 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during October 2018.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar
Divine and human agency in Paul and his cultural environment, 2008.

Exploring Johannine ethics : a rhetorical approach to moral efficacy in the Fourth Gospel narrative, 2017.

The Geneva Bible : a facsimile of the 1560 edition, 2007.

God’s library : the archaeology of the earliest Christian manuscripts, 2018.

Heavenly priesthood in the Apocalypse of Abraham, 2013.

Honoring the Son : Jesus in earliest Christian devotional practice, 2018.

The letter to the Galatians, 2018.

A New Testament Theology, 2018.

Novum Testamentum Graecum : editio critica maior, Teil 2 and Teil 3, 2017.

Novum Testamentum Graecum. Editio Critica Maior / Die Katholischen Briefe : Teil 1 und Teil 2, Gesamtwerk, 2013.

Yahoel and Metatron : aural apocalypticism and the origins of early Jewish mysticism, 2017.

Poured out : the spirit of God empowering the mission of God, 2018.

Who do the Ngimurok say that they are? : a phenomenological study of Turkana traditional religious specialists in Turkana, Kenya, 2018.

AV Video
Basics of Biblical Greek video lectures : a complete course for the beginner, 2013.

Fine Arts
Culture care: reconnecting with beauty for our common life, 2017.

Eccentric Culture A Theory of Western Civilization, 2008. 

Language and Literature
The collected poems of C.S. Lewis : a critical edition, 2015.

Spiritual accompaniment and counselling : journeying with psyche and soul, 2015.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The Bible and the environment, 2013.

Biblical theology, 2014.

The Contrarian’s Guide to Church Planting, 2018.

How new is the New Testament? : first-century Judaism and the emergence of Christianity, 2018.

The legitimacy of the human, 2017.

Playful awakening : releasing the gift of play in your life, 2017.

Preaching with cultural intelligence : understanding the people who hear our sermons, 2017.

Prophetic preaching : a pastoral approach, 2010.

Romans, 2018.

Since the beginning : interpreting Genesis 1 and 2 through the ages, 2018.

To bless the space between us : a book of blessings, 2008.

A wee worship book, 2015.

Who do the Ngimurok say that they are? : a phenomenological study of Turkana traditional religious specialists in Turkana, Kenya, 2018.

Whole and reconciled : gospel, church, and mission in a fractured world, 2018.

A world transformed : exploring the spirituality of medieval maps, 2015.

Welshimer Library

The African affairs reader : key texts in politics, development, and international relations, 2017.

The Apache wars : the hunt for Geronimo, the Apache Kid, and the captive boy who started the longest war in American history, 2016.

Buried ideas : legends of abdication and ideal government in early Chinese bamboo-slip manuscripts, 2015.

Cherokee in controversy : the life of Jesse Bushyhead, 2017.

Diaries of John Quincy Adams, 1779-1848, 2017.

Fannie hardy eckstorm and her quest for local knowledge, 1865-1946., 2015.

The House of Government : a saga of the Russian Revolution, 2017.

In the shadow of statues : a White Southerner confronts history, 2018.

Rising out of hatred : the awakening of a former white nationalist, 2018.

The roar of the lion : the untold story of Churchill’s World War II speeches, 2015.

Streams of gold, rivers of blood : the rise and fall of Byzantium, 955 A.D. to the First Crusade, 2017.

Thin Light of Freedom : the civil war and emancipation in the heart of america., 2018.

Unsettling the West : violence and state building in the Ohio Valley, 2018.

Language and Literature
An anthology of traditional Korean literature, 2017.

Deeper magic : the theology behind the writings of C.S. Lewis, 2016.

Difficult women, 2017.

An encouraging thought : the Christian worldview in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien, 2018.

The fellowship of the ring : being the first part of the lord of the rings, 2004.

Journalistic authority: legitimating news in the digital era, 2017.

Making sense : the glamorous story of English grammar, 2017.

Impeachment : a citizen’s guide, 2017.

John Marshall : definer of a nation, 1998.

Occupational therapy in acute care, 2017.

A practical guide to cultivating therapeutic presence, 2017.

Acting in musical theatre : a comprehensive course, 2016.

Broadway musicals : show by show, 2014.

Dear Evan Hansen, 2017.

The enraged accompanist’s guide to the perfect audition, 2011.

Musical theatre song : a comprehensive course in selection, preparation and presentation for the modern performer, 2016.

The new Broadway song companion : an annotated guide to musical theatre literature by voice type and song style, 2009.

What do I do with my hands? : a guide to acting for the singer, 2015.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Appreciating the Chinese difference : engaging Roger T. Ames on methods, issues, and roles, 2018.

Billy Graham : American pilgrim, 2017.

Detour and access : strategies of meaning in China and Greece, 2000.

Essays on skepticism, relativism and ethics in the Zhuangzi, 1996.

Guanzi : political, economic, and philosophical essays from early China : a study and translation, 1998.

Having a word with Angus Graham : at twenty-five years into his immortality, 2018.

Hiding the world in the world : uneven discourses on the Zhuangzi, 2003.

Hunger : a memoir of (my) body, 2017.

In praise of blandness : proceeding from Chinese thought and aesthetics, 2004.

Not your parents’ offering plate : a new vision for financial stewardship, 2015.

On the universal, the uniform, the common and dialogue between cultures, 2014.

Social Sciences
Bad feminist : essays, 2014.

Deviced! : balancing life and technology in a digital world, 2018.

Evidence, 2017.

Loaded : a disarming history of the Second Amendment, 2018.

Not that bad : dispatches from rape culture, 2018.

The total money makeover : a proven plan for financial fitness, 2013.

White fragility : why it’s so hard for White people to talk about racism, 2018.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 1999.

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows, 2007.

Harry Potter and the goblet of fire, 2000.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, 2005.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 2003.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban, 1999.

Harry Potter and the sorcerer’s stone, 1998.

The hate u give, 2017.

What color is my world? : the lost history of African-American inventors, 2013.

Compact Discs
The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Baritone/Bass. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores, 2005.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Mezzo-soprano/Belter. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores, 2005.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Soprano. Volume 1 : accompaniment CDs : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores, 2005.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Tenor. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores, 2005.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Tenor. Volume I : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores, 2005.

Buffy, the vampire slayer. Season seven, 2008.

Buffy, the vampire slayer. The complete fifth season on DVD, 2003.

Buffy, the vampire slayer. The complete first season, 2008.

Buffy, the vampire slayer : the complete second season on DVD, 2002.

Buffy, the vampire slayer. The complete sixth season on DVD, 2008.

Doctor Who. The complete tenth series, 2017.

The Good Place. Season one, 2017.

The Good Place. Season two, 2018.

High Noon, 2002.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower, 2013.

21st century musical theatre : 50 songs from shows since 2000, 2014.

Musical theatre for classical singers. Baritone/Bass, 2011.

Musical theatre for classical singers. Soprano, 2011.

Musical theatre for classical singers. Tenor, 2011.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Soprano. Volume 2 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, 2000.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
The architecture of the cosmos : St Maximus the Confessor : new perspectives.

The Cambridge history of moral philosophy.

Carl Jung and Maximus the confessor on psychic development : the dynamics between the ‘psychological’ and the ‘spiritual’.

Christ and evolution : wonder and wisdom.

Early Christian readings of Genesis one : patristic exegesis and literal interpretation.

A guide to missions : becoming a missions-driven church.


Human knowledge according to Saint Maximus the Confessor.

In the footsteps of King David : revelations from an ancient biblical city.

Is God anti-gay? : and other questions about homosexuality, the Bible and same-sex attraction.

Silesia – a pearl in the Bohemian Crown : history, culture, art.

Sin : a Thomistic psychology.

The Typikon decoded : an explanation of Byzantine liturgical practice.

New Books and Media Received (September 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (81 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during September 2018.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar
Matthew’s Bible : a facsimile of the 1537 edition, 2009.

Paul among the Apocalypses?: an evaluation of the “Apocalyptic Paul” in the context of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic literature, 2018.

Language and Literature
Khirbet Khizeh, 2014.

“They say I say”: the moves that matter in academic writing, 2018.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Befriend: create belonging in an age of judgment, isolation, and fear, 2016.

Building a youth ministry that builds disciples: a small book about a big idea, 2011.

Cultural insights for Christian leaders: new directions for organizations serving God’s mission, 2018.

Decreation: the last things of all creatures, 2018.

EnGendered: God’s gift of gender difference in relationship, 2015.

The First Testament: a new translation, 2018.

The humility of God: a Franciscan perspective, 2005.

It’s just a phase, so don’t miss it: why every life stage of a kid matters, and at least 13 things your church should do about it, 2015.

Leading change without losing it: five strategies that can revolutionize how you lead change when facing opposition, 2012.

The living God and the fullness of life, 2015.

A peculiar orthodoxy: reflections on theology and the arts, 2018.

Seeing God: the beatific vision in Christian tradition, 2018.

Sustainable children’s ministry: from last-minute scrambling to long-term solutions, 2018.

Traditional ritual as Christian worship: dangerous syncretism or necessary hybridity?, 2018.

Social Sciences
Sticking points: how to get 4 generations working together in the 12 places they come apart, 2013.

Welshimer Library

Bibliography, Library Science and Information Resources
Indelible ink: the trials of John Peter Zenger and the birth of America’s free press, 2017.

Fine Arts
Best of college photography annual, 2018.

Virginia Intermont College: what remains, 2017.

American president: from Teddy Roosevelt to Bill Clinton, 2019.

Cattle kingdom: the hidden history of the cowboy West, 2018.

Caught in the revolution: witness to the fall of Imperial Russia, 2018.

A just and generous nation: Abraham Lincoln and the fight for American opportunity, 2015.

Lincoln’s ethics, 2015.

Lone star pasts: memory and history in Texas, 2007.

A nation without border: the United States and its world in an age of civil wars, 1830-1910, 2016.

Paradise of the Pacific: approaching Hawaiʻi, 2015.

Savage war: a military history of the Civil War, 2018.

Schlesinger: the imperial historian, 2017.

The statesman and the storyteller: John Hay, Mark Twain, and the rise of American imperialism, 2016.

The vanquished: why the First World War failed to end, 2017.

The World Remade: America in World War I, 2018.

Language and Literature
Circe: a novel, 2018.

The Odyssey, 2018.

The plum in the golden vase, or, Chin Pʻing Mei, volume 4, 2013.

The plum in the golden vase, or, Chin Pʻing Mei, volume 5, 2013.

The silence of the girls: a novel, 2018.

Divergent paths: the academy and the judiciary, 2016.

Miracle cure: the creation of antibiotics and the birth of modern medicine, 2018.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Graduate study in psychology 2019, 2018.

Americans and their weather, 2014.

The book that changed America: how Darwin’s theory of evolution ignited a nation, 2018.

Data science for business: [what you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking], 2013.

Life in code: a personal history of technology, 2018.

Social Sciences
Beyond trans: does gender matter?, 2018.

Capitalism: a short history, 2018.

Democracy in chains: the deep history of the radical right’s stealth plan for America, 2018.

The end of American childhood: a history of parenting from life on the frontier to the managed child, 2016.

The life and the adventures of a haunted convict, 2017.

The Toyota way: 14 management principles from the world’s greatest manufacturer, 2004.


Geisel 2010 Honor Book Mouse and Mole, fine feathered friends, 2011.
Geisel 2009 Honor Book One boy, 2008.
Geisel 2017 Honor Book Oops pounce quick run! : an alphabet caper, 2016.
Percy Jackson & the Olympians, 2009 (complete series).
Geisel 2009 Honor Book Stinky : a Toon Book, 2008.
Geisel 2016 Honor Book Supertruck, 2015.
Geisel 2014 Medal Winner The watermelon seed, 2013.


Compact Discs
Barracoon: the story of the last “black cargo,” 2018.

Avatar, the last airbender. The complete series, 2015.

The American Nurse, 2014.

Maya Angelou, and still I rise, 2017.

A quiet passion, 2017.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
City of sedition: the history of New York City during the Civil War.

Closest companion: the unknown story of the intimate friendship between Franklin Roosevelt and Margaret Suckley.

Disciples: the World War II missions of the CIA directors who fought for Wild Bill Donovan: Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, William Colby, William Casey.

An entertainment for angels: electricity in the Enlightenment.

The fantastic laboratory of Dr. Weigl: how two brave scientists battled typhus and sabotaged the Nazis.

The firebrand and the First Lady: portrait of a friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the struggle for social justice.

Heroines of Mercy Street: the real nurses of the Civil War.

If moon, then yes.

If moon, then yes. (Archives Copy)

The invisible bridge: the fall of Nixon and the rise of Reagan.

One man against the world: the tragedy of Richard Nixon.

Operation Sealion: how Britain crushed the German war machine’s dreams of invasion in 1940.

Our Declaration: a reading of the Declaration of Independence in defense of equality.

Our man in Charleston: Britain’s secret agent in the Civil War South.

Pennsylvania Hall: a “legal lynching” in the shadow of the Liberty Bell.

A world made new: Eleanor Roosevelt and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.