New Books and Media Received (August 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (345 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during August 2018.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar
Paul : an Apostle’s journey, 2018.

Reading Mark in Context : Jesus and second temple Judaism, 2018.

Scribal habits and singular readings in Codex Sinaiticus, Vaticanus, Ephraemi, Bezae, and Washingtonianus in the Gospel of Matthew, 2018.

AV Video
Into the night : portraits of life and death, 2017.

Language and Literature
Greek and Latin Literature of the Roman Empire : from Augustus to Justinian, 2013.

Linguistics & biblical exegesis, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
African, Christian, feminist : the enduring search for what matters, 2017.

An anomalous Jew : Paul among Jews, Greeks, and Romans, 2016.

The Apostolic Fathers A New Translation, 2017.

The biblical canon lists from early Christianity : texts and analysis, 2017.

Christianity in the twentieth century : a world history, 2018.

A companion to Augustine, 2015.

Ecowomanism : African American women and earth-honoring faiths, 2017.

Finding God in the Margins : the Book of Ruth, 2018.

Gregory of Nyssa’s doctrinal works : a literary study, 2018.

Haggai, 2017.

Literary Approaches to the Bible, 2017.

Mercy and the Bible : why it matters!, 2018.

A new heaven and a new earth : reclaiming biblical eschatology, 2014.

On first principles, 2017.

Providence perceived : divine action from a human point of view, 2015.

Pursued Justice : black preaching from the great migration to civil rights, 2017.

Re-envisioning Christian humanism : education and the restoration of humanity, 2017.

René Girard, unlikely apologist : mimetic theory and fundamental theology, 2016.

Revelation : an introduction and commentary, 2018.

Sensing sacred : exploring the human senses in practical theology and pastoral care, 2016.

The Sermon on the Mount and human flourishing : a theological commentary, 2017.

Supervising and supporting ministry staff : a guide to thriving together, 2017.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation, 2014.

The Oxford handbook of late antiquity, 2016.

The Oxford handbook of rhetorical studies, 2017.

Welshimer Library

The horse : the epic history of our noble companion, 2015.

Bibliography, Library Science and Information Resources
BiblioTech : why libraries matter more than ever in the age of Google, 2015.

In praise of scribes. De laude scriptorum, 1974.

Fine Arts
Art of the American West : the Haub family collection at Tacoma Art Museum, 2014.

The end of print : the grafik design of David Carson, 2000.

Eye of the beholder : Johannes Vermeer, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, and the reinvention of seeing, 2016.

FUSE 1-20 : from invention to antimatter : twenty years of FUSE, 2012.

Graphic Artists Guild handbook : pricing & ethical guidelines, 2018.

I love you, ok?, 2011.

Inventing the Louvre : art, politics, and the origins of the modern museum in eighteenth-century Paris, 1999.

Mark Rothko : toward the light in the chapel, 2015.

Paula Scher : works, 2018.

Some people can’t surf : the graphic design of Art Chantry, 2001.

Women artists : the Linda Nochlin reader, 2015.

Geography, Maps, Anthropology, and Recreation
America dancing : from the cakewalk to the moonwalk, 2015.

What the eye hears : a history of tap dancing, 2016.

And still I rise : Black America since MLK, 2015.

Barracoon : the story of the last “black cargo”, 2018.

Benjamin Franklin : the religious life of a founding father, 2018.

Fierce patriot : the tangled lives of William Tecumseh Sherman, 2014.

Frederick the great : King of Prussia, 2016.

From colony to superpower : U.S. foreign relations since 1776, 2011.

A history of modern Tibet, 1913-1951 : the demise of the Lamaist state, 1989.

I freed myself : African American self-emancipation in the Civil War era, 2014.

Independence lost : lives on the edge of the American Revolution, 2016.

The Indian great awakening : religion and the shaping of native cultures in early America, 2014.

Junípero Serra : California, Indians, and the transformation of a missionary, 2015.

Perspectives on presidential leadership, 2016.

Remaking the British Atlantic : the United States and the British Empire after American Independence, 2012.

The smell of battle, the taste of siege : a sensory history of the Civil War, 2017.

The Wisconsin Historical Society : collecting, preserving and sharing stories since 1846, 2015.

Zheng He : China and the oceans in the early Ming dynasty, 1405-1433, 2007.

Language and Literature
Mono Taxali, 2011.

Razzle dazzle : the battle for Broadway, 2015.

Wilkie Collins, 2015.

The Year of Lear : Shakespeare in 1606, 2015.

The Boundaries of Desire A Century of Good Sex, Bad Laws, and Changing Identities, 2016.

Redemption songs : suing for freedom before Dred Scott, 2014.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Founding friendships : friendships between men and women in the early American republic, 2017.

Spiritual defiance : building a beloved community of resistance, 2015.

The Wenzi : creativity and intertextuality in early Chinese philosophy, 2018.

Political Science
The future of freedom : illiberal democracy at home and abroad, 2007.

Tocqueville’s nightmare : the administrative state emerges in America, 1900-1940, 2014.

Buzz : the nature and necessity of bees, 2018.

The invention of nature : Alexander von Humboldt’s new world, 2015.

To explain the world : the discovery of modern science, 2015. 

Social Sciences
All in : how our work-first culture fails Dads, families, and businesses–and how we can fix it together, 2015.

Construction of Whiteness : an interdisciplinary analysis of race, 2018.

Saving capitalism : for the many, not the few, 2015.

Unfinished business : women, men, work, family, 2016.

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations : Chicago Style for students and researchers, 2018.

The big heat, 2001.

Don’t tell anyone, 2015.

Fantastic beasts and where to find them, 2017.

G.K. Chesterton: the apostle of common sense, 2001.

Just like being there, 2013.

Lost: the complete collection, 2010.

Lost: the final season, 2010.

The man who knew infinity, 2016.

Holloway Archives
Applying library values to emerging technology : decision-making in the age of open access, maker spaces, and the ever-changing library, 2018.

Donated Gift Books and DVDs to the Milligan Libraries
After leaving Mr. Mackenzie.

After Tet : the bloodiest year in Vietnam.

After the war was over : Hanoi and Saigon.

Aftermath : a soldier’s return from Vietnam.

The age of surveillance : the aims and methods of America’s political intelligence system.

The air war in Indochina.

Almost America : from the colonists to Clinton : a ‘what if’ history of the U.S.

America and the Asian revolutions.

America in a divided world, 1945-1972.

America in Vietnam : the fifteen-year war.

The American age : United States foreign policy at home and abroad since 1750.

The American diplomatic experience.

American foreign policy : a history.

American gunboat diplomacy and the old Navy, 1877-1889.

The American style of foreign policy : cultural politics and foreign affairs.

America’s longest war : the United States and Vietnam, 1950-1975.

America’s outward thrust; approaches to foreign affairs, 1865-1890.

America’s Vietnam War : a narrative history.

Anatomy of a division : the 1st Cav in Vietnam.

And brave men, too.

Antiwarriors : the Vietnam war and the battle for America’s hearts and minds.

Armaments and arbitration; or, The place of force in the international relations of states.

The art of the Pre-Raphaelites.

The awkward years; American foreign relations under Garfield and Arthur.

Band of brothers : E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne : from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s nest.

Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., American : an autobiography.

The bird of night.

Bitter victory.

A box of darkness : the story of a marriage.

The Brassey’s book of military blunders.

The bridge ladies : a memoir.

Brothers, black soldiers in the Nam.

Building the great cathedrals.

The Cambodian campaign : the 1970 offensive and America’s Vietnam War.

The case of the legless veteran.

The cat from Hué : a Vietnam war story.

Charlie Company : what Vietnam did to us.


A child’s war : World War II through the eyes of children.

Classical music : a concise history from Gluck to Beethoven.

Clueless [DVD].

The collected works of W.B. Yeats.

Combat photographer.

Common English Bible : a fresh translation to touch the heart and mind.

The Communist road to power in Vietnam.

Con Air [DVD].


The course of American diplomacy.

The crimes of patriots : a true tale of dope, dirty money, and the CIA.

Crisis now.

The culture of classicism : ancient Greece and Rome in American intellectual life, 1780-1910.

Dateline– Viet Nam.

Dereliction of duty : Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the lies that led to Vietnam.

The devil’s chessboard : Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the rise of America’s secret government..


A Distant challenge : the U.S. Infantryman in Vietnam, 1967-1972.

The doom pussy.

Dr. Tom Dooley’s great books.

Dunbar Cave : the showplace of the South.

Einstein : the life and times.

The elephant and the tiger : the full story of the Vietnam War.

Elizabeth Gaskell’s use of color in her industrial novels and short stories.

Ending the Vietnam War : a history of America’s involvement in and extrication from the Vietnam War.

Endless enemies : the making of an unfriendly world.

Enemies and friends of the state : ancient prophecy in context.

Facing the phoenix.

The fall of South Vietnam : statements by Vietnamese military and civilian leaders.

Fall on your knees : a novel.

Finding God in unexpected places.

The Finkler question.

The fire dream : a novel.

Fire in the streets : America in the 1960s.

The fireman’s fair.

The first domino : Eisenhower, the military, and America’s intervention in Vietnam.

For the sake of all living things.

A foreign policy for Americans.

The forgotten soldier.

Forty days with the enemy.

Freedom just around the corner : a new American history, 1585-1828.

Friendly fire.

From a Chinese city.

From colonialism to communism : a case history of North Vietnam.

From enemy to friend : a North Vietnamese perspective on the war.

From Nuremberg to My Lai.

The genesis of the French Revolution : a global-historical interpretation.

George Ball, Vietnam, and the rethinking of containment.

Georgia O’Keeffe, 1887-1986 : flowers in the desert.

GI diary.

Gold braid and foreign relations : diplomatic activities of U.S. naval officers, 1798-1883.

Good morning, midnight.

Goodnight Desdemona (good morning Juliet).

Harvest of death : chemical warfare in Vietnam and Cambodia.

Healing from the war : trauma and transformation after Vietnam.

Hell no, we won’t go! : resisting the draft during the Vietnam War.

Holy masquerade.

Home from the war : Vietnam veterans: neither victims nor executioners.

How the dominoes fell : Southeast Asia in perspective.

The Hunger Games : Mockingjay, part 2 [DVD].

Ideals and self-interest in America’s foreign relations; the great transformation of the twentieth century.

Imperial Democracy; the emergence of America as a great power.

In country : a novel.

In the clearing.

In the field : the language of the Vietnam War.

In the vineyard of the text : a commentary to Hugh’s Didascalicon.


Introducing romanticism.

Jean Rhys.

Johnny’s song.

Kennedy in Vietnam.

The killing zone : my life in the Vietnam War.

The last Confucian : Vietnam, South-East Asia, and the West..

The letters of Pfc. Richard E. Marks, USMC.

Liberators : fighting on two fronts in World War II.

Lieutenant Calley: his own story.

Light : C.S. Lewis’s first and final short story.

Livre d’or du Cambodge, de la Cochinchine, et de l’Annam, 1625-1910 (biographie) et bibliographie.

The long dark night of the soul; the American intellectual left and the Vietnam war.

Looking away : Hollywood and Vietnam.

The lost crusade: America in Vietnam.

The lost stories of Louisa May Alcott.

Love life : stories.

Lyndon Johnson’s war : the road to stalemate in Vietnam.


Major problems in the history of the Vietnam War : documents and essays.

Many reasons why : the American involvement in Vietnam.

Margaret Fuller : a brief biography with documents.

Memoirs of the extraordinary life, works, and discoveries of Martinus Scriblerus.

Moral philosophy.

The movie hero [DVD].

The mummy : a history of the extraordinary practices of ancient Egypt.

My father, my son.

My relations with Carlyle. Together with a letter from the late Sir James Stephen, bart., dated December 9, 1886.

The myth of Soviet military supremacy.

Nam : the Vietnam War in the words of the men and women who fought there.

The natural : the misunderstood presidency of Bill Clinton.

The “Natural inferiority” of women : outrageous pronouncements by misguided males.

Nemesis : Truman and Johnson in the coils of war in Asia.

The new face of war.

The New York Times disunion : 106 articles from the New York Times Opinionator.

Night flight to Hanoi; war diary with 11 poems.

Night train.

Nixon, a life.

No exit from Vietnam.

No longer enemies, not yet friends : an American soldier returns to Vietnam.

No peace, no honor : Nixon, Kissinger, and betrayal in Vietnam.

North Vietnam: a documentary.

Nuremberg and Vietnam : an American tragedy.

One hundred years of peace.

One morning in the war : the tragedy at Son My.

The orchard : a memoir.

The origins of American diplomacy : the international history of Angloamerica, 1492-1763..

The origins of the cold war.

The origins of the Vietnam War.

Other colors : essays and a story.

The other side.

Our bodies, ourselves.

Over the top : by an American soldier who went ; together with Tommy’s dictionary of the trenches.

The palace file.

Papers on the war.

Peace in Vietnam; a new approach in Southeast Asia.

The peasants of North Vietnam.

The Phoenix program.

Planning a tragedy : the Americanization of the war in Vietnam.

The politics of heroin in Southeast Asia.

The politics of massacre; political processes in South Vietnam.

Portraits of a marriage.

Prelude to disaster : the American role in Vietnam, 1940-1963.

The price of power : Kissinger in the Nixon White House.

Public affairs : the military and the media, 1962-1968.

The radical left and American foreign policy.

Reason in common sense.

Remembering heaven’s face : a moral witness in Vietnam.

Requiem : by the photographers who died in Vietnam and Indochina.

The revolt of Gunner Asch.

Revolution versus containment, 1955-61.

The rise and fall of an American army : U.S. ground forces in Vietnam, 1965-1973.

Rise to globalism : American foreign policy since 1938.

Robert Frost, a biography.

Rolling Thunder : understanding policy and program failure.

Roosevelt and World War II.

Sacred war : nationalism and revolution in a divided Vietnam.


Secrets : a memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon papers.

Secrets of the Vietnam War.

Seeing Vietnam : encounters of the road and heart.

Selected essays.

Selected poems.

Self-destruction : the disintegration and decay of the United States Army during the Vietnam era.

Shallow graves : two women and Vietnam.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ; Pearl ; and Sir Orfeo.

Slow burn : the rise and bitter fall of American intelligence in Vietnam.

Slow walk in a sad rain.


A soldier reports.

Soldiers of the sun : the rise and fall of the Imperial Japanese Army.

Southeast Asia, past & present.

Stephen Foster song book : original sheet music of 40 songs.

The struggle for South-East Asia, 1961-65.

Ten years after : Vietnam today.


This fight is our fight : the battle to save working people.

A time for war : the United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975.

To reason why : the debate about the causes of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.

Touched with fire : the future of the Vietnam generation.

Townie : a memoir.

The transformation of American foreign relations, 1865-1900.

Transformations in late eighteenth century art.

Trauma and the Vietnam War generation : report of findings from the National Vietnam veterans readjustment study.

Triumph or tragedy : reflections on Vietnam.

The tunnels of Cu Chi.

Undeclared war and civil disobedience; the American system in crisis.

The unfinished war : Vietnam and the American conscience.

The unvarnished doctrine : Locke, liberalism, and the American Revolution.

Victor Charlie: the face of war in Viet-Nam.

Viet Cong : the organization and techniques of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam.

Viet journal.

Viet Nam; the origins of revolution.

A Vietcong memoir.


Vietnam : a history and anthology.

Vietnam : a portrait of its people at war.

Vietnam : inside story of the guerilla war.

Vietnam : the land we never knew.

Vietnam as history : ten years after the Paris Peace Accords.

Vietnam at the movies.

A Vietnam reader : sources and essays.

Vietnam reconsidered : lessons from a war.

Vietnam verdict : a citizen’s victory.

The Vietnam War in retrospect : four lectures.

Vietnam, a diplomatic tragedy : the origins of the United States involvement.

Vietnam, a reader : from the pages of Vietnam magazine.

Vietnam, an American ordeal.

Vietnam: a dragon embattled.

Vietnam: lotus in a sea of fire.

Vietnam; how we got in, how to get out.

Vietnam–three battles.

Village in Vietnam.

Vincent van Gogh : life and work.

Waiting for an army to die : the tragedy of Agent Orange.

The Wall that heals.

War and its consequences : lessons from the Persian Gulf Conflict.

War in the shadows : the guerrilla in history.

War news : a young reporter in Indochina.

War torn : stories of war from the women reporters who covered Vietnam.

Warrior for peace.

The wars in Vietnam, 1954-1980.

Where the domino fell : America and Vietnam, 1945 to 1990.

Who spoke up? : American protest against the war in Vietnam, 1963-1975.

Winners and losers : battles, retreats, gains, losses, and ruins from the Vietnam war.

Winter soldiers : an oral history of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War.

Without honor : defeat in Vietnam and Cambodia.

A woman’s place? : leadership in the church.

Women in their beds : new and selected stories.

Women in wartime : the role of women’s magazines 1939-1945.

Women of Viet Nam.

Women war correspondents in the Vietnam War, 1961-1975.

The workshop of democracy.

The World almanac of the Vietnam War.

World War II : a short history.

The wound within : America in the Vietnam years, 1945-1974.


New Books and Media Received (June & July 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (162 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during June and July 2018.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar
New Testament philology : essays in honor of David Alan Black, 2018.

Women in the greetings of Romans 16.1-16: a study of mutuality and women’s ministry in the letter to the Romans, 2013.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The art of listening in the early church, 2015.

Balthasar: a (very) critical introduction, 2012.

The blue parakeet: rethinking how you read the Bible, 2018.

Christ the key, 2010.

The crucifixion: understanding the death of Jesus Christ, 2015.

Echoes of Exodus: tracing themes of redemption through scripture, 2018.

Engaging the doctrine of creation: cosmos, creatures, and the wise and good creator, 2017.

Engaging the doctrine of Revelation: the mediation of the Gospel through Church and Scripture, 2014.

Ethnic patriotism and the East African Revival: a history of dissent, c. 1935 to 1972, 2012.

God visible: patristic Christology reconsidered, 2018.

Gravity and grace, 2002.

Introducing world Christianity, 2012.

James: a commentary on the Greek text, 2017.

Les Juges, 1999.

Lexham geographic commentary on the Gospels, 2018.

Living salvation in the East African Revival in Uganda, 2017.

The mission of the church: five views in conversation, 2016.

The morals of the story: good news about a good God, 2018.

North American Mission handbook: US and Canadian Protestant Ministries Overseas 2017-2019, 2017.

Philippians: a linguistic commentary, 2017.

Renewal theology: systematic theology from a charismatic perspective, 1996.

Spirit hermeneutics: reading scripture in light of Pentecost, 2016.

Tortured for his faith; an epic of Christian courage and heroism in our day, 1970.

Hebrew Bible, Old Testament : the history of its interpretation, 2015.

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago Style for students and researchers, 2018.

Office Reference
A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago Style for students and researchers, 2018.

Welshimer Library

Bibliography, Library Science and Information Resources
The library beyond the book, 2014.

Fine Arts
Playing it straight: art and humor in the Gilded Age, 2012.

American revolutions: a continental history, 1750-1804, 2017.

The brothers: John Foster Dulles, Allen Dulles, and their secret world war, 2014.

Brothers at Arms: American Independence and the Men of France and Spain Who Saved It, 2017.

Civil War Infantry Tactics: Training, Combat, and Small-Unit Effectiveness, 2015.

The color of law: a forgotten history of how our government segregated America, 2017.

HEART OF THE DECLARATION: the founders’ case for an activist government., 2018.

PAX GANDHIANA: the political philosophy of mahatma gandhi., 2018.

The story of the Jews. Volume one, finding the words: 1000 BC-1492 AD, 2017.

Why?: explaining the Holocaust, 2017.

Wilhelm II: into the abyss of war and exile, 1900-1941, 2015.

Wilhelm II: the Kaiser’s personal monarchy, 1888-1900, 2015.

Language and Literature
Dante: the story of his life, 2016.

Dr. Seuss and philosophy: oh, the thinks you can think!, 2011.

Mass-market fiction and the crisis of American liberalism, 1972-2017, 2018.

More Dr. Seuss and philosophy: additional hunches in bunches, 2018.

FRAMERS’ COUP: the making of the united states constitution., 2018.

City of Angels, 1990.

Franz Liszt: musician, celebrity, superstar, 2016.

A funny thing happened on the way to the forum, 1991.

The political orchestra: the Vienna and Berlin Philharmonics during the Third Reich, 2016.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
AMERICAN PROPHETS: seven religious radicals and their struggle for social and political justice, 2018.

The analytic tradition in philosophy, 2014.

Dreamtime and dreamwork: decoding the language of the night, 1990.

Evangelism after pluralism: the ethics of Christian witness, 2018.

Heaven and earth in early Han thought: chapters three, four and five of the Huainanzi, 1993.

Holy humanitarians: American evangelicals and global aid, 2018.

The Huainanzi and Liu An’s claim to moral authority, 2001.

Inside the Muslim Brotherhood: religion, identity, and politics, 2016.

The new abolition: W.E.B. Du Bois and the black social gospel, 2015.

The pope who would be king: the exile of Pius IX and the emergence of modern Europe, 2018.

Protestants: the faith that made the modern world, 2018.

What psychology majors could (and should) be doing: a guide to research experience, professional skills, and your options after college, 2017.

Political Science
The American nonvoter, 2017.

Insecure majorities: Congress and the perpetual campaign, 2016.

On tyranny: twenty lessons from the twentieth century, 2017.

Prototype politics: technology-intensive campaigning and the data of democracy, 2016. 

The art and science of mindfulness: integrating mindfulness into psychology and the helping professions, 2017.

Couples coping with stress: a cross-cultural perspective, 2016.

Diversity in couple and family therapy: ethnicities, sexualities, and socioeconomics, 2017.

Helping couples on the brink of divorce: discernment counseling for troubled relationships, 2017.

Deep learning, 2016.

A lab of one’s own: science and suffrage in the first World War, 2018.

Social Sciences
About abortion: terminating pregnancy in twenty-first-century America, 2017.

American dreamers: how the left changed a nation, 2012.

Federal taxation in America: a history, 2016.

Rigged: how globalization and the rules of the modern economy were structured to make the rich richer, 2016.

Social democratic America, 2015.


Geisel 2006 Honor Book Amanda Pig and the really hot day, 2007.


Geisel 2009 Medal Winner Are you ready to play outside?, 2008.


  The ASD feel better book: a visual guide to help brain and body for children on the autism spectrum, 2018.


Geisel 2014 Honor Book Ball, 2013.


Geisel 2010 Medal Winner Benny and Penny in the big no-no!: a Toon book, 2009.


Caldecott 2018 Honor Book Big cat, little cat, 2017.


Geisel 2014 Honor Book A big guy took my ball!, 2013.


Geisel 2011 Medal Winner Bink & Gollie, 2012.


Geisel 2009 Honor Book Chicken said, “Cluck!”, 2008.


  The conversation train: a visual approach to conversation for children on the autism spectrum, 2014.


Geisel 2006 Honor Book Cowgirl Kate and Cocoa: partners, 2007.


Geisel 2016 Medal Winner Don’t throw it to Mo!, 2015.


Geisel 2017 Honor Book Go, Otto, go!, 2016.


Geisel 2017 Honor Book Good night owl, 2016.


  The green zone conversation book: finding common ground in conversation for children on the autism spectrum, 2015.


Geisel 2006 Medal Winner Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas: the twenty-sixth book of their adventures / Henry and Mudge and the great grandpas: the twenty-sixth book of their adventures, 2006.


Geisel 2006 Honor Book Hi! Fly Guy, 2005.


Geisel 2012 Honor Book I broke my trunk!, 2011.


Geisel 2010 Honor Book I spy Fly Guy!, 2009.


Geisel 2012 Honor Book I want my hat back, 2011.


  I’m just no good at rhyming and other nonsense for mischievous kids and immature grown-ups, 2017.


Geisel 2010 Honor Book The infamous Ratsos, 2016.


Geisel 2008 Honor Book Jazz baby, 2007.


Geisel 2011 Honor Book Ling & Ting: not exactly the same!, 2011.


Geisel 2007 Honor Book Mercy Watson goes for a ride, 2006.


Geisel 2007 Honor Book Move over, rover!, 2016.


Geisel 2015 Honor Book Mr. Putter & Tabby turn the page, 2014.


Geisel 2007 Honor Book Not a box, 2008.


  Our brains are like computers!: exploring social skills and social cause and effect with children on the autism spectrum, 2016.


Geisel 2010 Honor Book Pearl and Wagner: one funny day, 2009.


Geisel 2013 Honor Book Pete the cat and his four groovy buttons, 2012.


Geisel 2016 Honor Book A pig, a fox, and a box, 2015.


Geisel 2013 Honor Book Rabbit & robot: the sleepover, 2014.


Geisel 2012 Honor Book See me run, 2012.


Geisel 2006 Honor Book A splendid friend, indeed, 2007.


Geisel 2012 Medal Winner Tales for very picky eaters, 2014.


Geisel 2008 Medal Winner There is a bird on your head!, 2007.


Geisel 2013 Medal Winner Up, tall and high, 2012.


Geisel 2015 Honor Book Waiting is not easy!, 2014.


Geisel 2017 Medal Winner We are growing!, 2016.


Geisel 2011 Honor Book We are in a book!, 2010.


Geisel 2009 Honor Book Wolfsnail: a backyard predator, 2008.


Geisel 2015 Medal Winner You are (not) small, 2014.


Geisel 2007 Medal Winner Zelda and Ivy, the runaways, 2013.

The book of Psalms, 2014.

A manual for writers of research papers, theses, and dissertations: Chicago Style for students and researchers, 2018.

Babylon 5. The complete fifth season season: the wheel of fire, 2008.

Babylon 5. The complete first season, Signs and portents, 2008.

Babylon 5. The complete fourth season: no surrender, no retreat, 2008.

Babylon 5. The complete second season, The coming of shadows, 2008.

Babylon 5. The complete third season, Point of no return, 2008.

Babylon 5. The movie collection, 2010.

Barcelona, 2016.

Battlestar Galactica. Blood & chrome, 2013.

Battlestar Galactica. Season 2.0, 2005.

Battlestar Galactica. Season 2.5, 2006.

Battlestar Galactica. Season 3, 2008.

Battlestar Galactica. Season 4.0, 2009.

Battlestar Galactica. Season 4.5, 2009.

Battlestar Galactica. Season one, 2005.

Battlestar Galactica. The plan, 2009.

Damsels in distress, 2012.

Hearts of darkness: a filmmaker’s apocalypse, 2007.

The last days of disco, 2009.

Mary and the witch’s flower, 2018.

Metropolitan, 2006.

Paprika, 2007.

The prisoner. Set 1, 2000.

The prisoner. Set 2, 2000.

The prisoner. Set 3: no man is just a number, 2001.

The prisoner. Set 4: no man is just a number, 2001.

Prisoner. Set 5: no man is just a number, 2001.

Star Wars, 2018.

Terre sans pain, 2016.

The war game; Culloden, 2006.

The West Wing. The complete fifth season, 2005.

The West Wing. The complete first season, 2003.

The West Wing. The complete fourth season, 2005.

The West Wing. The complete second season, 2004.

The West Wing. The complete seventh season, 2006.

The West Wing. The complete sixth season, 2006.

The West Wing. The complete third season, 2004.

Woman in Gold, 2015.

Holloway Archives
Mass-market fiction and the crisis of American liberalism, 1972-2017, 2018.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
After lament: Psalms for learning to trust again.

American daughter gone to war: on the front lines with an army nurse in Vietnam.

The bluest eye.

Eva’s story: a survivor’s tale by the stepsister of Anne Frank.

The Holocaust: the fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945.

Hurting with God: learning to lament with the Psalms.

An introduction to Israel’s wisdom traditions.

The monk’s record player: Thomas Merton, Bob Dylan, and the perilous summer of 1966.

Passage to Vietnam: through the eyes of seventy photographers.

Sam Houston and the American Southwest.

Telltale hearts: the origins and impact of the Vietnam antiwar movement.

Theology from the great tradition.

Vietnam Inc.

New Books and Media Received (May 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (18 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during May 2018.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Christianity at the crossroads: how the second century shaped the future of the church, 2018.

Come, let us eat together: sacraments and Christian unity, 2018.

Death and the afterlife: biblical perspectives on ultimate questions, 2018.

Dictionary of Latin and Greek theological terms: drawn principally from Protestant scholastic theology, 2017.

The divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the scriptures of Israel, 2018.

God’s mediators: a biblical theology of priesthood, 2017.

Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: a concise introduction, 2018.

The Lord is good: seeking the God of the Psalter, 2018.

The lost world of the flood: mythology, theology, and the deluge debate, 2018.

Proverbs: an introduction and commentary, 2018.

Quest for the historical Apostles: tracing their lives and legacies, 2018.

Righteous by promise: a Biblical theology of circumcision, 2018.

Welshimer Library

Blade runner 2049, 2018.

The IT crowd. The complete series, 2016.

Tai chi master, 2008.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
Classic works : two novels and nineteen short stories

The power and the glory

Truth and the new kind of Christian : the emerging effects of postmodernism in the church

New Books and Media Received (April 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (102 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during April 2018.

Seminary Library

Readings in late antiquity : a sourcebook, 2010.

Language and Literature
Basics of Classical Syriac : complete grammar, workbook, and lexicon, 2016.

The new Syriac primer : an introduction to the Syriac language with a CD, 2007.

The Didascalia apostolorum : an English version, 2009.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Origenes’ vier Bücher von den Prinzipien, 1992.

The best kept secret of Christian mission : promoting the gospel with more than our lips, 2010.

The state of pastors : how today’s faith leaders are navigating life and leadership in an age of complexity, 2017.

Where the gods are : spatial dimensions of anthropomorphism in the biblical world, 2016.

1 Corinthians, 2018.

Reading Romans in context : Paul and Second Temple Judaism, 2015.

The Oxford handbook of the Bible in America, 2017.

Welshimer Library

The cathedral films collection, 2014.

The children’s collection, 2015.

The Christmas collection, 2014.

The Christopher films collection, 2014.

The Easter collection, 2014.

The family films collection, 2014.

The Loyola films collection, 2014.

The missions collection, 2014.

Tai ji : zhang sanfeng = Tai chi master, 2008.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
A better war : the unexamined victories and final tragedy of America’s last years in Vietnam

A country made by war : from the Revolution to Vietnam : the story of America’s rise to power

A life in a year : the American infantryman in Vietnam, 1965-1972

A phoenix rising : impressions of Vietnam

A world of hurt

All went willingly, 1941-1945 : World War II

Ancient Cambodia

And if I perish : frontline U.S. Army nurses in World War II

Another Vietnam : pictures of the war from the other side

Approaching Vietnam : from World War II through Dienbienphu, 1941-1954

The art of Champa

Art of Vietnam

Before their time : a memoir

Blundering to glory : Napoleon’s military campaigns

Buddha’s child : my fight to save Vietnam

The diary of a Napoleonic foot soldier

Dien Bien Phu : the epic battle America forgot

The face of battle

Fire in the belly : on being a man

Fire in the streets : the battle for Hue, Tet 1968

Four hours in My Lai

From people’s war to people’s rule : insurgency, intervention, and the lessons of Vietnam

G.I. : the American soldier in World War II

The Green Berets

Hiroshima Joe

Images of women in peace and war : cross-cultural and historical perspectives

In the service of their country : war resisters in prison

Infantry aces

Is Iraq another Vietnam?

Knight’s cross : a life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Learning true love : how I learned and practiced social change in Vietnam

Looking for a hero : Staff Sergeant Joe Ronnie Hooper and the Vietnam War

Makers of modern strategy : from Machiavelli to the nuclear age

Massacre at Oradour

The mindful moment

Miracle at St. Anna

The new exiles; American war resisters in Canada.

Pacific War diary, 1942-1945

Page after page

Patches of fire : a story of war and redemption

PAVN : People’s Army of Vietnam

The Pentagon underground

Prince of peace

Reaching the other side : the journal of an American who stayed to witness Vietnam’s postwar transition

The reluctant admiral : Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy

The rockets’ red glare : when America goes to war : the presidents and the people

Romancing Vietnam : inside the boat country

Savoring Southeast Asia : recipes and reflections on Southeast Asian cooking

Shooting war : photography and the American experience of combat

Silence was a weapon : the Vietnam war in the villages

The soldiers’ story : Vietnam in their own words

Spring visits : photographs from Viet Nam

Stalin’s war : a radical new theory of the origins of the second world war

Steel my soldiers’ hearts : the hopeless to hardcore transformation of 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, United States Army, Vietnam

Steel my soldiers’ hearts : the hopeless to hardcore transformation of 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, United States Army, Vietnam

Then the Americans came : voices from Vietnam

There once was a world : a nine-hundred-year chronicle of the shtetl of Eishyshok

The things we do to make it home : a novel

Tiger in the barbed wire : an American in Vietnam, 1952-1991

The two shores of hell

The U.S. government and the Vietnam war : executive and legislative roles and relationships

Under fire : great photographers and writers in Vietnam

Viet Nam : the situation of children and women

Vietnam : a natural history

Vietnam : anatomy of a peace

Vietnam : conflict and controversy

Vietnam : for travellers by travellers

Vietnam at the crossroads

The Vietnam war : its history, literature and music

Vietnam, the necessary war : a reinterpretation of America’s most disastrous military conflict

Vietnamese-English dictionary

The village war : Vietnamese Communist revolutionary activities in Dinh Tuong province, 1960-1964


War and the rise of the state : the military foundations of modern politics

War letters.

The war within : America’s battle over Vietnam

The wars of America

Watch the sun set : Korean war memories

We were soldiers once -and young : Ia Drang, the battle that changed the war in Vietnam

Why the North won the Vietnam War

Winking at death : memoir of a World War II POW

The year of the hare : America in Vietnam, January 25, 1963-February 15, 1964

New Books and Media Received (March 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (107 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget during March 2018.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar collection
Early Christian discourses on Jesus’ prayer at Gethsemane : courageous, committed, cowardly?, 2016.

The Greek New Testament, produced at Tyndale House Cambridge, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Adam and the genome : reading scripture after genetic science, 2017.

All things hold together in Christ : a conversation on faith, science, and virtue, 2018.

Awaiting the King : reforming public theology, 2017.

Basics of Classical Syriac : complete grammar, workbook, and lexicon, 2016.

The Bible, disability, and the church : a new vision of the people of God, 2011.

Creatures of possibility : the theological basis of human freedom, 2016.

The Didascalia apostolorum : an English version, 2009.

Divine simplicity : Christ the crisis of metaphysics, 2016.

The end of Protestantism : pursuing unity in a fragmented Church, 2016.

Ethics for Christian ministry : moral formation for twenty-first-century leaders, 2017.

Evolution and the fall, 2017.

From nature to creation : a Christian vision for understanding and loving our world, 2015.

The general instruction of the Roman Missal : including Norms for the distribution and reception of Holy Communion under both kinds in the dioceses of the United States of America and Universal norms on the liturgical year and the general Roman calendar., 2011.

God’s wider presence : reconsidering general revelation, 2014.

Introducing medieval biblical interpretation : the senses of scripture in premodern exegesis, 2018.

Introducing practical theology : mission, ministry, and the life of the church, 2017.

Introducing Protestant social ethics : foundations in scripture, history, and practice, 2017.

Introducing theological method : a survey of contemporary theologians and approaches, 2017.

Moral conscience through the ages : fifth century BCE to the present, 2017.

The new Syriac primer : an introduction to the Syriac language with a CD, 2007.

The Roman missal : renewed by decree of the most holy Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican, promulgated by authority of Pope Paul VI and revised at the direction of Pope John Paul II., 2011.

Where the gods are : spatial dimensions of anthropomorphism in the biblical world, 2016.

You are what you love : the spiritual power of habit, 2016.

Welshimer Library

The Chicago manual of style, 2017.

Approaches and methods in language teaching, 2014.

Fine Arts
A new history of animation , 2016.

A history of Algeria, 2017.

A history of modern Uganda, 2017.

A people without a state : the Kurds from the rise of Islam to the dawn of nationalism, 2016.

A place at the altar : priestesses in Republican Rome, 2016.

Athens burning : the Persian invasion of Greece and the evacuation of Attica, 2017.

Citizen internees : a second look at race and citizenship in Japanese American internment camps, 2017.

In the land of a thousand gods : a history of Asia Minor in the ancient world, 2016.

Islamic civilization in thirty lives : the first 1,000 years, 2016.

The triumph of empire : the Roman world from Hadrian to Constantine, 2016.


Caldecott 2018 Medal Winner Wolf in the snow, 2017.
Caldecott 2018 Honor Book A different pond, 2017.
Caldecott 2018 Honor Book Grand Canyon, 2017.
Caldecott & Newbery 2018
Honor Book
Crown : an ode to the fresh cut, 2017.
Geisel 2018  Medal Winner Charlie & Mouse, 2017.
Geisel 2018 Honor Book I see a cat, 2017.
Geisel 2018 Honor Book King and Kayla and the case of the missing dog treats, 2017.
Geisel 2018 Honor Book My kite is stuck! and other stories , 2017.
Geisel 2018 Honor Book Noodleheads see the future, 2017.
Geisel 2018 Honor Book Snail & Worm, again , 2017.
Newbery 2018 Medal Winner Hello universe , 2017.
Newbery 2018 Honor Book Long way down, 2017.
Newbery 2018 Honor Book Piecing me together, 2017.

Language and Literature
Bitter tastes : literary naturalism and early cinema in American women’s writing, 2016.

James Fenimore Cooper : the later years, 2017.

Kafka, the early years , 2017.

Measuring the Harlem Renaissance : the U.S. Census, African American identity, and literary form , 2016.

Mere reading : the poetics of wonder in modern American novels, 2017.

Montaigne : a life, 2017.

Raciolinguistics : how language shapes our ideas about race, 2016.

The story of Hebrew, 2017.

The value of Milton, 2016.

Library Science, Information Resources
Useful, usable, desirable : applying user experience design to your library, 2014.

Military Science
Utilitarianism and the ethics of war, 2016.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The book of Greek & Roman folktales, legends, & myths , 2017.

Celtic mythology : tales of gods, goddesses, and heroes, 2017.

Climate church, climate world : how people of faith must work for change, 2018.

Dream trippers : global Daoism and the predicament of modern spirituality, 2017.

EDGE OF REASON : a rational skeptic in an irrational world., 2017.

The Happiness Philosophers : The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians, 2017.

Lévinas’s ethical politics, 2016.

The making of Friedrich Nietzsche : the quest for identity, 1844-1869, 2016.

The new city catechism : 52 questions and answers for our hearts and minds, 2017.

The new city catechism devotional : God’s truth for our hearts and minds, 2017.

The philosophy of cosmology, 2017.

Protestantism after 500 years, 2016.

The social turn in moral psychology , 2017.

Sophistry and political philosophy : Protagoras’ challenge to Socrates, 2016.

Subversive Sabbath : the surprising power of rest in a nonstop world, 2018.

The textual history of the Huai-nan tzu, 1992.

Thomas Aquinas on war and peace, 2017.

What do philosophers do? : skepticism and the practice of philosophy , 2017.

Hidden figures : the American dream and the untold story of the Black women mathematicians who helped win the space race, 2016.

Social Sciences
The consolations of mortality : making sense of death, 2016.

A Madea Christmas, 2014.

Blade runner 2049, 2018.

The Catherine Tate show. Series one. The complete first season, 2007.

Coco, 2018.

Communist blueprint for conquest., 2004.

Confucius, 2008.

Curse of the golden flower, 2007.

Diary of a mad black woman, 2005.

Diary of a mad black woman, 2005.

Hero, 2004.

House of flying daggers, 2005.

Ip Man trilogy, 2016.

The IT crowd : the internet is coming, 2017.

The IT crowd. The complete series, 2016.

Jet Li’s Fearless, 2006.

Know your enemy : the Viet Cong, 2006.

Legend of the black scorpion, 2008.

Madea goes to jail, 2006.

Minamata kara manabu, 2006.

Rabbit hole , 2011.

Red cliff, 2010.

Red nightmare, 2005.

Scipio Africanus : the defeat of Hannibal., 2001.

The Truth about communism, 2006.

Tyler Perry’s I can do bad all by myself, 2010.

Tyler Perry’s Madea goes to jail, 2009.

Tyler Perry’s Madea’s big happy family, 2011.