Million Pennies Campaign collects $247.23 in January 2011!

Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, contributed $247.23 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign in January 2011.  We have now raised $2,894.56 since the start of the campaign in April 2010.

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our apparent lone January contributor: Rachiel Foulks. Remember, if you’d like us to thank you by name, please write your name down on the slips of paper in the tray next to the donation box, and we’ll let everyone know about your generosity!

We still need your help in raising funds to help us reach our goal of a totally renovated library.  Bring your loose change and help us get closer to $10,000. Remember, when we raise the money, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like.  Every penny helps!

Million Pennies Campaign raises $10.50 in December 2010

Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, contributed $10.50 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign in December 2010.  We have now raised $2,647.33 since the start of the campaign in April 2010.

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our December 2010 contributors: Charlotte Anderson, Mason Cantrell, Megan Foote, Mary Jackson, and Hannah Kellogg.  Remember, if you’d like us to thank you by name, please write your name down on the slips of paper in the tray next to the donation box, and we’ll let everyone know about your generosity!

We still need your help in raising funds to help us reach our goal of a totally renovated library.  Bring your loose change and help us get closer to $10,000. Remember, when we raise the money, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like.  Every penny helps!

Million Pennies Campaign collects $366.17 in November, surpasses 25% of goal!

Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, contributed $366.17 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign in November 2010.  We have now raised $2,636.83 since the start of the campaign in April 2010, which means we’re surpassed 25% of our goal amount!

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our November 2010 contributors: Kate Daly, Mary Jackson, and Alan Stengel.  Remember, if you’d like us to thank you by name, please write your name down on the slips of paper in the tray next to the box, and we’ll let everyone know about your generosity!

We still need your help in raising funds to help us reach our goal of a totally renovated library.  Bring your loose change and help us get closer to $10,000. Remember, when we raise the money, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like.  Every penny helps!

Million Pennies Campaign raises $1,689.50 in October 2010!

Milligan College Library is proud to announce that you, our loyal library users, contributed $1,689.50 in cash and change to our Million Pennies Campaign in October 2010–our biggest month yet by far!  We have now raised $2,270.66 since the start of the campaign in April 2010!

The Library staff would like to extend a hearty thank you to our October 2010 contributors: Helen Biard, Anne E. Bishop, Barry Brown,  Dr. Ellen Stahl Carpenter, Teresa Carter, Kristina Cumby, Dan^2 Live!, Chris Haskins, Samantha Holley, Clinton J. Holloway, Grace Hughes, Rachel Landry, Timothy Laurio, Mike Luzadder, Krysta McMahon, Jonathan Mehl, Marshall Menchaca, Chuck Norris, Dan Ott, Jessi Pansock, Jessie Rose Remegi, Candice Schlaegel, Katherine Smith, Elizabeth Taflinger, and Zachary Zuehlke.  Remember, if you’d like us to thank you by name, please write your name down on the slips of paper in the tray next to the box, and we’ll let everyone know about your generosity!  We’d also like to to thank every customer at this year’s 3rd Annual Library Homecoming Book Sale–if you bought something, you contributed!  $1,632.50 of the money raised this month was from book sale proceeds.

We still need your help in raising funds to help us reach our goal of a totally renovated library.  Bring your loose change and help us get closer to $10,000. Remember, when we raise the money, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like.  Every penny helps!

Photography books find new home

Many of you know that the first floor of the library has reopened–if not, stop by the library and take a look, or check out the photos on our Milligan College Library Facebook page.

In addition to our DVD and VHS collections, the new space now boasts one more circulating collection than it did last week.  We’ve moved our photography lending books (in fact, the entire TR section!) into tall, wide wooden double shelves between the two entrances.  These shelves allow us to display every book spine-out, which makes for much easier browsing and nicer presentation.  We hope you appreciate the difference!

Come on in and take a look, and as always, let us know if you have any questions.