New Books and Media Received (November 2021)

The following Books (68 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in November 2021.

Seminary Library

Excavations in the City of David, Jerusalem (1995-2010): areas A, J, F, H, D and L:  final report, 2021.

Language and Literature
Reading German for theological studies: a grammar and reader, 2021.

Voice and mood: a linguistic approach, 2021.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1 & 2 Thessalonians by Nijay K. Gupta, 2019.

2 Corinthians by Judith A. Diehl, Tremper Longman, Scot McKnight, 2020.

The acts of the early church councils: production and character, 2021.

Adam and Eve story in Jewish, Christian and Islamic perspectives, 2017.

Adam and Eve story in the Hebrew Bible and in ancient Jewish writings including the New Testament, 2016.

Christology in Mark’s gospel: 4 views, 2021.

A church called Tov: forming a goodness culture that resists abuses of power and promotes healing, 2020.

Ephesians by Michael Allen, 2020.

Every leaf, line, and letter: evangelicals and the Bible from the 1730s to the present, 2021.

The first letter of Peter: a global commentary, 2020.

Four portraits, one Jesus: a survey of Jesus and the Gospels, 2020.

Genesis: history, fiction, or neither?:  three views on the Bible’s earliest chapters, 2015.

The hope of Israel: the resurrection of Christ in the Acts of the Apostles, 2020.

The image of God in the theology of Gregory of Nazianzus, 2019.

Jonah: God’s scandalous mercy, 2019.

Mark by Timothy G. Gombis, Tremper Longman, Scot McKnight, 2021.

Nemesius of Emesa on human nature: a cosmopolitan anthropology from Roman Syria, 2021.

Recapturing an enchanted world: ritual and sacrament in the Free Church tradition, 2020.

Rhetoric and religious identity in late antiquity, 2020.

The scandal of the gospel: preaching and the grotesque, 2021.

A theology of Paul and his letters: the gift of the new realm in Christ, 2021.

To think Christianly: a history of l’abri, Regent College, and the Christian study center movement., 2021.

Traumatized by religious abuse: Discover the cultures and systems of religious abuse and reclaim your personal power, 2019.

Why did Jesus live a perfect life?: the necessity of Christ’s obedience for our salvation, 2021.

Worship and the world to come: exploring Christian hope in contemporary worship, 2020.

Yahweh before Israel: glimpses of history in a divine name, 2021.

New Testament Seminar
Exegesis and history of reception: reading the New Testament today with the readers of the past, 2021.

The Gospel of Matthew in its historical and theological context: papers from the international conference in Moscow, September 24 to 28, 2018, 2021.

Haggadah in early Judaism and the New Testament, 2021.

Sexuality and gender: collected essays, 2021.

Signs and discourses in John 5 and 6: historical, literary, and theological readings from the Colloquium Ioanneum 2019 in Eisenach, 2021.

Gregorii Nysseni De oratione dominica, De Beatitudinibus, 1992. (BR65 .G73 v. 7 pt. 2)

Gregorii Nysseni opera dogmatica minora, 1958. (BR65 .G73 v. 3 pt. 1)

Gregorii Nysseni Sermones, 1990. (BR65 .G73 v.10 p.1)

Welshimer Library

An atlas of anatomy for artists, 1957.

Ivan Lendl: Alfons Mucha: the Ivan Lendl Collection of Alfons Mucha, 2013.

Louise Fili: inspiration and process in design, 2021.

Titian’s touch: art, magic and philosophy, 2019.

Verrocchio, sculptor and painter of Renaissance Florence, 2021.

Learning to teach in an era of privatization: global trends in teacher preparation, 2019.

Language and Literature
The bell jar, 1996.

Black metaphors: how modern racism emerged from medieval race-thinking, 2021.

Empire of letters: writing in Roman literature and thought from Lucretius to Ovid, 2019.

Foundation, 2004.

Foundation and empire, 2020.

Second foundation, 1953.

A guide to transgender health: state-of-the-art information for gender-affirming people and their supporters, 2019.

Handbook of clinical skills, 2020.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Developmental cascades: building the infant mind, 2020.

How to read the Bible for all its worth, 2014.

Imagining Judeo-Christian America: religion, secularism, and the redefinition of democracy, 2019.

Supremacy of love: an agape-centered vision of aristotelian virtue ethics, 2021.

Documentary photography reconsidered: history, theory and practice, 2019. 

Collecting experiments: making Big Data biology, 2019.

Social Sciences
Alternative energy: political, economic, and social feasibility, 2020.

Melting pot, multiculturalism, and interculturalism: the making of majority… -minority relations in the United States, 2021.

Understanding esports: an introduction to the global phenomenon, 2021. 

Daniel (Revised Edition) by John Goldingay, 2019.

Mercer dictionary of the Bible, 1991.

The Singer’s musical theatre anthology: a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, Tenor, Volume 2, 1993.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Answers to unanswered questions of life and religion.

Caves of the North Cumberland Plateau.

Enacting theology, Americanism, and friendship : the 1837 debate on Roman Catholicism between Alexander Campbell and Bishop John Purcell.

Magnificent journey.

Tales from the crypt [DVD].