Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

New Books and Media Received (September 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (106 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during September 2017.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Changing the questions : explorations in Christian ethics, 2015.

Christian doctrine and the Old Testament : theology in the service of biblical exegesis, 2017.

Dialogue of the heart : Christian-Muslim stories of encounter, 2017.

Four women doctors of the church, 2017.

The Gorgias encyclopedic dictionary of the Syriac heritage, 2011.

The image of the Biblical Job : a history, v. 1. Job in the ancient world, 2006.

The image of the Biblical Job : a history, v. 2. Job in the medieval world, 2006.

The image of the Biblical Job : a history, v. 3. Job in the modern world, 2006.

Job 1-21 : interpretation and commentary, 2013.

The journey of reconciliation : groaning for a new creation in Africa, 2017.

Latin American theology : roots and branches, 2016.

The original bishops : office and order in the first Christian communities, 2014.

The problem of wealth : a Christian response to a culture of affluence, 2017.

Prophecy without contempt : religious discourse in the public square, 2016.

The rhythm of being : the Gifford lectures, 2010.

Scripture as real presence : sacramental exegesis in the early church, 2017.

Steward of God’s mysteries : Paul and early church tradition, 2017.

Silence, 2017.

Welshimer Library

Auxiliary Sciences of History
The house of wisdom : how the Arabs transformed Western civilization, 2009.

Excellent sheep : the miseducation of the American elite and the way to a meaningful life, 2014.

Fine Arts
Cubism : the Leonard A. Lauder Collection, 2014.

House Industries : the process is the inspiration, 2017.

The moderns : midcentury American graphic design, 2017.

Type hybrid : typography in multilingual design, 2016.

American enlightenments : pursuing happiness in the Age of Reason, 2016.

Appomattox : victory, defeat, and freedom at the end of the civil war, 2015.

The cause of all nations : an international history of the American Civil War, 2015.

The edge of the Empire : a journey to Britannia: from the heart of Rome to Hadrian’s Wall, 2016.

The English and their history, 2016.

From Herodotus to H-Net : the story of historiography, 2016.

From reliable sources : an introduction to historical methods, 2001.

From the war on poverty to the war on crime : the making of mass incarceration in america., 2017.

The Half Has Never Been Told : Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, 2016.

A Hercules in the cradle : war, money, and the American state, 1783-1867, 2014.

Jim Crow’s legacy : the lasting impact of segregation /, 2015.

Joan of Arc : a history, 2015.

McNamara’s folly : the use of low-IQ troops in the Vietnam War ; plus the induction of unfit men, criminals, and misfits, 2015.

Nixon’s White House wars : the battles that made and broke a president and divided America forever, 2017.

The political life of Abraham Lincoln, 2016.

Race in society : the enduring American dilemma /, 2017.

Reading the Middle Ages : sources from Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic world, 2014.

Rightful heritage : Franklin D. Roosevelt and the land of America, 2016.

The Russian Revolution : a new history, 2017.

Scars of independence : America’s violent birth, 2017.

Spain in our hearts : Americans in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, 2016.

Stamped from the beginning : the definitive history of racist ideas in America, 2016.

Tariff wars and the politics of Jacksonian America, 2017.

Theories and practices of development, 2011.

Wrestling with his angel : the political life of Abraham Lincoln. Vol. II, 1849-1856, 2017.

Language and Literature
Consider the lobster and other essays, 2007.

Nunca fui Primera Dama, 2008.

Who’s afraid of the Song of the South? : and other forbidden Disney stories, 2012.

How sex became a civil liberty, 2013.

A storm of witchcraft : the Salem trials and the American experience, 2015.

Women music educators in the United States : a history, 2014.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Babel is everywhere! : migrant readings from Africa, Europe, and Asia, 2013.

Christianity, the biography : two thousand years of the global church, 2016.

Devoted to nature : the religious roots of American environmentalism, 2015.

Dictionary of daily life in biblical and post-biblical Antiquity. 2nd ed. Complete in one volume. A-Z., 2017.

Engaging globalization : the poor, Christian mission, and our hyperconnected world, 2017.

The Hebrew Bible : a critical companion, 2016.

The positive side of negative emotions, 2014.

Scripture and its interpretation : a global, ecumenical introduction to the Bible, 2017.

Under the big top : big tent revivalism and American culture, 1885-1925, 2015.

Best of college photography annual, 2017.

The photographer and the president : Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Gardner, and the images that made a presidency, 2015.

Weapons of math destruction : how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy, 2016.

Social Sciences
Defenders of the unborn : the pro-life movement before Roe v. Wade, 2016.

Household workers unite : the untold story of African American women who built a movement, 2015.

Private government : how employers rule our lives (and why we don’t talk about it), 2017.

A rabble of dead money : the Great Crash and the global depression, 1929-1939, 2017.

The war on alcohol : prohibition and the rise of the American state, 2016.

Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845-1893, 2015.

Paper : paging through history, 2016.

Hearing is believing, 2017.

Loving, 2017.

Lust for life, 2006.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
Alice in Quantumland : an allegory of quantum physics

The American farmhouse

At home : the American family, 1750-1870

A Cambridge movement

The Chamberlain selection of New England rooms, 1639-1863

The church follows its students,

Contemporary singing techniques

Eighteenth century English poetry

The end of knowledge in higher education

Faith and knowledge : mainline Protestantism and American higher education

The first man

Four views on women and church leadership

The joy of the gospel = Evangelii gaudium : apostolic exhortation

Julian Apostata

Ministering in the secular university : a guide for Christian professors and staff

Moravian architecture and town planning; Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and other eighteenth-century American settlements,

New England by the sea : from material originally published as the White pine series of architectural monographs, edited by Russell F. Whitehead and Frank Chouteau Brown

Prison exposures : first photographs inside prison by a convict

Religious ideas for secular universities

Seven plays by Henrik Ibsen.

The structure of praise; a design study architecture for religion in New England from the 17th century to the present

A study of the history of Nestorian Christianity in China and its literature in Chinese : together with a new English translation of the Dunhuang Nestorian documents

There’s a bed in the piano : the inside story of the American home

Understanding world Christianity : the vision and work of Andrew F. Walls

The vocal coach vocal workout book

White Pillars: The Architecture of the South.

Women of flowers : a tribute to Victorian women illustrators

Donated Gift DVD to the Milligan Libraries
The vocal workout 


New Books and Media Received (August 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (72 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during August 2017.

Seminary Library

Language and Literature
As we are now : a novel, 1992.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
A history of Christianity in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 1450-1990 : a documentary sourcebook, 2007.

The book of womanhood, 2015.

The call to discipleship, 2003.

Contextualization and syncretism : navigating cultural currents, 2006.

The death of Jesus in Matthew : innocent blood and the end of exile, 2017.

The demonstrations of Aphrahat, the Persian sage, 2010.

Dictionary of daily life in biblical and post-biblical Antiquity. 2nd ed. Complete in one volume. A-Z., 2017.

Ecclesiology and theosis in the Gospel of John, 2017.

Explorations in Asian Christianity : history, theology, and mission, 2017.

Gender roles and the people of God : rethinking what we were taught about men and women in the church, 2017.

Good works in 1 Peter : negotiating social conflict and Christian identity in the Greco-Roman world, 2014.

The grace in aging : awaken as you grow older, 2014.

In the company of the poor : conversations between Dr. Paul Farmer and Fr. Gustavo Gutierrez, 2013.

Katie Luther, first lady of the Reformation : the unconventional life of Katherina von Bora, 2017.

Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others, 2008.

Pastoral Letters : a handbook on the Greek text., 2017.

Persecution in 1 Peter : differentiating and contextualizing early Christian suffering, 2012.

Salvation by allegiance alone : rethinking faith, works, and the gospel of Jesus the King, 2017.

This chair rocks : a manifesto against ageism, 2016.

What they don’t tell you : a survivor’s guide to biblical studies, 2015.

When God spoke Greek : the Septuagint and the making of the Christian Bible, 2013.

Women in the story of Jesus : the gospels through the eyes of nineteenth-century female biblical interpreters, 2016.

Women, leadership, and the Bible : how do I know what to believe? a practical guide to biblical interpretation, 2014.

Social Sciences
Gender Roles, 2017.

Welshimer Library

Dictionary of daily life in biblical and post-biblical Antiquity. 2nd ed. Complete in one volume. A-Z., 2017.

Film Studies
The Bible in motion : a handbook of the Bible and its reception in film, 2016.

Fine Arts
Seven days in the art world, 2008.

A history of the Royal Navy : World War II, 2014.

The first frontier : the forgotten history of struggle, savagery, and endurance in early America, 2012.

The foreign policy of Russia : changing systems, enduring interests, 2014.

Masters of Empire : Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America, 2015.

Smart about sharks, 2016.

Language and Literature
A Game of Thrones, Books 1-5, 2011.

     A song of fire and ice, Book 1.

     A clash of kings, Book 2.

     A storm of swords, Book 3.

     A feast for crows, Book 4.

     A dance with dragons, Book 5.

Representing rape in Medieval and early modern literature, 2001.

Teaching music through performance in choir. Volume 4, 2017.

Occupational Therapy
Mindful crafts as therapy : engaging more than hands, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The age of evangelicalism : America’s born-again years, 2014.

Early Zhuangzi commentaries : on the sounds and meanings of the inner chapters, 2008.

Unfamiliar streets : the photographs of Richard Avedon, Charles Moore, Martha Rosler, and Philip-Lorca DiCorcia, 2014.

Social Sciences
Century of the leisured masses : entertainment and the transformation of twentieth-century America, 2015.

Financial crises : causes, consequences, and policy responses, 2014.

Teaching music through performance in choir. Volume 4, Levels 1-4 : resource recordings., 2017.

Camille Claudel, 2001.

Dead Poets Society, 1998.

Exhibition on screen : Renoir, 2016.

Goya : crazy like a genius, 2008.

Goya : visions of flesh and blood : from the National Gallery, London, 2016.

Goya’s ghosts, 2008.

The lives of others, 2007.

Lust for life, 2006.

Mr. Turner, 2015.

October sky, 2005.

Paterson, 2017.

PovertyCure, 2012.

Simon Schama’s Power of art, 2007.

Walking the Camino : six ways to Santiago, 2014.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
The alcoholic republic, an American tradition

Divine inspiration : the life of Jesus in world poetry

Fulfilling the Greatest Command

Iron tears : America’s battle for freedom, Britain’s quagmire, 1775-1783

Lady, wilt thou love me? : Eighteen love poems for Ellen Terry attributed to George Bernard Shaw

Mercy : the essence of the gospel and the key to Christian life

The Psalter as witness : theology, poetry, and genre : proceedings from the Baylor University-University of Bonn Symposium on the Psalter

Quest for distinction : Pepperdine University in the 20th century

Rodin’s Thinker and the dilemmas of modern public sculpture

Librarians step outside to view eclipse

Milligan College was located close enough to the path of Monday’s (August 21, 2017) total solar eclipse to provide over 96% totality. The moon began passing over the disc of the sun a little after 1:00 PM, and the eclipse reached its local maximum at 2:37 PM.

User Services Librarian Jude Morrissey went home to view the eclipse with her kids, and Research Librarian Mary Jackson traveled two hours south to Greenville, SC to experience 100% totality with a Milligan faculty colleague. That left Library Director Gary Daught, and Information Resources Librarian Lindsay Kenderes on location to staff the Welshimer Library. But that didn’t keep them inside! Lindsay had a pair of viewing glasses, and Gary quickly made a pinhole projector out of the lid of a photocopy paper box.

At the maximum, the light was noticeably dimmer, with the quality of an early evening in the summer before the sun begins to set. At the same time, it was remarkable how bright it was even at 96% coverage. The air temperature definitely felt cooler for a few moments on the otherwise hot day. And it was most interesting to hear the cicadas start chirping in the mid-afternoon. They were obviously confused!




New Books and Media Received (June and July 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (120 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during June and July 2017.

Seminary Library

Language and Literature
Advances in the study of Greek : new insights for reading the New Testament, 2015.

Trying Neaira : the true story of a courtesan’s scandalous life in ancient Greece, 2003.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Acts : Zondervan Exegetical commentary on the New Testament, 2012.

A brief reader on the virtues of the human heart, 1991.

Bringing the Word to life : engaging the New Testament through performing it, 2013.

Colossians and Philemon : a handbook on the Greek text, 2013.

1 Corinthians 1-9 : a handbook on the Greek text, 2016.

1 Corinthians 10-16 : a handbook on the Greek text, 2016.

2 Corinthians : a handbook on the Greek text, 2015.

Ephesians, 2010.

The formation of the biblical canon, 2017.

Galatians, 2010.

Galatians : a handbook on the Greek text, 2014.

The golden string : an autobiography, 1980.

Hans Urs von Balthasar and the critical appropriation of Russian religious thought, 2015.

James : a handbook on the Greek text, 2013.

1, 2, and 3 John, 2014.

1, 2, 3 John : a handbook on the Greek text, 2004.

John, 2016.

Luke, 2011.

Mark : a handbook on the Greek text, 2014.

Mark : Zondervan exegetical commentary on the New Testament, 2014.

Paul and economics : a handbook, 2017.

Paul in the Greco-Roman world : a handbook, 2016.

Paul the ancient letter writer : an introduction to epistolary analysis, 2016.

Paul’s covert use of scripture : intertextuality and rhetorical situation in Philippians 2:10-16, 2015.

Paul’s ekklesia as a civic assembly : understanding the people of God in their politico-social world, 2015.

Paul’s large letters : Paul’s autographic subscriptions in the light of ancient epistolary conventions, 2017.

Revelation : a handbook on the Greek text, 2016.

A simplified guide to BHS : critical apparatus, masora, accents, unusual letters & other markings, 2007.

Theo-poetics : Hans Urs von Balthasar and the risk of art and being, 2015.

1 and 2 Thessalonians, 2012.

What they don’t tell you : a survivor’s guide to biblical studies, 2015.

Welshimer Library

Auxiliary Sciences of History
Archival internships : a guide for faculty, supervisors, and students, 2008.

Becoming a trusted digital repository , 2015.

Immigrant and native black college students : social experiences and academic outcomes, 2014.

Fine Arts
Allan Kaprow, Robert Smithson, and the limits to art, 2013.

Art as history : calligraphy and painting as one, 2014.

Winslow Homer in the Clark collection, 1986.

Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
Arming Mother Nature : the birth of catastrophic environmentalism, 2013.

Hippie chic, 2013.

Last ape standing : the seven-million year story of how and why we survived, 2013.

Discovering Gettysburg : an unconventional introduction to the greatest little town in America and the monumental battle that made it famous, 2017.

The discovery of chance : the life and thought of Alexander Herzen, 2016.

The foreign policy of Russia : changing systems, enduring interests, 2014.

A history of the Royal Navy : World War II, 2014.

The making of Asian America : a history, 2015.

The myth of the strong leader : political leadership in the modern age, 2015.

A sovereign people : the crises of the 1790s and the birth of American nationalism, 2017.

Vietnam : a new history, 2016.

Wolf Hollow : a novel , 2016.

Language and Literature
Becoming Jane, 2008.

The Cambridge companion to Jane Austen, 2011.

Classical literature : a Pelican introduction, 2015.

The complete Peanuts 1999-2000, 2016.

The complete Peanuts, 1997-1998, 2015.

Eco-Joyce : the environmental Imagination of James Joyce, 2014.

Graphs, maps, trees : abstract models for literary history, 2007.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, 2000.

Love finds you in Camelot, Tennessee, 2011.

Mansfield Park : an annotated edition, 2016.

Mansfield Park : authoritative text, contexts, criticism, 1998.

Northanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; Sanditon, 2008.

Pioneer girl : the annotated autobiography, 2014.

Pride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism, 2016.

Promotional cultures : the rise and spread of advertising, public relations, marketing and branding, 2013.

Shakespeare in America : an anthology from the Revolution to now, 2014.

A song of fire and ice, 2014.

Trade and romance, 2014.

Ghost boy : the miraculous escape of a misdiagnosed boy trapped inside his own body, 2013.

In their own words : slave life and the power of spirituals, 2014.

Teaching music through performance in choir. Volume 4, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
An American conscience : the Reinhold Niebuhr story, 2017.

The Book of Job, a commentary, 1985.

The day the revolution began : reconsidering the meaning of Jesus’s crucifixion, 2016.

Enoch and the Synoptic Gospels : reminiscences, allusions, intertextuality, 2016.

Friedrich Max Müller and the Sacred Books of the East, 2016.

Isaiah 1-12 : a commentary, 1983.

Joel and Obadiah : a commentary, 2001.

On love : a philosophy for the twenty-first century, 2013.

Zhuangzi’s critique of the Confucians : blinded by the human, 2016.

The decisive moment, 2014.

The firmament of time, 1999.

Gold rush in the jungle : the race to discover and defend the rarest animals of Vietnam’s “lost world”, 2013.

Lost woods : the discovered writing of Rachel Carson, 1998.

Unfamiliar streets : the photographs of Richard Avedon, Charles Moore, Martha Rosler, and Philip-Lorca DiCorcia, 2014.

Social Sciences
After Piketty : the agenda for economics and inequality, 2017.

American girls : social media and the secret lives of teenagers, 2017.

Becoming male in the Middle Ages, 2000.

Coming out : the new dynamics, 2014.

Financial crises : causes, consequences, and policy responses, 2014.

Hillbilly elegy : a memoir of a family and culture in crisis , 2016.

The new urban crisis : how our cities are increasing inequality, deepening segregation, and failing the middle class– and what we can do about it, 2017.

Rise of the rocket girls : the women who propelled us, from missiles to the moon to Mars, 2016.

Compact Disc
Teaching music through performance in choir. Volume 4, Levels 1-4 : resource recordings., 2017.

Bully, 2013.

Dead Poets Society, 1998.

El norte, 2008.

Even the rain = También la lluvia, 2012.

Flores de otro mundo, 2005.

Guantanamera, 1997.

La lengua de las mariposas, 2000.

Mansfield Park, 2000.

Men with guns = Los hombres armados, 2003.

October sky, 2005.

Presumed guilty, 2009.

Pride and prejudice and zombies, 2016.

Reaching for the moon, 2014.

Rich Hill : three boys in small town America, 2015.

Star wars. Episode VII, The Force awakens, 2016.

Walking the Camino : six ways to Santiago, 2014.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
Community organization : traditional principles and modern applications

Five fingers : the story of the Free Medical Clinic of America

A history of the Churches of Christ in Poland

The new Christian Zionism : fresh perspectives on Israel & the land

A theology of Dao

Turn at the Pine Trees

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

Milligan Archives intern mounts “Pep Rally in a Box!” exhibit

Written by Lindsay Kenderes. Photos by Gary Daught.


James Blake Stanley, Milligan Class of ‘18, worked on several interesting projects while completing an Archive Internship at The Holloway Archives at Milligan College during the 2017 spring semester. As a history major, Blake pursued the opportunity to learn how researchers search and discover historical materials representative of Milligan’s history in the Milligan archives. With an interest in Church History, he spent time processing the James DeForest Murch papers, which is a collection of research materials and publications representative of Dr. James D. Murch’s activities as a supporter of the Stone-Campbell Movement, particularly in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This collection represents Murch’s research interests, publications and his work as managing editor for several journal publications, including Christianity Today, Lookout, Restoration Herald, Christian Standard, and the Christian Evangelist Quarterly. As Archive Intern, Blake arranged and organized the contents of this collection and re-edited the James Deforest Murch papers finding aid, making this collection discoverable online through MCStor, Milligan College’s Digital Repository.

Archive Interns also have an opportunity to curate an archival exhibit, which is displayed in the exhibit cases located on the main floor of the P. H. Welshimer Memorial Library. This spring’s exhibit was titled “Pep Rally in a Box!,” showcasing Milligan’s athletic history prior to 1950. Blake researched and gathered documents, photographs and yearbooks, including a 1910 photograph of the women’s basketball team, a 1935 photograph of the track team, and a basketball ticket dated December 7, 1946, from the Tennessee vs. Milligan game in Knoxville. Also included in the exhibit are orange and black pennants and letters for baseball and track. The “Pep Rally in a Box!” exhibit will be on display through June 30, 2017.



Before arriving at Milligan, Blake spent four years in the United States Marine Corp as an infantry rifleman in Jacksonville, NC. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in History. After graduation, he plans to pursue graduate studies in history.

Milligan’s Archive Internship opportunity

Each fall semester, students are invited to apply for one volunteer Archive Internship opportunity at The Holloway Archives at Milligan College. The internship begins the following spring semester. All majors are welcome to apply. Please stay tuned for announcements coming this fall.

Have a Milligan history question? Contact Lindsay Kenderes, College Archivist, at 423-461-8901 or

Find out more about Milligan’s archives here.

Find us on Twitter at #MilliganArchives.