Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

Stress relief comes in many shapes and sizes: Visits from therapy dogs and kittens during Spring Finals Week


Continuing what has become a popular tradition with students, Welshimer Library once again hosted visits from local therapy dog trainers and their dogs to offer some stress relief during Spring Finals Week.

Mr. Lou Pesch came with his two twin 12-year-old Weimaraners, Indy and Lily; Lou’s sister-in-law, Ms. Molly Smolko, came with Rudy, a 15-year-old Toy Fox Terrier; and former Milligan biology professor, Dr. Julie Wade introduced us to her new therapy dog, a 7-year-old Golden Retriever named Burton. It was especially great to see Dr. Wade again, recalling that she was the owner of another Golden Retriever named Jake, who faithfully visited Milligan students for six consecutive semesters, beginning in Fall 2013, until he sadly passed away in July 2016.

This canine mix was nicely balanced by the return of a “puddle” of adoptable kittens, sponsored by Milligan College’s Occupational Therapy Department.

It really is true. Stress relief comes in many shapes and sizes. Here are some pics:









New Books and Media Received (April and May 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (80 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during April and May 2017.

Seminary Library

Revolt and Resistance in the Ancient Classical World and the Near East : In the Crucible of Empire, 2016.

The world around the Old Testament : the people and places of the ancient Near East, 2016.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Acts : a commentary, 2016.

The Acts of the Council of Constantinople of 553 : with related texts on the Three Chapters Controversy, 2012.

Beauty’s vineyard : a theological aesthetic of anguish and anticipation, 2016.

Christianity and the religions : from confrontation to dialogue, 2002.

Commentaire sur Job, 1988.

Commentaires sur les Psaumes, 2008.

Contemporary mission theology : engaging the nations : essays in honor of Charles E. van Engen, 2017.

Corinthian democracy : democratic discourse in 1 Corinthians, 2015.

Corinthian wisdom, stoic philosophy, and the ancient economy, 2014.

The cross and creation in Christian liturgy and art, 2013.

Daniel : a commentary, 2014.

Dorothy Day : the world will be saved by beauty : an intimate portrait of my grandmother, 2017.

The Eerdmans encyclopedia of early Christian art and archaeology, 2017.

Ephesians : a commentary, 2012.

Isaiah, 2001.

John : a commentary, 2015.

The many faces of Christ : portraying the Holy in the East and West, 300 to 1300, 2014.

Maximus the Confessor and his companions : documents from exile, 2002.

Micah : a commentary, 2015.

Night of the confessor : Christian faith in an age of uncertainty, 2012.

Opening the field of practical theology : an introduction, 2014.

Oral and manuscript culture in the Bible : studies on the media texture of the New Testament–explorative hermeneutics, 2013.

Oral and manuscript culture in the Bible : studies on the media texture of the New Testament–explorative hermeneutics, 2013.

Patience with God : the story of Zacchaeus continuing in us, 2009.

Paul’s letter to the Romans and Roman imperialism : an ideological analysis of the Exordium (Romans 1:1-17), 2012.

The politics of Jesús : a hispanic political theology, 2015.

Preaching Paul, 2004.

Prophetic obedience : ecclesiology for a dialogical church, 2016.

Remerciement à Origène, suivi de la lettre d’Origène à Grégoire, 1969.

Revelation : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2014.

Scholies à l’Ecclésiaste, 1993.

Scholies aux Proverbes, 1987.

Sociology of religion : contemporary developments, 2016.

The text of Genesis 1-11 : textual studies and critical edition, 1998.

I  & II Thessalonians : a commentary, 2015.

Social Sciences
Invisible nation : homeless families in America, 2016.

Misunderstanding stories : toward a postcolonial pastoral theology, 2013.

Three stones make a wall : the story of archaeology, 2017.

Welshimer Library

The new social story book, 2015.

An American genocide : the United States and the California Indian catastrophe, 1846-1873, 2016.

Hiroshima, 1985.

Louisa : the extraordinary life of Mrs. Adams, 2017.

Juvenile – Caldecott Medal Winner
Radiant child : the story of young artist Jean-Michel Basquiat, 2016.

Juvenile – Caldecott Honor Books
Du iz tak?, 2016.

Freedom in Congo Square, 2016.

Leave me alone!, 2016.

They all saw a cat, 2016.

Viva Frida!, 2014.

Juvenile – Newbery Medal Winner
The girl who drank the moon, 2016.

Juvenile – Newbery Honor Books
Freedom over me : eleven slaves, their lives and dreams brought to life, 2016.

The inquisitor’s tale, or, The three magical children and their holy dog, 2016.

Language and Literature
American gods : a novel, 2001.

The civil wars of Julia Ward Howe : a biography, 2016.

Copyfraud and other abuses of intellectual property law, 2011.

Neurotribes : the legacy of autism and the future of neurodiversity, 2015.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Ephesians, 1990.

The Evangelicals : the struggle to shape America, 2017.

Political Science
The First Congress : how James Madison, George Washington, and a group of extraordinary men invented the government, 2017.

Social Sciences
No shortcuts : organizing for power in the new gilded age, 2016.

A war for the soul of america : a history of the culture wars, 2016.

Frida, 2002.

Georgia O’Keeffe, 2010.

Girl rising, 2014.

Hidden figures, 2017.

The house I live in, 2013.

The hunting ground, 2015.

La La Land, 2017.

Miss Hokusai, 2017.

Nefarious : merchant of souls, 2012.

Ocean waves, 2017.

Pray the devil back to Hell, 2009.

The red turtle, 2017.

Rogue One, 2017.

Star wars. Episode VII, The Force awakens, 2016.

Donated Gift Books and DVDs to the Milligan Libraries
Associated Press stylebook 2015 and briefing on media law, 2015.           

Community Organization : traditional principles and modern applications, 1990.                           

Day of Triumph, 2016.                                                                              

The Gospel Blimp, 2016.                                                                            



New Books and Media Received (March 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (93 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during March 2017.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Abounding in kindness : writings for the people of God, 2015.

Augustine : Christian truth and fractured humanity, 2000.

Being given : toward a phenomenology of givenness, 2002.

The Bible in ancient and modern media : story and performance, 2009.

A brief history of spirituality, 2007.

The Brill dictionary of ancient Greek, 2015.

Consolations : the solace, nourishment and underlying meaning of everyday words, 2015.

Creative ministry, 1991.

Eager to love : the alternative way of Francis of Assisi, 2016.

Eros for the other : retaining truth in a pluralistic world, 1996.

The erotic phenomenon, 2007.

Ethnography as a pastoral practice : an introduction, 2008.

Explorations in spirituality : history, theology, and social practice, 2010.

This far by grace : a bishop’s journey through questions about homosexuality, 2003.

Fragmentation and redemption : essays on gender and the human body in Medieval religion, 1991.

From orality to orality : a new paradigm for contextual translation of the Bible, 2009.

God, sexuality and the self : an essay ‘on the Trinity’, 2013.

The great omission : reclaiming Jesus’s essential teachings on discipleship, 2006.

The idol and distance : five studies, 2001.

In excess : studies of saturated phenomena, 2002.

Irenaeus of Lyons : identifying Christianity, 2013.

Joshua, 2014.

Joshua 1-12 : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2015.

Mary in early Christian faith and devotion, 2016.

The messiah of peace : a performance-criticism commentary on Mark’s passion-resurrection narrative, 2015.

The Naomi story–the book of Ruth : from gender to politics, 2016.

The new asceticism : sexuality, gender and the quest for God, 2015.

Nobody cries when we die : God, community, and surviving to adulthood, 2016.

On difficulties in the Church fathers : the Ambigua, 2014.

On earth as it is in heaven : how the Lord’s prayer teaches us to pray more effectively, 2010.

Oral ethos of the early church : speaking, writing, and the Gospel of Mark, 2013.

Oral tradition in ancient Israel, 2011.

Orality and literacy in early Christianity, 2012.

Our lives matter : a womanist queer theology, 2015.

The passions of  Christ in high-medieval thought : an essay on christological development, 2007.

Paul and the gift, 2015.

Performance criticism of the Pauline letters, 2016.

Poetics of the flesh, 2015.

Postcolonial theologies : divinity and empire, 2004.

Practicing discernment together : finding God’s way forward in decision making, 2007.

Rethinking Augustine’s early theology : an argument for continuity, 2008.

Ruth : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2016.

The strength of her witness : Jesus Christ in the global voices of women, 2016.

The subversive power of love : the vision of Henriette Delille, 2009.

Teaching for a culturally diverse and racially just world, 2014.

Text and tradition in performance and writing, 2013.

The theology of Augustine : an introductory guide to his most important works, 2013.

Translating scripture for sound and performance : new directions in biblical studies, 2012.

Uncommon faithfulness : the Black Catholic experience, 2009.

Will there be faith? : a new vision for educating and growing disciples, 2011.

Writings on the Old Testament, 2016.

An ecology of mind, 2011.

Welshimer Library

German propaganda and U.S. neutrality in World War I, 2016.

Language and Literature
Routledge companion to Latino/a literature, 2015.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Acts : a commentary , 2016.

The Brill dictionary of ancient Greek, 2015.

Colossians : a commentary, 2008.

II Corinthians : a commentary, 2003.

Daniel : a commentary, 2014.

Deuteronomy : a commentary, 2002.

Dictionary of New Testament background, 2000.

Ephesians : a commentary, 2012.

Galatians : a commentary, 2011.

Isaiah, 2001.

John : a commentary, 2015.

I, II & III John : a commentary, 2008.

Joshua, 2014.

Joshua 1-12 : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2015.

Judges 1-12 : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2014.

Lamentations : a commentary, 2004.

Luke : a commentary, 2012.

Micah : a commentary, 2015.

The nature fix : why nature makes us happier, healthier, and more creative , 2017.

I & II Peter and Jude : a commentary, 2010.

Philippians and Philemon : a commentary, 2009.

Revelation : a commentary, 2009.

Revelation : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2014.

Ruth : a new translation with introduction and commentary, 2016.

Song of songs : a commentary, 2005.

I  & II Thessalonians : a commentary, 2015.

1 & 2 Timothy and Titus : a commentary, 2002.

The world around the Old Testament : the people and places of the ancient Near East, 2016.

Social Sciences
The boom : how fracking ignited the American energy revolution and changed the world, 2014.

Reinventing fire : bold business solutions for the new energy era, 2011.

Sex trafficking : the global market in women and children, 2005.

Big Eyes, 2015.

The ramen girl, 2009.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries

Behind the Gospels : understanding the oral tradition

Creating scientific controversies : uncertainty and bias in science and society

From Jesus to the New Testament : early Christian theology and the origin of the New Testament canon

Oral tradition and the New Testament : a guide for the perplexed

The Oxford handbook of Christology

The Oxford handbook of Medieval Christianity

Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance, and text

We are lucky people : my teachers and the teacher I have become


Monday even more “marvelous” with 7th Annual Edible Books Festival!

Edible Books 2017

For a second year in a row Milligan Libraries’ annual Edible Books Festival — now in it’s 7th year — serendipitously coincided with Marvelous Monday (a.k.a. “Wonderful Wednesday”), the student-led Spring day of celebration at Milligan College. The weather outside was sunny and warm. Inside Welshimer Library was nice and cool, and made for a great stopover to view this year’s entries between events.

We had thirteen entries this year, including several submissions from the Humanities Creativity Project, and some group efforts from the British Fiction of the 20th Century class, and the Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society.

197 votes were cast on Monday (April 10) for Most Creative, Funniest/Punniest, and Overall Favorite. On Tuesday morning (April 11), Library staff made some initial sampling to determine the Tastiest entry. Then the doors of the Welshimer Room were opened to invite students, faculty, and staff to sample the entries for themselves.

Here are this year’s winning entries, with each winner receiving a Dunkin Donuts gift card:

TastiestWizard of Oz by student Keshia Posada


Most CreativeI Spy by Research and Instruction Librarian Mary Jackson


Punniest/FunniestHamlet by Kirstin Blackburn, wife of Milligan History Professor, Lee Blackburn


Overall FavoriteBob’s Burgers by Corbin Drinnon, son of Milligan Psychology Professor, Joy Drinnon


This year’s Edible Books Festival received some great local media attention, including this TV spot from WJHL, News Channel 11. Thanks to everyone for making this year’s festival a great (and tasty) success.

New Books and Media Received (February 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (119 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during February 2017.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Christian mission & economic systems : a critical survey of the cultural and religious dimensions of economies, 2015.

A Fellowship of differents: Showing the world God’s design for life together, 2016.

Fields of blood : religion and the history of violence, 2015.

Finding their voices : sermons by women in the Churches of Christ, 2015.

First Isaiah : a commentary, 2015.

I found God in me : a womanist biblical hermeneutics reader, 2015.

Intercultural theology, 2016.

Introduction to the Hebrew Bible and Deutero-Canonical books, 2014.

Israel’s Exodus in transdisciplinary perspective : text, archaeology, culture, and geoscience, 2015.

The Jesus movement and its expansion : meaning and mission, 2014.

The lively experiment : religious toleration in America from Roger Williams to the present, 2017.

Muslims in the Western imagination, 2015.

Polycentric missiology : Twenty first century mission from everyone to everywhere, 2016.

Serving with eyes wide open : doing short-term missions with cultural intelligence, 2013.

The state of missiology today : global innovations in Christian witness, 2016.

Steps to an ecology of mind, 2000.

What is Islamic philosophy?, 2014.

Welshimer Library

Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources
The Chicago guide to fact-checking, 2016.

The economics of the publishing and information industries : the search for yield in a disintermediated world, 2015.

Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
Adventures in the anthropocene : a journey to the heart of the planet we made, 2014.

For ethnography, 2015.

Glaciers : the politics of ice, 2015.

Unbored : the essential field guide to serious fun, 2012.

Colonial genocide in indigenous North America, 2014.

Discovering the Olmecs : an unconventional history, 2015.

Elizabeth I and her circle, 2015.

Embattled bodies, embattled places : war in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica and the Andes, 2014.

Gateway to freedom : the hidden history of the underground railroad, 2016.

Gaza : a history, 2017.

Iran-Contra : Reagan’s scandal and the unchecked abuse of presidential power, 2014.

Nixon, Kissinger, and the Shah : the United States and Iran in the Cold War, 2016.

Thirteen days in September : the dramatic story of the struggle for peace, 2015.

Thomas Jefferson’s Ethics and the Politics of Human Progress : the Morality of a Slaveholder, 2014.

Twelve voices from Greece and Rome : ancient ideas for modern times, 2014.

When Paris went dark : the City of Light under German occupation,  1940-1944, 2015.

Language and Literature
American Earth : environmental writing since Thoreau, 2008.

The Cambridge Companion to American Gay and Lesbian Literature, 2015.

Chaucer’s Tale : 1386 and the Road to Canterbury, 2014.

Fight club, 2002.

Flicker : your brain on movies, 2015.

The myth of emptiness and the new American literature of place, 2014.

Place, 2012.

A place for humility : Whitman,  Dickinson, and the natural world, 2014.

Rebel souls : Walt Whitman and America’s first Bohemians, 2014.

A student guide to Chaucer’s Middle English, 2011.

The underground railroad : a novel , 2016.

Understanding sound tracks through film theory, 2015.

Virtue in media : the moral psychology of excellence in news and public relations, 2014.

Woods etc., 2007.

Citizenship and mental health, 2015.

Military Science
The American warfare state : the domestic politics of military spending, 2014.

Beethoven : anguish and triumph : a biography, 2014.

Debussy, 2014.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Attention, 2014.

Beauty : the fortunes of an ancient Greek idea, 2014.

Confucius : and the world he created, 2015.

Dewey, 2015.

Doing justice : congregations and community organizing, 2001.

Existence and consolation : reinventing ontology, gnosis, and values in African philosophy, 2015.

The existentialist moment : the rise of Sartre as a public intellectual, 2015.

The gifts of imperfection : let go of who you think you’re supposed to be and embrace who you are, 2010.

God, Freud and religion : the origins of faith, fear and fundamentalism, 2015.

Graduate study in psychology, 2017.

Healing the wounded heart : the heartache of sexual abuse and the hope of transformation, 2016.

On romantic love : simple truths about a complex emotion, 2015.

Play : how it shapes the brain,  opens the imagination, and invigorates the soul, 2010.

The poverty of nations : a sustainable solution, 2013.

Powers of pure reason : Kant and the idea of cosmic philosophy, 2016.

Reconciling all things : a Christian vision for justice, peace and healing, 2008.

The roots of goodness and resistance to evil : inclusive caring, moral courage, altruism born of suffering, active bystandership,  and heroism, 2015.

Steal like an artist : 10 things nobody told you about being creative, 2012.

Political Science
Buying the vote : a history of campaign finance reform, 2016.

Civil rights and the making of the modern American state, 2014.

Comparative peace processes, 2014.

Beyond words : what animals think and feel, 2016.

Black hole : how an idea abandoned by Newtonians, hated by Einstein, and gambled on by Hawking became loved, 2015.

Einstein : his space and times, 2015.

The fascinating world of graph theory, 2015.

Fire in the valley : the birth and death of the personal computer, 2014.

How the Earth turned green : a brief 3.8-billion-year history of plants, 2014.

It started with Copernicus : vital questions about science, 2014.

Jonas Salk : a life, 2015.

Planck : driven by vision, broken by war, 2015.

Plankton : wonders of the drifting world, 2015.

Radium and the secret of life, 2016.

Understanding evolution, 2014.

Visions of science : books and readers at the dawn of the Victorian age, 2014.

Social Sciences
Beginnings, middles, & ends : sideways stories on the art & soul of social work, 2013.

Beyond good intentions : a journey into the realities of international aid, 2012.

Breaking night : a memoir of forgiveness,  survival, and my journey from homeless to Harvard, 2010.

Chasing chaos : my decade in and out of humanitarian aid, 2013.

Class matters, 2005.

Critical terms for the study of gender, 2014.

The cry of the soul : how our emotions reveal our deepest questions about God, 1994.

Development as freedom, 1999.

Google : how Google works, 2014.

The justice calling : where passion meets perseverance, 2016.

Lighter as we go : virtues, character strengths, and aging, 2015.

Managing the non-profit organization : practices and principles, 2005.

Out of poverty : sweatshops in the global economy, 2014.

A path appears : transforming lives, creating opportunity, 2014.

Poor economics : a radical rethinking of the way to fight global poverty, 2011.

Show your work! : 10 ways to share your creativity and get discovered, 2014.

Start with why : how great leaders inspire everyone to take action, 2011.

That’s the way it is : a history of television news in America, 2016.

Three little words : a memoir, 2009.

The truth about employee engagement : a fable about addressing the three root causes of job misery, 2007.

Universal man : the lives of John Maynard Keynes, 2015.

The white man’s burden : why the West’s efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good, 2006.

Leaving orbit : notes from the last days of American spaceflight, 2015.

Life and Debt, 2003.

Meet the Patels, 2015.

Selma, 2015.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
California cool : West Coast jazz of the 50s & 60s, the album cover art

Caves of Fall Creek Falls

The filioque : history of a doctrinal controversy

Healing in the early church : the church’s ministry of healing and exorcism from the first to the fifth century

Now pilgrim : a Canterbury Tale for today

Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia : a reader’s edition