New Books and Media Received (October 2021)

The following Books (102 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in October 2021.

Seminary Library

The common school awakening: religion and the transatlantic roots of American public education, 2020.

A short history of Christian Zionism: from the Reformation to the twenty-first century, 2021. 

Language and Literature
Basics of Arabic: a complete grammar, workbook, and lexicon, 2021.

Handbook of reading theological German, 2021. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
1 Peter: a commentary by Craig S. Keener, 2021.

100 great Bible mysteries: digging deep for revelation knowledge, 2003.

7 deadly sins of women in leadership: overcome self-defeating behavior in work and ministry, 2021.

Acts: an exegetical commentary by Craig S. Keener, 2012.

The Beatitudes through the ages, 2021.

Biblia Americana: America’s first Bible commentary:  a synoptic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, vol. 1, 2010.

Biblia Americana: America’s first Bible commentary:  a synoptic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, vol. 2, 2010.

Biblia Americana: America’s first Bible commentary:  a synoptic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, vol. 3, 2010.

Biblia Americana: America’s first Bible commentary:  a synoptic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, vol. 4, 2010.

Biblia Americana: America’s first Bible commentary:  a synoptic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, vol. 5, 2010.

Black, gay, British, Christian, queer: the church and the famine of grace, 2021.

The body in biblical, Christian and Jewish texts, 2015.

The book of Acts as story: a narrative-critical study, 2021.

Bringing the depths into focus: engaging difficulties in Biblical interpretation, 2021.

The charismatic city and the public resurgence of religion: a Pentecostal social ethics of cosmopolitan urban life, 2014.

Constructing Paul, 2020.

Cradling abundance: one African Christian’s story of empowering women and fighting systemic poverty, 2021.

Deconstructing evangelicalism: a letter to a friend and a professor’s guide to escaping fundamentalist Christianity, 2020.

The depth and destiny of work: an African theological interpretation, 2008.

The Deuteronomistic history and the name theology: lešakkēn šemô šām in the Bible., 2002.

Developing female leaders: navigate the minefields and release the potential of women in your church, 2019.

Doing theology in the new normal, 2021.

Early North African Christianity: turning points in the development of the church, 2021.

Economics in spirit and truth: a moral philosophy of finance., 2015.

Five things biblical scholars wish theologians knew, 2021.

Five things theologians wish biblical scholars knew, 2021.

Forming resilient children: the role of spiritual formation for healthy development, 2021.

Friendship and community: the monastic experience, 350-1250, 2010.

From Christ to Christianity: how the Jesus movement became the church in less than a century, 2021.

From Plato to Christ: how Platonic thought shaped the Christian faith, 2021.

God in the modern wing: viewing art with eyes of faith, 2021.

God will be all in all: theology through the lens of incarnation, 2021.

Handbook on the Gospels, 2021.

I am Yahweh, 2018.

Irrepressible light: the women of the New Testament, 2020.

Lessons from quarantine: biblical principles for living in tough times., 2021.

Liturgies from below: 462 acts of worship ; praying with people at the ends of the world, 2020.

Lord, teach us to pray, 2018.

Luke-Acts by James P. Grimshaw, et al., 2020.

Making a scene in the pulpit: vivid preaching for visual listeners, 2018.

Mark, women and empire: a Korean postcolonial perspective, 2010.

Matthew within sectarian Judaism, 2019.

Old Testament use of Old Testament: a book-by-book guide, 2021.

The Oxford handbook of mystical theology, 2020.

Paul and the economy of salvation: reading from the perspective of the last judgment, 2021.

Paul and the hope of glory: an exegetical and theological study, 2020.

The politics of race and ethnicity in Matthew’s passion narrative, 2019.

Power women: stories of motherhood, faith & the academy, 2021.

Prophecy, piety, and the problem of historicity: interpreting the Hebrew scriptures in Cotton Mather’s ‘Biblia Americana’, 2016.

Reading evangelicals: how Christian fiction shaped a culture and a faith, 2021.

Recovering from biblical manhood & womanhood: how the church needs to rediscover her purpose, 2020.

Redemptive kingdom diversity: a biblical theology of the people of God, 2021.

Rediscovering the Marys: Maria, Mariamne, Miriam, 2021.

Revelation by Amos Yong, 2021.

Ruth, Esther by Marion Ann Taylor, 2020.

Sermons that sing: music and the practice of preaching, 2021.

The sermons to the seven churches of Revelation: a commentary and guide, 2021.

Seven things I wish Christians knew about the Bible, 2021.

Spirit and trauma: a theology of remaining, 2010.

Spiritual formation for the global church: a multi-denominational, multi-ethnic approach, 2021.

Subversive witness: scripture’s call to leverage privilege, 2021.

Systematic theology by Gideon Andrew Thompson, 2018.

A theology of disagreement: New Testament ethics for ecclesial conflicts, 2021.

Together in ministry: women and men in flourishing partnerships, 2021.

Transforming worship: planning and leading Sunday services as if spiritual formation mattered, 2021.

Welcome, Holy Spirit: a theological and experiential introduction, 2021.

Women rising: learning to listen, reclaiming our voice, 2021.

Women serving God: my journey in understanding their story in the Bible, 2020.

The women’s lectionary: preaching the women of the Bible throughout the year, 2021.

A women’s lectionary for the whole church, 2021.

New Testament Seminar
Discovering Luke: content, interpretation, reception, 2021.

Gospel women and the long ending of Mark, 2021.

Greek for life: strategies for learning, retaining, and reviving New Testament Greek, 2017.

Historical and theological lexicon of the Septuagint, 2020.

Jesus and the manuscripts: what we can learn from the oldest texts, 2020.

Papyri and the social world of the New Testament, 2019.

Porphyry, On principles and matter: a Syriac version of a lost Greek text with an English translation, introduction, and glossaries, 2021.

Sharing in the son’s inheritance: Davidic messianism and Paul’s worldwide interpretation… of the Abrahamic land promise in Galatians, 2020.

Signs, wonders, and gifts: divination in the letters of Paul, 2019.

Welshimer Library

Collaboration, coteaching, and coaching in gifted education: sharing strategies to support gifted learners, 2020. 

Graphic Design
Type speaks, 2021.

Typographic firsts: adventures in early printing, 2019.

Language and Literature
Chapterhouse: Dune, 2020.

Children of Dune, 2020.

Dune, 2005.

Dune messiah, 2020.

Fake love letters, forged telegrams, and prison escape maps: designing graphic props for filmmaking, 2020.

God emperor of Dune, 2020.

Heretics of Dune, 2020.

Parent-child interaction therapy (PCIT) adapted for older children: a research development manual, 2021. 

Wagnerism: art and politics in the shadow of music, 2021. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Breaking the mould: learning to thrive as a ministry mum, 2020.

The defining decade: why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them now, 2021.

Political Science
Identity politics in the United States, 2019. 

The art of statistics: how to learn from data, 2019.

Skunk and badger, 2020.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
2014 Middle East travel seminar: reflection papers.

The Quax: the junior annual of Drake University, 1914.

New Books and Media Received (September 2021)

The following Books (100 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in September 2021.

Seminary Library

A holy baptism of fire and blood: the Bible and the American Civil War, 2021. 

Becoming what we sing: formation through contemporary worship music, 2021.

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Accounting and money for ministerial leadership: key practical and theological insights, 2013.

African Pentecostalism and world Christianity: essays in honor of J. Kwabena Asamoah-Gyadu, 2020.

The archaeology of Qumran and the Dead Sea scrolls, 2021.

Aristotle and early Christian thought, 2021.

Bad faith: race and the rise of the religious right, 2021.

Biblia Americana: America’s first Bible commentary:  a synoptic commentary on the Old and New Testaments, v. 9, 2010.

Black print unbound: the Christian recorder, African American literature, and periodical culture, 2015.

The books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, 2021.

Caring for joy: narrative, theology, and practice, 2016.

Chosen peoples: Christianity and political imagination in South Sudan, 2021.

Decolonizing Christianity: becoming badass believers, 2021.

Five models of Scripture, 2021.

Foundations of chaplaincy: a practical guide, 2021.

Genesis and Christian theology, 2012.

If God still breathes, why can’t I?: Black Lives Matter and biblical authority, 2021.

Interpreting Paul by Luke Timothy Johnson, 2021.

Interpreting the Old Testament theologically: essays in honor of Willem A. VanGemeren, 2018.

John Chrysostom and African charismatic theology in conversation: salvation, deliverance, and the prosperity gospel, 2021.

Jonah: introduction and commentary by Amy Erickson, 2021.

Migration and the making of global Christianity, 2021.

Money matters: faith, life, and wealth, 2021.

The new Adam: what the early church can teach evangelicals (and liberals) about the atonement, 2021.

No longer strangers: transforming evangelism with immigrant communities, 2021.

Nurturing faith: a practical theology for educating Christians, 2021.

On Genesis by Bede and Calvin B. Kendall, 2008.

The Pentecostal hypothesis: Christ talks, they decide, 2020.

The Pentecostal principle: ethical methodology in new spirit, 2012.

Political letters and speeches by Ambrose, J. H. W. Liebeschuetz, and Carole G. Hill, 2010.

Reclaiming rural: building thriving rural congregations, 2021.

The same God who works all things: inseparable operations in Trinitarian theology, 2021.

Scribes and scrolls at Qumran by Sidnie White Crawford, 2019.

The split economy: Saint Paul goes to Wall Street, 2021.

When the medium was the mission: the Atlantic telegraph and the religious origins of network culture, 2021.

A women’s lectionary for the whole church. Year W: multi-gospel single-year lectionary, 2021.

Political Science
Errand into the wilderness of mirrors: religion and the history of the CIA, 2021. 

Social Sciences
Belonging: remembering ourselves home, 2017.

New Testament Seminar
Challenging perspectives on the Gospel of John, 2006.

Cruciform scripture: cross, participation, and mission, 2021.

Discourse grammar of the Greek New Testament: a practical introduction for teaching and exegesis, 2010.

Discovering Revelation: content, interpretation, reception, 2021.

Galatians by N. T. Wright, 2021.

The Gospel according to Matthew: a commentary by Matthias Konradt and M. Eugene Boring, 2020.

The gospel of the son of God: an introduction to Matthew by David R. Bauer, 2019.

Jesus, the New Testament, and Christian origins: perspectives, methods, meanings, 2021.

Participating in Christ: explorations in Paul’s theology and spirituality, 2019.

Scribes and their remains, 2021.

Studies on the intersection of text, paratext, and reception: a festschrift in honor of Charles E. Hill, 2021.

Welshimer Library

Memory passages: Holocaust memorials in the United States and Germany, 2020.

The Oxford history of historical writing, 2011.

Information technology and data in healthcare: using and understanding data, 2021.

Teaching music through performance in contemporary a cappella, 2020.

Life, support, music, 2008. 

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
36 devotionals for women’s group.

5-minute Bible study for women: mornings in God’s word.

Abortion and the sanctity of human life.

Animals in the Bible.

Baptism and the New Testament. Lectures.

Barack Obama: son of promise, child of hope.

Beautiful songs of Zion, a collection of new and old songs suited to all kinds of religious work and worship ….

Best-loved Bible stories.

A Bible history: for schools, confirmation classes and homes.

The bible story in easy words for children.

…but I love you: the musings of an 86-year-old retired minister who spends his time reflecting on his 60 years of ministry.

Carl Sandburg.

Catalog: Puget Sound College of the Bible, 1958-1959.

Christian hymns: for every purpose in worship.

Christmas programs for the church, number 16: includes material for Thanksgiving.

A componential approach to Hebrew semantics.

Cook book issued by the Ladies Aid Society of the First Christian Church, Union City, Tenn., 1916.

A description of the apostolic church and the position of the pastor: considered in the light of the primitive organization of the church of Christ.

Funeral messages.

Gethsemane Church of Christ: Mechanicsville, Hanover County, Virginia, 1867-1967.

God’s book for me.

Homemaking programs: talks and activities.

Leading the first-century church in the space age.

Les Grands recits de la Bible.

The man in the crowd.

Minute stories from the Bible.

My name is Georgia: a portrait.

Notes on nursing: what it is, and what it is not.

Ounces of wisdom.

Our Prayers and Praise: the order for daily morning prayer and the order for the administration of the Lord’s Supper.

The Phillipian, 1919.

The Phillipian, 1920.

Reminiscences of Linda Richards, America’s first trained nurse.

Restoring New Testament Christianity: featuring Alexander Campbell, Thomas Campbell, Barton W. Stone and Hall L. Calhoun.

Revealing word: a collection of poems and hymn texts.

Revisioning Christian unity: journeying with Jesus Christ, the reconciler at the global Christian forum, Limuru, November 2007.

Sermons: from “the truth defender”.

Songs for soul-winning.

Special days in the church.

Spiritual songs: a collection of songs and hymns, new and old, suited to all purposes of Christian work and worship.

Standing for their faith: a history of churches of Christ in Tennessee, 1900-1950.

Stories and miracles: including Walking on water & other stories.

The trail blazers: heroes of faith.

Training men to preach and serve: an orientation study in the ministry and service of Jesus Christ.

A Study of contemporary model preachers of the Christian Church (Church of Christ).

Unity of Christians: the advocate of true progression in church and state, recognizing the Bible alone as the true basis of Christian union.

New Books and Media Received (June-August 2021)

The following Books (140 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in June, July, and August 2021.

Seminary Library

Teaching and learning across cultures: a guide to theory and practice, 2021.

Language and Literature
Aramaic: a history of the first world language, 2021. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
Abuelita faith: what women on the margins teach us about wisdom, persistence, and strength, 2021.

Beads and strands: reflections of an African woman on Christianity in Africa, 2004.

Church administration: creating efficiency for effective ministry, 2011.

Church conflicts: the cross, apocalyptic, and political resistance, 2021.

Constructing exile: the emergence of a biblical paradigm, 2020.

Ethical prophets along the way: those hall of famers, 2020.

The first biography of Jesus: genre and meaning in Mark’s gospel, 2020.

Holy living: the Christian tradition for today, 2017.

John interpreted by early Christian and medieval commentators, 2018.

Liberty for all: defending everyone’s religious freedom in a pluralistic age, 2021.

The ministry of women in the New Testament: reclaiming the biblical vision for church leadership, 2021.

Scripture as communication: introducing biblical hermeneutics, 2021.

Theological foundations of worship: biblical, systematic, and practical perspectives, 2021.

Thriving in the second chair: ten practices for robust ministry (when you’re not in charge), 2016.

The unbearable wholeness of being: God, evolution and the power of love, 2013.

Unfettered: imagining a childlike faith beyond the baggage of Western culture, 2021.

The universal Christ: how a forgotten reality can change everything we see, hope for, and believe, 2021.

An unsettling God: the heart of the Hebrew Bible, 2009.

Voices from the ruins: theodicy and the fall of Jerusalem in the Hebrew Bible, 2021.

Women in the mission of the church: their opportunities and obstacles throughout Christian history, 2021.

Social Sciences
Aged by culture, 2004.

New Testament Seminar
African American readings of Paul: reception, resistance, and transformation, 2020.

The Jewish annotated Apocrypha: New Revised Standard Version Bible translation, 2020.

Matthew by Jeannine K. Brown and Kyle A. Roberts, 2018.

Reading Acts in the discourses of masculinity and politics, 2017.

A Roman commentary on St. Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, 2020.

The second sophistic, 2005.

Women and society in the Roman world: a sourcebook of inscriptions from the Roman West, 2021.

Welshimer Library

From Eastern Europe: graphic design from Eastern Europe, 2018.

From Japan: graphic design from Japan, 2015.

From Latin America: graphic design from Latin America, 2019.

From Scandinavia: graphic design from Scandinavia, 2017.

From South Korea, 2021.

From Switzerland: graphic design from Switzerland, 2020.

Graphic Artists Guild handbook: pricing & ethical guidelines., 2021.

The graphic design reader, 2019.

In progress: see inside a lettering artist’s sketchbook and process, from pencil to vector, 2015.

On the shoulders of giants, 2019.

Paula Scher: twenty-five years at the Public, a love story, 2020.

The power of color: five centuries of European painting, 2019.

The holistic curriculum, 2019.

America for Americans: a history of xenophobia in the United States, 2021.

Authoritarian apprehensions: ideology, judgment, and mourning in Syria, 2019.

Diaries, 1898-1902 [of Alma Mahler], 2000.

Malevolent muse: the life of Alma Mahler, 2015.

Passionate spirit: the life of Alma Mahler, 2019.

The three lives of James Madison: genius, partisan, president, 2020.

Social scaffolding: applying the lessons of contemporary social science to health and healthcare, 2019.

Acting the song: performance skills for the musical theatre, 2016.

Jerome Robbins, by himself: selections from his letters, journals, drawings, photographs, and an unfinished memoir, 2019.

Philosophy and Religion
The big idea companion for preaching and teaching: a guide from Genesis to Revelation, 2021.

The great sex rescue: the lies you’ve been taught and how to recover what God intended, 2021.

The meaning of life and death: ten classic thinkers on the ultimate question, 2020.

Mission drift: the unspoken crisis facing leaders, charities, and churches, 2015.

Political Science
The psychology of politics, 2019.

Aesthetic science: representing nature in the Royal Society of London, 1650-1720, 2020.

Find your path: unconventional lessons from 36 leading scientists and engineers, 2019.

Testosterone: an unauthorized biography, 2019.

Social Sciences
Capital in the nineteenth century, 2019.

Globalisms: facing the populist challenge, 2020.

The party and other stories, 2020.

Where’s baby?, 2020.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Art, craft, and theology in fourth-century christian authors.

The body broken: embracing the peace of Christ in a fragmented church.

Books of Meqabyan 1-3.

Casino royale [DVD].

Christian character: New Testament passages.

Christian egalitarian leadership: empowering the whole church according to the scriptures.

Christian extremism.

Christian philosophy.

Christology after Chalcedon: Severus of Antioch and Sergius the Monophysite.

The courtier and the heretic: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the fate of God in the modern world.

The cultural church.

Descartes: the project of pure enquiry.

Diamonds are forever [DVD].

Die another day [DVD].

Dynamic women of the Bible: what we can learn from their surprising stories.

Emboldened: a vision for empowering women in ministry.

The enigma of anger: essays on a sometimes deadly sin.

The experience of God [2 volumes].


Font of life: Ambrose, Augustine and the mystery of baptism.

For your eyes only [DVD].

Four views on the Apostle Paul.

The global Church: the first eight centuries: from Pentecost through the rise of Islam.

The God of Jesus Christ.

God’s glory alone: the majestic heart of Christian faith and life: what the reformers taught … and why it still matters.

Goldeneye [DVD].

Help: the original human dilemma.

In the time of the butterflies.

Inner river: a pilgrimage to the heart of Christian spirituality.

Inventing the individual: the origins of Western liberalism.

Israel’s apostasy and restoration: essays in honor of Roland K. Harrison.

Jesus and the remains of his day: studies in Jesus and the evidence of material culture.

The Jewish teachers of Jesus, James, and Jude: what earliest Christianity learned from the Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha.

Let her be: right relationships and the Southern Baptist conundrum over woman’s role.

Licence to kill [DVD].

Lime green: reshaping our view of women in the church.

The living daylights [DVD].

Living icons: persons of faith in the Eastern church.

Love does: discover a secretly incredible life in an ordinary world.

The man with the golden gun [DVD].

Meaning and the moral sciences.

Metropolis: a history of the city, humankind’s greatest invention.

Midsommar [DVD].

Mind and language.

Moonraker [DVD].

The moral gap: Kantian ethics, human limits, and God’s assistance.

The mysterious flame: conscious minds in a material world.

The mystery of the Trinity.

Octopussy [DVD].

Philosophy of logics.

The philosophy of mind: an introduction.

The philosophy of St. Bonaventure.

Quantum of solace [DVD].

Sacred places, pilgrim paths: an anthology of pilgrimage.

Saint Augustine’s memory.

Salvation through temptation: Maximus the Confessor and Thomas Aquinas on Christ’s victory over the devil.

The sign of Jonah reconsidered: a study of its meaning in the gospel traditions.

Skyfall [DVD].

Spectre [DVD].

The Synoptic vision: essays on the philosophy of Wilfrid Sellars.

Tales of the Dairy Godmother: Chuck’s ice cream wish.

Testimony: a philosophical study.

A theologian in search of a philosophy.

A theology of love.

Tomorrow never dies [DVD].

Tongue of the prophets: the life story of Eliezer Ben Yehuda.

The Trinity: an interdisciplinary symposium on the Trinity.

The twilight zone: the complete series [DVD].

Two worlds: an Edinburgh Jewish childhood.

Undergoing God: dispatches from the scene of a break-in.

A view to a kill [DVD].

Was Jesus married?: the distortion of sexuality in the Christian tradition.

What’s with Paul and women?: unlocking the cultural background to 1 Timothy 2.

Women in the life of Jesus.

The Word leaps the gap: essays on Scripture and theology in honor of Richard B. Hays.

The world is not enough [DVD].

Introducing Internet Archive’s Open Library

As part of our mission to enhance discovery of and access to useful and relevant information resources for students and faculty, Milligan Libraries is pleased to now offer an embedded search interface on our website to Internet Archive’s Open Library project.

Started in 1996 with the mission to “provide Universal Access to All Knowledge,” Internet Archive is a non-profit digital repository of internet sites and other cultural artifacts, including books and texts, video, audio, software, and images. The Open Library project focuses on books and includes two primary components: an ambitious goal to build a universal online catalog of every book ever published, and providing a platform for searching and accessing millions of book holdings within Internet Archive. By linking to Open Library, Milligan Libraries instantly expands access to a vast array of book resources for our users.

Book holdings are added to Internet Archive through the digitization of print originals from library partner collections and donations. Book holdings include popular and academic titles on numerous subjects. Of particular interest, in addition to titles in the public domain (books whose copyright has expired and are freely available to the public), Internet Archive also digitizes and provides access to more recent titles that are still under copyright. (Internet Archive currently holds well over two million digitized books. Over one million of these have been published since 2000.) This access is made possible using a framework known as controlled digital lending (CDL).

For digital lending purposes operating within the legal limits of copyright fair use, CDL conceptualizes a digitized copy of a print book owned by Internet Archive (or its library partners) as if it were a physical print book. If Internet Archive owns one print copy of a book it can lend one digitized copy. While the digital copy is lent out the print copy is not circulated. Similarly, if Internet Archive owns 10 print copies of a book, it can lend up to 10 digital copies of that book at one time. Copy protection (known as Digital Rights Management, or DRM) is applied to the digital copies to prevent duplication and control borrowing by authorized users on the Open Library platform.

Getting Ready to Use Open Library

We have added an Open Library tab to the search box widget on the Milligan Libraries website homepage. (You can also select the “Internet Archive’s Open Library” link from the Resources > Specialized Resources A-L dropdown menu to go directly to Open Library.)

Before walking through a search session on Open Library there are a few setup steps to get out of the way first.

Step 1. Create a User Account. You can search the Open Library universal catalog and read public domain books using the online web browser viewer without creating a user account. However, a user account is required if you want to borrow CDL books through the online viewer, or download books to your computer or mobile device. Think of the user account as your Open Library library card. To create a user account, click on the “Sign Up” button at the top right of any Open Library page and fill out the form (click on screenshot to enlarge):

Step 2. Create an Adobe ID. As mentioned above, CDL book files (typically formatted as PDF or EPUB) on Open Library are copy protected to prevent duplication and control lending of copyrighted content. Internet Archive authenticates DRM-ed content using Adobe ID. Create an Adobe ID by signing-in here.

Step 3. Download Adobe Digital Editions and/or Bluefire Reader book reading software. You can bypass Step 2 and this step if you simply want to read books online using Internet Archive’s own web browser reader. However, dedicated software is required if you want to be able to download and read books offline. Books borrowed from Open Library are only readable on a computer or mobile device that supports Adobe ID authentication. Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) for Windows, Mac, Android, or iOS can be freely downloaded from here. An excellent alternative, Bluefire Reader for Android or iOS, can be freely downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. ADE and Bluefire Reader are configurable to pre-authenticate with your Adobe ID.

Searching for Books on Open Library

I have been doing some research on the sixth century Roman statesman and scholar Cassiodorus. I wonder what books by or about Cassiodorus might be available on Open Library. I type “Cassiodorus” in the Open Library search box on the Milligan Libraries website homepage.

My search resolves to this results page (click on screenshot to enlarge):

At the top I see my search resulted in 183 hits. I also notice a list of facets in the far right column for ways to limit my search results in various ways (Author, Subjects, People, Times, etc.). To the right of each short result record I see large buttons variously labeled “Not in Library,” “Read,” and “Borrow.” The “Read” and “Borrow” buttons also have a headphone icon that slides over to enable a “Listen” (text to speech) option for print disabled users.

“Not in Library” indicates that a record has been created for this book as part of the universal online catalog, but a copy (or copies) of this book is not currently available on Open Library to be read or borrowed. Of interest, if I open this record, it includes a link to preview the contents of the book, and a link that pushes to the book record in Milligan Libraries’ WorldCat Discovery platform. These are very useful features. The book preview enables me to get a sense of the value of this title for my research, and pushing me into WorldCat sets up an option for me to initiate an interlibrary loan request.

“Read” indicates that the book is available on Open Library as a public domain title. Since copyright has expired on this title, absolutely no restrictions on access are imposed. The book can be freely read or downloaded without a user account.

“Borrow” indicates that at least one digital copy of the book is available on Open Library. But since this title is still under copyright, access is controlled under the controlled digital lending (CDL) framework described above. A user account is required to read or download the book. Incidentally, if all available copies of a book are currently borrowed the button changes to “Checked Out” or “Join Waitlist,” which gives me the opportunity to borrow the book once a copy is returned and made available again.

The default view shows “Everything” that resulted from my search (in this case 183 hits). However, if I click the “Ebooks” radio button at the right of the search box, Open Library only shows me a list of books that are actually available on the platform to be read or borrowed, as in this screenshot — 22 hits (click to enlarge):

Reading an Open Library Book Using the Online Web Browser Viewer

As I scroll down the list of books available to read or borrow on Open Library I see the title of a book written by Cassiodorus that I would like to read, Institutions of Divine and Secular Learning.

I click on the “Borrow” button. Since I am not currently signed-in with my Open Library user account I am prompted to enter my credentials:

Once I click the “Log In” button, the book is launched in Internet Archive’s online web browser viewer (click on screenshot to enlarge). An active internet connection is required in order to use the browser viewer for online reading:

I use the navigation slider or page turning arrows at the bottom of the screen to work my way through the book. Alternatively, I can choose a single page vertical scroll reading option. There is also a grid view for page picking, zoom in or out, full screen toggle, and text to speech audio reader.

The magnifying glass icon at the top left is for searching within the text of the book, and the ellipses icon (…) slides out to offer bookmarking, visual adjustments, sharing, and file download options (more on this in a moment).

The banner at the top of the viewer window indicates book borrowing options, and current borrowing status:

Borrowing options depend on the number of digital copies available for lending on Open Library. If there is just one copy available the book can be borrowed for only one hour at a time. (Note: As long as I continue reading, by page turns or scrolling, I do not have to return the book within the one-hour timeframe.) If Open Library has more than one available copy of a book I can borrow it for either one hour or for 14 days. Up to 10 books can be borrowed at a time. I can keep track of my book loans from my user account page. When I am done reading a borrowed book I can click the “Return now” button, which immediately frees my copy up for someone else to borrow, or I can simply let the loan period timeout on its own.

Download an Open Library Book for Offline Reading

Open Library allows downloading of public domain (“Read”) and available CDL (“Borrow”) digital books to my computer or mobile device (phone or tablet) for offline reading. As indicated in Getting Ready to Use Open Library, Steps 2 and 3 above, this capability requires the creation of an Adobe ID and the downloading and configuration of the appropriate reader software. These steps should be completed before attempting to download book files from Open Library.

I will demonstrate downloading and offline reading using the book I already have open in the online viewer above. I will be reading the book using Adobe Digital Editions. From the ellipses icon (…) I click on the “Downloadable files” option and select between an encrypted PDF or EPUB file. (PDF files retain original book pagination, while text in an EPUB file reflows depending on font size.)

I choose the PDF option, which downloads to my computer as a file labeled URLLink.acsm. You may need to browse or search on your computer or device to locate where downloaded files typically land. Look for a file with a .acsm extension. The advantage of pre-authorizing the reader software with an Adobe ID is readily apparent because launching the .acsm file will immediately launch the book in the reader:

I navigate through the book with single page vertical scrolling. I can adjust the text width or zoom for viewing comfort, and drop bookmarks. When I click on the “Library” button at the top left, Adobe Digital Editions opens a “bookshelf” view where I can see a list of my downloaded books, and time left on my loan. By right-clicking on any title in the “bookshelf” I can return the book or remove it from my library.

This tutorial is intended to help our users get started with Open Library as a remarkable resource for digital books. If we can provide you with specific assistance please do not hesitate to reach out.

New Books and Media Received (April-May 2021)

The following Books (407 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through budgetary funds and expense accounts, and by donation in April and May 2021.

Seminary Library

Figurines in Achaemenid period Yehud: Jerusalem’s history of religion and coroplastics in the monotheism debate, 2017.

Khalifa ibn Khayyat’s History on the Umayyad Dynasty (660-750), 2015.

Native: identity, belonging, and rediscovering God, 2020.

Theophilus of Edessa’s Chronicle and the circulation of historical knowledge in late antiquity and early Islam, 2011.

Three political voices from the age of Justinian: Agapetus, ‘Advice to the Emperor’:  Dialogue on political science:  Paul the Silentiary, ‘Description of Hagia Sophia’, 2009.

Torah, temple, and transaction: Jewish religious institutions and economic behavior in early Roman Galilee, 2020.

Language and Literature
A beginner’s guide to Dante’s Divine comedy, 2018.

On the nature of things and, On times by Bede, 2010. 

Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion
The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787), 2020.

After Whiteness: an education in belonging, 2020.

Always on: practicing faith in a new media landscape, 2019.

Clement of Alexandria and the shaping of Christian literary practice: miscellany and the transformation of Greco-Roman writing, 2020.

The Council of Ephesus of 431: documents and proceedings, 2020.

Family systems and congregational life: a map for ministry, 2019.

The forgotten Desert Mothers: sayings, lives, and stories of early Christian women, 2001.

The funerary speech for John Chrysostom, 2013.

Imperial invectives against Constantius II: Athanasius of Alexandria, History of the Arians, Hilary of Poitiers, Against Constantius and Lucifer of Cagliari, The necessity of dying for the Son of God, 2016.

Interpreting scripture with the great tradition: recovering the genius of premodern exegesis, 2018.

Interpreting the Parables, 2012.

An introduction to Christian mysticism: recovering the wildness of spiritual life, 2021.

An introduction to the Old Testament: the Canon and Christian imagination, 2020.

The letter and spirit of biblical interpretation: from the early church to modern practice, 2018.

The making of biblical womanhood: how the subjugation of women became gospel truth, 2021.

Marriage, scripture, and the church: theological discernment on the question of same-sex union, 2021.

The mind of the spirit: Paul’s approach to transformed thinking, 2016.

Missional theology: an introduction, 2020.

Models of evangelism, 2020.

The mystic way of evangelism: a contemplative vision for Christian outreach, 2017.

The myth of the Stone-Campbell movement, 2019.

Neither complementarian nor egalitarian: a kingdom corrective to the evangelical gender debate, 2016.

On the nature of man by Nemesius, 2008.

Opening Israel’s scriptures, 2019.

Origen: an introduction to his life and thought, 2019.

Prey tell: why we silence women who tell the truth and how everyone can speak up, 2021.

Reading Revelation responsibly: uncivil worship and witness:  following the Lamb into the new creation, 2011.

Reading the New Testament as Christian scripture: a literary, canonical, and theological survey, 2020.

Religion in America by Lisa D. Pearce and Claire C. Gilliland, 2020.

Reparations: a Christian call for repentance and repair, 2021.

Rethinking Galatians: Paul’s vision of oneness in the living Christ, 2021.

The return of oral hermeneutics: as good today as it was for the Hebrew Bible and first-century Christianity, 2020.

Selfies: searching for the image of God in a digital age, 2018.

The spiritual child: the new science on parenting for health and lifelong thriving, 2016.

Spiritual disciplines for the Christian life, 2014.

Syriac Christian culture: beginnings to renaissance, 2020.

Theology as a way of life: on teaching and learning the Christian faith, 2019.

Two early lives of Severos, Patriarch of Antioch, 2013.

The Worship sourcebook, 2013.

Political Science
Augustine’s political thought, 2019. 

New Testament Seminar
Faith in formulae :a collection of early Christian creeds and creed-related texts [3 volumes], 2017.

Luke as narrative theologian: texts and topics, 2020.

The Oxford handbook of Jonathan Edwards, 2021.

The Oxford handbook of the Septuagint, 2021.

A scripture index to rabbinic literature by Caleb T. Friedeman, 2021.

Welshimer Library

Art and music in Venice: from the Renaissance to the Baroque, 2013.

Bruegel: the complete graphic works, 2019.

Building Nazi Germany: place, space, architecture, and ideology, 2020.

Emil Nolde: the artist during the Third Reich, 2019.

Fra Angelico and the rise of the Florentine Renaissance, 2019.

Frida in America: the creative awakening of a great artist, 2020.

John Singer Sargent: the sensualist, 2000.

The poster: a visual history, 2020.

Sofonisba’s lesson: a Renaissance artist and her work, 2019.

Strandbeest: the dream machines of Theo Jansen, 2014.

Vida Americana: Mexican muralists remake American art, 1925-1945, 2020.

William Blake, 2019.

Winslow Homer: his art, his light, his landscapes, 1997.

Educating media literacy: the need for critical media literacy in teacher education, 2020.

Educational psychology: history, practice, research, and the future, 2019.

Making up our mind: what school choice is really about, 2019.

Race dialogues: a facilitator’s guide to tackling the elephant in the classroom, 2019.

Reading for action: engaging youth in social justice through young adult literature, 2019.

Visual culture, 2019.

1774: the long year of Revolution, 2021.

Africa and the Indian Ocean world from early times to circa 1900, 2019.

Ain’t I a woman: Black women and feminism, 2015.

American while black: African Americans, immigration, and the limits of citizenship, 2019.

Between Greece and Babylonia: Hellenistic intellectual history in cross-cultural perspective, 2019.

The Boston Massacre: a family history, 2020.

The Byzantine Hellene: the life of Emperor Theodore Laskaris and Byzantium in the thirteenth century, 2019.

The Cambridge history of the American Civil War, 2019.

Daily life in Nazi-occupied Europe, 2019.

El Norte: the epic and forgotten story of Hispanic North America, 2020.

The end of the myth: from the frontier to the border wall in the mind of America, 2019.

The firebird and the fox: Russian culture under Tsars and Bolsheviks, 2019.

Four hundred souls: a community history of African America, 1619-2019, 2021.

Freedom libraries: the untold story of libraries for African Americans in the South, 2019.

A history of Jordan, 2019.

Hitler: a biography, 2019.

Hitler: a global biography, 2019.

Islam, authoritarianism, and underdevelopment: a global and historical comparison, 2019.

The Kindertransport: contesting memory, 2019.

Lifestyle in Siberia and the Russian North, 2019.

The Middle Ages: facts and fictions, 2019.

The Middle East and the making of the modern world, 2017.

Not even past: the stories we keep telling about the Civil War, 2020.

Old Canaan in a new world: Native Americans and the lost tribes of Israel, 2020.

On the trail of Mary Queen of Scots, 1999.

Palestine: a four thousand year history, 2020.

The politics of the past in early China, 2020.

The rebel and the Imām in early Islam: explorations in Muslim historiography, 2020.

Reinterpreting Southern histories: essays in historiography, 2020.

Roots of the Black Chicago renaissance: new negro writers, artists, and intellectuals, 1893-1930, 2020.

Russia, the former Soviet republics, and Europe since 1989: transformation and tragedy, 2019.

South Africa, race and the making of international relations, 2020.

The South and the transformation of US politics, 2019.

Spying on the South: an odyssey across the American divide, 2020.

The successor: Tiberius and the triumph of the Roman Empire, 2019.

Under a darkening sky: the American experience in Nazi Europe: 1939-1941, 2018.

Unworthy republic: the dispossession of Native Americans and the road to Indian territory, 2020.

Walter Ralegh: architect of empire, 2019.

Will of the people: the revolutionary birth of America, 2021.

Language and Literature
Achilles beside Gilgamesh: mortality and wisdom in early epic poetry, 2019.

Anthem by Ayn Rand, 1953.

An artist of the floating world, 1989.

Bilingual children: a guide for parents, 2019.

Black and more than black: African American fiction in the post era, 2019.

Black Broadway: African Americans on the great white way, 2015.

Blue iris: poems and essays, 2004.

The buried giant, 2015.

Comics and stuff, 2020.

The complete and original Norwegian folktales of Asbjørnsen and Moe, 2019.

Dante’s Christian ethics: Purgatory and its moral contexts, 2020.

Fake news nation: the long history of lies and misinterpretations in America, 2019.

The Faust legend: from Marlowe and Goethe to contemporary drama and film, 2019.

Film as embodied art: bodily meaning in the cinema of Stanley Kubrick, 2019.

The five people you meet in heaven, 2003.

The five-minute linguist: bite-sized essays on language and languages, 2019.

Furious flower: seeding the future of African American poetry, 2020.

Geoffrey Chaucer in context, 2021.

Gulag literature and the literature of Nazi camps: an intercontexual reading, 2019.

Herodotus and the question why, 2021.

It’s always loud in the balcony: a life in black theater, from Harlem to Hollywood and back, 2019.

Journalism in the age of virtual reality: how experiential media are transforming news, 2019.

Klara and the sun, 2021.

Language endangerment, 2019.

Literature’s children: the critical child and the art of idealization, 2019.

The looking machine: essays on cinema, anthropology and documentary filmmaking, 2019.

Malory’s magic book: King Arthur and the child, 1862-1980, 2019.

Modernism, postcolonialism, and globalism: Anglophone literature, 1950 to the present, 2019.

The mousetrap, 2014.

The movie musical!, 2019.

The nickel boys: a novel, 2019.

Nocturnes: five stories of music and nightfall, 2009.

Nostalgia in print and performance, 1510-1613: merry worlds, 2019.

One man show: poetics and presence in the Iliad and Odyssey, 2020.

The overstory: a novel, 2019.

Poems by Elizabeth Bishop, 2011.

The poems of Louisa May Alcott, 2000.

Possessed by memory: the inward light of criticism, 2020.

The remains of the day, 1989.

Scale, space and canon in ancient literary culture, 2020.

Screening reality: how documentary filmmakers reimagined America, 2020.

Stephen King and American history, 2021.

Stephen King and American politics, 2021.

Stories and the brain: the neuroscience of narrative, 2020.

The struggle for understanding: Elie Wiesel’s literary works, 2019.

Swamp Souths: literary and cultural ecologies, 2020.

Tales of the South Pacific, 1947.

A theory of dramaturgy, 2019.

The unconsoled, 1995.

Unstable masks: whiteness and American superhero comics, 2020.

The view from somewhere: undoing the myth of journalistic objectivity, 2019.

The vintage Bradbury; Ray Bradbury’s own selection of his best stories, 1965.

Virginia Woolf: and the women who shaped her world, 2019.

When we were orphans, 2000.

The worlds of JRR Tolkien: the places that inspired Middle-Earth, 2020.

Ancient legal thought: equity, justice, and humaneness from Hammurabi and the pharaohs to Justinian and the Talmud, 2019.

The Cambridge companion to comparative constitutional law, 2019.

The constitutional origins of the American civil war, 2019.

The disappearing First Amendment, 2019.

The Evening Star: the rise and fall of a great Washington newspaper, 2019.

Originalism’s promise: a natural law account of the American Constitution, 2019.

Religion, law, USA, 2019.

The second founding: how the Civil War and reconstruction remade the constitution, 2020.

Supreme inequality: the Supreme Court’s fifty-year battle for a more unjust America, 2021. 

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5, 2013.

DSM-5 handbook of differential diagnosis, 2014.

Elderhood: redefining aging, transforming medicine, reimagining life, 2021.

Gentling: a practical guide to treating PTSD in abused children, 2011.

Mind fixers: psychiatry’s troubled search for the biology of mental illness, 2020.

Racism: science & tools for the public health professional, 2019.

The undying: pain, vulnerability, mortality, medicine, art, time, dreams, data, exhaustion, cancer, and care, 2020.

Treating addiction: a guide for professionals, 2019.

Military Science
Militarization: a reader, 2019. 

The 100 most important people in musical theatre, 2019.

Angel song: medieval English music in history, 2019.

Bach and Mozart: essays on the enigma of genius, 2019.

The band’s visit, 2018.

Both from the ears & mind: thinking about music in early modern England, 2020.

Caroline, or Change: a musical, 2004.

Down a path of wonder, 2006.

For the love of music: a conductor’s guide to the art of listening, 2020.

Fun home, 2015.

Into the woods, 1989.

The light in the piazza, 2007.

Man of La Mancha; a musical play, 1966.

Music, myth and story in medieval and early modern culture, 2019.

The Spitfire Grill: a musical, 2002.

Summertime: George Gershwin’s life in music, 2020.

Philosophy and Religion
1 and 2 Timothy and Titus by Robert W. Wall and Richard B. Steele, 2012.

1 Peter by Joel B. Green, 2007.

1-3 John by Thomas Andrew Bennett, 2021.

2 Peter and Jude by Ruth Anne Reese, 2007.

Acts by Craig S. Keener, 2020.

Against: what does the white evangelical want?, 2019.

Anatomy of the soul: surprising connections between neuroscience and spiritual practices that can transform your life and relationships, 2010.

Becoming Beauvoir: a life, 2020.

Black: the history of a color, 2009.

Blue: the history of a color, 2001.

The Cambridge companion to natural law ethics, 2019.

The Cambridge handbook of wisdom, 2019.

Ecopiety: green media and the dilemma of environmental virtue, 2019.

Exemplars of truth, 2019.

Ezumezu: a system of logic for African philosophy and studies, 2019.

Faith in American public life, 2019.

The feeling of life itself: why consciousness is widespread but can’t be computed, 2019.

Galatians by Craig S. Keener, 2018.

Green: the history of a color, 2014.

Heart to heart: how your emotions affect other people, 2019.

Intentional churches: how implementing an operating system clarifies vision, improves decision-making, and stimulates growth, 2020.

Introduction to existentialism: from Kierkegaard to The Seventh Seal, 2020.

Judges by David J. H. Beldman, 2020.

The lost art of Scripture: rescuing the sacred texts, 2019.

Luke by F. Scott Spenser, 2019.

Mark by Darrell L. Bock, 2015.

Never doubt Thomas: the Catholic Aquinas as evangelical and Protestant, 2019.

Nietzsche and other Buddhas: philosophy after comparative philosophy, 2019.

Nihilism, 2019.

Power and technology: a philosophical and ethical analysis, 2019.

Red: the history of a color, 2017.

The supporting cast of the Bible: reading on behalf of the multitude, 2020.

Teaching Islamic studies in the age of ISIS, Islamophobia and the Internet, 2019.

The trellis and the vine: the ministry mind-shift that changes everything, 2009.

Understanding religious experience: from conviction to life’s meaning, 2020.

The varieties of nonreligious experience: atheism in American culture, 2019.

Ways of heaven: an introduction to Chinese thought, 2019.

Yellow: the history of a color, 2019.

Political Science
Against borders: why the world needs free movement of people, 2020.

Against free speech, 2020.

The age of migration: international population movements in the modern world, 2020.

And yet they persisted: how American women won the right to vote, 2020.

Breaking the two-party doom loop: the case for multiparty democracy in America, 2020.

Culture and order in world politic, 2020.

Democracy and dictatorship in Europe: from the Ancien régime to the present day, 2021.

Empire of democracy: the remaking of the West since the Cold War, 1971-2017, 2019.

Enchanted America: how intuition and reason divide our politics, 2018.

Globalization matters: engaging the global in unsettled time, 2019.

The long southern strategy: how chasing white voters in the South changed American politics, 2021.

Mirrorlands: Russia, China, and journeys in between, 2019.

No vote for women: the denial of suffrage in reconstruction America, 2019.

Overcoming intractable conflicts: new approaches to constructive transformations, 2019.

This land is our land: an immigrant’s manifesto, 2019.

Turkey between democracy and authoritarianism, 2019.

Analytical mechanics, 2018.

Artificial intelligence: a guide for thinking humans, 2019.

The biology of reproduction, 2019.

The book of why: the new science of cause and effect, 2020.

Foundations of data science, 2020.

The last lecture, 2008.

The logic in philosophy of science, 2019.

Losing Earth: a recent history, 2020.

The scientific attitude: defending science from denial, fraud, and pseudoscience, 2019.

The story of more: how we got to climate change and where to go from here, 2020.

Until the end of time: mind, matter, and our search for meaning in an evolving universe, 2021.

Social Sciences
The abortionist: a woman against the law, 2019.

Affectionate communication in close relationships, 2019.

Alcohol and humans: a long and social affair, 2020.

Bathroom battlegrounds: how public restrooms shape the gender order, 2020.

Caste: the origins of our discontents, 2020.

Caught in the path of Katrina: a survey of the hurricane’s human effects, 2019.

Children in changing worlds: sociocultural and temporal perspectives, 2019.

City on a hill: urban idealism in America from the Puritans to the present, 2019.

Deported to death: how drug violence is changing migration on the US-Mexico border, 2019.

Dress in the age of Jane Austen: Regency fashion, 2019.

Empire of guns: the violent making of the Industrial Revolution, 2018.

Free Cyntoia: my search for redemption in the American prison system, 2020.

The global economy: a concise history, 2020.

The goodness paradox: the strange relationship between virtue and violence in human evolution, 2019.

How to divide when there isn’t enough: from Aristotle, the Talmud, and Maimonides to the axiomatics of resource allocation, 2019.

Intersectionality as critical social theory, 2019.

Invisible women: data bias in a world designed for men, 2021.

The last empires: governing ourselves, our nations, and our world, 2019.

Management studies in crisis: fraud, deception and meaningless research, 2019.

Maoism: a global history, 2020.

Neighborhood defenders: participatory politics and America’s housing crisis, 2020.

No visible bruises: what we don’t know about domestic violence can kill us, 2020.

Organizations for people: caring cultures, basic needs, and better lives, 2020.

Possessed: why we want more than we need, 2019.

The power of strategic listening, 2020.

The practice of folklore: essays toward a theory of tradition, 2019.

Queer faith: reading promiscuity and race in the secular love tradition, 2019.

Reading minds: how childhood teaches us to understand people, 2020.

Searching for the anthropocene: a journey into the environmental humanities, 2020.

A sense of inequality, 2020.

Sign language phonology, 2019.

Skin deep: dispelling the science of race, 2020.

Taxation, 2020.

Technology in the Industrial Revolution, 2020.

Thanks for watching: an anthropological study of video sharing on YouTube, 2019.

Understanding the experience of disability: perspectives from social and rehabilitation psychology, 2019.

We should all be feminists, 2015.

Whisper tapes: Kate Millett in Iran, 2019.

Women and the land 1500-1900, 2019.

The decisive network: Magnum Photos and the postwar image market, 2020.

Edison, 2020.

Lewis Carroll’s photography and modern childhood, 2020.

Make, think, imagine: engineering the future of civilization, 2021.

Physics of semiconductor devices, 2021.

Stephen King and American history, 2021.

Stephen King and American politics, 2021.

All thirteen: the incredible cave rescue of the Thai boys’ soccer team, 2020.

The bear in my family, 2020.

Box: Henry Brown mails himself to freedom, 2020.

The cat man of Aleppo, 2020.

Double bass blues, 2019.

Fighting words, 2020.

Genesis begins again, 2019.

Going down home with Daddy, 2019.

The graveyard book, 2008.

Me & Mama, 2020.

Outside in, 2020.

A place inside of me: a poem to heal the heart, 2020.

See the cat: three stories about a dog, 2020.

We are water protectors, 2020.

We dream of space, 2020.

What about worms!?, 2020.

When you trap a tiger, 2020.

A wish in the dark, 2020.

Zip, zoom!, 2020.

The book of Amos by R. Carroll and M. Daniel, 2020.

The Book of Judges by Barry G. Webb, 2012.

The Book of Zechariah by Mark J. Boda, 2016.

The books of Haggai and Malachi by Mignon R. Jacobs, 2017.

The books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah by Thomas Renz, 2021.

The Epistle to the Hebrews by Gareth Lee Cockerill, 2012.

The First Epistle to the Corinthians by Gordon D. Fee, 2014.

The letter of James by Scot McKnight, 2011.

The letter to the Colossians by Scot McKnight, 2018.

The letter to the Ephesians by Lynn H. Cohick, 2020.

The letter to the Galatians by David Arthur DeSilva, 2018.

The letter to the Romans by Douglas J. Moo, 2018.

The Letter to Philemon by Scot McKnight, 2017.

The Second Book of Samuel by David Toshio Tsumura, 2019.


100 years of Olympic films: 1912-2012.

12 Years a Slave.

American graffiti: drive-in double feature.

American history X.

Breaker Morant.


Dot and the kangaroo.

Flushed away ; Chicken run ; Wallace & Gromit, curse of the were-rabbit.

The ghost and Mr. Chicken.

The good place: the final season.

Hail Satan?.



Little women.

Looney tunes golden collection.

The omen.

Parenthood: Season 1.

Parenthood: Season 2.

Parenthood: Season 3.

Parenthood: Season 4.

Parenthood: Season 5.

Parenthood: Season 6.

Popeye, the sailor, the 1940s, Volume 1.

Popeye, the sailor, the 1940s, Volume 2.

The Professor: tai chi’s journey west.

Road to Avonlea Season 1.

Road to Avonlea Season 2.

Road to Avonlea Season 3.

Road to Avonlea Season 4.

Road to Avonlea Season 5.

Road to Avonlea Season 6.

Road to Avonlea Season 7.

Saving Private Ryan.

Say anything.

Simpsons: Season 11.

Stand by me.

This is us: Season 1.

This is us: Season 2.

This is us: Season 3.

Three fantastic journeys by Karel Zeman.

Touki bouki.

A trip to the moon.

La vie en rose.

Watership down.

What’s eating Gilbert Grape?.


Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Altared: the true story of a she, a he, and how they both got too worked up about we.

Ape and essence.

A field guide to eastern trees: eastern United States and Canada, including the Midwest.

Gay marriage: why it is good for gays, good for straights, and good for America.

The globalization of nothing 2.

Lived religion: faith and practice in everyday life.

McDonaldization: the reader.

The McDonaldization of society 5.

The sacred canopy: elements of a sociological theory of religion.

Selected writings of Jonathan Edwards.

The social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledge.

The victory of reason: how Christianity led to freedom, capitalism, and Western success.

When two become one: enhancing sexual intimacy in marriage.

White privilege: essential readings on the other side of racism.

Wildflowers of Tennessee, the Ohio Valley, and the Southern Appalachians.

The wings of the dove.

Women and religion.