Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

New Books and Media Received (May 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (18 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during May 2018.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Christianity at the crossroads: how the second century shaped the future of the church, 2018.

Come, let us eat together: sacraments and Christian unity, 2018.

Death and the afterlife: biblical perspectives on ultimate questions, 2018.

Dictionary of Latin and Greek theological terms: drawn principally from Protestant scholastic theology, 2017.

The divine Christ: Paul, the Lord Jesus, and the scriptures of Israel, 2018.

God’s mediators: a biblical theology of priesthood, 2017.

Jesus the Lord according to Paul the Apostle: a concise introduction, 2018.

The Lord is good: seeking the God of the Psalter, 2018.

The lost world of the flood: mythology, theology, and the deluge debate, 2018.

Proverbs: an introduction and commentary, 2018.

Quest for the historical Apostles: tracing their lives and legacies, 2018.

Righteous by promise: a Biblical theology of circumcision, 2018.

Welshimer Library

Blade runner 2049, 2018.

The IT crowd. The complete series, 2016.

Tai chi master, 2008.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
Classic works : two novels and nineteen short stories

The power and the glory

Truth and the new kind of Christian : the emerging effects of postmodernism in the church

Five Years of Therapy Dog visits to Welshimer Library

Since December 2013, the Welshimer Library has played host to visits from local therapy dogs and their owner/trainers to provide some much needed stress relief to students during Finals Week. “It is hard to believe that this last week marked the fifth year since we began inviting therapy dogs into the library,” noted Library Director Gary Daught. The tradition began after Daught was approached by retired biology professor Dr. Julie Wade who offered to bring her certified therapy dog, a Golden Retriever named “Jake”, to the library. In the years since, the library has had several dogs and owners come to visit. A couple times, we have also had “Kitten Cuddle Puddles” set up in the library by students from Milligan’s Occupational Therapy department.

This semester the library would like to extend “Thank Yous!” to retired Julie Wade with her Golden Retriever “Burton”, Bill Powley with his Golden Retriever “Will”, Mr. Lou Pesch with his twin Weimaraners “Indy” and “Lily”, and Lou’s sister-in-law, Ms. Molly Smolko with her Toy Fox Terrier “Rudy”.

New Books and Media Received (April 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (102 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during April 2018.

Seminary Library

Readings in late antiquity : a sourcebook, 2010.

Language and Literature
Basics of Classical Syriac : complete grammar, workbook, and lexicon, 2016.

The new Syriac primer : an introduction to the Syriac language with a CD, 2007.

The Didascalia apostolorum : an English version, 2009.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Origenes’ vier Bücher von den Prinzipien, 1992.

The best kept secret of Christian mission : promoting the gospel with more than our lips, 2010.

The state of pastors : how today’s faith leaders are navigating life and leadership in an age of complexity, 2017.

Where the gods are : spatial dimensions of anthropomorphism in the biblical world, 2016.

1 Corinthians, 2018.

Reading Romans in context : Paul and Second Temple Judaism, 2015.

The Oxford handbook of the Bible in America, 2017.

Welshimer Library

The cathedral films collection, 2014.

The children’s collection, 2015.

The Christmas collection, 2014.

The Christopher films collection, 2014.

The Easter collection, 2014.

The family films collection, 2014.

The Loyola films collection, 2014.

The missions collection, 2014.

Tai ji : zhang sanfeng = Tai chi master, 2008.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
A better war : the unexamined victories and final tragedy of America’s last years in Vietnam

A country made by war : from the Revolution to Vietnam : the story of America’s rise to power

A life in a year : the American infantryman in Vietnam, 1965-1972

A phoenix rising : impressions of Vietnam

A world of hurt

All went willingly, 1941-1945 : World War II

Ancient Cambodia

And if I perish : frontline U.S. Army nurses in World War II

Another Vietnam : pictures of the war from the other side

Approaching Vietnam : from World War II through Dienbienphu, 1941-1954

The art of Champa

Art of Vietnam

Before their time : a memoir

Blundering to glory : Napoleon’s military campaigns

Buddha’s child : my fight to save Vietnam

The diary of a Napoleonic foot soldier

Dien Bien Phu : the epic battle America forgot

The face of battle

Fire in the belly : on being a man

Fire in the streets : the battle for Hue, Tet 1968

Four hours in My Lai

From people’s war to people’s rule : insurgency, intervention, and the lessons of Vietnam

G.I. : the American soldier in World War II

The Green Berets

Hiroshima Joe

Images of women in peace and war : cross-cultural and historical perspectives

In the service of their country : war resisters in prison

Infantry aces

Is Iraq another Vietnam?

Knight’s cross : a life of Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

Learning true love : how I learned and practiced social change in Vietnam

Looking for a hero : Staff Sergeant Joe Ronnie Hooper and the Vietnam War

Makers of modern strategy : from Machiavelli to the nuclear age

Massacre at Oradour

The mindful moment

Miracle at St. Anna

The new exiles; American war resisters in Canada.

Pacific War diary, 1942-1945

Page after page

Patches of fire : a story of war and redemption

PAVN : People’s Army of Vietnam

The Pentagon underground

Prince of peace

Reaching the other side : the journal of an American who stayed to witness Vietnam’s postwar transition

The reluctant admiral : Yamamoto and the Imperial Navy

The rockets’ red glare : when America goes to war : the presidents and the people

Romancing Vietnam : inside the boat country

Savoring Southeast Asia : recipes and reflections on Southeast Asian cooking

Shooting war : photography and the American experience of combat

Silence was a weapon : the Vietnam war in the villages

The soldiers’ story : Vietnam in their own words

Spring visits : photographs from Viet Nam

Stalin’s war : a radical new theory of the origins of the second world war

Steel my soldiers’ hearts : the hopeless to hardcore transformation of 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, United States Army, Vietnam

Steel my soldiers’ hearts : the hopeless to hardcore transformation of 4th Battalion, 39th Infantry, United States Army, Vietnam

Then the Americans came : voices from Vietnam

There once was a world : a nine-hundred-year chronicle of the shtetl of Eishyshok

The things we do to make it home : a novel

Tiger in the barbed wire : an American in Vietnam, 1952-1991

The two shores of hell

The U.S. government and the Vietnam war : executive and legislative roles and relationships

Under fire : great photographers and writers in Vietnam

Viet Nam : the situation of children and women

Vietnam : a natural history

Vietnam : anatomy of a peace

Vietnam : conflict and controversy

Vietnam : for travellers by travellers

Vietnam at the crossroads

The Vietnam war : its history, literature and music

Vietnam, the necessary war : a reinterpretation of America’s most disastrous military conflict

Vietnamese-English dictionary

The village war : Vietnamese Communist revolutionary activities in Dinh Tuong province, 1960-1964


War and the rise of the state : the military foundations of modern politics

War letters.

The war within : America’s battle over Vietnam

The wars of America

Watch the sun set : Korean war memories

We were soldiers once -and young : Ia Drang, the battle that changed the war in Vietnam

Why the North won the Vietnam War

Winking at death : memoir of a World War II POW

The year of the hare : America in Vietnam, January 25, 1963-February 15, 1964

Archives Intern mounts exhibit on the Stone-Campbell Movement

Kristen Williams, Class of ’18, completed the Holloway Archives Internship at Milligan College this past Spring semester. One of the highlights of Kristen’s internship was curating and installing the “Legacy of Christian Unity: The Stone-Campbell Movement” archive exhibit at P. H. Welshimer Memorial Library. Starting in January, Kristen began researching primary resources of prominent Stone-Campbell figures in the Holloway Archives collections. With the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference being hosted at Milligan in April 2018, Kristen prepared to curate an exhibit to showcase Milligan’s connection with the Stone-Campbell Movement.

When asked about her research, Kristen replied, “I didn’t have any real knowledge about the Stone-Campbell Movement. Learning about the Stone-Campbell Movement and seeing it reflected by prominent people at Milligan was really interesting. Taking the time to research and learn about the movement has helped me better understand what it’s all about and see the impact it has had on Milligan College.”

How does one select from so many historical items for an exhibit? “When I was deciding on which items to place in the exhibit, I looked for books, pictures, and scholarly papers. I found interesting papers that dealt with the theme of Christian unity, which made it really easy to make the connections between the different items.”

“I displayed the exhibit in chronological order. I started with an excerpt from Beside the Waters of the Buffalo: A History of Milligan College to 1941 by Cynthia Ann Cornwell. The excerpt showcased how the division of one church led to the creation of a new church that would later become Hopwood Memorial Church and later a part of Milligan College. I then focused on major figures related to Milligan College: Robert Milligan, Frederick D. Kershner, P.H. Welshimer, B.D. Phillips, Mildred Welshimer Phillips, and Henry Webb.”

When asked to reflect on her internship experience, Kristen shared, “The archives internship has been so fun and interesting! I have enjoyed researching and being in the Archives. I loved finding pieces like Mildred Welshimer Phillips’ badge from the 1950 International Convention of Disciples of Christ. This little badge was tucked away in her folder. It was also really neat to have the exhibit be a part of the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference that was hosted here at Milligan.”

Kristen Williams graduates from Milligan in May with a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a minors in Multimedia Journalism and Women’s and Gender Study. Kristen received the Get Real Ministries “Love God. Love People” Scholarship and was the recipient of Milligan Women’s Soccer Scholarship. Kristen actively served as Assistant Editor for The Stampede, Milligan’s student newspaper. Kristen will attend graduate school in East Tennessee State University’s library science program starting this fall.

Milligan’s Archive Internship opportunity
Each fall semester, students are invited to apply for one volunteer Archive Internship opportunity at The Holloway Archives at Milligan College. The internship begins the following spring semester. All majors are welcome to apply. Please stay tuned for announcements coming this fall.

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A Farewell and an Introduction at Milligan Libraries

“We lost out to love. Though I can’t think of a better reason to lose, right?” So mused Milligan Libraries Director Gary Daught when he learned that Information Resources Librarian & College Archivist Lindsay Kenderes would be resigning her position at the end of May to join her fiancé in Austin, Texas. “You work really hard to build a great team of librarians, and you want to keep the team together indefinitely, especially when everyone is working together so well. Still, you have to be prepared for changes as folks continue to grow in their personal and professional lives. We will miss Lindsay, of course. But otherwise it’s all good.”

As it happens, “it’s all good” extends to the person we were able to get to fill Lindsay’s position. “Search processes can be very stressful. They take a lot of time, energy, and expense,” notes Daught. “But we were very blessed to have found a local librarian ideal for the position — 2015 Milligan alumna, Katherine ‘Katie’ (Siebenaler) Banks.” Katie has been shadowing Lindsay as a volunteer intern since mid-March, so by the time she assumes the position full-time on June 1 she will be thoroughly familiar with her duties. “This has been the most wonderfully smooth search process I could have ever possibly imagined!”

Gary Daught asked Lindsay to share some of her highlight moments as Information Resources Librarian & College Archivist since coming to Milligan College in 2014. He then asked Katie Banks to share what she is most looking forward to as she prepares to step into the position.

Farewell Lindsay

One of the aspects that I am going to miss most about Milligan College are the people. While working as Information Resources Librarian & College Archivist I have been allowed to collaborate with our library staff, students, faculty, administration, staff, alumni, and the public to the degree I never thought possible in just four years. I am so appreciative of Gary Daught’s direction and mission for the Milligan Libraries, which has allowed me to learn, thrive, and serve in a user-focused academic library environment. I have had the opportunity to collaborate on projects with all of our library staff, including especially:

MCStor, Milligan’s Digital Repository
Starting in 2012, Gary Daught and Meredith Sommers pursued establishing an institutional repository at Milligan College. I entered this project in 2014 and worked collaboratively with David Baker and Gary Daught to implement MCStor, Milligan’s digital repository, which went live in July 2015. MCStor provides digital access to student and faculty scholarly work as well as digitized archive materials, including photographs, manuscripts, and audio recordings. I am extremely proud of this initiative. To date, we have been able to archive over 100 undergraduate and graduate scholarly work submissions, with close to 3,000 digital archive images digitized from the Holloway Archives at Milligan College. I am also extremely grateful for Amanda Bristol and Milligan’s Information Technology Department for hosting MCStor server space and for supporting this mission.

Milligan’s Sesquicentennial 150th Anniversary
One of my major capstones was serving on the History and Research subcommittee while managing digitization projects, researching a high volume of archive reference requests, and curating physical and digital archive exhibits for Milligan’s 150th Sesquicentennial Anniversary in 2016. This event and my involvement proved to be great for promoting the Holloway Archives and Helsabeck Archives. I am extremely grateful that I could serve Milligan College during its 150th anniversary.

Primary Sources Instruction
Collaborating with Mary Jackson and Milligan faculty, Mary and I led instruction on primary sources from the Holloway Archives at Milligan College for the COMM 431 Narrative Journalism and HUMN 250 Interdisciplinary Research Methods courses. Mary is a stellar instruction librarian. I learned so much about instructing students both inside and outside of the archives. I am excited and most appreciative for our faculty’s continued interest to utilize our archive primary sources to enrich their students’ learning experience.

Book Chapter Co-Author
Jude Morrissey invited me to co-author a book chapter titled “Building Bridges with No Trolls: The Practical Ethics of Open Access Institutional Repositories and Digital Archives,” published in Applying Library Values to Emerging Technology: Tips and Techniques for Advancing within Your Mission (ACRL, 2018). I am grateful for Jude’s innovative vision for user services and open access at Milligan Libraries and for suggesting to contribute to this publication!

Promoting the Helsabeck Archives of the Stone-Campbell Movement
With the time and dedication from David Kiger, Katie Banks, John Mark Wade, and David Baker, the Helsabeck Archives of the Stone-Campbell Movement now has an online presence on the Milligan Libraries’ Archive page and serves as a research destination for researchers of the Stone-Campbell Movement.

Archive Internship at the Holloway Archives at Milligan College
During my time at Milligan, I initiated a volunteer archive internship opportunity to be offered each spring semester in the Holloway Archives at Milligan College. Students who complete this internship curate an archival exhibit; arrange, describe and process an archive collection; digitize manuscripts and photos; and analyze primary sources. The skills gained from this internship include: training in appraisal, preservation, arrangement, description, and processing procedures; learning best practices for preservation, care and handling of archive materials; experience with digitization equipment and software; and curation design and exhibit installation. My interns have been Katie (Siebenaler) Banks (2015), Blake Stanley (2017), and Kristen Williams (2018). I have fully enjoyed serving as a mentor with each of my interns and I am extremely proud of all of their accomplishments.

Thank you Gary, Mary, Jude, David B., David K., and Katie for making the Milligan Libraries a wonderful place to work and serve each day. I appreciate all that you do and will miss you all.

Welcome Katie (Siebenaler) Banks

Katie (Siebenaler) Banks graduated from Milligan College in 2015 with a double major in History and Humanities. Her experience in libraries and archives began in high school, when she volunteered at the Elizabethton/Carter County Public Library. “As someone who loved history, I was initially thinking of pursing a public history or museum studies degree after Milligan. But then I began to discover how much I like archives.” During her final semester at Milligan, Katie completed an internship in the College Archives with Lindsay Kenderes. The experience was capped by mounting an exhibit on student clubs and traditions. “As a second-generation Buffalo, I had grown up always hearing about Milligan, so it was especially fun to work in the college archives on an exhibit like this.”

Katie went on to Indiana University to pursue a Master of Library Science degree with a concentration in Archives and Records Management (2017). She worked in the University Archives, where she processed archival collections and transcribed handwritten board of trustees’ minutes, including a set of minutes when Robert Milligan was hired as a professor at the university in the 1800s. She also worked in the political papers archives, processing the congressional papers of a former congressmen from Indiana. Her internship was at the home of the first president of Indiana University, where she contributed to an interactive exhibit on women at the university and assisted with library instruction. “My time at Indiana University was invaluable in preparing me for working in an academic library and archives,” she says. Most recently, Katie has been working as a cataloger for the Washington County Public Library, and assisting with reference work at the Welshimer Library.

“I am excited for the opportunity to work with the Milligan community,” says Katie. “I am thrilled and honored to become Milligan College’s archivist. I hope to continue to bring awareness to both archives within Milligan Libraries, and to use them as resources for research and learning.”