Milligan Archives intern mounts “Pep Rally in a Box!” exhibit

Written by Lindsay Kenderes. Photos by Gary Daught.


James Blake Stanley, Milligan Class of ‘18, worked on several interesting projects while completing an Archive Internship at The Holloway Archives at Milligan College during the 2017 spring semester. As a history major, Blake pursued the opportunity to learn how researchers search and discover historical materials representative of Milligan’s history in the Milligan archives. With an interest in Church History, he spent time processing the James DeForest Murch papers, which is a collection of research materials and publications representative of Dr. James D. Murch’s activities as a supporter of the Stone-Campbell Movement, particularly in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This collection represents Murch’s research interests, publications and his work as managing editor for several journal publications, including Christianity Today, Lookout, Restoration Herald, Christian Standard, and the Christian Evangelist Quarterly. As Archive Intern, Blake arranged and organized the contents of this collection and re-edited the James Deforest Murch papers finding aid, making this collection discoverable online through MCStor, Milligan College’s Digital Repository.

Archive Interns also have an opportunity to curate an archival exhibit, which is displayed in the exhibit cases located on the main floor of the P. H. Welshimer Memorial Library. This spring’s exhibit was titled “Pep Rally in a Box!,” showcasing Milligan’s athletic history prior to 1950. Blake researched and gathered documents, photographs and yearbooks, including a 1910 photograph of the women’s basketball team, a 1935 photograph of the track team, and a basketball ticket dated December 7, 1946, from the Tennessee vs. Milligan game in Knoxville. Also included in the exhibit are orange and black pennants and letters for baseball and track. The “Pep Rally in a Box!” exhibit will be on display through June 30, 2017.



Before arriving at Milligan, Blake spent four years in the United States Marine Corp as an infantry rifleman in Jacksonville, NC. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in History. After graduation, he plans to pursue graduate studies in history.

Milligan’s Archive Internship opportunity

Each fall semester, students are invited to apply for one volunteer Archive Internship opportunity at The Holloway Archives at Milligan College. The internship begins the following spring semester. All majors are welcome to apply. Please stay tuned for announcements coming this fall.

Have a Milligan history question? Contact Lindsay Kenderes, College Archivist, at 423-461-8901 or

Find out more about Milligan’s archives here.

Find us on Twitter at #MilliganArchives.

Stress relief comes in many shapes and sizes: Visits from therapy dogs and kittens during Spring Finals Week


Continuing what has become a popular tradition with students, Welshimer Library once again hosted visits from local therapy dog trainers and their dogs to offer some stress relief during Spring Finals Week.

Mr. Lou Pesch came with his two twin 12-year-old Weimaraners, Indy and Lily; Lou’s sister-in-law, Ms. Molly Smolko, came with Rudy, a 15-year-old Toy Fox Terrier; and former Milligan biology professor, Dr. Julie Wade introduced us to her new therapy dog, a 7-year-old Golden Retriever named Burton. It was especially great to see Dr. Wade again, recalling that she was the owner of another Golden Retriever named Jake, who faithfully visited Milligan students for six consecutive semesters, beginning in Fall 2013, until he sadly passed away in July 2016.

This canine mix was nicely balanced by the return of a “puddle” of adoptable kittens, sponsored by Milligan College’s Occupational Therapy Department.

It really is true. Stress relief comes in many shapes and sizes. Here are some pics:









Monday even more “marvelous” with 7th Annual Edible Books Festival!

Edible Books 2017

For a second year in a row Milligan Libraries’ annual Edible Books Festival — now in it’s 7th year — serendipitously coincided with Marvelous Monday (a.k.a. “Wonderful Wednesday”), the student-led Spring day of celebration at Milligan College. The weather outside was sunny and warm. Inside Welshimer Library was nice and cool, and made for a great stopover to view this year’s entries between events.

We had thirteen entries this year, including several submissions from the Humanities Creativity Project, and some group efforts from the British Fiction of the 20th Century class, and the Psi Chi Psychology Honor Society.

197 votes were cast on Monday (April 10) for Most Creative, Funniest/Punniest, and Overall Favorite. On Tuesday morning (April 11), Library staff made some initial sampling to determine the Tastiest entry. Then the doors of the Welshimer Room were opened to invite students, faculty, and staff to sample the entries for themselves.

Here are this year’s winning entries, with each winner receiving a Dunkin Donuts gift card:

TastiestWizard of Oz by student Keshia Posada


Most CreativeI Spy by Research and Instruction Librarian Mary Jackson


Punniest/FunniestHamlet by Kirstin Blackburn, wife of Milligan History Professor, Lee Blackburn


Overall FavoriteBob’s Burgers by Corbin Drinnon, son of Milligan Psychology Professor, Joy Drinnon


This year’s Edible Books Festival received some great local media attention, including this TV spot from WJHL, News Channel 11. Thanks to everyone for making this year’s festival a great (and tasty) success.

Therapy Dogs visit Welshimer Library for much needed Finals Week stress relief

Students were greeted this afternoon in the Welshimer Library by Indy and Lily, twin 11-year-old Weimaraners, and Rudy, a 14-year-old Toy Fox Terrier all decked-out in Holiday attire. They are trained certified therapy dogs, owned by Lou Pesch and his sister-in-law, Ms. Molly Smolko.



Indy, Lily, and Rudy are certified by the Alliance of Therapy Dogs and the Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.). Rudy has been a therapy dog since he was 1-year-old. Indy and Lily were rescues, and it was Molly, who after observing their gentle dispositions encouraged Lou to get involved in training them as therapy dogs. The twins have been at it now for the last 7 years.

Indy, Lily, and Rudy are regular vistors to the Johnson City VA Hospital, the Children’s Hospital, Johnson City Public Library, and ETSU. We are so happy that they could also come and visit us here at Milligan College. They will be returning to the Welshimer Library on Wednesday (December 7) from 1-2 PM.

On Tuesday (December 6), the Library will host a Kitten Cuddle Puddle, sponsored by the Milligan College Occupational Therapy Department. Other Final Exam stress relief activities in the Library include puzzle and coloring stations, and free bubble wrap. The Library is also providing free coffee and tea all this week (while supplies last).



Sesquicentennial Plaza great for outdoor library study…and impromptu concerts

Beautiful late fall days make the Sesquicentennial Plaza an ideal outdoor study space for Library users. Turns out it’s also an ideal performance space for an impromptu concert. Yesterday, Milligan College’s a cappella ensemble, Heritage was playing host to Kindred Spirit, an a cappella group from Princeton University (New Jersey), which is currently on tour in Tennessee. The fellowship between the two groups was topped-off with an informal morning concert on the Plaza. The singing was great! The space has some nice natural acoustics, too. Indeed, music professor and conductor, Noah DeLong is looking forward to using this space for similar events in the future.



Incidentally, as my reporting on the Welshimer Library energy renovation project over the summer included updates on the construction of the Sesquicentennial Plaza (which was formally dedicated by President Bill Greer during this year’s Homecoming celebration), I should also include some photos of the painting of the pergola and lighting installation.





Then, of course, I need to show off the lights. I love the lights!



