Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

Belated Report: Therapy Dog visits and January Escape from Welshimer event

As I write, we’re at the end of the fifth week of Spring Semester 2020. What?! Seems like the semester just got started! Before the time totally gets away from me I was reminded to report on two recent events at Welshimer Library — therapy dog visits during Fall 2019 Finals Week, and the Escape from Welshimer event held in late January.

Local therapy dogs and their owners have been visiting Milligan students at Welshimer Library every semester during Finals Week since Fall 2013 to provide much needed stress relief. (We’ve also had kittens visit off and on in the past thanks to the efforts of Occupational Therapy students.) This last Fall semester, we had visits from Burton and his owner, former Milligan Biology professor Julie Wade, and Will with his owner, Mr. Bill Powley. Both Burton and Will are Golden Retrievers that are trained and certified as therapy dogs. Thanks so much Burton and Will for spending time with our students. We look forward to seeing you again in the Spring!

In January 2019, we held the first Escape from Welshimer event designed by Research and Instruction Librarian Mary Jackson to teach Milligan students, faculty, and their families about the library. The event was such a great success that we decided to run it again this year on Friday evening, January 24. Turn-out was not as great this year, but it was every bit as fun.

Participants were divided into teams that were variously tasked with solving a series of puzzles on topics from the 1970s, 80s, or 90s using clues located in the physical library and on the Milligan Libraries website. Librarians were on hand to offer a hint or two. Solving the puzzles enabled team members to unlock a treasure chest that was filled with small prizes. Though mildly competitive in terms of which team could finish first, every team and every team member was declared a winner once they successfully unlocked their chest, and were awarded with a large candy treat.

The library hasn’t decided yet whether to make Escape from Welshimer an on-going annual event, but January seems like an ideal time. I’m certain it will return in some form.

Speaking of annual events at Milligan Libraries, stay tuned later today for the announcement of the winner of our 9th Annual February Madness Library Pen Tournament, and be on the lookout for details of our 10th Anniversary Edible Books Festival coming in early April.


New Books and Media Received (December 2019 & January 2020)

The following Books and DVDs (112 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during December 2019 and January 2020.

Seminary Library

Creating wicked students: designing courses for a complex world, 2018.

Language and Literature
A biblical Hebrew reference grammar by C. H. J. Van der Merwe, J. A. Naudé, Jan Kroeze, 2017.

Classical Syriac by Arman Akopian, 2019.

Critics, compilers, and commentators: an introduction to Roman philology, 200 BCE-800 CE, 2018.

Poems on Scripture: Greek original and English translation, 2012.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
A theological introduction to the Old Testament by Mark W. Hamilton, 2018.

Adrian’s Introduction to the divine Scriptures: an Antiochene handbook for Scriptural interpretation, 2017.

Athanasiana Syriaca, 1972.

Athanasiana Syriaca. Pt. 2, [Syriac text], 1967.

Bearing Yhwh’s name at Sinai: a reexamination of the name command of the Decalogue, 2018.

The beginning of difference: discovering identity in God’s diverse world, 2019.

The book of Genesis by Joy A. Schroeder, 2015.

Catechetical discourse: a handbook for catechists, 2019.

Christ and the common life: political theology and the case for democracy, 2019.

Christian ethics for a digital society, 2019.

The cross and salvation: the doctrine of God, 2006.

Cultural engagement: a crash course in contemporary issues, 2019.

Didymus the Blind’s commentary on Psalms 26:10-29:2 and 36:1-3 (P.BYU.1), 2019.

The dragon, the mountain, and the nations: an Old Testament myth, its origins, and its afterlives, 2018.

Ethics in Ancient Israel, 2014.

Everything is interconnected: towards a globalization with a human face and an integral ecology, 2019.

General introduction and Megilloth = Megilot, 2004.

The history of Mar Behnam and Sarah: martyrdom and monasticism in medieval Iraq, 2018.

Introduction to the Septuagint, 2019.

Isaiah 6-12: a critical and exegetical commentary by H.G.M. Williamson, 2019.

Jacob of Sarug’s homilies on the Nativity, 2010.

Jacob of Sarug’s homilies on the six days of creation: the fifth day, 2019.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the chariot that Prophet Ezekiel saw, 2016.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Lord’s Prayer, 2016.

Jacob of Sarug’s Homily on the Tower of Babel, 2009.

A lens of love: reading the Bible in its world for our world, 2018.

Liturgy and Byzantinization in Jerusalem, 2019.

Mar Narsai: Homily 33 on the sanctification of the Church, 2018.

Maternal thinking: toward a politics of peace; with a new preface, 1995.

Not scattered or confused: rethinking the urban world of the Hebrew Bible, 2019.

On the ecclesiastical mystagogy, 2019.

Parenting as spiritual practice and source for theology: mothering matters, 2017.

Preaching in the purple zone: ministry in the red-blue divide, 2019.

Reading Scripture canonically: theological instincts for Old Testament interpretation, 2019.

Sexism and sin-talk: feminist conversations on the human condition, 2019.

Solidarity and defiant spirituality: Africana lessons on religion, racism, and ending gender violence, 2019.

A spiritual life: perspectives from poets, prophets, and preachers, 2011.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Acts, 2014.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Luke, 2013.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Mark, 2012.

Syriac tradition of the infancy gospel of Thomas: a critical edition and English translation, 2019.

Trees and kings: a comparative analysis of tree imagery in Israel’s prophetic tradition and the ancient Near East, 2018.

When one religion isn’t enough: the lives of spiritually fluid people, 2018.

Social Science
Studying gender in the ancient Near East, 2018. 

New Testament Seminar
Christobiography: memory, history, and the reliability of the Gospels, 2019.

Gendering war and peace in the Gospel of Luke, 2019.

The gospel of the son of God: an introduction to Matthew, 2019.

History and eschatology: Jesus and the promise of natural theology, 2019.

Intermediate Greek grammar: syntax for students of the New Testament, 2019.

Jesus, the Essenes, and Christian origins: new light on ancient texts and communities, 2018.

Jews and Christians?: second-century “Christian” perspectives on the “Parting of the Ways,” 2014.

Myths and mistakes in New Testament textual criticism, 2019.

The New Testament in its world: an introduction to the history, literature, and theology of the first Christians, 2019.

The New Testament in Muslim eyes: Paul’s letter to the Galatians, 2018.

Participating in Christ: explorations in Paul’s theology and spirituality, 2019.

The state of New Testament studies: a survey of recent research, 2019.

The text of the earliest New Testament Greek manuscripts (2 volumes), 2019.

Textual criticism of the Bible, 2018.

Encyclopedia of Martin Luther and the Reformation, 2017.

Welshimer Library

Anthropology and Recreation
Food, politics, and society: social theory and the modern food system, 2018.

A history of the world in seven cheap things: a guide to capitalism, nature, and the future of the planet, 2017.

Sport and the neoliberal university: profit, politics, and pedagogy, 2018.

Language and Literature
You don’t have to say you love me: a memoir, 2019.

Cooper’s fundamentals of hand therapy: clinical reasoning and treatment guidelines for common diagnoses of the upper extremity, 2020.

Aaron Copland: the life and work of an uncommon man, 2000.

Charles Ives: a life with music, 1996.

Dangerous melodies: classical music in America from the Great War through the Cold War, 2020.

Elizabethan mythologies: studies in poetry, drama and music, 2006.

Experimental music: Cage and beyond, 1999.

Experimental music since 1970, 2016.

The Grove Music guide to American film music, 2019.

The history of music and musical instruments in Europe : prehistory through the Renaissance, 2019.

Ives and Copland : a listener’s guide, 2004.

Minimalists by K. Robert Schwarz, 2008.

Music in medieval Europe, 2017.

Music in the baroque, 2014.

Music in the Renaissance, 2013.

A new English music: composers and folk traditions in England’s musical renaissance from the late 19th to the mid-20th century, 2016.

Transformations of musical modernism, 2015.

Semiconductor material and device characterization, 2006. 

Social Sciences
American radicals: how nineteenth-century protest shaped the nation, 2019.

The cigarette: a political history, 2019.

Eating NAFTA: trade, food policies, and the destruction of Mexico, 2018.

The great reversal: how America gave up on free markets, 2019.

MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) physics and technology, 1982.

Total design: integrated methods for successful product engineering, 1991.

Won’t you be my neighbor? 2018.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
The body in motion: its evolution and design.

Body, breath & being: a new approach to the Alexander Technique.

Building a scholarly career: the ATS guide to religious and theological publishing.

Byzantine philosophy.

Death before the fall: biblical literalism and the problem of animal suffering.

Dynamis of healing  patristic theology and the psyche.

The Fall reconsidered: a literary synthesis of the primeval sin narratives against the backdrop of the history of exegesis.

Individuality in late antiquity.

The Jacksonian era, 1828-1848.

The life and times of Martha Laurens Ramsay, 1759-1811.

A pair of silk stockings and other stories.

Personhood in the Byzantine Christian tradition: early, medieval, and modern perspectives.

The poems of Alcimus Ecdicius Avitus.


Reading sin in the world.

Readings in world Christian history.

Repentance in late antiquity: Eastern asceticism and the framing of the Christian life c.400-650 CE.

Sense and sensibility.

Tradition & diversity: Christianity in a world context to 1500.

The yellow wallpaper and other stories.

Fall Semester 2019 is finished, and Milligan Libraries logs new headcount records!

Emmanuel Christian Seminary became part of Milligan College on July 1, 2015. Since that time, Milligan Libraries has existed as one library in two locations — the Welshimer Library at the center of campus, and the Seminary Library in west wing of the B.D. Phillips Building on Emmanuel Hill.

P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library

The Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan Library

As locations for physical book and media collections, Welshimer Library houses the bulk of resources to support the College’s undergraduate and professional graduate degree programs, while the Seminary Library primarily houses a theological collection supporting the Seminary’s graduate programs (and the undergraduate Bible and Ministry program). This collections perspective might seem to guide students and faculty in their choice of a “home” library location. But these days libraries are more than collections. Milligan Libraries also strongly promotes a spaces and services perspective in which either library location is a welcoming “home” for all Milligan students and faculty to use for study and learning. This has become especially true at the Seminary Library, where in addition to the Seminary, the B.D. Phillips Building hosts the undergraduate Engineering program, and the graduate Occupational Therapy and Physician Assistant programs.

Like most libraries, Milligan Libraries tracks space usage at its two locations. But instead of counting people as they enter the library (called a gate count) we developed a metric called the hour-visit. The hour-visit is a headcount of every person in the library each hour that it is open during the day. The advantage of this way of counting is that it enables us to track not only when, but also where (which floor) and for how long the library is used with each visit. For example, when a student enters the library, a gate count would log 1 visit at entry. But that student may be in the library studying for 3 hours. The headcount approach would log 3 hour-visits for this student. Additionally, when correlated with Milligan College enrollment headcounts, we can track average per student usage of the Library over the course of the semester.

New Semester Headcount Records Set

Fall Semester 2019 concluded with Commencement Service on Friday evening, December 13. Earlier in the day we collated the library usage statistics for the semester, discovering we had set several new records.

Welshimer Library had 38,080 hour-visits (+6.1% over Fall 2018). The previous record of 37,002 hour-visits was set Fall 2013.

Seminary Library broke 10,000 hour-visits with 10,589 (+27.4% over Fall 2018). The previous record of 9,513 hour-visits was set Spring 2019.

Milligan Libraries’ combined usage for Fall 2019 was 48,669 hour-visits. When correlated with Fall 2019 College enrollment headcount of 1,335, this works out to a per student library use of 36.5 hours over the course of the semester. Also a new record.

For some historical perspective, Fall 2016 was the first full semester after Emmanuel Christian Seminary became a part of Milligan College. This was also the first semester we began tracking usage at the Seminary Library. In Fall 2016, Welshimer Library had 30,716 hour-visits and the Seminary Library had 4,518 hour-visits, for a Milligan Libraries total of 35,234 hour-visits. Milligan College enrollment headcounts in Fall 2016 was 1,213, which worked out to a per student library use of 29.0 hours. Compared to four years ago, Milligan Libraries’ combined hourly usage has increased 38.1%, and the per student semester usage has increased 25.9%!

These statistics suggest Milligan Libraries is providing spaces conducive to study for the Milligan College learning community. We are pleased to be of service!

New Books and Media Received (November 2019)

The following Books and DVDs (69 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during November 2019.

Seminary Library

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Ancient Near Eastern thought and the Old Testament: introducing the conceptual world of the Hebrew Bible, 2018.

The arts as witness in multifaith contexts, 2019.

Augustine on the will: a theological account, 2020.

Can I get a witness?: prophetic religious voices of African American women: an anthology, 1997.

Earthkeeping and character: exploring a Christian ecological virtue ethic, 2020.

Entering wonderland: a toolkit for pastors new to a church, 2014.

First and Second Thessalonians by Nathan Eubank, 2019.

First and Second Timothy and Titus by Christopher R. Hutson, 2019.

From shadows to reality: studies in the biblical typology of the Fathers, 2018.

God, suffering, and disability: a Trinitarian theodicy of the Cross, 2019.

God’s relational presence: the cohesive center of biblical theology, 2019.

The gospel according to Eve: a history of women’s interpretation, 2019.

Hard-fighting soldiers: a history of African American Churches of Christ, 2019.

In tongues of mortals and angels: a deconstructive theology of God-talk in Acts and Corinthians, 2019.

Jubilees: a commentary on the book of Jubilees by James C. VanderKam and Sidnie White Crawford, 2018.

Lives entrusted: an ethic of trust for ministry, 2008.

Ministering in patronage cultures: biblical models and missional implications, 2019.

Moral reflections on the book of Job v. 5, 2014.

New dictionary of theology: historical and systematic by Martin Davie, 2016.

An obituary for “Wisdom Literature”: the birth, death, and intertextual reintegration of a biblical corpus, 2019.

Preaching Christology in the Roman Near East: a study of Jacob of Serugh, 2018.

Revelation by Sigve Tonstad, 2019.

Understanding transgender identities: four views, 2019.

The whole church: congregational leadership guided by systems theory, 2019.

Social Science
Connecting generations: bridging the boomer, Gen X, and millennial divide, 2019.

The enchantments of Mammon: how capitalism became the religion of modernity, 2019.

Slavery and social death: a comparative study: with a new preface, 2018.

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style, 2020.

Welshimer Library

Anthropology and Recreation
Food and place: a critical exploration, 2018.

The Pokémon Go phenomenon: essays on public play in contested spaces, 2019. 

Study abroad: traditions and new directions, 2019. 

Gandhi: the years that changed the world 1914-1948., 2019.

A guide for sustaining conversations on racism, identity, and our mutual humanity, 2018.

The political theory of Che Guevara, 2018.

Language and Literature
The dark fantastic: race and the imagination from Harry Potter to The hunger games, 2019.

A history of intellectual property in 50 objects, 2019.

Revolutionary constitutions: charismatic leadership and the rule of law, 2019.

Bringing religion and spirituality into therapy: a process-based model for pluralistic practice, 2020.

Introduction to addictive behaviors, 2019.

Nurturing children: from trauma to growth using attachment theory, psychoanalysis and neurobiology, 2019.

Debussy by Stephen Walsh, 2019.

Musical emotions explained: unlocking the secrets of musical affect, 2019. 

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Adventures of the man in gold, 2017.

Life itself is an art: the life and work of Erich Fromm, 2019.

The path: what Chinese philosophers can teach us about the good life, 2017.

Positive psychological assessment: a handbook of models and measures, 2019.

Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style., 2020.

The way of the world: readings in Chinese philosophy, 2009.

The emotional mind: the affective roots of culture and cognition, 2019.

Software languages: syntax, semantics, and metaprogramming, 2018.

Social Sciences
Human trafficking: applying research, theory, and case studies, 2018.

Making marriage simple: 10 relationship-saving truths, 2013.

Bifacial photovoltaics: technology, applications and economics, 2018.

The design of everyday things, 2013.

Life by algorithms: how roboprocesses are remaking our world, 2019.

Manufacturing processes for design professionals, 2007.

People skills for engineers, 2018.

To engineer is human: the role of failure in successful design, 1992.

The night diary, 2019. Newbery Honor Book, 2019.

Office Reference
Publication manual of the American Psychological Association: the official guide to APA style, 2020. 

The big bang theory. The twelfth and final season, 2019.

The dark crystal, 2007.

Pelotero (Ballplayer), 2012.

Stranger things. Season 1, 2017.

Stranger things. Season 2, 2018.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Body, breath & being: a new approach to the Alexander Technique.

The body in motion: its evolution and design.

The Jacksonian era, 1828-1848.

The life and times of Martha Laurens Ramsay, 1759-1811.

New Books and Media Received (October 2019)

The following Books and DVDs (194 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during October 2019.

Seminary Library

Racism without racists: color-blind racism and the persistence of racial inequality in America, 2018. 

Language and Literature
Choosing community : action, faith, and joy in the works of Dorothy L. Sayers, 2019.

Cinematic faith : a Christian perspective on movies and meaning, 2019.

Deep focus : film and theology in dialogue, 2019.

A week in the life of a slave, 2019.

Being mortal: medicine and what matters in the end, 2014.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Addiction and pastoral care, 2019.

All God’s creatures : a theology of creation, 2018.

The Apostle Paul and the Christian life : ethical and missional implications of the new perspective, 2016.

Approaching the end of life : a practical and spiritual guide, 2015.

Biblical authority after Babel : retrieving the solas in the spirit of mere Protestant Christianity, 2018.

The canon debate, 2019.

The chaplain’s presence and medical power : rethinking loss in the hospital system, 2018.

Christian faith : a new translation and critical edition, 2016.

Christian theology in practice : discovering a discipline, 2012.

Colonialism and the Bible : contemporary reflections from the global south, 2018.

Consider the women : a provocative guide to three matriarchs of the Bible, 2019.

The culture of theology, 2019.

Daughters in the Hebrew Bible, 2018.

Deep mysteries : God, Christ and ourselves, 2019.

The Devil’s redemption : a new history and interpretation of Christian universalism, 2018.

A documentary history of religion in America, 2018.

Exploring the life of the soul : philosophical reflections on psychoanalysis and self psychology., 2018.

Feminist theory and the Bible : interrogating the sources, 2016.

Figuring racism in medieval Christianity, 2019.

From hermeneutics to exegesis : the trajectory of biblical interpretation, 2018.

Galatians : a commentary, 2019.

Global arts and Christian witness : exegeting culture, translating the message, and communicating Christ, 2019.

Gospel allegiance : what faith in Jesus misses for salvation in Christ, 2019.

Healing racial divides : finding strength in our diversity, 2018.

Henry Chadwick : selected writings, 2017.

A history of the Bible : the story of the world’s most influential book, 2019.

How to read theology : engaging doctrine critically and charitably, 2018.

If Jesus is Lord : loving our enemies in an age of violence, 2019.

Introducing Evangelical Ecotheology : foundations in Scripture, theology, history, and praxis, 2014.

Jesus of Arabia : Christ through Middle Eastern eyes, 2018.

Jürgen Moltmann and the work of hope : the future of Christian theology, 2018.

Let me more of their beauty see : reading familiar verses in context, 2011.

A life that is good : the message of Proverbs in a world wanting wisdom, 2018.

Living in union with Christ : Paul’s gospel and Christian moral identity, 2019.

Matthew, disciple and scribe : the first Gospel and its portrait of Jesus, 2019.

The miracle lady : Kathryn Kuhlman and the transformation of charismatic Christianity, 2019.

Mission after Pentecost : the witness of the Spirit from Genesis to Revelation, 2019.

Moral wisdom : lessons and texts from the Catholic tradition, 2017.

The motif of hope in African American preaching during slavery and the post-Civil War era : there’s a bright side somewhere, 2019.

The New Testament in seven sentences : a small introduction to a vast topic, 2019.

New vision for an old story : why the Bible might not be the book you think it is, 2018.

No more holding back : emboldening women to move past barriers, see their worth, and serve God everywhere, 2019.

The Old Testament in Byzantium, 2013.

The Old Testament is dying : a diagnosis and recommended treatment, 2017.

Pastor Paul : nurturing a culture of Christoformity in the Church, 2019.

Paul and the giants of philosophy : reading the apostle in Greco-Roman context, 2019.

Practicing Christian doctrine : an introduction to thinking and living theologically, 2014.

Preaching God’s grand drama : a biblical-theological approach, 2019.

Preaching Romans : four perspectives, 2019.

Reading Romans backwards : a gospel of peace in the midst of empire, 2019.

Remembering Oscar Romero and the martyrs of El Salvador: a cloud of witnesses., 2019.

Roman faith and Christian faith : pistis and fides in the early Roman Empire and early churches, 2017.

Romans disarmed : resisting empire, demanding justice, 2019.

Sacrificing the Church : mass, mission, and ecumenism, 2019.

Speaking hope.: the body of Christ and pastoral counseling, 2019.

The story of creeds and confessions : tracing the development of the Christian faith, 2019.

The symphony of mission : playing your part in God’s work in the world, 2019.

Teaching Romans backwards : a study guide to Reading Romans backwards by Scot McKnight, 2019.

That all shall be saved : heaven, hell, and universal salvation, 2019.

Truth telling in a post-truth world, 2019.

Unveiling Paul’s women : making sense of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, 2018.

  1. E. B. Du Bois and the sociology of the black church and religion, 1897, 2019.

We too, 2019.

Wealth, health, and hope in African Christian religion : the search for abundant life, 2018.

Whole-earth ethics for holy ground : the development and practice of “sacramental” creation spirituality, 2017.

Written to be heard : recovering the messages of the Gospels, 2019.

Social Science
Authentic human sexuality: an integrated Christian approach, 2019.

The context of Scripture, by David E. Orton, K. Lawson Younger, and William W. Hallo, 1997.

South Asia Bible commentary, 2015.

Welshimer Library

Gardens of the arts & crafts movement, 2018.

History of illustration, 2018.

Nineteenth century art: a critical history, 2011.

Anthropology and Recreation
Food and place : a critical exploration, 2018.

How to play video games, 2019.

The Oxford handbook of dance and wellbeing, 2017.

The Pokémon Go phenomenon : essays on public play in contested spaces, 2019.

Unearthing childhood: young lives in prehistory, 2018.

Preparing teachers for deeper learning, 2019. 

Between Greece and Babylonia : Hellenistic intellectual history in cross-cultural perspective, 2019.

China and the Islamic world : how the new Silk Road is transforming global politics, 2019.

Chinese roundabout : essays in history and culture, 1992.

Critical terms for the study of Africa, 2018.

GANDHI : the years that changed the world 1914-1948, 2019.

A great place to have a war : America in Laos and the birth of a military CIA, 2017.

A guide for sustaining conversations on racism, identity, and our mutual humanity, 2018.

In the orbit of love : affection in ancient Greece and Rome, 2018.

The invention of rivers : Alexander’s eye and Ganga’s descent, 2019.

Looming Civil War : how nineteenth-century Americans imagined the future, 2018.

The political theory of Che Guevara, 2018.

The possessive investment in Whiteness : how White people profit from identity politics, 2018.

Twice-divided nation : national memory, transatlantic news, and American literature in the Civil War era, 2019.

War or peace : the struggle for world power, 2018.

Language and Literature
Achilles unbound : multiformity and tradition in the Homeric epics, 2019.

Adulthood and other fictions : American literature and the unmaking of age, 2019.

Adventures of the man in gold, 2017.

Ancient Mesopotamia speaks : highlights of the Yale Babylonian Collection, 2019.

Aristotle’s lost Homeric problems : textual studies, 2019.

The Cambridge companion to Shakespeare and religion, 2019.

The dark fantastic : race and the imagination from Harry Potter to The hunger games, 2019.

In person : reenactment in postwar and contemporary cinema, 2019.

Liberty, equality, and humbug : Orwell’s political ideals, 2018.

Minor creatures : persons, animals, and the Victorian novel, 2018.

Roberto Busa, S.J., and the emergence of humanities computing : the priest and the… punched cards., 2018.

The social fact : news and knowledge in a networked world, 2019.

When fiction feels real : representation and the reading mind, 2018.

Wonderful design : glamour in the Hollywood musical, 2018.

A history of intellectual property in 50 objects, 2019.

Justice for some: law and the question of Palestine, 2019.

The pursuit of happiness in the founding era: an intellectual history, 2019.

Revolutionary constitutions : charismatic leadership and the rule of law, 2019.

The basics of psychotherapy: an introduction to theory and practice, 2019.

Introduction to addictive behaviors, 2019.

Nurturing children : from trauma to growth using attachment theory, psychoanalysis and neurobiology, 2019.

The unexpected journey of caring: the transformation from loved one to caregiver, 2019.

Musical emotions explained : unlocking the secrets of musical affect, 2019. 

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The allure of gentleness : defending the faith in the manner of Jesus, 2015.

Classical theories in African religion, 2019.

The evolution of moral progress : a biocultural theory, 2018.

The explainability of experience : realism and subjectivity in Spinoza’s theory of the human mind, 2018.

Feelings transformed : philosophical theories of the emotions, 1270-1670, 2018.

Handbook of personality development, 2019.

Hellenistic philosophy, 2018.

Life concepts from Aristotle to Darwin : on vegetable souls., 2019.

Life itself is an art : the life and work of Erich Fromm, 2019.

Moving in and out of Islam, 2018.

Positive psychological assessment : a handbook of models and measures, 2019.

Poverty and the poor in the world’s religious traditions : religious responses to the problem of poverty, 2019.

Rethinking existentialism, 2018.

Science without God? : rethinking the history of scientific naturalism, 2019.

The story of myth, 2018.

Time and its adversaries in the Seleucid empire, 2018.

Unfollow : a memoir of loving and leaving the Westboro Baptist Church, 2019.

Vices of the mind : from the intellectual to the political, 2019.

Political Science
Aristotle, democracy and political science, 2019.

Conservative innovators : how states are challenging federal power, 2019.

Democracy after virtue : toward pragmatic Confucian democracy, 2018.

A duty to resist : when disobedience should be uncivil, 2018.

Dying of whiteness : how the politics of racial resentment is killing America’s heartland, 2019.

Empires of the mind : the colonial past and the politics of the present, 2019.

Fully human : personhood, citizenship, and rights, 2019.

The government-industrial complex : the true size of the federal government, 1984-2018, 2019.

Ideas of power : the politics of American party ideology development, 2019.

On the spirit of rights, 2019.

Refuge beyond reach : how rich democracies repel asylum seekers, 2019.

Science and American foreign relations since World War II, 2019.

White identity politics, 2019. 

The emotional mind : the affective roots of culture and cognition, 2019.

How we teach science : what’s changed, and why it matters, 2019.

The neuroscience of sleep and dreams, 2019.

Squeezing minds from stones : cognitive archaeology and the evolution of the human mind, 2019.

Tracing Darwin’s path in Cape Horn = La ruta de Darwin en Cabo de Hornos, 2018.

The uninhabitable earth : life after warming, 2019. 

Social Sciences
Appified : culture in the age of apps, 2018.

Building Washington : engineering and construction of the new Federal City, 1790-1840, 2018.

Economy and society : a new translation, 2019.

Fellow creatures : our obligations to the other animals, 2018.

Human trafficking : applying research, theory, and case studies, 2018.

Making marriage simple : 10 relationship-saving truths, 2013.

Misogyny : the new activism, 2019.

Environmental sustainability for engineers and applied scientists, 2019.

Life by algorithms : how roboprocesses are remaking our world, 2019.

Power trip : the story of energy, 2019.

Vacant to vibrant : creating successful green infrastructure networks, 2019.

Atlas Case (Oversized)
The architecture of trees, 2019. 

ESV study Bible: English Standard Version, 2011.

New American Standard Bible, 1997. 

Office Reference
Coaching copyright, 2020. 

Andy Warhol: A Documentary Film, 2006.

The public, 2019.

Queen Kelly, 2003.

The Soong sisters, 2009.

Donated Gift Items to the Milligan Libraries
Birdman, or, (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). [DVD]

Caves of the Highland Rim.

Contemporary Kazakh literature. Poetry..

Contemporary Kazakh literature. Prose..

The contemporary singer : elements of vocal technique.

Contemporary singing techniques.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. [DVD]

Master and Commander : the Far Side of the World. [DVD]

Planet of the apes legacy collection. [DVD]

The problem of wealth : a Christian response to a culture of affluence.

A quiet place. [DVD]

Retrieving eternal generation.

Rise of the planet of the apes. [DVD]

The songs of John Jacob Niles, for low voice and piano. [Score]

Train to Busan. [DVD]

Vampyr. [DVD]

War for the planet of the apes. [DVD]