Transferring e-books from EBSCO to your mobile device or e-reader

In my previous post, I described the procedure for downloading EBSCOhost e-books to your computer for offline reading. In this post I will describe how you can transfer a downloaded book to a mobile device–a smartphone, tablet computer, or dedicated e-book reader.

Before proceeding, make sure that you have successfully completed all the steps described in my previous post and listed here:

  1. You have created an Adobe ID
  2. You have downloaded and installed the Adobe Digital Editions application software on your computer
  3. You have created a My EBSCOhost account, and
  4. You have downloaded an EBSCOhost e-book into Adobe Digital Editions

Adobe Digital Editions negotiates copy protection for EBSCOhost e-books on your computer or your mobile device. In order to successfully transfer an EBSCOhost e-book to a mobile device that device must either natively communicate with Adobe Digital Editions when attached to your computer, or allow the installation of an application that can communicate with Adobe Digital Editions on its behalf. Dedicated e-book readers such as the Barnes & Noble Nook, Sony Reader, or Kobo eReader support Adobe Digital Editions natively. Unfortunately, Amazon E-Ink Kindles do not currently provide support for Adobe Digital Editions. Many smartphones and tablets, including Apple iOS devices (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad) and Android devices (including Amazon Kindle Fire tablets with some special tweaking), work with Adobe Digital Editions through a third-party application that can be installed on the device. I will describe the transfer procedure on a Barnes & Noble Nook and an Apple iPod touch. The specific procedure for your device may differ from these, but the following instructions will give you a good idea for what is involved. Please contact a librarian if you would like assistance, or if you run into any difficulty.

Transferring an EBSCOhost e-book to a Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch e-reader

Step 1: Authorize the device in Adobe Digital Editions

Launch Adobe Digital Editions on your computer then attach your e-reader device to your computer with the supplied USB cable. Adobe Digital Editions should automatically detect a compatible e-reader. You will be prompted to authorize the use of the device with Adobe Digital Editions (which may include entering your Adobe ID). In this screenshot notice “NOOK” is detected under Devices in the left column:

Step 2: Drag an e-book to your device

To install an e-book to the device simply select the desired title from the Bookshelf in the right column and drag it onto the device icon as shown here:

Step 3: Open and read the book on your device

Adobe Digital Editions will notify you when the e-book installation is complete. Eject the device from your computer. Browse and launch the e-book from the device’s book Library. Start reading!

Step 4: Remove an expired e-book from your device

As with EBSCOhost e-books originally downloaded to your computer, when the checkout period expires you will no longer be able to open the book on your device. At this point, you may choose to delete the expired file from your device’s book Library. Re-attach the device to your computer, launch Adobe Digital Editions, highlight “NOOK” under Devices in the left column, select the expired title from the Bookshelf in the right column, Control-Click the book icon and select “Remove from Library” from the drop down menu.

Transferring an EBSCOhost e-book to an Apple iOS or Google Android device

Unlike the previous procedure where a compatible dedicated e-reader (like the Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch) is immediately recognizable by Adobe Digital Editions when connected to your computer, transferring EBSCOhost e-books to a smartphone or tablet requires a separate application capable of communicating with Adobe Digital Editions and serving as a book reader. You also need a transfer method that the reader application can understand.

As with downloading EBSCOhost e-books to your computer, the procedure for preparing your mobile device for transferring e-books is a bit complicated. However, you shouldn’t have too much trouble if you follow these instructions closely. The first three steps only have to be done one time. Feel free to contact a librarian if you would like assistance, or if you run into any difficulty. (Note: Amazon’s Kindle Fire is an Android-based tablet. However, installation of applications on this device is a bit more complicated than most. Special instructions are at the bottom.)

Step 1: Create a Dropbox account

You need a fairly easy and straightforward way to transfer a downloaded EBSCOhost e-book in Adobe Digital Editions on your computer to your mobile device. Dropbox is a handy cloud storage service that can be used to facilitate this transfer. Go to to create a free account. (The free account comes with 2 gigabytes of storage–more than enough for routine e-book file transfers.) Write down your Dropbox email address and password.

You can use the Dropbox web interface on your computer to facilitate file uploads to your account, or you can download a dedicated desktop application (for Windows or Mac). However, it is strongly recommended that you download and install the mobile version of the Dropbox application to your mobile device (choose the appropriate version here). You only have to do this step once.

Step 2: Download and install Bluefire Reader to your device

The process for transferring EBSCOhost e-books to a compatible Apple iOS or Google Android device requires that you first download and install an application that can be authorized to communicate with Adobe Digital Editions and function as a book reader. Bluefire Reader is a free application that is excellent for these purposes. You can use Bluefire Reader to open PDF and EPUB files on your mobile device. Download and install the Apple iOS or Google Android version as appropriate. You only have to do this step once.

Step 3: Launch and authorize Bluefire Reader on your device

I am using Bluefire Reader on an Apple iPod touch here. Launch Bluefire Reader on your device and select “Info” from the application menu. Tap the “Authorize” button in the Enable Adobe eBooks box. This will bring up a screen for entering your Adobe ID account information. Tap “Authorize.”


Your device is now authorized to open and read e-books downloaded to Adobe Digital Editions on your computer. You only have to do this step once.

You now have everything in place to transfer and read EBSCOhost e-books on your mobile device. Let’s transfer an e-book now!

Step 4: Upload an EBSCOhost e-book to your Dropbox account

a) Go back to your computer. I downloaded a new e-book from EBSCOhost into Adobe Digital Editions following the instructions in Step 4 from my previous post. The process went much smoother the second time around!

b) Although the e-book loads into Adobe Digital Editions, the e-book file is actually stored in another folder on you computer. On a Windows PC browse to this folder is called “My Digital Editions,” which is located in your “My Documents” folder. Notice the e-book file titled “The Autobiography of Charles Darwin” (Note: Although the file is a PDF, it will not open as normal in Adobe Reader because it is copy-protected. Adobe Digital Editions registered with your Adobe ID enables you to open this copy-protected file.):

On an Apple Mac computer, the same file is found in the “Digital Editions” folder in your user “Documents” folder:

c) Sign into your Dropbox account. For this demonstration I am using the web interface at When you sign in the first time you will see three folders.

d) For this demonstration I am going to upload the e-book file into the “Public” folder in my Dropbox. Double-click the “Public” folder to open it. Click on the “Upload” button (it is the document icon with the blue arrow pointing up to the far left of the “Search Dropbox” search box). This brings up the “Upload to ‘Public'” dialog box.

e) Click the blue “Choose files” button. Browse to the “My Digital Editions” (Windows) or “Digital Editions” (Mac) folder and locate the e-book file you would like to upload as described above. Highlight the file and click “Open”. (If the upload appears stalled, click the “basic uploader” link and try again.) The file is processed and uploaded into (in this case) your “Public” folder. When the upload is complete you will receive this message:

Clear the dialog box by clicking “Done”.

f) You should now see the uploaded file in your Dropbox “Public” folder.

Since Dropbox stores your uploaded documents to the “cloud,” you can access them on any computer or device with an internet connection. This is how you will now access this e-book file and transfer it onto your mobile device.

Step 5: Launch Dropbox on your mobile device and open the EBSCOhost e-book in Bluefire Reader

a) If you haven’t already done so, download the appropriate Dropbox application version for your mobile device (e.g., Apple iOS or Google Android).

b) Launch Dropbox and sign into your account. You must have an active connection to the internet in order to access your Dropbox.


c) Notice the same folders in your mobile Dropbox as in the desktop or browser-based version on your computer. Remember that you uploaded your e-book to the “Public” folder. Tap “Public” to open this folder. There is your e-book!


d) Tap on the e-book file to download it to your device. Notice that this is a PDF file.


e) The e-book file download to your device appears to be complete. But notice that you don’t see anything other than the title on the screen. This is because the file is copy-protected and can only be opened by an application authorized to view Adobe Digital Editions copy-protected files. This is where Bluefire Reader comes into play. Tap the download button on the lower right of the screen (the icon with an arrow pointing down into a tray). This brings up a dialog that includes an “Open In…” button. Tap this button. You are now presented with one or more applications that may be able to open this file. Tap the “Open in Bluefire” button.


f) Tapping the “Open in Bluefire” button launches the the Bluefire Reader application. Notice your e-book, The Autobiography of Charles Darwin in the Library list. Tap on this title to open the book. Start reading!


Step 6: Remove an expired e-book from your device

As with EBSCOhost e-books originally downloaded to your computer, when the checkout period expires you will no longer be able to open the book on your device. At this point, you may choose to delete the expired file from the Library list in Bluefire Reader using the application’s Edit > Delete feature.

Special Note about installing Bluefire Reader and the Dropbox mobile app on an Amazon Kindle Fire tablet

I mentioned above that Amazon’s E-Ink Kindles currently do not support e-books copy-protected using Adobe Digital Editions. Consequently, it is not possible to read e-books downloaded from EBSCOhost on your E-Ink Kindle.

Amazon’s Kindle Fire tablets run a version of the Google Android operating system. Consequently, it is possible to install Android versions of both the Bluefire Reader application and the Dropbox mobile app on your Kindle Fire. However, getting these applications on your device requires a little extra tweaking. Follow these steps to prepare your Kindle Fire (part of these steps come courtesy of the Bluefire Reader blog):

a) Tap “Settings” on your Kindle Fire (it’s the icon that looks like a gear)
b) Tap “More”
c) Scroll down until you see “Device”
d) In the Device tab, set “Allow installation of Applications” to ON, and tap OK when you see the Warning prompt
e) Using the web browser on your Kindle Fire, go to and tap on BluefireReader.apk to download the Bluefire Reader application. Tap on this file to install the application on your Kindle Fire.
f) Using the web browser on your Kindle Fire, go to and download the Dropbox Android application. This app should be labeled Dropbox.apk. Tap on this file to install the application on your Kindle Fire.
g) Return to the instructions to continue with the e-book transfer procedure.

Print to the Library’s HP printers from your smartphone or tablet!

ATTENTION: This post is obsolete. It is being kept on the blog for historical purposes only.

The Library recently responded to the increased use of web-enabled smartphones and tablet computers on campus by re-designing our website to optimize the viewing and use experience of our students and faculty. This is an exciting development, of which we are very proud.

The increased use of mobile devices on campus and in the Library has also resulted in requests from students such as: “I want to print a document from my iPad, but I can’t find the printer on the network. How do I go about doing this?”

Printing from a mobile device differs from printing from a laptop or desktop computer because there is no way to install printer drivers into the operating system on your mobile device. Printing has to be enabled through a separate mobile application (app) that you download and install onto your device. There are many printing apps available for various mobile operating systems (e.g., Apple’s iOS, Android, Blackberry, etc.). Some are paid, but many are free (more on this below). The app will typically support a list of compatible printers. You first configure the app to communicate with a compatible printer that is discoverable on your network via wi-fi from your device. You then link the app to an email account (to which you send documents you want to print as email attachments), or a web-accessed cloud storage service (e.g., Dropbox).

Because we use HP printers in the Library, I am going to tell you about a free printing app from HP that works remarkably well. I will walk you through the installation and printing process using an Apple iPod touch as my demonstration device (the steps may differ slightly on an Android or Blackberry device).

Step 1: Get the Free HP ePrint App

Go to HP’s Mobile Apps page and look for the HP ePrint app for your device’s operating system. For convenience, I have included links to the HP ePrint app download and use pages on HP’s site (right-click on the app icon to open in a new window or tab). Since I am demonstrating this process on my iPod touch, I searched for “HP ePrint” in the iTunes App Store on my device, and downloaded it directly.

Step 2: Launch the HP ePrint App

Once the app is installed on your device launch it. The first time you launch the app you will see a series of help screens. You can dismiss these if you’d like. The app home screen looks like this screenshot on my iPod. Notice the “No printer found: Tap here to select a print” message. Notice also the “Activate” button. It doesn’t matter which action you do first. However, you must be connected to the wireless network before you attempt either action.

Step 3: Locate and Add a Printer

I have chosen to find a printer first by tapping “select a printer.” Here is a screenshot showing a list of available and compatible HP printers on the Milligan College wireless network. Notice that available printers have a green light. If the printer is not available the light will be grayed-out. (Remember, this app only works with compatible HP printers. It will not support printers manufactured by other companies.)

Selecting a printer from this list is a little tricky. First, make sure you are viewing the list of printers under the “All” tab. The HP printers in the Library are LaserJet 4250s, and there is one on each floor. The app has identified several printers of this model. However, it doesn’t tell you where the printer is located. It only provides a printer code in [square brackets]. Further, on my iPod screen I can’t even see the entire code. However, once you know which printer is which it is fairly easy to select the right one because the codes are unique. Here is the list currently (Note: if/when any of these printers are replaced these codes will likely change. We will update information at that time):

  • Library First Floor is [D9E82C]
  • Library Second Floor is [DCD99E]
  • Library Basement Floor is [5E8812]

You can add one or all of these printers from the list. However, you can only add printers one at a time, and you have to have actually printed (Step 5) from each printer at least once before it is added to your “Preferred” list. To see all printers you have printed to tap on the “Preferred” tab. In the “Preferred” list the currently active printer is highlighted in blue. Change the printer you want by tapping on it.

For this demonstration I have selected the Library Basement printer [5E8812] by tapping on it. Once selected, the app returns to the home screen. Notice the light is green. But I cannot print to it until I Activate my ePrint account.

Step 4: Activate Your ePrint Account 

Tap the blue “Activate” button. This will take you to a screen (right) where you will enter an email address. Enter an email address you routinely use and tap the “Activate” button. The ePrint app will move to another screen where you will enter an activation code. The HP ePrint Center will send this activation code to the email address you entered in the previous screen. Check your email for a message from with the subject line “ePrint mobile registration.” Open this email and enter the 4 character PIN code provided in this email. You have successfully activated your HP ePrint app!

Step 5: Printing from Your Mobile Device Using the HP ePrint App

When you return to the home screen you will notice three options listed below the selected printer: Photos, Web, and Email. For routine printing in the Library you will select either Web or Email. The Web option is for printing documents you have previously uploaded to a cloud storage service such as Dropbox. The Email option is for printing documents you have previously attached to an email message. To print a document from a cloud service just browse to and login to that service from within the HP ePrint app (see Step 7). To print a document that you attached to an email message you will need to log into your email account from within the HP ePrint app (see Step 6).

Step 6: Printing a Document in HP ePrint Attached to an Email Message

The screenshot at left shows the HP ePrint home screen with the Library Basement printer selected. Notice the “Activate” button no longer displays. Tap Email. In order to print from an email you first need to login to an email account. The first time you select the Email option you will be presented with the screen (right) with several popular email service options, or select “Other.” This will take you to a screen where you fill-in email address and password, etc. You can add more than one account. Accounts will be remembered within HP ePrint.

Attach a document you want to print to an email message. HP ePrint supports Microsoft Office (Word), PDF, and text documents. Send this message to yourself. Launch the HP ePrint app, select your printer, and tap the Email icon. Select the email account you previously registered and browse to the message and open it. Notice the attachment at the bottom of the message. Tap on the attachment to open it. The document will open with a large “Print” button at the bottom. Tap “Print”. The screen will show a progress bar as the document is sent wirelessly to the printer. You will receive a “Success” screen when the document has been successfully printed. Tap “Done,” and retrieve the document from the printer.


Incidentally, you can also just print an email message without an attachment by opening the chosen email as before, and then tapping on the email preview to bring-up the “Print” dialog.

Step 7: Printing a Document in HP ePrint from a Cloud Storage Service

If you have an account with a cloud storage service, such as Dropbox, you can easily browse to the service from the built-in web browser in the HP ePrint app. From the app home screen, select your printer and tap the Web icon, type-in the URL to your cloud service and login. Browse to the folder where the document you want to print resides. Tap the document to launch it. Exactly as before, the document will open with a large “Print” button at the bottom. Tap “Print”. The screen will show a progress bar as the document is sent wirelessly to the printer. You will receive a “Success” screen when the document has been successfully printed. Tap “Done,” and retrieve the document from the printer.


This printer utility app adds remarkable functionality to your mobile device. It’s a great complement to the enhanced mobile experience we have provided with our mobile-ready website. We encourage you to give this app a try. Once you get used to using this app with the Library printers, you can use it on other compatible HP printers elsewhere on campus. Feel free to speak with a librarian if you need assistance.

Library website gets a ‘responsive’ new look

The P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library has released a design update to its website. The re-design features a crisp new look and improved navigation elements. But the most exciting new feature is the use of what is called “responsive website design.” With responsive web design a site automatically reformats (responds) for optimal viewing on a computer, tablet, or smartphone screen without significant loss of content. The screenshot to the left shows what the site looks like on an iPod touch (click the image to see an enlargement).

The newly designed site went live just after 10 p.m. on Thursday, September 6. The timing is significant. As library director Gary Daught notes, “I don’t know if this was entirely conscious, but it was exactly one year ago, on September 6, 2011, that we launched MCSearch, a remarkable tool that provides a compelling ‘Google-like’ search experience for our users. MCSearch makes the library’s high quality information resources as easy to access as any information search on the open web. Like MCSearch, the site re-design pushes the value of the library and its resources out to our users, whether you’re using a laptop computer, or a smartphone.”

As it happens, the product that drives MCSearch was also recently updated to support responsive display. Consequently, users can make productive use of MCSearch results from their tablet or smartphone.

The site re-design was a collaboration between Gary Daught and librarian assistant Jack Weinbender, with helpful feedback from other library staff. “Yes, we worked out the design elements together. But the coding–the magic that makes this site work–was all Jack’s doing. He did a wonderful job.”

New Books and Media Received (August 2012)

The following Books, CDs, and DVDs (162 titles) were received into the Library collection through the Acquisitions Budget during August 2012:

2 Maccabees : a critical commentary / by Robert Doran ; edited by Harold W. Attridge. Minneapolis : Fortress Press, c2012.

After lives : a guide to heaven, hell, and purgatory / John Casey. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.

Against throne and altar : Machiavelli and political theory under the English Republic / Paul A. Rahe. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.

The Aleppo Codex : a true story of obsession, faith, and the pursuit of an ancient Bible / by Matti Friedman. Chapel Hill, N.C. : Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2012.

America and the pill : a history of promise, peril, and liberation / Elaine Tyler May. New York : Basic Books, 2011.

American insurgents, American patriots : the revolution of the people / T.H. Breen. New York : Hill and Wang, 2010.

American saint : Francis Asbury and the methodists / John Wigger. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.

The anarchical society : a study of order in world politics / Hedley Bull. New York : Columbia University Press, 2012.

Animating difference : race, gender, and sexuality in contemporary films for children / C. Richard King, Carmen R. Lugo-Lugo, Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2011.

Appetite for America : Fred Harvey and the business of civilizing the Wild West- -one meal at a time / Stephen Fried. New York : Bantam Books Trade Paperbacks, 2011, c2010.

Approaches to teaching Beowulf / edited by Jess B. Bessinger, Jr. and Robert F. Yeager. New York : Modern Language Association of America, 1984.

As the leaves turn gold : Asian Americans and experiences of aging / Bandana Purkayastha … [et al.]. Lanhalm, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield, c2012.

The athletic musician : a guide to playing without pain / Barbara Paull, Christine Harrison. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 1997.

Autism [videorecording] : the musical. [Van Nuys, CA  : Bunim-Murray Productions, c2007] ; [New York, NY] : New Video Group [distributor], c2008.

Avant garde : an American odyssey from Gertrude Stein to Pierre Boulez / Robin Maconie. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, c2012.

Baroque and Rococo. Phaidon.

Beethoven’s immortal beloved : solving the mystery / Edward Walden ; introduction by William Meredith. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2011.

The best big band songs ever. Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, 1987.

The Best jazz standards ever : piano, vocal, guitar. Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, c1994.

Birth control on main street : organizing clinics in the United States, 1916-1939 / Cathy Moran Hajo. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2010.

Blood diamond [videorecording] / Warner Bros. Pictures presents in association with Virtual Studios, a Spring Creek/Bedford Falls production in association with Initial Entertainment Group, an Edward Zwick film ; produced by Paula Weinstein, Edward Zwick, Marshall Herskovitz, Graham King, Gillian Gorfil ; story by Charles Leavitt and C. Gaby Mitchell ; screenplay by Charles Leavitt ; directed by Edward Zwick. Burbank, CA : Distributed by Warner Home Video, c2007.

Brisingr, or, The seven promises of Eragon Shadeslayer and Saphira Bjartskular / Christopher Paolini. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 2010.

Catherine the Great : portrait of a woman / Robert K. Massie. New York : Random House, c2011.

A century of wisdom : lessons from the life of Alice Herz-Sommer, the world’s oldest living Holocaust survivor / Caroline Stoessinger. New York : Spiegel & Grau, 2012.

Charles Brockden Brown’s revolution and the birth of American Gothic / Peter Kafer. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2004.

The civil war of 1812 : American citizens, British subjects, Irish rebels, & Indian allies / Alan Taylor. New York : Vintage Books, 2011.

Columbia rising : civil life on the upper Hudson from the Revolution to the age of Jackson / John L. Brooke. Chapel Hill : Published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, by the University of North Carolina Press, c2010.

The compassion fatigue workbook : creative tools for transforming compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization / Francoise Mathieu. New York : Routledge, c2012.

Conflicts of interest and the future of medicine : the United States, France, and Japan / Marc A. Rodwin. Oxford [England] ; New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

Creating The Lord of the rings symphony [videorecording] : a composer’s journey through Middle-earth / Howard Shore ; Amerimage-Spectra, inc. [S.l.] : New Line Home Entertainment, c2004.

Cry liberty : the great Stono River slave rebellion of 1739 / Peter Charles Hoffer. New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

The Dartmouth review pleads innocent : twenty-five years of being threatened, impugned, vandalized, sued, suspended, and bitten at the ivy league’s most controversial conservative newspaper / edited with an introduction by James Panero and Stefan Beck. Wilmington, DE : ISI Books, 2006.

Death in the New World : cross-cultural encounters, 1492-1800 / Erik R. Seeman. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2010.

Defiance of the patriots : the Boston Tea Party & the making of America / Benjamin L. Carp. New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, 2011.

Demanding child care : women’s activism and the politics of welfare, 1940-71 / Natalie M. Fousekis. Urbana, Chicago and Springfield : University of Illinois Press, c2011.

Destinations : a compass for K-12 music educators / Joseph Alsobrook ; edited by Michael D. Worthy. Chicago : GIA Publications, c2011.

The devil in pew number seven : a true story / Rebecca Nichols Alonzo with Bob DeMoss. Carol Stream, Ill. : Tyndale House Publishers, c2012.

Dragonflies and damselflies of the East / Dennis Paulson. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2011.

The early church on killing : a comprehensive sourcebook on war, abortion, and capital punishment / edited by Ronald J. Sider. Grand Rapids, Mich. : Baker Academic, c2012.

Eden on the Charles : the making of Boston / Michael Rawson. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, c2010.

An education in Georgia : Charlayne Hunter, Hamilton Holmes, and the integration of the University of Georgia / by Calvin Trillin ; foreword by Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Athens : Brown Thrasher Books : University of Georgia Press, 1991.

Eldest / Christopher Paolini. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, [2007], c2005.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton : an American life / Lori D. Ginzberg. New York : Hill and Wang, 2009.

Encyclopedia of garden ferns / Sue Olsen. Portland, Or. : Timber Press, 2007.

End zone / Don DeLillo. New York, N.Y. : Penguin Books, 1986, c1972.

Endowed by our creator : the birth of religious freedom in America / Michael I. Meyerson. New Haven : Yale University Press, c2012.

Eragon / Christopher Paolini. New York : Alfred A. Knopf : Distributed by Random House, 2003.

Excel and R Companion to Quantifying the User Experience.

Exposing myths about Christianity : a guide to answering 145 viral lies and legends / Jeffrey Burton Russell. Downers Grove, Ill. : IVP Books, c2012.

Feed / M.T. Anderson. Somerville, Massachusetts : Candlewick Press, 2012, 2002.

Fighting chance : the struggle over woman suffrage and Black suffrage in Reconstruction America / Faye E. Dudden. New York : Oxford University Press, c2011.

Five easy lessons : strategies for successful physics teaching / Randall D. Knight. San Francisco, Calif. : Addison Wesley, c2004.

Fly away [videorecording] / Cricket Films, the Ministry of Content & [Catherine Hardwicke] present ; producers, Janet Grillo, Pavlina Hatoupis ; written and directed by Janet Grillo. [United States] : Flat Iron Film Co. : Distributed by New Video, 2011.

Fly away : the great African American cultural migrations / Peter M. Rutkoff and William B. Scott. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c2010.

The fog of law : pragmatism, security, and international law / Michael J. Glennon. Washington, D.C. : Woodrow Wilson Center Press ; Stanford, Calif. : Stanford University Press, c2010.

The forever war / Dexter Filkins. New York : Vintage Books, 2009.

From Chicaza to Chickasaw : the European invasion and the transformation of the Mississippian world, 1540-1715 / Robbie Ethridge. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2010.

Fugitive justice : runaways, rescuers, and slavery on trial / Steven Lubet. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010.

Galaxy Quest [videorecording] / Dreamworks Pictures presents a Mark Johnson production ; produced by Mark Johnson, Charles Newirth ; story by David Howard ; screenplay by David Howard and Robert Gordon ; directed by Dean Parisot. Hollywood, Calif. : Paramount Home Entertainment, [2009].

General Lee’s army : from victory to collapse / Joseph T. Glatthaar. New York : Free Press, 2009, c2008.

Genius within [videorecording] : the inner life of Glenn Gould / a White Pine Pictures production ; directors: Michele Hozer and Peter Raymont ; produced by Peter Raymont. Canada : White Pine Pictures, c2009.

Gentlemen and Amazons : the myth of matriarchal prehistory, 1861-1900 / Cynthia Eller. Berkeley : University of California Press, c2011.

A global history of history / Daniel Woolf. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011.

God is red : the secret story of how Christianity survived and flourished in Communist China / Liao Yiwu ; translator, Wenguang Huang. New York : HarperOne, c2011.

God of liberty : a religious history of the American Revolution / Thomas S. Kidd. New York : Basic Books, c2010.

Great Jones Street / Don DeLillo. New York, N.Y., U.S.A. : Penguin Books, 1994.

Habeas corpus : from England to empire / Paul D. Halliday. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010.

Halfway home [videorecording] / Film by Paul Freedman ; narrated by Martin Sheen. [S.I.]  : Global Media, c2011.

Hansel and Gretel [videorecording] / Engelbert Humperdinck ; production by Richard Jones ; directed by Barbara Willis Sweete ; a Metropolitan Opera production in association with PBS and Thirteen/WNET New York. [London] : EMI Classics, [2008].

Health, illness, and healing : society, social context, and self : an anthology / [edited by] Kathleen C. Charmaz, Debora A. Paterniti. Los Angeles, Calif. : Roxbury Pub. Co., c1999.

Hiding in the spotlight : a musical prodigy’s story of survival, 1941-1946 / Greg Dawson. New York : Pegasus Books, 2009.

A home for every child : the Washington Children’s Home Society in the Progressive Era / Patricia Susan Hart. Seattle : Center for the Study of the Pacific Northwest in association with University of Washington Press, c2010.

Hope in a scattering time : a life of Christopher Lasch / Eric Miller. Cambridge, U.K. ; Grand Rapids, Mich. : Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2010.

In search of Beethoven [videorecording] / Seventh Art Productions in association with Sky Arts ; produced, written and directed by Phil Grabsky. [Brighton, East Sussex, England] : Seventh Art Productions : distributor, Microcinema International, [2010].

The intolerance of tolerance / D.A. Carson. Grand Rapids, Mich. : William B. Eerdmans Pub., 2012.

Introduction to bryophytes / edited by Alain Vanderpoorten and Bernard Goffinet. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Investing in life : insurance in antebellum America / Sharon Ann Murphy. Baltimore, Md. : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.

Justice church : the new function of the church in North American Christianity / Frederick Herzog. Maryknoll, N.Y. : Orbis Books, [1980].

The killing zone : the United States wages Cold War in Latin America / Stephen G. Rabe. New York : Oxford University Press, c2012.

Kinshasa Symphony [videorecording] / a film by Claus Wischmann and Martin Baer ; [presented by] Sounding Images ; in koproduktion mit WDR und RBB ; script, Claus Wischmann. Berlin : C Major, c2011.

Larousse diccionario = dictionary : English-Spanish, espanol-ingles. Paris ; Boston : Editions Larousse ; Boston : Houghton Mifflin [distributor], 2009, 2008.

The limits of voluntarism : charity and welfare from the New Deal through the great society / Andrew J.F. Morris. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Living into community : cultivating practices that sustain us / Christine D. Pohl. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2012.

Living life to its fullest : Stories of occupational therapy / edited by Ashley Hofmann and Molly Strzelecki ; foreword by Rebecca Austill-Clausen. Bethesda, MD : AOTA Press, c2010.

Lucretia Mott’s heresy : abolition and women’s rights in nineteenth-century America / Carol Faulkner. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2011.

Manifest destinies : America’s westward expansion and the road to the Civil War / Steven E. Woodworth. New York : Vintage Books, 2011, c2010.

Margaret Mead : the making of an American icon / Nancy C. Lutkehaus. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2008.

The Monroe Doctrine : empire and nation in nineteenth-century America / Jay Sexton. New York : Hill and Wang, c2011.

The moral property of women : a history of birth control politics in America / Linda Gordon. Urbana and Chicago : University of Illinois Press, 2007.

More perfect unions : the American search for marital bliss / Rebecca L. Davis. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2010.

Mosquito empires : ecology and war in the Greater Caribbean, 1620-1914 / J.R. McNeill. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Moss gardening : including lichens, liverworts, and other miniatures / George Schenk. Portland, Or. : Timber Press, c1997.

Music curriculum writing 101 : assistance with standards-based music curriculum and assessment writing : for band, choir, orchestra, and general music / Denese Odegaard. Chicago, IL : GIA Publications, c2009.

The music never stopped [videorecording] / Roadside Attractions presents ; an Essential Pictures production ; in association with Peter Newman, Interal Productions ; produced by Julie W. Noll … [et al.] ; screenplay by Gwyn Lurie & Gary Marks ; directed by Jim Kohlberg. Santa Monica, Calif. : Lions Gate Films, 2011.

The musician’s way : a guide to practice, performance, and wellness / Gerald Klickstein. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2009.

Musician’s yoga : a guide to practice, performance, and inspiration / Mia Olson ; edited by Jonathan Feist. Boston, Mass. : Berklee Press, c2009.

The myth of the addicted army : Vietnam and the modern war on drugs / Jeremy Kuzmarov. Amherst, [Mass.] : University of Massachusetts Press, c2009.

The nature of the book : print and knowledge in the making / Adrian Johns. Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 1998.

The new CEOs : women, African American, Latino and Asian American leaders of Fortune 500 companies / Richard L. Zweigenhaft and G. William Domhoff. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2011.

No impact man [videorecording] / Oscilloscope Laboratories + Impact Partners ; directed by Laura Gabbert, Justin Schein ; produced by Laura Gabbert, Eden Wurmfeld ; an Eden Wurmfeld Films, Shadowbox Films & Laura Gabbert Films production. [New York, N.Y.?] : Oscilloscope Laboratories, c2009.

Objectified [videorecording] / a Swiss Dots production ; produced and directed by Gary Hustwit. [London] : Swiss Dots Limited ; [Brooklyn, NY] : [Distributed by] Plexifilm, c2009.

On our way [videorecording] : the story of nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg and the New Century Chamber Orchestra. [S.l.] : Counterpoint Films, in association with NSS Music, 2012.

Open access / Peter Suber. Cambridge, Mass. : MIT Press, c2012.

Pathways : a guide for energizing & enriching band, orchestra & choral programs / Joseph Alsobrook ; foreword by Tim Lautzenheiser. Chicago : GIA Publications, c2002.

Peer instruction : a user’s manual / Eric Mazur. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c1997.

Pervasive information architecture : designing cross-channel user experiences / Andrea Resmini and Luca Rosati. Burlington, MA : Morgan Kaufmann, c2011.

The Philokalia : volume 4 : the complete text compiled by St. Nikodimos of the Holy Mountain and St. Makarios of Corinth / edited by G. E. H. Palmer, Philip Sherrard and Kallistos Ware. London : Faber & Faber, 1998.

Philosophy of economics, volume 13 / edited by Uskali Maki. Oxford, UK : North Holland, 2012.

Physics and technology for future presidents : an introduction to the essential physics every world leader needs to know / Richard A. Muller. Princeton, N.J. : Princeton University Press, c2010.

Planned obsolescence : publishing, technology, and the future of the academy / Kathleen Fitzpatrick. New York : New York University Press, c2011.

Plans unraveled : the foreign policy of the Carter administration / Scott Kaufman. DeKalb : Northern Illinois University Press, c2008.

Players / Don DeLillo. New York : Vintage Books, 1989, c1977.

The power of habit : why we do what we do in life and business / Charles Duhigg. New York : Random House, c2012.

Pursuits of happiness : the Hollywood comedy of remarriage / Stanley Cavell. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 1981.

Quantifying the user experience : practical statistics for user research / Jeff Sauro, James R. Lewis. Amsterdam ; Waltham, MA : Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann, [2012].

Racism, misogyny, and the Othello myth : inter-racial couples from Shakespeare to Spike Lee / Celia R. Daileader. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.

Reading fiction in antebellum America : informed response and reception histories, 1820-1865 / James L. Machor. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2011.

The red market : on the trail of the world’s organ brokers, bone thieves, blood farmers, and child traffickers / Scott Carney. New York : William Morrow, c2011.

Reinventing diversity : transforming organizational community to strengthen people, purpose, and performance / Howard J. Ross. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2011.

Religion and American foreign policy, 1945-1960 : the soul of containment / William Inboden. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010.

The rise and fall of modern American conservatism : a short history / David Farber. Princeton : Princeton University Press, c2010.

River of God : an introduction to world missions / ed. by Doug Priest and Stephen E. Burris. Eugene, OR : WIPF & Stock, 2012.

Rock the Casbah : rage and rebellion across the Islamic world / Robin Wright. New York : Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, 2012.

Roman Catholic saints and early Victorian literature : conservatism, liberalism, and the emergence of secular culture / by Devon Fisher. Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Publishing Company, c2012.

Roman Catholic saints and early Victorian literature : conservatism, liberalism, and the emergence of secular culture / by Devon Fisher. Farnham, Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Publishing Company, c2012.

Sacred gifts, profane pleasures : a history of tobacco and chocolate in the Atlantic world / Marcy Norton. Ithaca, N.Y. : Cornell University Press, 2010, c2008.

Scale your way to music assessment : the ultimate guide to creating a quality music program / Paul Kimpton and Delwyn L. Harnisch. Chicago : GIA Publications, c2008.

Secret histories : reading twentieth-century American literature / David Wyatt. Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010.

Selections. English. 2006. Selected poems / Jibanananda Das ; translated from the Bengali with an introduction by Chidananda Das Gupta. New Delhi ; New York, NY : Penguin Books, 2006.

The senses of Walden / Stanley Cavell. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1992.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, in authentic settings and original keys, edited for “16-bar” auditions / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, 2010.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, in authentic settings and original keys, edited for “16-bar” audition / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, WI : Hal Leonard, 2010.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, in authentic settings and original keys, edited for “16-bar” audition / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, WI : H. Leonard, 2010.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type, in authentic settings and original keys, edited for “16-bar” audition / edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee : Hal Leonard, c2010.

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Baritone/Bass. Volume 3 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard Corp., [2000?].

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Mezzo-soprano/Belter. Volume 3 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard Corp., [2000?].

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Soprano. Volume 3 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard Corp., [2000?].

The singer’s musical theatre anthology. Tenor. Volume 3 : a collection of songs from the musical stage, categorized by voice type : the selections are presented in their authentic settings, excerpted from the original vocal scores / compiled and edited by Richard Walters. Milwaukee, Wis. : Hal Leonard Corp., [2000?].

Slavery and the Supreme Court, 1825-1861 / Earl M. Maltz ; foreword by Mark A. Graber. Lawrence, Kan. : University Press of Kansas, c2009.

Slavery’s constitution : from revolution to ratification / David Waldstreicher. New York : Hill and Wang ; Godalming : Melia [distributor], 2010, c2009.

Social participation in occupational contexts : in schools, clinics, and communities / Marilyn B. Cole and Mary V. Donohue. Thoroughfare, NJ : Slack, c c2011.

Spaceballs [videorecording] / Brooksfilms presents ; directed by Mel Brooks ; written by Mel Brooks & Thomas Meehan & Ronny Graham ; produced by Mel Brooks. Santa Monica, CA : MGM Home Entertainment, c2000.

Subjects unto the same king : Indians, English, and the contest for authority in colonial New England / Jenny Hale Pulsipher. Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, c2005.

The talent code : greatness isn’t born : it’s grown, here’s how / Daniel Coyle. New York : Bantam Books, 2009.

Tasting heaven on earth : worship in sixth-century Constantinople / Walter D. Ray. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., c2012.

The theory toolbox : critical concepts for the humanities, arts, and social sciences / Jeffrey Nealon and Susan Searls Giroux. Lanham, MD : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., c2012.

The Thoreau you don’t know : the father of nature writers on the importance of cities, finance, and fooling around / Robert Sullivan. New York : Harper Perennial, 2011.

To free a family : the journey of Mary Walker / Sydney Nathans. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, c2012.

The tree of life [videorecording] / Fox Searchlight Pictures and River Road Entertainment present ; produced by Sarah Green … [ et al.] ; written and directed by Terrence Malick. Beverly Hills, CA : Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment, 2011.

The two Hendricks : unraveling a Mohawk mystery / Eric Hinderaker. Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press, 2011, 2010.

Unprotected labor : household workers, politics, and middle-class reform in New York, 1870-1940 / Vanessa H. May. Chapel Hill : University of North Carolina Press, c2011.

Untimely ruins : an archaeology of American urban modernity, 1819-1919 / Nick Yablon. Chicago ; London : The University of Chicago Press, 2009.

Urbanized [videorecording] : a documentary film / a Swiss Dots production ; a film by Gary Hustwit ; produced and directed by Gary Hustwit. [Brooklyn, N.Y.] : Plexifilm : [New York] : New Video, 2011.

Violin masters [videorecording] : two gentlemen of Cremona / directed by John Forsen ; produced by John Forsen and David Fulton ; written by Pamela Mason Davey and David Fulton. [United States] : PBS Distribution, [2012].

The violinist’s thumb : and other lost tales of love, war, and genius, as written by our genetic code / Sam Kean. New York : Little, Brown and Co., 2012.

Vocal workouts for the contemporary singer / Anne Peckham. Boston : Berklee Press ; Milwaukee : Distributed by Hal Leonard, c2006.

Waves and oscillations : a prelude to quantum mechanics / Walter Fox Smith. New York : Oxford University Press, 2010.

White parents, black children : experiencing transracial adoption / Darron T. Smith, Cardell K. Jacobson, and Brenda G. Juarez. Lanham, Md. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, c2011.

The wild rover : a blistering journey along Britain’s footpaths / Mike Parker. London : Collins, 2012.

Women of influence in contemporary music : nine American composers / edited by Michael K. Slayton. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2011.

The Writer’s market. Cincinnati, Writer’s Digest.

You are your instrument : the definitive musician’s guide to practice and performance / by Julie Lyonn Lieberman. New York : Huiksi Music, c1991.

The following Books (4 items) were received into the Library’s bestsellers collection during August 2012:

The dog stars / Peter Heller. New York : Alfred A. Knopf, c2012.

Double cross : the true story of the D-day spies / Ben Macintyre. New York : Crown, c2012.

When we were the Kennedys : a memoir from Mexico, Maine / Monica Wood. Boston : Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012.

The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry : a novel / by Rachel Joyce. New York, NY : Random House, c2012.

The following Books (8 items) were received as gift donations during August 2012:

Associated press 2010 stylebook and briefing on media law / edited by Darrel Christian, Sally Jacobsen, David Minthorn. New York : Associated Press, 2010.

Born into brothels : companion curriculum / A  film by Zana Briski, [Writers, Clare Garvie, Sheetal Khemchandani, and Melissa Robinson]. [New York, NY] : Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Education Program, [2007?].

The kite runner : companion curriculum / a book by Khaled Hosseini, a film by Marc Forster ; [writer, Sheetal Khemchandani-Daswani]. [New York, NY] : Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Education Program, [2007?].

Love walked in / Merrillee Whren. New York : Steeple Hill Books, c2006.

Redeeming science : a God-centered approach / Vern S. Poythress. Wheaton, Ill. : Crossway Books, c2006.

Twentieth century interpretations of Gray’s Elegy; a collection of critical essays. Edited by Herbert W. Starr. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1968].

Twentieth century interpretations of The nigger of the “Narcissus”; a collection of critical essays, edited by John A. Palmer. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice-Hall [1969].

William Golding. New York, Capricorn Books [1971, c1969].

Second Annual Edible Books Festival–A Yummy Success!

Featuring books ranging from the most ancient (The Epic of Gilgamesh) to the most contemporary (The Hunger Games), the Milligan College Library held its Second Annual Edible Books Festival on March 26-27. Building upon a successful first festival last year, this year’s festival was easily better–and possibly even yummier! The event was held in the Welshimer Room on the main floor of the Library.

See this Wikipedia article for an explanation of the origins of this delightful festival. The submission guidelines are fairly simple: Create an edible treat that either looks like, alludes to, or describes a book in some way. It can be literal, artistic, or humorous.

This year we had 23 very creative entries–double the number of from last year–from Milligan students, faculty, and staff, or their family members. About 130 votes were cast on Monday for favorites in our four categories: Most Book-like, Funniest/Punniest, Most Creative, and Overall Favorite.

Congratulations to our winners (who each received an Earth Fare gift card):

  • Most Book-LikeThe Hunger Games by Grace Jackson
  • Funniest/PunniestPigs in Heaven by Seth and Stacy Tramel
  • Most Creative Where’s Wal-Dough? By Grace Jackson
  • Overall FavoriteCurious George by Brittany and Mariana Robinson

Once the winners were announced on Tuesday, the books were fair game to be sampled. In addition to their bookish qualities, all the entries were very, very tasty!

We received some great press on the event, including this March 27th story (with video) in the Johnson City Press, and this March 28th story in the Elizabethton Star.

Thanks to everyone who participated. Special thanks go to Mary Jackson, our Research and Instruction Librarian, and Meredith Sommers, our Information Resources Librarian/College Archivist, for planning and organizing the event. It’s not too early to get your ideas together for next year’s festival. Mary and Meredith are already looking forward to it, and how to make it even better.