Milligan Library Life

by the staff of P.H. Welshimer Memorial Library & Seminary Library

All we need from you is 31 cents!

31centsA donation of 31 cents from every Milligan Library user will get us to our goal of a Million Pennies, or $10,000, toward Library renovation! Our campaign donations now total $9,116.27, thanks to the $147.77 donated in July 2013. Thanks for your generosity!

How can you help? Bring your loose change (or cash or checks!) and drop it into the plastic cube at the Circulation Desk. When we reach our $10,000 goal, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like in the newly renovated Library!** Every penny helps! (If you’re not familiar with the Campaign, check out original post on the library blog.) We’ll do a count of new contributions around the first of each month this semester and announce the results here, as well as on Twitter, Facebook, and MilliganToday.

Flat broke? We will also take your unwanted but gently used books, textbooks, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and audiobooks for our Million Pennies Book Drive, which also benefits the Campaign. There’s a donation box in the library lobby. Thanks again, and please ask a member of library staff if you have any questions!
** A note from Gary F. Daught, Director of Library Services: It is exciting to think that we are so close to our goal. Obviously, the Library renovation project will require significantly more than $10,000 to complete, and it is still awaiting major funding even after the initial phase of Milligan College’s Forward Ever capital campaign was successfully concluded in June 2011. The Million Pennies Campaign was launched concurrent with Forward Ever to engage our users–particularly students–in this project in a way that was meaningful, accessible, and concrete. It is a small but tangible way for everyone to show their support for the Milligan College Library. I want to ‘second’ Jeff Harbin in thanking everyone who has contributed their pennies to date. Let’s see if we can reach our goal before the end of the semester!

My Ultimate Summer Flick

Is there one movie that just screams summer to you? For me it is The Sound of Music (1965) starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer. Whenever the sun is bright and the grass is green, I sometimes cannot help myself from thinking of Maria singing “the hills are alive, with the sound of music.” Seeing the Von Trapp children running around town, playing in the trees, singing on mountaintops, and swimming in the lake in their old drapes makes me wish I could do the same. Every time there is a warm summer thunderstorm, I think of Rolfe and Liesl dancing in the gazebo and of all my favorite things.

The Sound of Music is one of my favorite movies of all time. I love the music, the scenery, and the very captivating love story. It is a little on the long side, almost three hours, but I would say that it is well worth it. In 1965, The Sound of Music won several Oscars including Best Director and Best Picture. It is truly beautiful to watch and hear.

If you have not seen this classic musical, I highly recommend it, especially on a cool summer evening with the threat of a thunderstorm. Check it out tonight from the Milligan Collection!

The Sound of Music PN1995.9.M86 S6 2002

What movie screams summer to you?

What can 36 cents get you?

FrenchCokeNot much, really. It can’t buy you a postage stamp. Or a song on iTunes. Or a Kindle Single. Or a Ferrari Testarossa. It used to be enough to buy a French Coke, but probably not anymore. 36 cents can’t even get you a theoretical 37-cent coin that would solve all our coinage inefficiencies. But your 36 cents will definitely get us closer to a fully renovated Library!

Our campaign donations now total $8,968.50, thanks to the $146.40 donated in June 2013 by our donors. The only name in the donation cube was Anna Lester, a 6th-grade Bible Bowler from Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Ky. Thanks, Anna!

How can you help? Bring your loose change (or cash or checks!) and drop it into the plastic cube at the Circulation Desk. When we reach our $10,000 goal, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like in the newly renovated Library!** Every penny helps! (If you’re not familiar with the Campaign, check out original post on the library blog.) This summer, we’ll do a count of new contributions around the first of each month and announce the results here, as well as on Twitter, Facebook, and MilliganToday.

If you’re doing some belated Spring cleaning, we will also take your unwanted but gently used books, textbooks, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and audiobooks for our Million Pennies Book Drive, which also benefits the Campaign–in June alone, we made $133.90 from the sale of Library discards and donations alone. There are donation boxes in the library lobby and the hallway of the FOB. Thanks again, and please ask a member of library staff if you have any questions!
** A note from Gary F. Daught, Director of Library Services: It is exciting to think that we are so close to our goal. Obviously, the Library renovation project will require significantly more than $10,000 to complete, and it is still awaiting major funding even after the initial phase of Milligan College’s Forward Ever capital campaign was successfully concluded in June 2011. The Million Pennies Campaign was launched concurrent with Forward Ever to engage our users–particularly students–in this project in a way that was meaningful, accessible, and concrete. It is a small but tangible way for everyone to show their support for the Milligan College Library. I want to ‘second’ Jeff Harbin in thanking everyone who has contributed their pennies to date. Let’s see if we can reach our goal before the end of the summer!

If you’ve got 44 cents, you can help!

Our totals keep rising and the amount-per-person keeps dropping! If you’ve got 44 cents, you can help us finish the Million Pennies Campaign by the end of the summer! Or you can buy one of those infamous The Simpsons postage stamps from 2009. It’s up to you, really.

Our campaign donations now total $8,822.10, thanks to the $339.92 donated in May 2013 by our donors Lindsay Eckert, Clint Holloway, and Gabe Rees. How can you help? Bring your loose change (or cash or checks!) and drop it into the plastic cube at the Circulation Desk. When we reach our $10,000 goal, we’ll allow you, the contributors, to name a study room whatever you like in the newly renovated Library!** Every penny helps! (If you’re not familiar with the Campaign, check out original post on the library blog.) This summer, we’ll do a count of new contributions around the first of each month and announce the results here, as well as on Twitter, Facebook, and MilliganToday.

If you’re doing some belated Spring cleaning, we will also take your unwanted but gently used books, textbooks, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and audiobooks for our Million Pennies Book Drive, which also benefits the Campaign–in May alone, we made $53.42 from the sale of Library discards and donations alone. There are donation boxes in the library lobby and the hallway of the FOB. Thanks again, and please ask a member of library staff if you have any questions!
** A note from Gary F. Daught, Director of Library Services: It is exciting to think that we are so close to our goal. Obviously, the Library renovation project will require significantly more than $10,000 to complete, and it is still awaiting major funding even after the initial phase of Milligan College’s Forward Ever capital campaign was successfully concluded in June 2011. The Million Pennies Campaign was launched concurrent with Forward Ever to engage our users–particularly students–in this project in a way that was meaningful, accessible, and concrete. It is a small but tangible way for everyone to show their support for the Milligan College Library. I want to ‘second’ Jeff Harbin in thanking everyone who has contributed their pennies to date. Let’s see if we can reach our goal before the end of the school year!

Latecomer to the Star Trek Galactic Bandwagon

I have never been interested in the Star Trek franchise. For some reason, this is one series I just never got into. In a trivia game, the only Star Trek-related names I would be able to come up with would be Kirk and Spock. All the Star Trek humor from The Big Bang Theory shoots right over my head. Klingon Boggle. What?

Being the movie fan that I am, I thought the new Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) movie trailers looked pretty awesome. But I had no clue what it would be about. I had not seen the first Star Trek (2009) re-make because I figured it would be very hard for me to follow.

Recently, I finally decided that watching the new Star Trek movies would be worth my time. So one Sunday I sat in front of the television with my husband and some of our friends and watched Star Trek (the 2009 Chris Pine version). I loved it. The movie follows James T. Kirk (Chris Pine) and his rise and fall at Starfleet. In the film, Kirk, Spock, and the rest of the crew of the starship Enterprise embark on a fast-paced adventure to find a way to save Earth, and themselves.

The screenwriters did a good job rebooting the Star Trek universe for both franchise gurus/fanatics (“Trekkies”) and those of us who had their first experience by watching this movie. The story is well told, well-acted, and easy to follow. There were a few times where I would look at my husband Adam and say, “What?” But the movie would go on to answer my question. If you find yourself confused, just hang on and the movie will explain itself.

After watching the first movie, we then went to the theater and saw the sequel, which was equally as good. So if you are looking for something to do this weekend and have been hesitant about jumping into Star Trek, I say jump-in with both feet! You can start by checking out Star Trek from the Milligan College Library. I highly recommend it.

“Live long and prosper.” (*)

Milligan Lending Call Number for Star Trek: PN1995.9.S694 S73 2009