Checkout EBSCO eBooks to your mobile device (Android or iOS) for offline reading

EbscoHosticonNOTE: Milligan Libraries is no longer recommending use of this feature. This post is retained for historical purposes only. (08.27.2019)

The Library owns and subscribes to thousands of academic ebooks from EBSCO Publishing. These ebooks are accessible to authorized users from our EBSCOhost eBooks Collections database (select it from the “Resources” dropdown > Databases > “General & Multidisciplinary” on the Library website). They are also indexed for access in the Milligan Libraries Catalog, and will also surface among other search results in MCSearch.

The EBSCOhost platform includes a built-in viewer for reading ebooks online using any modern web browser. In a previous post, I provided instructions for checking out and downloading EBSCO ebooks to your computer for offline reading. As it happens, EBSCO’s ebooks can also be checked out and downloaded to your Android or Apple iOS mobile device (smartphone or tablet) for offline reading.

The following instructions will guide you through the process of checking out and downloading EBSCOhost ebooks to your Android or Apple iOS mobile device. The procedure is a little challenging because it requires that you create two authorization accounts and download an application. However, you shouldn’t have too much trouble if you follow these instructions closely. The first 3 steps only have to be done one time. Feel free to contact a librarian if you need assistance.

Step 1: Get an Adobe ID

EBSCOhost ebooks are copy-protected using Adobe Digital Rights Management (DRM). Consequently, you will need an Adobe ID to authorize your access to the ebooks you download from EBSCOhost. You only have to do this step once.

  • Go to
  • Click the “Sign in” link on the top right side of the page.
  • Click the “Get an Adobe ID” link.
  • Fill out the Sign up form then click the “Sign Up” button to complete the registration. The email address you supply will become your Adobe ID. You will also need to create a password during registration. Write down your Adobe ID and Password.

Step 2: Create a My EBSCOhost account

If you are a currently registered Milligan College student, faculty, or staff member you do not need to create an account to view an EBSCOhost ebook online. Simply click the “PDF Full Text” link to launch the ebook viewer in your web browser. (If you are off campus or using a mobile data to access electronic resources on the Milligan Libraries website from your device you will be prompted to login using your Milligan network (e.g., Canvas) credentials.)

If you want to checkout and download an EBSCOhost ebook to your mobile device for offline reading you will need to create a “My EBSCOhost” account. You only have to do this step once.

  • From any EBSCOhost database (including MCSearch) click the “Sign In” link at the top right side of the page.
  • Click the “Create a new Account” link.
  • Fill out the form then click the “Save Changes” button to complete the registration. The user name and password you supply will enable you to login to your My EBSCOhost account and download ebooks to your device. Write down your User Name and Password.

Step 3: Download and setup the Bluefire Reader 


  • Launch the Google Play Store application on your Android device, or the App Store application on your Apple iOS device.
  • Search for and download the free Bluefire Reader application to your device.
  • Launch the Bluefire Reader application.
  • Tap on the “Info” button from the bottom row of icons (the location of the “Info” button may be different on your specific device), on the next screen tap on the “Authorize” button. Enter your Adobe ID and Password (from Step 1) then tap “Authorize”. Your device is now authorized to download EBSCOhost ebooks on your mobile device. You only have to do this step once.

 The setup is complete. Let’s download an ebook now!

Step 4: Checkout and download an EBSCOhost ebook

NOTE: These instructions apply only to ebooks in EBSCOhost eBook Collections (Milligan Libraries also provide ebooks from other publishers. Those ebooks cannot be downloaded to your device using these instructions).

ebsco3a) Launch the web browser on your mobile device. Browse to the EBSCOhost eBooks Collections database on the Milligan Libraries website (select it from the “Resources” dropdown > Databases > “General & Multidisciplinary”). EBSCOhost eBooks are also indexed for access in the Milligan Library Catalog, and will surface among other search results in MCSearch. (If you are off campus or using a mobile data to access electronic resources on the Milligan Libraries website from your device you will be prompted to login using your Milligan network (e.g., Canvas) credentials.)

ebsco4b) Search (for example) for the book entitled From Plato to Platonism by Lloyd P. Gerson. Click the title link on the search result. This takes you to the book’s record screen.

c) On the record screen tap the “Download (Offline)” button. This takes you to the Sign In screen where you enter the My EBSCOhost account User Name and Password (from Step 2 above). Tap the “Login” button. After the login is accepted you see a “Download This eBook” screen. Select the Checkout Period (most can be checked out for as long as 30 days) and then tap the “Checkout & Download” button.

ebsco6d) You should next see a screen indicating that the ebook has been successfully checked out, and the download process has begun. Assuming you have earlier downloaded and authorized Bluefire Reader (Step 3 above) the app should launch automatically. When the download is complete tap “Read Now” to open the book.

ebsco9e) If you tap anywhere in the middle of the screen you are presented with various navigation and settings controls. From here you can also access the “Bookshelf” to see and open other titles that you may have previously downloaded. The bookshelf also keeps track of how many days remain in the checkout period. The title will cease to be accessible for reading once the checkout period expires. eBook files can be deleted from your device at any time.

New Books and Media Received (February 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (124 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during February 2018.

Seminary Library

Fearless dialogues : a new movement for justice, 2017.

Language and Literature
Literary territories : cartographical thinking in late antiquity, 2016.

Philosophy, Pscyhology, Religion
A modest apostle : Thecla and the history of women in the early church, 2015.

Augustine’s early theology of image : a study in the development of pro-Nicene theology, 2016.

Authorized : the use & misuse of the King James Bible, 2018.

Basil of Caesarea, 2014.

Christian women in the Greek papyri of Egypt to 400 CE, 2014.

Council of Nicaea (325) : religious and poltical context, documents, commentaries, 2016.

Divine impassibility and the mystery of human suffering, 2009.

Engage : a theological field education toolkit, 2017.

Engaging the doctrine of the Holy Spirit : love and gift in the Trinity and the church, 2016.

Everything happens for a reason : and other lies I’ve loved, 2018.

Facing decline, finding hope : new possibilities for faithful churches, 2015.

From the lost teaching of Polycarp : identifying Irenaeus’ apostolic presbyter and the author of Ad Diognetum, 2006.

God’s presence : a contemporary recapitulation of early Christianity, 2013.

Gregory of Nazianzus, 2016.

Gregory of Nazianzus : rhetor and philosopher, 2003.

Hebrew Bible, Old Testament : the history of its interpretation, 2015.

Hidden riches : a sourcebook for the comparative study of the Hebrew Bible and ancient Near East, 2014.

Hymns on the unleavened bread, 2011.

Images of water in Isaiah, 2017.

Infants and children in the church : five views on theology and ministry, 2017.

John Chrysostom on divine pedagogy : the coherence of his theology and preaching, 2014.

John the Solitary On the soul, 2013.

Leading congregations and nonprofits in a connected world : platforms, people, and purpose, 2017.

Marcion and the making of a heretic : God and scripture in the second century, 2017.

Moral reflections on the book of Job, 2014.

Novel preaching : tips from top writers on crafting creative sermons, 2010.

Paul : a biography, 2018.

Prayer, 1994.

Romans, 2017.

SCM studyguide to preaching, 2017.

Secular music, sacred space : evangelical worship and popular music, 2017.

Sex & gender : Christian ethical reflections, 2017.

Shared stories, rival tellings : early encounters of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, 2015.

Spirituality of paul : partnering with the spirit in everyday life, 2016.

Surviving and thriving in seminary : an academic and spiritual handbook, 2017.

The Fathers of the church : a new translation., 1947-.

The gospel according to heretics : discovering orthodoxy through early christological conflicts, 2015.

The physical nature of Christian life : neuroscience, psychology, and the church, 2012.

The practical Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug, 2014.

The spirituality of Saint Paul : a call to imitation, 2017.

The tech-wise family : everyday steps for putting technology in its proper place, 2017.

The works of Cyrillona, 2016.

The world beyond your head : on becoming an individual in an age of distraction , 2015.

To Preach or not to preach: women’s ministry then and now, 2018.

What’s the shape of narrative preaching? : essays in honor of Eugene L. Lowry, 2008.

Written for our instruction : theological and spiritual riches in Romans, 2017.

Apocalyptic Paul : cosmos and anthropos in Romans 5-8, 2013.

Challenging perspectives on the Gospel of John, 2006.

CHRISTIAN OXYRHYNCHUS : texts, documents, and sources, 2018.

Destroyer of the gods : early Christian distinctiveness in the Roman world, 2017.

Luke, 2016.

Matthew, 2017.

Novum Testamentvum Graece With Dictionary Nestle-aland, 2012.

Paul and his recent interpreters : some contemporary debates, 2015.

Pauline churches and diaspora Jews, 2016.

Popular morality in the early Roman Empire, 2009.

Public reading in early Christianity : lectors, manuscripts, and sound in the oral delivery of John 1-4, 2016.

Recovering Paul’s mother tongue : language and theology in Galatians, 2007.

Romans, 2017.

The historical reliability of the New Testament : countering the challenges to evangelical Christian beliefs, 2016.

Unity and diversity in Christ : interpreting Paul in context : collected essays, 2013.

Why on earth did anyone become a Christian in the first three centuries?, 2016.

The power of neuroplasticity for pastoral and spiritual care, 2014.

Welshimer Library

Case studies on safety, bullying, and social media in schools : current issues in educational leadership, 2016.

Trans* in college : transgender students’ strategies for navigating campus life and the institutional politics of inclusion, 2017.

Graphic Design
No more rules : graphic design and postmodernism, 2013.

Revival type : digital typefaces inspired by the past, 2017.

At home with the Aztecs : an archaeologist uncovers their daily life, 2016.

EXECUTING FREEDOM : the cultural life of capital punishment in the united states., 2018.

FINAL SOLUTION : the fate of the jews 1933-1949., 2017.

God’s armies : crusade and jihad: origins, history, aftermath, 2017.

Northmen : the Viking saga, AD 793-1241 , 2016.

The source : how rivers made America and America remade its rivers , 2018.

Strangers in a new land : what archaeology reveals about the first Americans, 2016.

The voice of the past : oral history, 2017.

Language and Literature
Emma, 2012.

No time to spare : thinking about what matters, 2017.

Pride and prejudice : an annotated edition, 2010.

Military Science
Utilitarianism and the ethics of war, 2016.

Musical witness and Holocaust representation, 2015.

Philosophy, Pscyhology, Religion
Celtic mythology : tales of gods, goddesses, and heroes, 2017.

EDGE OF REASON : a rational skeptic in an irrational world, 2017.

The Happiness Philosophers : The Lives and Works of the Great Utilitarians, 2017.

Lévinas’s ethical politics, 2016.

The philosophy of cosmology , 2017.

Practising spirituality : reflections on meaning-making in personal and professional contexts, 2017.

Protestantism after 500 years, 2016.

Psalms of My Heart, 2016.

The social turn in moral psychology , 2017.

Sophistry and political philosophy : Protagoras’ challenge to Socrates, 2016.

Thomas Aquinas on war and peace, 2017.


Hidden figures : the American dream and the untold story of the Black women mathematicians who helped win the space race, 2016.

Metaphysics and the philosophy of science : new essays, 2017.

Social Sciences
The consolations of mortality : making sense of death, 2016.

SIGNS OF RESISTANCE : a visual history of protest in america., 2018.

The cathedral films collection, 2014.

The children’s collection, 2015.

The Christmas collection, 2014.

The Christopher films collection, 2014.

Communist blueprint for conquest., 2004.

Diary of a mad black woman, 2005.

The Easter collection, 2014.

The family films collection, 2014.

The invention of humanity : equality and cultural difference in world history, 2017.

Know your enemy : the Viet Cong, 2006.

The Loyola films collection, 2014.

A Madea Christmas, 2014.

Madea goes to jail, 2006.

The Martian, 2015.

The missions collection, 2014.

Patema inverted, 2014.

Rabbit hole , 2011.

Red nightmare, 2005.

Scipio Africanus : the defeat of Hannibal., 2001.

The Truth about communism, 2006.

Tyler Perry’s I can do bad all by myself, 2010.

Tyler Perry’s Madea’s big happy family, 2011.

Minamata: the Victims & Their World , 2006.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
Cross-cultural church planting for probies : a learning process model; envisioning and facilitating holistic church planting among unreached people groups from preparation to closure

Kokoro : a Mexican woman in Japan

The Bible and early Trinitarian theology


New Books and Media Received (December 2017 and January 2018)

The following Books and DVDs (186 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during December 2017 and January 2018.

Seminary Library

If all the seas were ink : a memoir, 2017.

Language and Literature
Advances in the study of Greek : new insights for reading the New Testament, 2015.

The blood of the lamb, 2005.

The Greek verb revisited : a fresh approach for biblical exegesis, 2016.

New Testament Seminary Collection
The Christian World around the New Testament, 2017.

A commentary on textual additions to the New Testament, 2017.

A critical examination of the coherence-based genealogical method in New Testament textual criticism, 2017.

Early Christian discourses on Jesus’ prayer at Gethsemane : courageous, committed, cowardly?, 2016.

Early Jewish literature : an anthology, 2018.

Light on creation ancient commentators in dialogue and debate on the origin of the world, 2017.

PAUL AND THE EMERGENCE OF CHRISTIAN TEXTUALITY : early christian literary culture in context…. collected essays., 2017.

Saint Ephrem’s Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron : an English translation of Chester Beatty Syriac MS 709, 1993.

TEXTS AND ARTEFACTS : collected essays on early christian manuscripts., 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
Alexander Campbell and Joseph Smith : nineteenth-century restorationist, 2015.

Analogia entis : metaphysics : original structure and universal rhythm, 2014.

The Bible unfiltered : approaching Scripture on its own terms, 2017.

A cloud of witnesses : an introduction to the development of Christian doctrine to AD 500, 2007.

Finding God in the waves : how I lost my faith and found it again through science, 2016.

Greek Apocryphal Gospels, Fragments, and Agrapha A New Translation., 2017.

LIGHT ON CREATION ancient commentators in dialogue and debate on the origin., 2017.

Paul and economics : a handbook, 2017.

Paul’s large letters : Paul’s autographic subscriptions in the light of ancient epistolary conventions, 2017.

Social & Historical Approaches to the Bible., 2017.

Women’s Bible commentary, 2012.

Welshimer Library

Blurred lines : rethinking sex, power, and consent on campus, 2017.

Teaching to transgress : education as the practice of freedom, 1994.

Fine Arts
Chip Kidd . Book two, work : 2007-2017, 2017.

Designing disability : symbols, space and society, 2017.

Emperors’ treasures : Chinese art from the National Palace Museum, Taipei, 2016.

FireSigns : a semiotic theory for graphic design, 2017.

Hokusai’s lost manga, 2016.

Jan Brueghel and the senses of scale, 2016.

John Singer Sargent and the art of allusion, 2016.

Memorials as spaces of engagement : design, use and meaning, 2016.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Graphics Standards Manual, 2015.

A new history of animation, 2016.

Now you see it and other essays on design, 2017.

The painted book in Renaissance Italy : 1450-1600, 2016.

Pharaoh : king of ancient Egypt, 2016.

Roman portraits : sculptures in stone and bronze in the collection of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2016.

Where the heart beats : John Cage, Zen Buddhism, and the inner life of artists, 2013.

Geography, Anthropology, Recreation
Why forage? : hunters and gatherers in the twenty-first century, 2016.

Fall of the sultanate : the Great War and the end of the Ottoman Empire, 1908-1922, 2016.

From empire to humanity : the American Revolution and the origins of humanitarianism, 2016.

From Washington to Moscow : US-Soviet relations and the collapse of the USSR, 2016.

John Aubrey : my own life, 2015.

Legends of the warring states : persuasions, romances, and stories from Chan-kuo tsʻe, 1998.

Mount Sinai : a history of travellers and pilgrims, 2016.

The Ottoman culture of defeat : the Balkan Wars and their aftermath, 2016.

A persistent revolution : history, nationalism, and politics in Mexico since 1968, 2016.

The rhetoric of Mao Zedong : transforming China and its people, 2017.

The rivers ran backward : the Civil War and the remaking of the American middle border, 2016.

White flight : Atlanta and the making of modern conservatism, 2007.

Woodrow Wilson : ruling elder, spiritual president, 2016.

Zionism : the birth and transformation of an ideal, 2016.

Information Resources
The books that changed my life : reflections by 100 authors, actors, musicians, and other remarkable people, 2016.

Inside paragraphs : typographic fundamentals, 2012.

Language and Literature
The aesthetics of care : on the literary treatment of animals, 2016.

The best punctuation book, period. : a comprehensive guide for every writer, editor, student, and businessperson, 2014.

Bitter tastes : literary naturalism and early cinema in American women’s writing, 2016.

Civic media : technology, design, practice, 2016.

Conversations with Beethoven, 2014.

Dante’s Persons : An Ethics of the Transhuman, 2016.

Darwinism as religion : what literature tells us about evolution, 2017.

Divine film comedies : biblical narratives, film sub-genres, and the comic spirit, 2016.

A history of American Civil War literature , 2016.

How languages are learned, 2013.

James Fenimore Cooper : the later years, 2017.

Kafka, the early years, 2017.

The legal epic : Paradise Lost and the early modern law, 2017.

Measuring the Harlem Renaissance : the U.S. Census, African American identity, and literary form, 2016.

Mere reading : the poetics of wonder in modern American novels, 2017.

Messengers of the Right : conservative media and the transformation of American politics, 2016.

Montaigne : a life, 2017.

Nature speaks : medieval literature and Aristotelian philosophy, 2017.

Pitch of poetry, 2016.

Poetic relations : intimacy and faith in the English Reformation, 2017.

Raciolinguistics : how language shapes our ideas about race, 2016.

Shakespeare on theatre : a critical look at his theories and practices, 2016.

The story of Hebrew, 2017.

Text + field : innovations in rhetorical method, 2016.

Translation as citation : Zhuangzi inside out, 2017.

The value of Emily Dickinson, 2016.

The value of Milton, 2016.

13 : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2011.

Avenue Q, the musical : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2010.

Bound music, unbound women : the search for an identity in the nineteenth century, 2015.

Carousel : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2016.

Cinderella, 2014.

A conductor’s guide to choralorchestral repertoire : an annotated listing of 1,200 works by 250 composers, 2017.

The fantasticks, 1990.

The full monty : [the complete book and lyrics of the hit Broadway musical], 2002.

Grey Gardens : the musical : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2007.

In the heights : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2013.

The king & I : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2016.

The last five years : the complete book and lyrics of the musical, 2011.

A little night music, 1991.

Memphis : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2011.

Oklahoma! : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2010.

Orchestrating the nation : the nineteenth-century American Symphonic Enterprise, 2016.

Passing strange : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2009.

Rent : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2008.

Singing God’s words : the performance of biblical chant in contemporary Judaism, 2016.

The sound of music : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2010.

South Pacific : the complete book and lyrics of the Broadway musical, 2014.

Sweeney Todd, the demon barber of Fleet Street, 1991.

Tick, tick– boom! : the complete book and lyrics, 2009.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
All things made new : the reformation and its legacy, 2017.

The book of Greek & Roman folktales, legends, & myths, 2017.

The Cambridge companion to the Hebrew BibleOld Testament, 2016.

Intercultural discipleship : learning from global approaches to spiritual formation, 2017.

Microaggressions and traumatic stress : theory, research, and clinical treatment, 2018.

On friendship, 2016.

Psalms, 2014.

Southern religion and Christian diversity in the twentieth century, 2016.

Vindicating the vixens : revisiting sexualized, vilified, and marginalized women of the bible, 2017.

Women leaders in the Student Christian Movement, 1880-1920, 2017.

Women’s Bible commentary, 2012.

Political Science
Against democracy, 2017.

A history of International Relations Theory, 2016.

Human rights and humanitarian diplomacy, 2016.

Political campaigns in the United States, 2016.

Theory of the border, 2016.

Colour : how we see it and how we use it, 2016.

Essays in the philosophy of chemistry, 2016.

Exploratory programming for the arts and humanities, 2016.

Social Sciences
Feminism unfinished : a short, surprising history of American women’s movements, 2015.

The politics of dependency : US reliance on Mexican oil and farm labor, 2016.

TAXING THE RICH : a history of fiscal fairness in the united states and europe., 2017.

Under pressure : coal industry rhetoric and neoliberalism, 2016.

Diane Arbus : in the beginning, 1956-1962, 2016.

The uses of photography : art, politics, and the reinvention of a medium, 2016.

The women’s balcony, 2017.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
A  Biblical Aramaic reader : with an outline grammar

A companion to multiconfessionalism in the early modern world

A dove in Vietnam.

A taste of earth, and other legends of Vietnam

America and the Vietnam War : re-examining the culture and history of a generation

An American requiem : God, my father, and the war that came between us

And the world closed its doors : the story of one family abandoned to the Holocaust

Background to betrayal; the tragedy of Vietnam

Breaking the silence

The bridge at Dong Ha

The Buchenwald report

By duty bound : survival and redemption in a time of war

Cataloging and classification : an introduction

Cheap print in Britain and Ireland to 1660

Collection development and management for 21st century library collections : an introduction

College and university archives : readings in theory and practice

The Columbia guide to the Holocaust

Dead center : a marine sniper’s two-year odyssey in the Vietnam war

Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche : herausgegeben im Gedenkjahr der Augsburgischen Konfession 1930.

Emissary of the doomed : bargaining for lives in the Holocaust

Even the women must fight : memories of war from North Vietnam

The extraordinary museums of Southeast Asia

The first battle : Operation Starlite and the beginning of the blood debt in Vietnam

Friendly fire : American images of the Vietnam War

Guerrilla diplomacy : the NLF’s foreign relations and the Viet Nam War

Hitler’s willing executioners : ordinary Germans and the Holocaust

Holocaust : the Nazi persecution and murder of the Jews

Indochina and Vietnam : the thirty-five-year war, 1940-1975

Into the arms of strangers : stories of the Kindertransport

Land of tears : in Vietnam, 1967-1968

Last night I dreamed of peace : the diary of Dang Thuy Tram

Library and information center management

Luthers Werke [1], Erste Folge Reformatorische Schriften 1 […]

Managing archives and archival institutions

No other road to take : memoir of Mrs. Nguyẽ̂n Thị Định

None so blind : a personal account of the intelligence failure in Vietnam

The novice : a story of true love

The oral history reader

The origins of Nazi genocide : from euthanasia to the final solution

The origins of the Vietnam War

The Oxford handbook of the early modern sermon

Prodigals : a Vietnam story

The sacred willow : four generations in the life of a Vietnamese family

Through the valley : Vietnam, 1967-1968

To what end; report from Vietnam

Two souls indivisible : the friendship that saved two POWs in Vietnam

Understanding data and information systems for recordkeeping

The United States in Vietnam,

Vietnam and the United States : origins and legacy of war

Vietnam rising : culture and change in Asia’s tiger cub

The war within : America’s battle over Vietnam

Webster’s new world dictionary of the Vietnam War

While America watches : televising the Holocaust



New Books and Media Received (November 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (115 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during November 2017.

Seminary Library

New Testament Seminar Collection
Paul and the person : reframing Paul’s anthropology, 2017.

Philippians : a commentary, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
An introduction to womanist biblical interpretation, 2015.

The anatomy of misremembering : von Balthasar’s response to philosophical modernity, 2014.

Apocalyptic ecology : the book of Revelation, the Earth, and the future, 2017.

Augustine : conversions to confessions., 2017.

Battling the gods : atheism in the ancient world, 2016.

Blessed are the consumers : climate change and the practice of restraint, 2013.

Christian preaching and worship in multicultural contexts : a practical theological approach, 2017.

Christian women in the patristic world : their influence, authority, and legacy in the second through fifth centuries, 2017.

A course in Christian mysticism : thirteen sessions with the famous Trappist monk Thomas Merton, 2017.

Early christian monastic literature and the babylonian talmud, 2016.

Embodied words, spoken signs : sacramentality and the Word in Rahner and Chauvet, 2014.

Eminent Missionary Women, 2015.

Ethics of hope, 2012.

Ethics that matters : African, Caribbean, and African American sources, 2012.

The Grace in dying : how we are transformed spiritually as we die, 2000.

Heaven opens : the trinitarian mysticism of Adrienne von Speyr, 2014.

Jewish-Christian interpretation of the Pentateuch in the Pseudo-Clementine homilies, 2013.

Light on Creation ancient commentators in dialogue and debate on the origin., 2017.

Martin Luther : visionary reformer, 2016.

Neither Jew nor Greek : a contested identity, 2015.

A new approach to textual criticism : an introduction to the coherence-based genealogical method by Tommy Wasserman and Peter J. Gurry., 2017.

A Palestinian theology of liberation : the Bible, justice, and the Palestine-Israel conflict, 2017.

Patterns of ministry among the first Christians, 2017.

Preaching the women of the Old Testament : who they were and why they matter, 2017.

Sallie McFague : collected readings, 2013.

Saudi clerics and Shi’a Islam, 2016.

Stewards of the poor : the man of God, Rabbula, and Hiba in fifth-century Edessa, 2006.

The sweet uses of adversity : images of the biblical Job, 2002.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Galations-Philemon, 2013.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Job, 2016.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. John, 2014.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Matthew, 2012.

The Syriac Peshiṭta Bible with English translation. Romans-Corinthians, 2013.

Through the dark field : the incarnation through an aesthetics of vulnerability, 2017.

What is Islam? : the importance of being Islamic, 2016.

Social Sciences
Scars across humanity : understanding and overcoming violence against women, 2015.

Welshimer Library

A prison called school : creating effective schools for all learners, 2015.

Developing young minds : from conception to kindergarten, 2015.

Wisdom’s workshop : the rise of the modern university, 2016.

Fine Arts
Grand illusions : American art and the First World War, 2016.

Narrating the landscape : print culture and American expansion in the nineteenth century, 2016.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Graphics Standards Manual, 2015.

Postcard America : Curt Teich and the imaging of a nation, 1931-1950, 2015.

Adam Smith : his life, thought, and legacy, 2016.

American colonial history : clashing cultures and faiths, 2016.

By Steppe, Desert, and Ocean : the birth of eurasia., 2017.

Chan-kuo tsʻe, 1970.

Children of Katrina, 2015.

The city : a world history, 2015.

Civil War in the North Carolina Quaker belt : the Confederate campaign against peace agitators, deserters and draft dodgers, 2014.

Cold War summits : a history, from Potsdam to Malta, 2015.

Emmett Till : the murder that shocked the world and propelled the civil rights movement., 2017.

Gold and freedom : the political economy of Reconstruction, 2015.

Grant, 2017.

The Habsburg empire : a new history , 2016.

Hoover : an extraordinary life in extraordinary times , 2017.

The information-literate historian : a guide to research for history students, 2013.

Iran in world history , 2016.

Liberty or death : the French Revolution, 2017.

The many faces of Herod the Great, 2015.

Nagasaki : life after nuclear war, 2016.

On Stalin’s team : the years of living dangerously in Soviet politics, 2017.

The Orange Trees of Marrakesh : Ibn Khaldun and the Science of Man, 2015.

Perilous times : an inside look at abortion before- and after- Roe v. Wade, 2013.

Postwar Germany and the Holocaust, 2016.

Rome’s Revolution : death of the republic and birth of the empire., 2017.

Surviving Wounded Knee : the Lakotas and the politics of memory, 2016.

Swansong 1945 : a collective diary of the last days of the Third Reich, 2016.

The victory with no name : the Native American defeat of the First American Army, 2016.

Language and Literature
Armed ambiguity : women warriors in German literature and culture in the age of Goethe, 2016.

Classical literature : an epic journey from Homer to Virgil and beyond, 2016.

Contemporary documentary, 2016.

Duerme, 1995.

Eternity’s sunrise : the imaginative world of William Blake, 2015.

Euripides and the gods, 2016.

Hainish novels & stories, 2017.

How we talk : the inner workings of conversation, 2017.

The illiberal imagination : class and the rise of the U.S. novel, 2017.

Malinche, 2008.

Maya Angelou : adventurous spirit : from I know why the caged bird sings (1970) to Rainbow in the cloud, the wisdom and spirit of Maya Angelou (2014), 2016.

Narratives of the Islamic conquest from medieval Spain, 2015.

Orson Welles. Volume 3, One-man band, 2016.

Pedro Páramo, 1983.

The poems of T.S. Eliot, 2015.

The Qing Dynasty and traditional Chinese culture , 2015.

Reading John Keats, 2015.

Setting Plato straight : translating ancient sexuality in the Renaissance, 2016.

The Victorian novel dreams of the real : conventions and ideology, 2016.

Writing the monarch in Jacobean England : Jonson, Donne, Shakespeare and the works of King James, 2015.

Magna carta : the birth of liberty, 2016.

Military Science
Thinking about national security : strategy, policy, and issues, 2016.

Capturing music : the story of notation, 2015.

Windows into the soul : surveillance and society in an age of high technology, 2016.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
African American religions, 1500-2000 : colonialism, democracy, and freedom, 2015.

An introduction to Indian philosophy, 2016.

Becoming wise : an inquiry into the mystery and art of living, 2016.

Big dreams : the science of dreaming and the origins of religion, 2016.

The black mirror : looking at life through death, 2015.

The blessings of business : how corporations shaped conservative Christianity, 2016.

Heidegger : the question of being and history, 2016.

Jacques Lacan : a critical introduction, 2016.

No Depression in Heaven : the great depression, the new deal, and the transformation of religion in.. the delta., 2017.

Time : a philosophical introduction, 2015.

Transforming communities : how people like you are healing their neighborhoods, 2017.

Political Science
Presidential government, 2016.

Why the right went wrong : Conservatism– from Goldwater to the Tea Party and beyond, 2016.

The meaning of science : an introduction to the philosophy of science, 2015.

Social Sciences
The second coming of the KKK : the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s and the American political tradition , 2017.

War & society, 2016.

The gunning of America : business and the making of American gun culture, 2016.

The garden of words, 2014.

Donated Gift Book to the Milligan Libraries
Classical Christian doctrine : introducing the essentials of the ancient faith

New Books and Media Received (October 2017)

The following Books and DVDs (132 items) were received into the Library collection for both the Welshimer and Seminary Libraries through the Acquisitions Budget and by donation during October 2017.

Seminary Library

The sin of white supremacy : Christianity, racism, and religious diversity in America, 2017.

Language and Literature
Meaning and relevance, 2012.

New Testament Seminar Collection
Acts, 2017.

Ancient apocryphal gospels, 2017.

Novum Testamentum Graecum. Editio Critica Maior/Band III: Die Apostelgeschichte Teil 1.2: Text. Kapitel 15-28, 2017.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

African Christian leadership : realities, opportunities, and impact, 2017.

The ascetical homilies of Saint Isaac the Syrian, 2011.

Barcelona, Berlin, New York 1928-1931, 2008.

Berlin, 1932-1933, 2009.

Building God’s kingdom : inside the world of Christian reconstruction, 2015.

The Catholic enlightenment : the forgotten history of a global movement, 2016.

Characters and characterization in the Gospel of John, 2013.

Christianity in the second century : themes and developments, 2017.

Conspiracy and imprisonment, 1940-1945, 2006.

Crossing cultural frontiers : studies in the history of world Christianity, 2017.

Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran traditions, 2017.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, indexes and supplementary materials, 2014.

Ecumenical, academic, and pastoral work, 1931-1932., 2012.

Ethics, 2005.

Faith in the face of empire : the Bible through Palestinian eyes, 2014.

Fiction from Tegel Prison, 2010.

God in the tumult of the global square : religion in global civil society, 2015.

Hymnes contres les hérésies ; Hymnes contre Julien, 2017.

Jesus in the eyes of the Sufis, 2012.

Jews, Christians and Jewish Christians in antiquity, 2010.

Letters and papers from prison, 2010.

London, 1933-1935, 2007.

Moral reflections on the book of Job, v. 1. Preface and Books 1-5 (Job 1:5 to 5:2), 2014.

Moral reflections on the book of Job, v. 2. Books 6-10 (Job 5:3 to 12:5), 2014.

Moral reflections on the book of Job, v. 3. Books 11-16 (Job 12:6 to 24:20), 2014.

On our own terms : Moyers on dying, 2011.

The original bishops : office and order in the first Christian communities, 2014.

Orthodox readings of Aquinas, 2012.

A Palestinian theology of liberation : the Bible, justice, and the Palestine-Israel conflict, 2017.

Patterns of ministry among the first Christians, 2017.

Prayer, 1994.

Preaching the women of the Old Testament : who they were and why they matter, 2017.

The rise and fall of the complementarian doctrine of the Trinity, 2017.

Saint Mary of Egypt : three medieval lives in verse, 2005.

The spiritual world of Isaac the Syrian, 2000.

Talking back : a monastic handbook for combating demons, 2009.

Theological education at Finkenwalde, 1935-1937, 2013.

Theological education underground, 1937-1940, 2011.

Walking with the poor : principles and practices of transformational development, 2011.

The wisdom of the pearlers : an anthology of Syriac Christian mysticism, 2008.

Women of war, women of woe : Joshua and Judges through the eyes of nineteenth-century female biblical interpreters, 2016.

Welshimer Library

Auxiliary Sciences of History
The Black Calhouns., 2017.

The house of wisdom : how the Arabs transformed Western civilization, 2009.

Bibliography, Library Science, Information Resources
The visual history of type , 2017.

Excellent sheep : the miseducation of the American elite and the way to a meaningful life, 2014.

Fine Arts
American impressionism : a new vision, 1880-1900, 2014.

Cubism : the Leonard A. Lauder Collection, 2014.

Seven days in the art world, 2008.

America’s original sin : racism, white privilege, and the bridge to a new America , 2017.

Appomattox : victory, defeat, and freedom at the end of the civil war, 2015.

The cultural revolution : a people’s history, 1962-1976, 2017.

Fantasyland : how America went haywire : a 500-year history, 2017.

The first frontier : the forgotten history of struggle, savagery, and endurance in early America, 2012.

Historiography : ancient, medieval, & modern, 2007.

The Immortal Irishman : the Irish revolutionary who became an American hero, 2016.

The Iran-Iraq war, 2015.

Madison’s gift : five partnerships that built America, 2015.

Making of a Racist : a southerner reflects on family, history, and the slave trade., 2017.

Masters of Empire : Great Lakes Indians and the Making of America, 2015.

McNamara’s folly : the use of low-IQ troops in the Vietnam War ; plus the induction of unfit men, criminals, and misfits, 2015.

Northern Armageddon : the Battle of the Plains of Abraham and the making of the American Revolution, 2017.

Propaganda 1776 : secrets, leaks, and revolutionary communications in early America, 2014.

The Quartermaster : Montgomery C. Meigs : Lincoln’s General, master builder of the Union army, 2016.

Stamped from the beginning : the definitive history of racist ideas in America , 2016.

Stanton : Lincoln’s war secretary, 2017.

Tariff wars and the politics of Jacksonian America, 2017.

Toussaint Louverture : a revolutionary life, 2016.

Valiant ambition : George Washington, Benedict Arnold, and the fate of the American Revolution, 2016.

Woodrow Wilson : a biography, 2011.

Language and Literature
The annals of Lü Buwei  : a complete translation and study, 2000.

Baking with Kafka : comics, 2017.

Neoliberalism and contemporary literary culture, 2017.

The poems of T.S. Eliot, 2015.

Power and pathos : bronze sculpture of the Hellenistic world, 2015.

Stan Lee : the man behind Marvel , 2017.

What was tragedy? : theory and the early modern canon, 2015.

Who’s afraid of the Song of the South? : and other forbidden Disney stories, 2012.

A storm of witchcraft : the Salem trials and the American experience, 2015.

The Burger Court and the rise of the judicial right, 2017.

How sex became a civil liberty, 2013.

Imbeciles : the Supreme Court, American eugenics, and the sterilization of Carrie Buck, 2017.

The school choral program : philosophy, planning, organizing, and teaching, 2008.

Philosophy, Psychology, Religion
The age of evangelicalism : America’s born-again years, 2014.

Dear white Christians : for those still longing for racial reconciliation, 2014.

Ecotherapy : theory, research and practice, 2016.

Encountering the history of missions : from the early church to today, 2017.

Mere Sexuality Rediscovering the Christian Vision of Sexuality., 2017.

Nature and therapy : understanding counselling and psychotherapy in outdoor spaces, 2015.

The positive side of negative emotions, 2014.

The photographer and the president : Abraham Lincoln, Alexander Gardner, and the images that made a presidency, 2015.

Social Sciences
All the single ladies : unmarried women and the rise of an independent nation, 2016.

Braving the wilderness : the quest for true belonging and the courage to stand alone , 2017.

Century of the leisured masses : entertainment and the transformation of twentieth-century America, 2015.

Every third woman in America : how legal abortion transformed our nation, 2014.

An extraordinary time : the end of the postwar boom and the return of the ordinary economy, 2016.

Finding time : the economics of work-life conflict, 2016.

A Hercules in the cradle : war, money, and the American state, 1783-1867, 2014.

Illiberal reformers : race, eugenics, and American economics in the Progressive era, 2016.

The incomplete, true, authentic, and wonderful history of May Day, 2016.

The money makers : how Roosevelt and Keynes ended the Depression, defeated fascism, and secured a prosperous peace, 2015.

The road not taken : a history of radical social work in the United States, 2002.

Twitter : social communication in the Twitter age, 2013.

Western Union and the creation of the American corporate order, 1845-1893, 2015.

Witness to the revolution : radicals, resisters, vets, hippies, and the year America lost its mind and found its soul, 2016.

5 centimeters per second, 2015.

The big bang theory. The complete tenth season, 2017.

The story of China with Michael Wood, 2017.

Vietnam War, The: A Film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick., 2017.

Voices of a distant star, 2003.

Your name, 2017.

Donated Gift Books to the Milligan Libraries
The age of doubt : American thought and culture in the 1940s

Augustine, the Trinity, and the Church : a reading of the anti-Donatist sermons

Gunfight : the battle over the right to bear arms in America

Man of letters : the early life and love letters of Robert Chambers

Mountain year : a Southern Appalachian nature notebook

The new catastrophism : the importance of the rare event in geological history

Painting and reality

Peirce’s cosmology

Philosophy in the twentieth century

The problem of evolution; a study of the philosophical repercussions of evolutionary science

Reason in common sense

The Red Queen : sex and the evolution of human nature

The revolt from the village, 1915-1930

Science and sentiment in America : philosophical thought from Jonathan Edwards to John Dewey

The Second Amendment : a biography

The spirit catches you and you fall down : a Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures

Typology and early American literature